The Moment at Hand

Red cloth Enjoy the boredom,

enjoy the silence,

enjoy the sleepless night,

enjoy the guilty feelings.

Enjoy the traffic-jams,

enjoy the pants that are too tight, and the glass that is half empty.

enjoy the stress of day-to-day living.

Each step

on the path

is worthy.

With hold judgment,

take it for what it is.

Nothing is forever


the moment at hand!


43 responses to “The Moment at Hand”

  1. I’ll spring for the half empty glass… long as the remaining half is filled with a nice red wine…….full bodied, fruity and not too dry!
    Hoping your days are not too stressful Corey.
    I believe that is what’s called a ‘documentary fabric’ and it’s gorgeous.

  2. Excellent life advice and a gorgeous picture!
    Thanks ever so much, Corey!

  3. Wise words that bring comfort. Thank you.

  4. Wow. I need those words. I will copy this prose and keep it pinned to my bulletin board.

  5. Ay-ah–men, Sister. Woot!

  6. So tell me are you able to enjoy all those moments without meds? For me, I needs ’em.

  7. I am just doing a bit of checking before turning in to bed (which is sooooo hard for nightowls like me). Such sweet sentiments for a Sunday. I shall mull them, digest them, and practice them. Life is waaaaaay toooooo short to hang on to anything but the very best. Have a great day of rest! : )

  8. A spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down… go down…

  9. 🙂
    beautiful thoughts!
    nothing is unchangeable but change….
    a big hug Corey!!!!

  10. Beautifully spoken…
    wonderfully true.

  11. Hi dear blogfriend,
    Just popped by to enjoy and read after weeks without my daily favourite treats.
    I so loved to see more colours and your new layout is like a diamond !
    Thankful about life I wonder how your days are. I hope your happiness again is slowly finding a place…
    Lots of greetings, this time from Norway
    Warm hug from Aina

  12. Hi dear blogfriend,
    Just popped by to enjoy and read after weeks without my daily favourite treats.
    I so loved to see more colours and your new layout is like a diamond !
    Thankful about life I wonder how your days are. I hope your happiness again is slowly finding a place…
    Lots of greetings, this time from Norway
    Warm hug from Aina

  13. Wise words, I’m trying very hard to be present in the moment these days. I don’t spend much time in the past but I can wander aimlessly in the daydreams of the future.

  14. bless you, that is so beyond true…. we learn and grow so much by all that we endure. I love your blog! Thank you.

  15. C’est vrai, mon cherie, c’est vrai!

  16. Such a timely post Dear C. Each moment is precious and we learn, always learn.
    I have a new blog about moments, details etc. Drop by if you get a chance.

  17. I like your advise about enjoying each moment, as the are what make a life.

  18. Perfectly said, as usual! Thanks for reminding us to stop and enjoy the moment.

  19. Thank you. I think I’ll print this out, too, like Kim.

  20. martina


  21. A very good reminder Corey!
    Have a wonderful Sunday!

  22. So true, Corey. Each moment contributes to the whole and is to be appreciated. Wishing you and yours a wonderful weekend and week ahead.

  23. Oh my goodness. So beautifully said.

  24. Amen to this……
    We only have this single moment
    Love and hugs and kisses

  25. Worthy notes on moments in time…forever is a mindset…live it until we move on to the next…

  26. Bonnie Buckingham

    Think I’ll go do those things on this
    Sabbath! Grace, rest, worship of our
    Lord. Drink deeply of God’s Spirit ( Eph 5:18)

  27. Oh YES! and lovely photo. (hug)

  28. Breathe. Let go. And remind yourself
    that this very moment is the only one you know
    you have for sure.
    ~Oprah Winfrey

  29. Barbara Sydney Australia

    So true Corey. Yesterday we had a very very moving memorial service for our young nephew (28years) who was tragically killed in a car accident in Greece. As a family we had had some issues that had divided us but yesterday in our grief and sadness we were united in love once more. Thank God.

  30. Oh wow! Isn’t that the truth! Thanks for reminding me (right now, I needed that)! HUGS to you!

  31. Living in the moment is so much darn fun sometimes!
    – Suzanne, the Farmer’s Wife

  32. Yes! and be thankful for that moment. I must remind myself of this often. Thanks for the beautiful reminder.
    Hey, do you have any love stories to share? Any recent matchmaking successes? I always love to hear about these endeavors of yours(giggle). 🙂

  33. . . . “Yes.” she whispered quietly to herself. “Yes. All is blessing.”
    Thank you Corey I needed this reminder.

  34. Words to live by! I am positively drooling over the toile table cloth!

  35. i’m just barely accepting that the pants are too tight, but i’ll try to enjoy them. there’s a chinese saying that every step is part of the journey, so even the bad moments help make the end result what it is. i’ll try to remember that today.

  36. Fabulous post Corey. It says it all

  37. Not only should we enjoy but we should laugh while we are doing it. Laughter is was makes it all bearable…tight pants and all!

  38. Thank you Corey for reminding to slow down and not take life so seriously. Your words have again touched my heart since I have not been enjoying each and every moment of the day. I’ve been getting to caught up in the ‘things’ and not the moments. Thank you for centering me again.

  39. What a great philosophy! I tend to let the day-to-day stuff get me down, so this gave me a different outlook — thanks Corey.
    Bisous d’Olympia, WA

  40. Amen, Corey, and Hallelujah too. For everything there is a purpose and a season.~~Dee

  41. A wonderful attitude to take. Beautifully said. I want that fabric! Sigh………

  42. Such wonderful wisdom speaking to me right now…thank you.

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