Wearing Red Roses is just the Beginning


A sure sign that you are falling in love is that you become more yourself, doing things you never dared to do… As if loving gives the heart courage to expand, opening one’s desire to journey towards being one’s very best self.

Photo: My daughter Chelsea with a red rose in her hair.


29 responses to “Wearing Red Roses is just the Beginning”

  1. Reading this, after reading about your mother’s first anniversary without your dad, reminded me of the powerful cycle of live and love. How sweet and beautiful that the beauty of love can be repeated throughout the generations.
    Sending you love dear Corey. Your beautiful words and images are awesome. xx, JP/deb

  2. Corey,
    As always, you have captured the essence

  3. I agree with Gail. I pray that one day this happens to me!

  4. Now that is SO SO SO true. I know I always feel like a more real, complete, braver and truer version of me with my husband than I could ever be with family or friends or alone.

  5. What a happy time for you all, Corey.

  6. Marie-Noëlle

    Your photo is a master piece!

  7. your words are soooooo true …
    she is still young but so glamour !
    I love this meaningful picture !
    I hope you had a great 4 th of july !

  8. Love is all you need.
    I love you
    Your life is enchanted and so are you~
    Pure Magic.
    Love Jeanne

  9. Mille Mercis for your beautifully written blog, your poignant photographs. Today’s entry went straight to my heart…the truth has amazing clarity and perfect aim. May you and your family be forever blessed!

  10. That Chelsea, lovely, lucky girl.

  11. So beautiful…your words…your picture…you captured the moment!

  12. Corey,
    I bet you enjoy seeing her love unfurl just like the curl beneath her beautiful red rose!

  13. Love…so beautifully captured in words and photo.

  14. I always pause here on my tour of the web. I find such refreshment with words poised for pondering. The beauty of love throughout the ages just sings throughout your posts, and the pictures … aaaaaaah! Beautiful! : )

  15. So lovely. JP/deb is correct about the cycle continuing. It gives me hope. I remember when Chelsea was saying, “He’s just a friend”…and oh, how important that is, to be a friend before you fall in love.
    – Suzanne, the Farmer’s Wife

  16. oh, I’m so happy to have found your blog.
    Lovely! Merci!

  17. So Romantic Corey!!
    A beautiful flower for a beautiful girl!!

  18. Ahh!!!!!!! love is in the air. Love the picture and your words so captivating to the heart.
    blessings and love

  19. You understand love so well.

  20. i love the theme of “journeying toward one’s very best self”. is there really any other work to be done?

  21. What sweet thoughts and words for Chelsea…and how appropriate that you’re thoughs are focused on love just after your mom and dad’s anniversary. That’s so sweet!

  22. I forgot to add…I’m hoping that tomorrows post shows Mr. Espresso with something red!

  23. So Lovely!

  24. Absolutely; a sign that it is all good, isn’t it?

  25. I just sifted and drifted through your colours of France photos. Oh, so touching and special. Thank you.

  26. Wow, first Maryam, then Tara, and now you.
    Everything is coming up roses for me today.
    I have roses on the brain!
    True love does make us our very best.
    Yay for Chelsea!

  27. Corey, Thanks so much for contacting me about the redirect problem with my blog. I’ve had “another” day of learning-to-blog lessons (the hard way — of course), but I solved my problem. You’ve inspired me in more than one way today. Thanks a BUNCH! : )

  28. Oh, I should have saved my ‘oo la Lah~’ for this photo –

  29. thank you for this post. It’s just wonderfully wise and beautiful.

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