Vowed Holy


Fifty-one years of marriage, today would have marked fifty-two years. Though my mother’s heart and soul are forever locked in love with my father’s. Death cannot change that.

Yesterday as the day slipped by I thought how fifty-one years ago my mother must have blushed, must have giggled, must have been deliciously happy on the eve of her wedding day. Her expectations were soon to be clothed in white, vowed holy and dreams of happily ever after come true.

Today will be yet another one of the many “first” that she will have to endure without her husband… Ah the taste of love after death. A bittersweet reminder of life and love shared. How I wish I could make this day be less sad for her. Today is significant.


How do you hold a broken heart? What do you do with the many pieces. A heart can mend, but it cannot stop loving what gives it life.

Fifty-one years and today. The love story continues with a new chapter.

Photo: French antique wall sconce.


42 responses to “Vowed Holy”

  1. Each of us that are blessed with love are given a great and special gift to cherish.
    Love never dies but lives forever in our hearts.
    This deeply touched my soul this posting.
    God bless your Mother and all of you.
    She is so very lucky to have been loved so well by your Father and all of you.
    I am so glad you are there with her.
    Love Jeanne

  2. Nothing erases Love. Everything she sees in and around her home surely reminds her of him and their years together. I’m hoping the laughter of her grandchildren echo the tone of their successful marriage for her and warms her with the knowledge of a job well done.

  3. Perhaps we should look at the love that your Mom and Dad share in a different dimension for now that your Father has passed the love knows no bounds. It is as before but now into the everafter. Timeless and beautiful for every breath she takes it exhales your Father’s love.Your presence is welcome but somewhat intrusive in a love so deep the sorrow is only temporary, the memories will prevail.
    xo Susan

  4. The love your parents shared is one of the untangible realities that lives forever, that is the treasure stored up in heaven. I know she would love to have his arms wrapped around her, but we know his heart is. Tell your mother I hold her in my heart today, too. May she know she is loved and held.

  5. My love and thoughts to your Mother, Corey.

  6. There is no way around sadness and loss. It is part of who and what we are. What we choose to believe in helps us heal, what direction our thoughts take, and our hearts, helps us through the hard parts. But unless we change our thoughts about death as an end, as a permanent separation, unless we see it as part of life and prepare for it before it strikes us, we will always hurt hard when it happens. My own heart aches for you and your mom – it is so hard to let go that which we wish could stay forever but instead has gone. Each day with its own beauty will make it easier to bear, and the love your family shares will keep you all enfolded.

  7. Your words once again have reached my heart…celebrate your parents love today. How lucky your mom was to find the love of her life. As my 26 year old daughter cried to me yesterday that she just wants to be loved….your parents loved…really loved.
    My hearts goes to your mom today…thoughts and prayers are being sent. Hugs!!!!

  8. My mother was buried on her and my dad’s 50th anniversary. She so wanted to reach 50 with him.
    I know that you mom is bound to be very sad on her anniversary, and will be every year. But I think she will use that day to remember more of their life together and revel in those memories.

  9. A big hug is sent your maother’s way. All the first’s are so hard…

  10. Another first, painful and sad, mixed with the joy of a deep and abiding and eternal love. I’m sending your mom a warm hug.

  11. Somewhere in time your mother’s heart will mend enough to be stronger when these special dates on life’s calendar arrive. Meawhile, before the days and months turn into years of memories, her tears will flow – this is the way to handle grief – and having your shoulder there right now is the best thing for her.
    My love goes out to her on this day. May you also be strong at this sad time Corey.

  12. My heart is heavy for your mom, may the memories of her undying love warm her heart on this difficult day…!! Please send her a big hug from me!

  13. I hear what you say about being sad. But 51 years of joy so much outweigh any sadness.
    It is nice that you can be there for your mom right now.

  14. It’s a wonderful testament to love and commitment. After that many years the person is truly a part of you and when they leave that part is ripped away.
    She will learn to walk again, anew, adjusting to the loss of the part of her that was your father.
    It’s wonderful that you can adjust your life to be there, both for the time your father was ill and dying and the terrible aftermath. So many people are left adrift as everyone goes back to their lives.
    – Suzanne, The Farmer’s Wife

  15. martina

    What an honor to love and be loved by one person for over 50 years and continue to love them. I wish I could wave a magic wand and make your Mom’s grieving easier but all you can do is hug her, be there for her and be of comfort. Seeing her husband’s features and mannerisms in her happy smiling children and grandchildren must bring her lots of joy. Bless you Mrs. Amaro!

  16. I hope today you and your mom will find a way to celebrate the joy of those 51plus years of marriage. I hope, too, that you and French Husband will warmly savor how your own marriage resonates with the impact of witnessing such longs lasting love.
    I am sure you see your father’s spirit in your mom and in yourself in many little things you say and do every day. May today you find some small comfort in those.
    All the best on this glorious and sad day.

  17. 51 years, and always…
    This is unrequited love, the kind of love that cannot be destroyed no matter what happens. It is a love that is stronger than time, distance and space. Your parents had this, and always will.
    La Donna

  18. Corey,
    It is important that your mom be constantly reminded, for the next year or two or three, that she is still very much needed. With all that family around (what beautiful children!), that shouldn’t be a problem. But sometimes we forget that when we lose a spouse, we lose the one person who needed us most to be there for them every day, and that is something that means a lot to most of us — that we are needed. We need to be needed.

  19. Dear Corey,
    My dad passed away after 44 very happy years of marriage to my mom. When their 50th came around a few years later we still acknowledged and celebrated the day, not with a party but with phone calls and cards and my sister sent my mom a bouquet of flowers.
    I know that would be too painful for your family right now, but my wish for you and your mom is to be able to celebrate again one day in your own way the life and love of both your parents.

  20. Hello Corey,
    I don’t know how that would feel, but it makes my heart hurt just thinking about it.
    It’s really nice that you can be with your mom today of all days.

  21. Corey,
    Still lifting you all to the Father.

  22. I’m sending sweet thoughts of admiration to Mrs. Amaro today. She must be quite a woman.

  23. Corey …how your words have uplifted me. I came for a visit hoping to find an encouraging word or two …I found much more. You see, come the 9th of July would have been my father’s 89th birthday. We lost him in September of 2003 after a very long illness. My mother is still heartbroken and I’m always trying to wonder how I can undo her sadness. I see that I cannot …she must continue with pieces of her heart in her hand.

  24. Corey, lots of love to you and your mother.

  25. 51 years is a love that the heart will always have and now it will celebrate a bit differently..and that is ok. That love will always be there to carry her especially now. I will be praying for you and I hope I have that many years of love.
    blessings and love

  26. 51 years of love to treasure forever..celebrated a bit different now…but always there to carry on…what a blessing. I will be praying for you all.
    blessings and love

  27. A difficult day. I’m so glad your parents were lucky enough to have been together so many years; there will be many good memories to bring back times shared.
    Love and hugs to all of you.

  28. I pray to God everyday that I will find love like your parents did. I’m thinking of your family. Thank you so much Corey for sharing your life with all of us. It has changed my perspective on how I want to live my life.

  29. A new chapter for a love story without end.
    Thinking of you, Mr. and Mrs. Amaro.

  30. A marriage that lasts over 50 years represents a lot of love, tears, compromise, hopes, dreams, give and take… so much. This is one of the first of many “firsts” but given your Mother’s history I know she will move through this with grace.

  31. These “firsts” that your mother must go through are indeed the hardest… my mom and dad would have celebrated 60 years had he lived to see it… but love is always there, never shaken, even by separation.
    God bless all of you, and especially your dear mum on this day…

  32. What beautiful memories you and your mother must have to share.
    It will be 30 years for my husband and I this year. I’m not sure how time moves so quickly. Don’t blink or you’ll miss it.
    Everything is just so beautiful here, Corey. Do you ever tire of hearing that?
    ….and you are doing mixed media art now????

  33. Precious Corey,
    oh the sheering pain… I have sojourned with my sister who lost her beloved at 42 yrs of age. The first ray of light came in getting a new dog WHOSE UNCONDITIONAL LOVE and more then mischievous behavior,-pulled her out of the depths of daily despair and back into the present moment.
    For my beloved mother -in-law- it has been in her garden, nurturing delicate branches of life -finally returning to their church community and allowing others to hold her up- a position she and Virgil endlessly gave to others; but, knew not how to allow others to do the same .
    Sending Love and healing prayers on a warm desert wind.

  34. Precious sentiments here. Thank you for voicing them so eloquently. Tomorrow would mark the 20th birthday of my son, Andrew, now gone four years. I miss him to this day. BUT, God comforts us all and we will still be having a party on that day as Andrew’s twin Matthew will be turning 20! Sweet in the midst of sorrow. : )

  35. I read your blog so often. You have a way with words that seems to reach into the hearts and souls of your readers. I just want you to know that your posts always touch me… your photographs delight me… And I am so sorry for the pain you and your family have experienced, but so happy for the love that you have all experienced – and still do – with each other. I just wanted to come out of ‘lurkdom,’ so to speak, to say thank you for your incredible blog…Donna

  36. Marie-Noëlle

    May your Mum’s garland of memories grow serenely…
    Thinking of her !

  37. My heart aches for your mother…as it does for my mother when the special days come along…the “firsts” are always the hardest.

  38. Your blog entry struck a cord with me as my Mum and Dad would also have celebrated 52 years of marriage on the 7th July. My Dad has been gone 9 years now but I still phone my Mum on their anniversary and remember their special day.

  39. (((Corey’s mom)))
    I hope it was not too painful. I hope she sat with the memories of their life and love, and it all filled her heart with light.

  40. A significant day, a new chapter in the love story – the love goes on, and I think it always will…
    Sending loving thoughts to your mom – and you, dear Corey~xOx

  41. what a wonderful long marriage and it looks like you are on your way to a long and blessed one also!

  42. Oh, I remember how sad my grandmas were without their beloveds. Oh how they missed them! My hearts aches to remember the pain of loss on their faces. But, without the great love they had, there would be no loss. Truly they were blessed and sadly pain always comes with love.
    Hugs to you,

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