

More about the homecoming tomorrow..

Today is about red lipstck,

listening to Chelsea's stories about the last four months in university,

and of course checking out Mr. Espresso.

The day is certainly going to be too short!


44 responses to “Homecoming”

  1. Marie-Noëlle

    Enjoy your day, Corey!
    We can feed on this beautiful picture …
    Enjoyable !!!

  2. Julie Ann

    So pleased for you, enjoy every moment, jx

  3. Debbie in CA : )

    OOOH LA LA! What Fun! : ) How silly! I invited you to come visit me and forgot to include directions. I am at wisteriaandroses.blogspot.com : )

  4. Love you so very very very much
    Reunions are the greatest

  5. It’s today, it’s today, it’s today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    ENJOY, Corey!!!

  6. And send a kiss to Chelsea and a hug for french husband! As I said, enjoy their coming home as much as you deserve it!

  7. I love this post about waiting and your words made me think about this poem from F . Coppée (1842-1908 )
    Elle sait que l’attente est un cruel supplice,
    Qu’il doit souffrir déjà, qu’il faut qu’elle accomplisse
    Le serment qu’elle a fait d’être là, vers midi.
    Mais, parmi les parfums du boudoir attiédi,
    Elle s’est attardée à finir sa toilette.
    Et devant le miroir charmé qui la reflète,
    Elle s’impatiente à boutonner son gant ;
    Et rien n’est plus joli que le geste élégant
    De la petite main qui travaille ; et, mutine,
    Elle frappe le sol du bout de sa bottine.
    I love the ambiance in this poem , I can imagine YOU waiting and doing just what this woman is doing

  8. Yay!!!
    I’ve been waiting impatiently for this day (though I’m sure not half as impatiently as you have!)
    I know seeing French Husband and Chelsea is going to do you the world of good 🙂
    And of course it’s your duty to check out Mr.Espresso 😛

  9. Happy homecoming, my friend. Can’t wait to hear all about it.~~Dee

  10. Have a wonderful time with the family! ((hugs))

  11. Yes, friend.
    We want and NEED a full report tomorrow!!
    Enjoy your lost time with your daughter and her new friend 🙂

  12. Have a wonderful reunion!

  13. Have a truly fabulous reunion (flowers, tears, hugs and lipstick smears!) with FH, Chelsea and Mr. Espresso – then just have a wonderful time Corey.
    Thanks SO much for info., working on an itinerary and will be in touch later.

  14. Oh joy! I know this is a day you’ve long awaited and I’m thrilled for you. All that aside what we need here is more pictures! excited for you…

  15. I wish you a glad reunion day!

  16. Ooooooooo — how juicy! Can’t wait to hear the details…enjoy this precious time.

  17. Enjoy the reunion Corey…I’m so thrilled that your family is finally together!
    Tomorrow…pictures and stories please!

  18. Life is always better when all your family is together. Enjoy. Clarice

  19. Ed in Willows

    Corey – I’ll bet your cheeks will be sore by tomorrow from all the smiling. Enjoy this time with them all.

  20. Yay! Enjoy the day and share tomorrow 🙂

  21. Have a wonderful day…..so happy that all your family is there!!!

  22. Corey~
    How wonderful! Savor each moment. I love the red lipstick.

  23. Oh joy! Oh rapture! Family together again plus ONE!! You will be smiling so much, your cheeks will be sore tomorrow. Hugs, Annie

  24. It’s going to be great Corey!!

  25. Corey, may the sun shine brightly and laughter come easily! Blessings to all of you…

  26. OH COREY! My heart is so happy that your whole family will be in your arms today! I am rejoicing with you.

  27. martina


  28. So happy for you! Soak up the love : )

  29. Might be a short day, but certainly a beautiful one. Enjoy! Welcome to America, Mr. E.

  30. At last! I’m so glad you’re reunited with your loved ones again!

  31. I just checked again…honestly, tomorrow can’t come quickly enough for me!

  32. What a sweet day for ALL of you!!!

  33. oh how fun..soak it up girl!
    love and blessings

  34. Good. Families need to be together, never more so than when they have been apart. What a good family life you and French Husband have forged. Good girl, Corey.

  35. You’ve waited long for this day. Enjoy.

  36. Wishing you the best for your happy reunion!

  37. Enjoy catching up with your family, Corey … we’ll wait for all the news on Mr. Espresso.

  38. bienvenue!
    Happy to hear you’re home and catching up on mother-daughter time (and red lipstick and espsresso!)
    America is worse off without you on this side of the pond, but so glad to hear you’re back!

  39. How lucky you are, to have such a family gathered around you. But then, you’re Corey!

  40. Welcome home Ms. Corey, welcome home. What a long bitter-sweet journey this has been for you. Enjoy the wonderful senses of home and the love that surrounds you.

  41. I know you are SO GLAD to be HOME!!!!!

  42. whoo-hoo for red lipstick!!!

  43. Oh Corey – I’m so happy your Prince Charming has finally come riding across the seas, back into your arms again!
    I want to cry from happiness seeing you and he so happy to be together again ~sniff, sigh~
    Wishing you and your red lipstick much happiness!

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