The Journey to Knowing Love


One of the first signs that  person is falling in love is that the person smiles…alot…


Those who are lucky enough to know a person falling in love find themselves in a whirlpool of emotions: A combination of happiness mixed with fear. Tenderness tossing around caution. A longing to peek in with sweetness while offering a listening ear.

If you are the parent of a child falling in love for the first time… well let me tell you it is a whole new arena of dos, don'ts and what ifs…and please tell me where is the book called: "What to Expect from Your First Child Falling in Love for the First Time?????" 

As the parent of such a person I feel like I am sitting in the nosebleed section: so far away yet ever too close. Wanting to cheer, and at the same time aware of the ting of passion that wants to grab my baby and run back in time.


People who are falling in love are always touching one another too.


Ah, the sparks of happiness, the fire that burns, the trusting that your child is growing up and experiencing those wonderful first moments of what it feels like to be loved outside of the family circle.

Yes, it is good. Who knows what will happen, but for now it is a glorious journey towards knowing.


44 responses to “The Journey to Knowing Love”

  1. It is a sweet time, for sure, and a wonderful experience being a parent watching love unfold 🙂
    It is vacation time here in Norway. My oldest brother is a pastor on the Lofoten Island north in Norway, and we came here last night after several days vacating on the road. Up here we were met not only by my brother and his family, but also by my parents who have been here for a week already…..and though Norway is not that small, Ingrid’s boyfriend, who is studying in Trondheim, has his parents living here on the idlands, and Ingrid and Marius are here with them right now. So wherever we turn we meet family.
    Today ALL of us are invited to my brother’s parents in law for dinner……after a concert in connection with Lofoten International Music Festival.
    It is good to be with family.

  2. Elaine L.

    Doesn’t it feel like just yesterday, she was a five year old in pigtails?

  3. Love is the best experience !

  4. Ooolalala what a sweet observer you are, Corey! Chelsea is tremendously lucky (and beautiful!) to have such a loving and caring mother such as you.

  5. Such evocative images Dead C. YOUR heart must be in your mouth!

  6. That would be DEARRRRRRRR C!:)

  7. What is planted in the heart takes root in the soul.
    The world needs love sweet love and so do the people living in it.
    Love makes this world magic.
    Love to you and yours.

  8. What is planted in the heart takes root in the soul.
    The world needs love sweet love and so do the people living in it.
    Love makes this world magic.
    Love to you and yours.
    Your daughter is beautiful and her young man so charming
    Love to you all

  9. Your daugther is so beautiful Corey.
    May she live many of those love days in Wilows and back in France.
    Hugs to you*

  10. I wonder if your mom sees herself in Chelsea…remembering back.
    It’s really a sweet thing to witness this.

  11. How sweet. I can see she is beautiful inside and out…. 🙂

  12. How wonderful you are close by to share some of these moments! She is beautiful!

  13. What beautiful photos! It’s easy to see the love in her eyes.
    She’s beautiful!

  14. Chelsea looks so beautiful and deliriously happy!

  15. Chelsea is such a beautiful young woman. *sigh*
    I hope you continue to enjoy this time with your family, Corey.

  16. It is very hard to realize there is someone who is the center of their universe and it’s not you anymore! However, you are happy for them but it pulls at your heartstrings at the same time. If we could only keep them little for a bit longer!!!
    Keep notes and then maybe you could write a book on the subject…
    There seems to be book on childbirth, raising children, sending them to college, etc. But not any on them falling in love….how are you supposed to feel, how to handle it……just an idea.

  17. wow … that look in her eyes … the look of love.

  18. Corey,
    You and I are rowing in the very same boat. My daughter, who is twenty, has fallen under the magical spell of finding that someone special. I totally understand the cheer and fear of a mother’s heart as you watch the process unfold before you. She is my second child but the experience is as new and very different from when it was my son in the same position. I think I scrutinize the object of her affection even closer. I have found we raise our sons to take care of someone else’s daughter. We raise our daughters to handed over into someone else’s care. I knew my sons raising so I did not worry as much. I do not know this young man’s raising so well, therefore I am cautious, watchful, as well as hopeful. It is a tricky thing, this being a parent. I too vacillate between wanting to cheer and snatching her up and running back into her childhood days. Enjoy the experience for what it is, a part of life.
    Blessings on your journey!

  19. I know Corey, wouldn’t it be great if these things had a book of directions?
    Love is grand!!

  20. Ooh la la!!! Love is truly in the air around Willows – and being the parents of the object of affection is going to be an education! Chelsea looks so composed and happy, and because she has seen true love in her parents and family, she will know the road to follow.
    Hope the Summer is fun being surrounded by so much young love, new love, family love – love that conquers all.

  21. Your daughter is so beautiful, and you can see love in her eyes when she’s gazing at him. I think we’re in the same boat because my son has met a beautiful young woman and ….. as the Sicilians say, has been struck by lightning.
    – Suzanne, the Farmer’s Wife

  22. Oh, how true!! My daughter (a mere 18) became engaged on Valentine’s day to a wonderful young man. We just had a week’s vacation with him here at our home. Love lies everywhere and it is grand … and yet the childhood was so fleeting that on occasion I long to grab and run back in time. BUT … then I see them holding hands over omelettes and tea they prepared together in my kitchen (I wasn’t “peeking” – just passing by), and I remember the young love her daddy and I nurtured way back when. Then I run to him and grab his hand, look up into his deep green eyes and thank the Lord I’m still deeply in love. What a way to live! Thanks for sharing Corey. As always, your words drip with truth and the pic captures such magic. p.s. Chelsea is gorgeous — love: the best accessory. ; )

  23. Corey,
    Beautiful pictures and written so well. Thanks for sharing. Love is in the air!

  24. Wonderful photos! Beautiful daughter. Oh if we had such a book! Maybe you could write it, since you have such a way with words.
    blessings and love

  25. The eyes have it!

  26. What a lovely Mom you are Corey. Your daughter is lucky to have a romantic Mother. What a sweet time for you both!

  27. I don’t think I’ve ever read anyone’s thoughts on this before. A great post, and I hope to read more, as this state of affairs is surely imminent in the next few years here!

  28. Love, so sweet and beautiful in Chelsea’s eyes. I imagine it was the same with you, when you fell in love….magical, yes?

  29. Julie Ann

    This is so beautiful. Many more emotions for you… the circle of life Corey. God bless Jx

  30. Chelsea is so beautiful, and the first stirrings of love are working their magic on her even more. Such a fun time to remember in our own lives. 🙂

  31. Oh my! Your daughter looks so lovely and the red rose is perfect. I can only imagine what you are going through. She is so blessed to have a Mom like you.

  32. Chelsea looks so beautiful. And her smile…oh my! She is happy!
    This fine line between childhood/adulthood, holding on/letting go, giving advice/staying quiet…it all has be very confused!!!
    But Chelsea looks extremely happy, and that is wonderful!

  33. oh, so lovely!

  34. Oo la lah~
    First love, what romance~sigh~
    Though being the mom of the youngster in love is not an easy job – but with your sensitive sense of romance, I can’t think of anyone more up to that job than you, Corey.
    Wishing happy summer days to you~xo
    p.s. This is the first time in over a week, that my computer would load your blog pages – the connection was too slow, I think… I have missed your blog, and must play catch-up now…

  35. Her shy smile, the adoring glances, the gentle way she clasps his fingers, yep, it’s love and a beautiful thing to see.

  36. Even without your words…the feelings were SO captured in your photo’s…beautifully done.

  37. First love is so sweet and I loved your post. Your sentiments were very touching. May your daughter and her new guy find much joy and may he turn out to be as wonderful as a son/husband as your own sons are.

  38. What sweet photos and a lovely daughter. I hope the story ends well.

  39. Barbara Sydney Australia

    My daughter and I were off magical month’s holiday in Paris just a few weeks after she had met the man who is now her husband. That holiday in Paris was soooo romantic because I shared the excitement of sms messages, phone calls and emails to her from him back home in Australia. Paris took on an extra special glow (if that is possible)as she shared our discoveries with him and as their feelings intensified.
    Love it really is quite extraordinary!!!!!

  40. How were you able to capture those photos? They are so intimate. It is so lovely that your daughter can be so open and showing her emotions . . .even when a camera is lurking. I too am touched by your beautiful sentiments toward her and your openness and love towards her. She is a very blessed young lady. This young man had better be good to her!! : )

  41. I read your blog and learn many of life’s lessons from you, sweet Corey! Thank goodness I have you to look up to and listen to, as my two oldest near their young teen years…

  42. Awwwww, Corey. Well, first of all, your daughter is beautiful! I can see you in her. And second, well, I can understand how you must feel…torn between happiness in seeing this happen to Chelsea and also wanting to grab her hand and her suitcase and jump on a train back to France. Oh wait, Mr.Espresso is from France, too, right? Well, then it’s off to NYC for you both! I’ll meet you at the airport! ;p Really, what an experience…to see your daughter fall in love for the first time. Pretty amazing, huh? 🙂

  43. …and when she is married with an armful of children she will remember these photos and the words of her mother.

  44. These are beautiful pictures — but I agree with you about the need for the book! I haven’t faced that time yet but I have a feeling it won’t be long coming…
    Bisous d’OLYMPIA!

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