Badge of Honor


Sacha came in after his first day of hard work. He was sweaty, dirty, tired and very angry. He looked at me and nearly sneered, “Mom, I didn’t come to California to work under a rice bin! I wanted to learn about farming. I thought I was going to drive a truck or tractor or do something interesting. I am not learning anything under a bin.”

I stared at his innocence, shook my head knowingly and said, “The three most important things you need to learn about farming you are learning under the rice bins,

1) Farming is a thankless job.

2) You must be self motivated. Because most of the work you do, you do by yourself and for hours unending.

3) You will get dirty.

After nearly two months of working under a rice bin, Sacha seems to have passed a right of passage. He feels he is doing something useful, and part of a bigger team. He wears dirt like an badge of honor. He even has asked about next summer and if he can be part of farming by cleaning the rice bins.


34 responses to “Badge of Honor”

  1. Now that’s a young man! Growing in wisdon and strength!
    You go, Sacha!

  2. Watch out Corey, he is gorgeous. The girls must be beating a path to your door in two countries!

  3. Tamara Giselle

    Every young person should have to spend a summer working on a farm, or doing farm labor. It is a very grounding experience and really gives a person a healthy dose of reality. We are fortunate to live in an agricultural area as well. My grandchildren are nowing getting the benefit of learning those same lessons that generations before them learned. Makes for a hearty soul.

  4. Amen if you ate today thank a Farmer
    I appreciate all the hard work and labour for our food.
    God bless all the farmers and everyone who helps them.
    Love Jeanne

  5. Oh, I well remember the near therapeutic power of the combination of hard work and dirt. When Sacha blows his nose, if it comes out dirty…THAT’S when he’ll know he’s a farmer. Might sound yucky, but all farm people will totally know what I mean.

  6. What a great school to attend. What a great lesson to learn. Reminds me of the summer I worked as a governess for two little girls in Beverly Hills. I went to bed that first night and wept. At the end of the summer when they left for home on the east coast, I wept again. Life is beautiful when we really LIVE it. : )

  7. We should remember that farmers feed us 3 times a day…
    So next time you see that dirty farmer, how about a smile….it could make his day…
    Daughter of a farmer

  8. thank you for this wonderful story this morning.I loved reading this and felt even more proud of being a farmer myself.
    The picture of Sasha is priceless.
    those were the very words from our own son’s mouth one day as he grew up and began working and learning right next to his father, grandfather and uncles here in our wheat fields.
    there comes a day when you look around yourself in great pride at all that you’ve learned and accomplished. Knowing that your hard work is making a difference in the quality of someone else’s life as well as your own.
    Good food for the world, hard work for your body and soul.
    being dirty is another wonderful perk at the end of the day. I don’t mind it one bit.
    I’d say it looks pretty good on Sasha.
    a farm girl and loving it.

  9. Ah, Sacha! tu es beau comme tout, même après deux mois dans les rice bins, et peut-être *à cause* des rice bins…

  10. I’m sure Sacha has heard that when you start at the bottom there’s no place to go but up. What a fabulous opportunity—I shall think of Sacha the next time I cook a pot of rice.

  11. so he did learn much then…
    your family must make you so proud.

  12. A Great lesson to learn. You don’t always get to pick and choose your place in the world starting out. Sasha seems to have figured that out with the help of your wisdom. Even wearing your dirt like a “badge of honor” has its place when you are learning.

  13. I love this post. It’s so true of those who have not worked on a farm or ranch. But, as Sacha is learning, agriculture is the great equalizer…even the bosses do dirty work 🙂
    (fabulous picture)

  14. Great picture!

  15. I think Sasha looks like a man in this picture.
    You are a great teacher.

  16. And by the way….

  17. Corey,
    Hard work…good and simple. Working on a farm was one of my most enduring memories.

  18. An honest days hard work is good for the soul. Sacha will remember and benefit from these days no matter what career he ends up choosing for himself.

  19. Elaine L.

    Sacha looks every inch an Amaro in that photo.
    Wouldn’t it be a surprise if he decided to move to CA and join the family business.

  20. Its hard to believe he used to run into the garage when we would pull up, so many years ago and no Natacha doesn’t bite any more. A handsome grown up man Sasha has become, Christy

  21. He is learning much about life at the bottom of a rice bin.
    – Suzanne, The Farmer’s Wife

  22. I remember when I was old enough to go with Daddy to haul hay. It was hot, dirty (Texas always seemed to be that way if it wasn’t sleeting or freezing) and I loved every minute of it, just being with him. I thought I was something special from that day forward.
    Kudos to Sacha! Cherish this time, they are the memories of the future.

  23. Great picture Corey!! He looks so grown up compared to the early pics on your blog.
    He is learning life lessons the hard way. The school of life.
    You’re gonna be beating the girls away 🙂

  24. Nothing like a dirty farmer, and dirty hands: honest, needful work done honestly.
    Tell Sacha I think we look our best when dirty; it reminds us of who we are.
    But dust.
    His wears his badge of honor, who we all are, well.
    I send love, Corey…
    All’s grace,
    wife of farmer, daughter of farmer, raising another generation (Lord willing) of farmers

  25. Sacha will be able to show this picture to his children one day and tell them about the summer he worked so hard and learned so much! Caren

  26. Such a handsome young man! He should take pride in a hard days labor. So many young men are so soft. When he gets back to school in France the girls “will” notice. You captured yet another wonderful, real, photo Corey!

  27. What a wonderful message.
    Sacha looks so grown up in this picture!

  28. What a handsome young man. But even better than that is the man he’s becoming inside. I look at that photo and see strength and honor and kindness. You should be very proud.

  29. to see this growth in your child is a priceless thing…

  30. He is growing up into such a gorgeous young man and learning so much along the way. The girl who wins his heart will be very blessed indeed.

  31. Has he any idea how incredibly sexy he looks?! DO YOU?!!! i remember so well the first time our son looked so gorgeous…i appreciated him in a whole new way, and loved it. it was so delicious, realizing our child had metamorphosed into a stunningly attractive man.

  32. Such knowing eyes for such a young man.

  33. Yep, farming is hard work but then, there are certain rewards… Like seeing your hard work GROW and knowing that it will satiate someone’s hunger.
    You really are capturing a special moment in your son’s life, Corey. In the previous photos he looks like a kid goofing around with his cousins and uncles. In this photo he looks like a young MAN. This summer IS a right of passage for him, isn’t it?

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