What I miss most about France

Eiffel tower paris

No, no, no, not the Eiffel tower, not the 300 plus cheeses, nor the fantastic inexpensive wine that isn't called, "Two Buck Chuck". I can't even say that I miss the long summer evenings, nor the sound of the cigalles.

What do I miss most about France… other than my friends, home and antique markets? Gosh do I miss the antique markets!

Though honestly at this point more than anything I dream about my bed… doesn't that sound silly? But I do, I miss my bed.


35 responses to “What I miss most about France”

  1. That’s not silly at all.

  2. You’ve been away from home for so long … missing your bed makes perfect sense.
    I miss mine after two nights away. Sad.

  3. Completely understandable. I always miss my bed when I’m away from home, too. 🙂

  4. CanadianCarrie

    Of course you do, and I’m sure it misses youas well! 🙂
    I miss my bed after a long day at work, and I know I still have to wait till the kids are fed, bathed and in their own beds before I can climb into mine, then I have to push my husband over onto his side, good times!
    DO you know how long you will be staying with your mother? I imagine it will be hard to leave.

  5. I know exactly how you feel. 🙂

  6. It is probably a beautiful handcarved antique oak bed with fabulous antique high threadcount linens and those pillows that are like sleeping on a cloud. It is not silly to miss your bed!

  7. Hi girl , funny to read this ! Your bed ?????
    Before reading it until the end , I’ve thought it was ” patisserie”
    When are you coming back ?? We have to plan a bid diner !

  8. I love my bed… not surprised at all your missing yours!

  9. Cynthia G

    It’s funny that you mentioned two buck chuck…. You found Trader Joe’s ….
    I love this store they have been my replacement {to the french market }since I came back to Ca. and there two buck chuck
    is not bad {I’m sipping a glass right, now}
    Your right about the bed…I never sleep well… if it’s not my bed…your body knows
    that familar place.. where you go to regenerate
    the feel, touch the scent mmmmmmmm
    I think,It’s time to go to bed
    BUT.. One last thought…..
    Try TJ’s “Jo Joe’s” {there version
    of oreo’s ,dipped in dark chocolate}
    killer good !!!

  10. that’s because there’s no place like..home.

  11. Yes where you place your sweetest dreams upon
    Your own bed.
    That is what I miss too about my home when I am away and everything
    my gardens flowers all the little animals that come to feed in our yard and every sense of what is HOME to me.
    Love you

  12. oh
    you miss your own warm
    of course!

  13. Not silly at all. Somehow you just get a better nights sleep in your own bed 🙂

  14. I agree…absolutely nothing like your own bed…nothing!

  15. Oh I am always happy to say hello to my bed each evening. I can’t imagine being away so long. I hope your bed can welcome you soon.

  16. Oh I miss my bed (and the cheese too) xoxoxox Clarice

  17. You’re so right! At the end of our visit to England it had been lovely to see all our old friends but we were really just looking forward to our own comfortable bed too. There’s nothing like your own bed to let you relax and switch off and recharge your energy.

  18. No!! Not silly!!
    If I am away from home, all I want to do is come back and sleep in my bed!!
    Have a wonderful weekend Corey!

  19. Every night as we lay down to sleep my husband leans over and kisses me tenderly, then lays back with a big sigh and says, “I love this bed.” I always laugh … because it is so true. Whenever we travel (seldom though it occurs) we always look forward to a return to our bed. Home sweet home … there’s just no subsitute. : )

  20. Well, I’ve never set foot in France, but one day i will.
    I do love my bed though!

  21. We spend so much time in our beds–we should love them after all!
    No wonder kings and queens of long ago held court there!

  22. I can understand that completely. We once stayed in the most extraordinary bed in the Lake District, so extraordinary in fact, that I came home and re-created it. Feather bed, chenille mattress covers, linen sheets, down comforters….Now it’s so hard to leave it!

  23. How much longer will you remain in the States? I give you loads of credit … I don’t think I could stay away from my home for as long as you have.

  24. you know, when i’m away for work, staying in these alaskan trailer hotels on 2-4inch mattresses, i miss my bed. or when my husband and i go away, sleeping in a range of hotels from military rock-hard mattresses to fancy bank-paid fluff, we always miss our bed. it must be conformed to our shapes cuddling together in the middle or something, because it’s one of the best things about coming home. hope you can get back to your very own bed soon.

  25. julie christie leary

    When will you next be in it?

  26. Understandable…

  27. Dear Corey,
    When will you be going back?
    To your “other” life?

  28. Reentry will be interesting . . .

  29. I know just what you mean, almost every night as I lay down in my bed I say “I love this bed” my Husband replies “I know dear”

  30. Dearest Corey
    When will you be returning to your beautiful home and cozy bed?

  31. Homesickness… “saudades” Corey!

  32. Ed in Willows

    There is something so comforting about sleeping in your own bed after being away from home. It’s when you know you are finally home.

  33. Oh yes, I can totally understand that. There’s nothing like sleeping on your own bed, especially with the person you love next to you. When are you planning to return to France?

  34. I love my own bed. I couldn’t have stayed away this long.~~Dee

  35. Ah yes, I completely understand.
    (And I am laughing about Two Buck Chuck…I haven’t heard that in years!)

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