For Daisy


My friends’ newborn baby is critical ill. The outcome is uncertain.

I called them knowing that it didn’t matter that I didn’t know what to say… knowing that I didn’t have healing powers to offer them, and even though I wished I could do something to help I knew there wasn’t much I could do to change the outcome.

I called them simply to say I cared and was standing by them in spirit. Sometimes the best we can do is to stand by one another’s side and share the feelings at hand.

My heart is holding Daisy.


47 responses to “For Daisy”

  1. Ugh. It puts a lump in your throat and heart. From one mother to another, I hope for the best.

  2. God bless this child.
    God bless you all
    Love Jeanne
    I will say many prayers.
    Love Jeanne

  3. Catherine

    Dearest Corey,
    Prayers sent.

  4. Praying for your friends precious baby….

  5. In my prayers.

  6. always the sorrow co-mingling with the joy. I will keep them tucked in my prayersleeve…

  7. Thinking of them and grateful on their behalf for your courage in calling them even when there’s nothing to say. Too many people are too afraid to do that, when the reminder of caring and compassion and humanity is just so important.

  8. We are all praying for the little one.

  9. Exactly, I’m off to spend the morning with my dearest friend,while she gets her first chemo treatment. I don’t know what I will say or do ….just be there,standing by. With healing spirits and thoughts to your friends baby and my dearest…. and to all who endure and suffer that which we at times must. Where do we get the strength and courage? Everyday is a milestone and week a lifes journey.

  10. my prayers for them

  11. May a blanket of good wishes protect child & parents……

  12. Being there is more important than knowing what to say. And sometimes saying little and listening a lot is the best.
    You’re a wonderful friend to all Corey.
    Praying for this sweet little newborn.

  13. I hope your friend’s baby pulls through. I just can’t and don’t want to imagine.

  14. Sending prayers for this little one. Blessings to you and your, Corey.

  15. I pray all will be well for your friend’s little one, Corey.
    What a good friend, you are…

  16. Love, hope and faith.

  17. Praying for them. And you.

  18. Thank you for her, so few come when things are going badly.

  19. I will pray.

  20. martina

    Prayer is very powerful. Praying for your friends and the baby.

  21. I’m sure they were so grateful for your call, and thoughts!
    I will keep them in my prayers.

  22. Will certainly keep the precious baby in my prayers.

  23. Corey, you are right, there are no words. I will keep Daisy in my prayers.

  24. Bless you for calling, dear Corey, so many don’t.
    This sweet little baby and the parents will be in my prayers. Thank you for sharing.

  25. My best to the baby and her family.

  26. What a good friend you are. I’ll be holding Daisy also….in my thoughts and in my prayers. My prayer for your friend is that she will have strength.
    – Suzanne, the Farmer’s Wife

  27. Daisy is in my prayers today. As a Quaker we say: We will hold her in the light.

  28. i’ll say a little prayer

  29. Lots of love to Daisy and her family.

  30. Praying for baby and family.

  31. I will pray for the baby and the family. It just makes my heart sad and I hope it will turn out ok. From this mama’s heart to another.
    love and blessings

  32. Oh Corey,
    I feel this way today too.
    I will pray for daisy! For her family.

  33. The sting of this pain is all too familiar. It drove me to the garden where I prayed among the beauty of the roses, laden with fragrance and thorns …

  34. Praying for Daisy and her maman and papa.

  35. Miracles do happen and I pray one will come along for tiny Daisy.
    For the parents, just hearing your voice and knowing that you hold thoughts of them and their little baby close to your heart, makes a huge difference.
    The family is in my thoughts and prayers.

  36. Sending prayers and blessings for Baby Daisy and family. Their is power in prayer for all that come in his name.

  37. Joining you in standing by your friends and their little one. I’ll keep them in my prayers.

  38. what a difficult time for your friends – my thoughts are with them…

  39. I so hope all will be well …

  40. Marie-Noëlle

    The daisy is said to attract butterflies…
    I hope your friend Daisy will keep strength and hope and will see her baby grow out into a beautiful butterfly and fly his/her life around !

  41. Barbara Sydney Australia

    You’re so wise Corey and because of you prayers are being said for little Daisy from all over the world.
    God bless.

  42. Prayers and love sent.x

  43. Corey,
    I went through this with a dear friend nine years ago, held our breath, said our prayers, now she is running and playing and everytime I look at her I see a miracle.
    Her name is Kylie. I am sending you prayers and wishes and Kylie strength. All my best.

  44. sweetest daisy we are thankful for your presence in this world and we pray for your healing

  45. holding this precious angel in the light

  46. christy thuesen

    HI FRIEND THINKING OF YOU MY FIRST VISIT TO YOUR SITE WHERE HAVE I BEEN PRAYERS DOG FACE AKA CHRISTY I wondered last night if you still wear the gold ring on that finger

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