The Trail to Happiness


The boy who dreams the entire year long for summertime in Willows is happily living his dream. Yesterday he turned sixteen and his Cousin Curtis and Uncle Zane gave him a summer job cleaning their rice dryers. It is a classic dirty job of farming rice. One that many teenage boys on the farm do…the job consist of crawling under the large metal bins and cleaning out the dust and debris that has gathered after drying the rice. Sacha and his cousin had a taste of dirt yesterday. One bin down 20 more to go. It is a valuable birthday gift.

Since it was Sacha's birthday his cousin Sam offered his help. They put on my father's work clothes, it felt strange to see them in his wranglers, button-down work shirts, baseball caps and sporting his red hand-kerchiefs…the boys attire released a flood of memories in me: Will they be like him?

 Oh how they  were covered with dirt  yet they sparkled proudly.

After the photo they asked me if they could run and jump into the ditch, to cool and clean off? "Why not, yeah sure go for it!" I said and then thought, what fun it is to be Huckleberry Finn.

…………….in a split second they turned, ran, kicked off their shoes, peeled off their socks and clothes and blazed a trail to the ditch.




At this point I wondered how far were they going to go… certainly they knew I was behind them, as was my mother.






The trail to happiness is having the freedom to be yourself!


60 responses to “The Trail to Happiness”

  1. Corey,
    I just love those moments captured frame by frame. Youthful enthusiasm at it’s finest. They both seem to have a strong sense of self in pursuing their quest of cooling waters.
    Lisa & Alfe

  2. haha What a great pictorial. I sure hope that ditch had water deep enough for their jump! haha

  3. M-Noëlle

    Is that a new film script?
    “Go with the teens” ?
    Now let’s all pick up the trail and jump into that ditch… I bet we’re all dying for it !

  4. Cynthia G

    There is no better anti-depression medication ….
    Than family…love…youth and spring
    to get everything growing again…
    It makes me happy :} to see and hear your
    feeling better
    I can smell, Dolores.. “COOKIES”…MMMMMMM
    I love cookies

  5. great illustrated post!! a trail to happiness just around the corner… i would jump into it every day, running!

  6. bonne anniveraire sacha!! sweet 16!
    enjoy to the fulliest another summer of your dreams!

  7. soooooooooooooooooooooooooo beautiful!!!!!
    Happy birthday to Sacha! what a lovely boy and nephew you have!
    Love Corey

  8. Ah sweet sixteen I remember it well.
    Corey, I would love for you to give me your opinion on my latest photos for Ghost could you PLEASE, when you have a moment, pop over and take a look on my blog. Seeing as you are the Queen of set design I would really value your opinion.

  9. Freedom and youth! Beautiful post

  10. How lovely and precious.
    I love all you share.
    My husband grew up on a farm and he said his life was enriched beyond belief.
    Love you
    I love your quote

  11. Oh Corey, you make me nostalgic around here… It’s so lovely to watch and bare witness of these fond and loving summer moments. Once again thanks for sharing.
    Sacha is looking a lot like french husband. Sound like he had a blast of a birthday. The birthday cake was it a chocolate one?
    Big, big, big HUG, with lots of love to you corey*

  12. What fun they seem to be having!

  13. Happy Birthday to Sasha! A jump into the ditch sounds like just the thing.

  14. Just too beautiful for words!

  15. Splish, splash – the best kind of bath, in the great outdoors after a hard days work! The boys are growing into fine men – how wonderful they have this special Summer life together. Hope -KNOW- Sacha’s birthday was fabulous – I wish him many, many more, each one more fun than the last.
    Your pics are perfect Corey.

  16. becky up the hill

    Sweet Corey..your Dad’s clothes..those young men…rice dryers…I’m coming home this weekend to the land of orchards and rice dryers. Short visit, family wedding, once county over. I hope the lavender field in Biggs are up to snuff..with it’s rice dryers still a part of the landscape.

  17. those pictures are amazing. All of them. Your boys have such a freedom to be themselves, it is just wonderful. How great to have the traditions of summertime and cousins to look forward to each year.

  18. Love that last picture – they’re flying!

  19. youth , happiness and freedom a little bit of ” folie” ….just what we ( they) need !

  20. Terrific chronicle of the magic of summer….even the work part. They’ll create memories that will last them a lifetime. What a wonderful opportunity for Sacha.
    – Suzanne, the Farmer’s Wife

  21. Sacha has earned the right of passage from being a “boy” to becoming a man of the farm. He must’ve felt so capable and grown up to be given that responsibility.
    This is such an American post with the images.

  22. Absolutely wonderful. Live comes full circle and joy gives you no choice but to smile.

  23. constance lefevre forehand

    memories are made of these very special moments. another wonderful article in victoria. congratulations

  24. Looks like they were having lots of fun!
    I didn’t realize that you were in Willows. We go there quite a bit so that my husband can race at the Thunderhill racetrack. It’s out in the countryside so we usually pass a few farms on the way there. It always looks so peaceful there.

  25. Sacha sure looks like that handsome french husband of yours!

  26. Joy, joy, joy.

  27. How good that you can still be at “home” during this transition period of the start of healing. This post, along with every one that you do, is very special. I love your last sentence

  28. What a great experience fot the both of them.

  29. When I think of the 16 year old boys here in the Bay Area(and I hate to generalize, I know they aren’t ALL like this)…but I cannot imagine for a moment they’d drop their cell phones, IPods, video games, computers or a wander around the mall…… lay beneath a rice dryer cleaning dirt and debris. When in fact doing so would actually help to build character, show what hard work feels like, learn to work together AND be OUTSIDE.
    I love that Sacha isn’t afraid to get his hands dirty… be a part of his family legacy and enjoy doing it! I am so in awe of this and know it’s just one more thing that is making him the man he will become…a good man. A responsible man. A man that is part you, part French Husband, part France and part Willows – a sure recipe for success.
    I also love that you are able to capture these moments! Your Dad is smiling!

  30. I was waiting for the splash! These photos are so inspiring, they perfectly capture the exuberance of youth. I was startled when looking at the photo of your son, he is the mirror image of French Husband, his eyes are very soulful and striking. I sense a healing balm in your post as you see your father living on in his grand children.

  31. A sweet ode to summertime freedom and that one year when you are sixteen.
    You can tell you Sacha and his handsome cousin are related. I was thinking of my 15-year-old Diva when I saw this. Perhaps I will show it to her. She is taking French you know . . . .

  32. Sweet sweet life! Your papa would be proud.

  33. Hello Corey,
    I loved this beautiful post. So reminded me of
    my own childhood and those summer days of freedom. I see your father in the boys, that sparkle of mischiveousness in their eyes…lots of love and hugs to you all Pinkie

  34. Massilianana

    Simply exhilarating !

  35. What a great post…even sitting here inside, at my desk, working in this windowless cubicle on this sunny day – I too was running with them, feeling the warmth of the sun, the freedom of the summer and the coolness of the water…aaaahhhhhh!

  36. Oh to be sixteen again, thank you for the memories!!!

  37. Haha! Did you and your mother join them???

  38. Dear Corey, Your family is very blessed to have such a recorder of “moments” as you are. Annie

  39. Hee hee- I was getting scared there for a moment!
    Happy B-day, Sacha!

  40. Heee…what a wonderful laugh you have given me today! Give Sacha a big hug for me, won’t you? Who cares if he doesn’t know me. 🙂

  41. “Will they be like him?” They already are. Impressive lads.

  42. this looks so fun….thanks for sharing
    love and blessings

  43. Don Jeffries

    Hi Corey!
    Anne sent me your link because of this story.
    What a cool post! I had flashbacks of swinging on a rope out over a small river and under a train tressel to drop into the cool water. Great kid stuff.
    Happy Birthday to Sacha! That is one birthday he will remember always.
    Take care,

  44. Happy Belated Birthday to Sasha.
    He was a blessing sixteen years ago and now he is a handsome gift.Without even realizing it he has begun to help you heal, to see life through the eyes of youth.
    He may have arrived thinking he was coming to spend the summer at his Mother’s family home, when actually he has brought his Mother back to life.
    May he enjoy the lazy, carefree days ahead and may you enjoy his love.
    xo Susan

  45. How wonderful to have that childhood you’ve been able to provide the backdrop for. A life in France; a parallel but so different one there, working hard physically. You must feel very fulfilled, even during this time, Corey.

  46. Cousin Chris

    99 Degrees Yesterday..Hot,Hot,Hot! AND in/under a Rice Bin?!!!! Most likely about 140 Degrees!
    Been there, Done that……never again!

  47. I love this story! how awesome for the boys… and the whole time reading it, I could pick my son. xoxo, Joanna

  48. The boys dressed in your dad’s clothing is poetry itself.

  49. Loving the last photo in your sequence… they look just like two bird-like creatures from a nature documentary… caught in mid-flight. (I do hope that makes sense?)
    see you, g xo

  50. Oh Corrie, you write the most beautiful and meaningful posts! Thank you so much!

  51. Beautiful! Loved the story and photos. I agree with someone who posted saying there are many teen boys who would not have thought to work a dusty rice bin and then revel in the glory of a cool dip. Priceless!

  52. Corey, your entire family exemplifies the meaning of the word “joy”!

  53. I have no doubt they are already like your dad.

  54. What joy to be young and have a ditch to jump into 🙂

  55. You are capturing your son’s experience on the farm so perfectly, Corey! You’ve caught the pure essence of Youth and Summer.

  56. Everyone should experience this way of life. There is a freedom and joy in it. I am counting the days until we take my son for a visit to my parents ranch in No Cal.

  57. Everything about this is entirely fabulous.

  58. The pictures that you have captured here are absolutely, just priceless!

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