Coffee with Dinner on the 25th


Well you see I think I was misleading about saying guess who's coming to dinner… because actually nobody was coming to dinner last night per say. What I meant was that someone is coming over but not just for dinner and it is a bit of a surprise. I guess I should have said, "Boy do I have a something to tell you." Not that it is big important news but rather since you know nearly my entire life story I might as well tell you my families too.


Before I left France to come and be by my father's side Chelsea asked French Husband and I if she could bring her friend who was a boy to California this summer. Of course we said yes. Why would we not? Chelsea's friend needed to work on his English and the best place to learn to speak a foreign language is by immersion ( ..and better yet by falling in love with someone who speaks the language you want to learn…but at that time we weren't thinking about love.) But anyway since he was "just a friend"  we nodded our heads sure and didn't give it another thought… or at least I didn't give it another thought.


Guess who's coming to California with Chelsea and French Husband? A boyfriend named… Mr. Espresso.

Note: French Husband, Chelsea and Mr. Espresso arrive on the 25th of this month.

Photos: Tops to brushes at my cousinJudy's home




45 responses to “Coffee with Dinner on the 25th”

  1. Have fun Corey.
    It is such a blessing to get “new” kids through the children. We invited Ingrid’s boyfriend with us to Italy at Easter for my Big celebration, and in July we will travel up to North Norway and the Lofoten Islands where his parents live. The boyfriend lives in Trondheim for studies. The main reason why we go to Lofoten is to visit my brother who is a priest there, so visiting Marius’s parents will be a bonus 🙂
    I haven’t commented much lately, too busy in the garden, but I read your blog (almost) daily and enjoy it!

  2. You are the sly one! Well, wonderful for Mr. Espresso! Yours is a family with whom I know I would love to spend my summer! This is one lucky man. Countdown to the 25th, then…only 10 more days.

  3. I’m happy for Chelsea and Mr. Expresso!

  4. Love and hugs and kisses

  5. What a wonderful surprise…how wonderful!

  6. Marie-Noëlle

    To me, Corey, Mr Nespresso is George Clooney.
    His TV commercial is very famous here in France…
    …”A Nespresso … WHAT ELSE???”

  7. Oh, what a funster you are, dear Corey! I thought for sure it was your dears FH and Chelsea arriving at your dinner table. Ten more heart-string-tugging days! Looking forward to tales of Mr. Espresso, too.

  8. What an interesting summer this will be! What an initiation into his possible future family!? I have a feeling that the posts involving him and Chelsea will have a much different feeling and flare than the ones we so enjoyed about “the Lovers” several months ago. LOL. Speaking of which, how are Eva and her cute French beau?

  9. Mr. Espresso? Anyone with a name involving coffee sounds like a great kind of guy. I know he will have a great California experience with your family.
    Have you had much smoke in your area from the fires?

  10. What fun! And how exciting that he is now the “boyfriend!”

  11. So, that great coffee pot gift must have become the catalyst for romance after all!! How fabulous that this once “just friends” studying together relationship has become more secure and that they will travel together to be with you. This guy doesn’t yet know that he is so priviledged – visiting not only California, but staying with a fabulous family the likes of which is hard to find.
    Have a fun time together – and tell FH to pedal fast to keep up with the starstruck youngsters! I just know you will share wonderful times and photos with us Corey – can’t wait.
    I’m thinking of you especially today which I know will be bittersweet.
    Hugs to you – Mary.

  12. I’m sure Mr. Espresso will feel welcome and have a wonderful time with your family.
    Speaking of romance, anything new on Eva and Mattieu?

  13. Mr. Espresso…too cute Corey!

  14. What surprising and wonderful news. Is the garden bed for him? Only kidding, Mr. E.

  15. I have never seen anything like those brushes before. They are darling!
    How thrilling for your family to meet your daughter’s beau this summer! 🙂

  16. Cathy J.

    Hi Corey,
    I was looking for glass knobs this morning and some how linked to your website. This is very interesting. You take beautiful pictures.
    How lucky are you to be living in France, and not only that have a foxy husband. You go girl!
    I celebrated my 50th birthday in Paris 2 years ago and feel in love with the city and the people. As an American, I had heard all the terrible things about Paris and the people. Paris was one of my best vacations and I can’t wait to get back.
    When I have more time I will go through the rest of your website, envy you and remember my fabulous time in Paris.
    Thank you so much for sharing your life in France. A big Merci to you.

  17. Debbie in CA : )

    Great riddle, but even better answer! HOW FUN! My daughter’s fiance will be with us around the same time period for our first extended holiday together. It’s gonna be great! Have fun at “dinner”! ; )

  18. Ah, Corey, how your heart must quake with anticipation at the arrival of the rest of your family, even with said boyfriend in tow! My daughter, who will be 20 in a couple of months recently introduced us to a “friend”, funny how they now seem to be insuperable! He has gone from being a boy who is a friend to a boyfriend in a short two months. It has been sweet watching young love blossom. I am sure you will fill us with summer romance as it progresses.

  19. Oh Yes! Mr. Espresso. The only person to ever get you to to pretend to want a coffee..
    🙂 Yes indeedy, I do remember him.
    Hope it is going well. A wonderful time!
    Thanks for your lovely card!

  20. It’s going to be a wonderful experience for “Mr. Espresso.” (great name)

  21. Thinking of you today.

  22. oh my goodness. Brave young man. He will so be under a microscope. Chelsea is a smart girl (like her mom). I’m betting he will pass with flying colors.

  23. Cynthia G

    I know this will be a bittersweet day for you and your family… filled with lots of,remembering the precious moments you all shared…Your father’s legacy of wisdom.. lives on….
    Your in my thoughts BIG hugs

  24. Barbara Sydney Australia

    Lucky Mr Espresso what a wonderful family to meet!

  25. Wow, that is big news!!
    I think it’s great!!!
    I hope you all have a wonderful time together.

  26. Oh, we haven’t reached boyfriends yet! Yikes! I remember that post (or posts). sounds pretty serious . . .

  27. Thinking about you and your family today, Corey.
    I love this post, filled with happy expectations.

  28. Cory, I have watched as you turned this chapter of your life into a fulfillment. You are to be greatly admired. Best wishes.

  29. A ha, Mr.Espresso eh, sounds like it will be an interesting visit for all then.

  30. Ed in Willows

    Corey – I’m so happy for you. That’s going to quite a full house before long. I have a big tent if you need the extra space…LOL. Deb flies to Texas on the 26th to bring our grandson back for a month’s visit before our daughter’s wedding at the end of July. It’s going to be getting busy around here soon too. Wishing blue skies and smiles for you – Ed

  31. Ellen Cassilly

    Corey what wonderful news. I’m certain that ou all will have a great time in California getting to know one another.
    And Hapyy Fathers’ day to one and all. Ellen

  32. oh my goodness I remember that post too…Now he is boyfriend..oh what fun and I love the name Mr. Expresso…
    love and blessings

  33. georgie

    I can just see Mr.Espresso helping to build the raft with Sacha and the cousins! That is great that Chelsea and FH (and Mr. Espresso)will be with you soon. Can you feel the hugs already?
    Is everyone in your family gifted with such a great eye for design/collecting? The way Judy displayed the pretty brush tops is beautiful.

  34. I am so wonderfully happy for you to have all your family together soon… plus Mr. Espresso! Love the nickname.
    You know your children are truly growing up when they bring ‘friends’ home. I hope you have a wonderful time together. He is blessed to be spending time with such a wonderful family.

  35. Oh the suspense. Another story rolling out.

  36. How fun, Corey, Mr. Expresso is in for a real treat!!!
    I just know he’s going to have a great time with all of you and your large extended family. It is going to be such a memorable summer for all of you. I’m glad some sweetness is being added.
    I’m thinking your Mom will enjoy seeing Chelsea with her friend too. I know as a grandmother I would. What a blissful place her home must be for all of the children!
    You all continue to be in my thoughts and prayers.

  37. Oh, yes. I remember Mr. Espresso and his coffee pot 🙂
    I am sure we will all be in for a treat when ou tell us about it!! A welcome distraction for you and your family.

  38. LOL, again! Ohhhh, Corey, this makes me laugh. Well, you’re in for an adventure after the 25th. It’ll be nice for you to see your daughter in love, though. So, uh, why is her new beau called Mr.Espresso?

  39. And I remember just a few months ago you were going on about the newly empty space at the dinner table with Chelsea gone…..see I told you (well sort of) ~ now you’ll have a lovely young man and one day you’ll have all those grandbabies.
    Corey, you tickle me.

  40. Elaine L.

    You, of course, must admire his courage to be surrounded by so many relatives.
    Oh my, all those little nieces will be in a dither.

  41. That is a gorgeous coffee pot, I could do with one of those…ciao

  42. I love the story with Chelsea and Mr Expresso, how sweet!

  43. Oh how fun! Dooooo keep us posted! 🙂

  44. poor mr. espresso, not only does he get to meet THE family (all of you loveable ones!) but WE get to hear about him too. I hope he is strong, like his nickname.:)

  45. What a fabulous final link — “la chute” as they say in French.
    I’m so glad your whole family is going to be with you.
    I haven’t been able to keep up with blogging pals very much lately because we’re leaving for the USA in less than two weeks — my parents’ 50th wedding anniversary party is the following week — so a lot is going on.
    I will be a more faithful reader over the summer!
    Bisous de l’Aveyron!

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