Guessing Game Challenge


Here it is the guessing game challenge. It doesn’t look like much and it certainly isn’t old. But it is a reproduction of something that was used often…and just because I goofed and didn’t post it yesterday like I said I would, I’ll give you a clue: This one is made in paper, though usually they were made in metal. So it isn’t and couldn’t be a baker’s hat for a doll.

IMG_7763 IMG_7762

Happy guessing! The first one with the correct answer and the one with the most creative answer will have a prize.

Thursday morning I’ll announce the winners. Good luck.


76 responses to “Guessing Game Challenge”

  1. Marjorie

    I think they are perhaps bellows for a musical instrument.

  2. I am so clueless.
    – Suzanne, the Farmer’s Wife

  3. ummmmmm gonna guess a bun cage, for hair, when people used to wear their hair in buns way back during yester year they’d stretch open the thingy-ma-jig and put it over their bun to hold their hair in place……….yeah…sure….that’s what it is.

  4. Corey, my guess is, it’s a “mold” of some sort.

  5. is it a vent of some sort?

  6. Wait….was it a lamp with the light in the center?

  7. I think it is a filter.

  8. An air filter for a car engine!!!!!

  9. An air filter for a car engine!!!!!

  10. Once upon a time there was a young man who got God’s calling to become a priest among farmers and fishermen far, far north. The first years of his work was easy, his long black robe felt light and the white “prestekrage” (the band around his neck, sorry I don’t know the English word for prestekrage) felt like a necklace made of angel feathers.
    The years passed by, and his days became heavier and heavier. The white prestekrage transformed into a heavy burden, the feathers were all blown away, left was only an ugly, heavy metalband which he were unable to take off. Even at nights the band had to go with him to bed.
    …….untill one day there was a knock on his door. He didn’t open first, who could it be to knock on his door here in this remote area? The stubborn knocker didn’t go, and at last he raised from his chair and walked towards the door…..
    More of this story can be read here:
    ………the knocker brought back the angel feathers I think, patiently folding white, white paper…….

  11. It think it is one of those little things that go on the end of a drumstick when you roast a chicken. No idea what they are called… but pasties comes to mind!

  12. Kristin Wight

    Hmmmmm….. I think something to do with cooling or heating. Like a radiator…or maybe something that shapes wet fabrics.

  13. Is more than one guess allowed? My first thought was “car air filter” if it was metal, it could have been used to hold photo slides (like a slide projector). Hmm. They were metal? I hope that rules out an archaic insertion for birth control (can you tell it’s almost time for that dreaded annual checkup?).

  14. I have three guesses.
    1. A flower frog
    2. Used to hold recipes or photos
    3. A collar from Pirate costume

  15. I think its a fancy flower vase……I can see it now with diluted pink paint to give it a mottled look and leave the black bow as is, adding some vintage millinery flowers in and around the bow…..then add some vintage valentines tucked in and around, a love note, a dozen gorgeous pink roses and waalaa…….you have the perfect Valentine gift for your sweetie.

  16. It looks like an elaborate turkey frill…you can put it on the end of the drumsticks for “….fabulous presentation, dshling!”…but definitely wait til the turkey is out of the oven…”Ohhhh…Mon Dieu!…un petit feu!” So much for high school french!…ahem.

  17. A paper Slinky? No?

  18. Bonnie Buckingham

    It might be too big to be an
    Elizabethian collar. That’s my guess!

  19. A hair ornament, precursor to the scrunchie?

  20. A candy mold?

  21. constance lefevre forehand

    a candle surround. you put it in the candlestick so that the wax does’nt get on the holder or table.

  22. i go for rack of lamb or drumstick ornamentation!

  23. Ed in Willows

    Napkin ring ?

  24. a candy mold

  25. a candy mold

  26. Wow…I’ll be back AFTER my morning coffee…this is gonna take some thought! (Can’t think without my coffee!)

  27. The first thing that came to mind was that it’s a lantern. After that, my mind was a blank…so I have nothing more to offer, LOL.

  28. My first thoughts were some kind of filter maybe for coffee or the car. I am sticking with that guess. I know I have seen something like it somewhere, just can’t remember where.

  29. martina

    A hat or cloth head covering form/stand. Maybe like those hats from Brittany. A lace organizer? Perhaps when open it can be used like a fan, the type used to shield the face when sitting in front of a fireplace fire? I heard these were used when women had lots of waxy makeup on in the 1700s.

  30. Wonderful Wonderful guesses… We used to carry these at the Castle and sold them as Candle surrounds (I saw someone else mentioned this too!) but I’ve used them as doll collars and skirts, santos sleeves and paper theatre elements! Bravo Corey for stumping so many!

  31. A car engine filter…somewhat larger and made from aluminum or some such metal.
    Wonderful folds…it would make a good collar for a Scandinavian Lutheran Priest doll.

  32. Heather

    It looks like one of those fancy paper cosies for decorating a drumstickk or some sort of cooking presentation.

  33. Hi Corey,
    The only thing I thought of was those things at the top of a crown roast.

  34. Diogenes

    A paper bobeche? The things used to collect wax from a candle?
    (OK, stop laughing everyone)

  35. A candle taper holder?

  36. Hmm, was it a paper drier to hold sheets of freshly printed paper from the printing press?

  37. I think it is a FAIRY AIR FILTER – because even Fairies have seasonal allergies!!! ACHOO!

  38. Cousin Chris

    Crankcase Breather Filter-1959 Honda Trail 90 with 107 Big Bore kit and Mikuni 24mm Flatslide carburator.(stolen from your Dad shop by your brothers Zane & Matt)
    Cousin Chris
    Benvolent Portuguese Brotherhood & Touring Club

  39. A candle wax catcher…you put the candle in and this catches the wax
    just my thought very interesting
    love and blessings

  40. Charlotte in Spain

    It’s something that is used to put pretty and fashionable creases in beautiful and ubber fashionable dresses and clothes!

  41. Jeannie

    I am guessing it is a separator/seive of some sort. It could also be an air filter for a tractor. Yep, all guesses! I would like to think that it is a butterfly beauty parlor where wings could be repaired. Have a beautiful week. Cheers

  42. Shelley

    hi corey,,,,, i agree with chris …………

  43. Shelley

    hi corey ,,,,,,,,,,,, i agree with chris.

  44. I think in metal, it would be a beautiful vase to hold flowers, particularly roses!! Just my 2 cents worth!!

  45. It’s the final touch to the Thanksgiving turkey. It adds a lot of style to the ends of the legs.

  46. a filter for a fancy~shmancy
    vacuum cleaner.

  47. A Queen’s collar? Although it might be a tad uncomfortable in metal! But would certainly keep one’s posture straight…

  48. What a wonderful center piece! I think it would look perfect to surround a beautiful punch bowl or platter with delicious sandwiches, desserts ect; with delicate florals arranged and poked in all the folds as it expands. It could have been placed on a larger platter of water so to keep the flowers moist, with ribbon and such weaved thruout.
    Maybe if that isn’t what it is, I might invent one! we have a wedding coming soon…

  49. I’m totally clueless. My first thought would be some collar or cuff …but, metal would make that a bit uncomfortable I think.
    It’s the bow …it’s totally throwing my concentration. For now I’ll stick with some kind of stuffy collar or cuff! You totally have me on the edge of my seat though. Can’t wait to see what it really is? You are so good at these guessing games!

  50. a paper sleeve for putting around a glass, perfect for serving ice tea or a mint julep on a hot humid summer day. just what a southern lady would need to keep her finger tips dry.

  51. A filter for a vacuum cleaner?

  52. Boy this is a hard one. I agree with alot of the comments already. My guess will be it has to do with filing things. Haven’t a glue what you would call it, oh just thought of something else, it’s to press flowers, no that couldn’t work if it’s metal. Oh well.

  53. OK if it is French, metal and used often then (now I kid you not) it is the cuff that was placed around the neck that was placed into the slot on the guillotine. That way if there was any movement before the blade dropped it would be held secure.
    Now I know you’re thinking what a morbid answer but it is a true fact.
    I wonder what happened to Marie’s?

  54. For cooking confections?

  55. a mold for cheese

  56. martina

    Aha! It was used by the French government offices to sort the various documents they make Americans living in France fill out.

  57. I wonder if it is some sort of coffee filter?

  58. I think it is a coffee filter of some sort.

  59. I am guessing it is a letter sorter?

  60. Cory,
    Is it a doorstop? Years ago we made them from books or magazines….Betty @ Country Charm

  61. Do you know how, sometimes, you tie a ribbon around your finger so you’ll remember something? Well, it you put that around your finger, you will definitely not forget what it is you want to remember!! That one is specifically designed for husbands… Where can I buy one?
    If that’s not it, maybe a corset for a wine bottle or a candle holder?

  62. I do believe it is a fluted pan for making a gloriously perfect and deliciously decadent cake that will be a light as baby’s breath, as sweet as a kiss. In fact, I am quite certain. Still I yearn to produce such a delicacy.

  63. Clydene

    It looks like a miniature lamp shade for miniature lamps of course

  64. Jill Flory

    My hubby suggested that it is an old mold for forming paper liners for cupcakes!

  65. Oh gee … ummmmmm … ?!?!?!?!?!?!? I think I’m going to go enjoy a glass of red wine, some delicious cheese, and a chunk of oh-so-healthy dark chocolate as I toast the winner of this not-to-be-answered-by-me contest. Cheers! ; )

  66. a hair net piece or some sort of hair doo-dad.

  67. Well, I see that your cousin has already said that it is an oil filter and that was my guess. Or it could be a doohickey or something for the carburetor?

  68. Hmm, my guess also would have been something to do with baking – at first I thought it was a collar but the scale looks all wrong in the photo with your fingers, and metal collars?? No. so…I have no clue 🙂

  69. it reminds me of the collars for rack of lamb…ribbons added later LOL!

  70. Hello I believe you need two to put on the ends of your fowl …..bird legs for presentation at the table.
    Wishing you heaven in your heart, starlight in your soul, and miracles in your life Nancy

  71. I would say a vacuum filter…or an air cleaner for a car.

  72. Oh my, what can it be, ummmm I think it’s a filter of some kind, maybe for a farm machine.

  73. absolutely no idea! but can’t wait to find out!!

  74. Cynthia G

    I agree….It could be a coffee filter
    BUT, metal!! NO………(maybe)
    SOOOOOOOOO I say,Its a stay for a corset
    WHO KNOWS????????

  75. Even though it looks fancy and papery and organic and all those things, I think it might be a filter from a vacuum cleaner.

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