Water, Raft and Ice Cream Bucket


Behind my childhood home runs a canal. In the distance the smallest, largest mountain range appears surrounded by farmland and old roads. Since the part of California were I grew up has hot summers- most living things that do not have water turn golden and dry up. It makes for striking contrast of textures and many lazy summer days. 


Unless you are a boy with a way to beat the heat… then you might have a brainstorm to build a raft and float the canals. Since our ranch has a collection of every imaginable piece of scrap iron, old wood, posts, barrels, rope and not to mention tool… it is a perfect haven for young boy's raft dreams.


The raft made with railroad ties, ropes, an old barrel, plus a coy duck… it is not ready to float but nearly. A few trials were taken- they sank and nearly toppled over because it was too small. They have a better plan of action: Longer raft with the addition of two more barrels.

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Don't you just love the pushed up muscle? They are knee deep into their summer dreams, they have not missed one beat. Of course their raft dreams could be met simpler by following baby Kate's lead. There are no words to describe the photos below…they speak without saying…. Why create a raft when a plastic bucket of water will do?

Baby Kate's ice-cream bucket raft and party hat to boot.






44 responses to “Water, Raft and Ice Cream Bucket”

  1. I grew up in Central California…smack dab in the middle…and have similar memories for staying cool.Nothing more fun than irrigation time on the farm.

  2. What fun the boys are having. Sacha looks just like FH 🙂 and Baby Kate’s “bootylicious” shot is adorable! WELCOME SUMMER!

  3. It looks just lovely! Those are the kind of summers childhood should be made of! What a blessing for you to pass that on to your son…

  4. Marie-Noëlle

    In the wake of “Tom Sawyer” and “Huckleberry Finn” with the first pictures!!!
    On the last ones, your niece and her bucket remind me of my son and his plastic bowl !
    He was one. We were then living in a tiny flat. And we had a long balcony.
    He would spend all day in/on/under/with his bucket, were it filled with water.
    (Lately I watched some pictures of that time… !)
    Corey, you have much talent to relate your life and, moreover, you have the talent to make us recover and relate our own in our turns. Thank YOU !!!

  5. Oh what a wonderful childhood for these young ones. Such special memories in the making.

  6. Childhood, catching
    our imagination when it
    is fresh and tender,
    never lets go of us.
    J.B. Priestley
    I sense a harmony in your heart and a completion in your soul. Enjoy.
    xo Susan

  7. Sacha is spending his best summers in this wonderful California !
    Your niece is to die for

  8. Oh what precious memories.
    You are truly blessed………….
    Love and hugs
    The pictures melt my heart.

  9. Any one of those photo’s could be a poster for Summer. What wonderful times the kids in your family are treated to.

  10. so beautiful delightful pictures Corey!
    A big hug!

  11. Wonderful boyish young men and that Katie…she is a living doll!

  12. So sweet Corey! What the essence of summer is all about… 🙂

  13. It is so refreshing to see young minds at work!!! What great memories are being formed. Thanks for sharing Corey!!!

  14. Let the good times roll on…and on! And the memories go on and on!

  15. This is looking like another summer to remember. I love that they didn’t miss a beat. That’s exactly the way your father would want it. Imagine the fun he’s having watching them play and scheme. And, oh my goodness, that baby is precious!

  16. Corey, I think these are some of the best photos you’ve ever posted. You’ve really captured moments, emotions that will fly away in an instant.
    Those boys are just wonderful. What a treasure you’ve created.

  17. I suspect the summer will be too short to capture all the wonderful, imaginative play these busy young minds will come up with.

  18. Corey,
    I smiled, I laughed, and I had a little tear spring to my eye as I read your post and viewed the pictures. Ah, to be that carefree, imaginative, and ambitious again! Have a wonderful summer Corey!

  19. I think summer is starting out with a bang!!
    How cute is that little Katie!?

  20. Cassondra W.

    Oh how I envy those boys!!! What a great way to spend the summer, dreaming and building and making life what it should be – AN ADVENTURE!!! Keep us posted, I would love to see what they come up with and hear about their fun! Thanks for such a great post Corey, and reminding us how fun summer can be!!!

  21. martina

    Ahh memories of childhood summers using your imagination to create entertainment. Even though it wasn’t in the country, it was fun. Not having to wear shoes the whole time, except for church and going out to visit family or go shopping. Katie is so CUTE! Thanks for sharing such fun photos and the stories.

  22. Corey,
    Those pictures are too cute!

  23. Beautiful photos and words.~~Dee

  24. Oh. Holy cow. That is too cute! Those leggies!

  25. What a blissful Summer they are having. And isn’t Kate just the cutest!

  26. Massilianana

    Normal , just normal : guys always come up with grand schemes and women quietly go straight to the practical solution ! That promises to be quite an interesting summer……. Have fun too !!!

  27. He-Men and Candy Pants–quite a combination! Maybe they could bring their raft our way; we’ve got more water than the rivers can handle at the moment…
    Keep sharing the summer fun! 🙂

  28. Oh how these photos say “summer”!! I think I’m going to mapquest “corey’s house” and jump on the raft – after I hug that beauty in the icecream bucket!

  29. Have 2 daughters, I always love seeing photos of boys being boys. Creating adventure and fun out of the everyday. And how cute are those little legs standing in the bucket… what a gorgeous little princess.
    I am so glad for you that Sascha is with you. What a wonderful moment that must have been for you seeing and holding him after 4 long months.
    Blessings Corey.

  30. I’ll take a cone of chocolate chip, and three buckets of Baby Kate to go! =)

  31. What fun – adventurous manly men, and sweet dimpled legs!! Enjoy your summer! Love, Pam

  32. Simply DELICIOUS Corey!
    And… the photo standing Sacha and his cousin with the flag is just too good! It would go into a GAP or Armani Advertisement!

  33. La Donna

    Thank you for the wonderful pictures!
    La Donna

  34. Oh wow! I envy those boys and girls! I remember summers playing outdoors until mom would call us home. Catching lighten’ bugs, playing in the creek, sleeping outside, eating ice cream, sleeping with the windows up (before air conditioning), honey suckles, bumble bees, crickets n’ frog croaking at night, and swimming at the local pool. Great memories!

  35. Oh my goodness Corey, these summers are precious!
    It’s so nice to see Sacha “at home” with you now!

  36. becky up the hill

    Love seeing the boys and the Buttes too..and folks I’m not talking about those cute little cheeks..when I see the Buttes I know I am near home. Will send Trifle recipe soon..it was sorta not a recipe..lol.

  37. Oh, dear Corey, today you made me smile aloud! I remember so many, many summers, seems like yesterday.

  38. drink in their joy.

  39. Elaine L.

    These have to be such poignant moments for you, since they are your first California summer without papa George. I bet he is watching it all with a big satisfied smile on his face.

  40. hi corey,
    it was beautifully absorbing
    levels of dream making, first there are the teenagers, then the little baby and then you and all of us here, sharing all of this and weaving our own individual dreams inspired by those wonderful kids
    life is intricate in its simplicity
    love bless

  41. Please Corey keep taking these amazing and beautiful family pictures for us to share – they are true Summer being shared by real children (Ralph Lauren – eat your heart out!!).
    So happy to see Sacha enjoying life with his usually far away cousins – and that little rounded baby Kate can be dropped off at my house anytime you guys need a break!!
    I think the Summertime ‘blues’ will not prevail in Willows this year after all! I just know your dad is sharing in the family fun – looking on you all and loving every minute.

  42. So wonderful to see things “going on” just as they should, just as they were last summer. The same, but different, I know, I know. The perfect example of “bittersweet”.
    Hugs and kissies to you and yours,

  43. You must be in such glory being surrounded by these beautiful children, little and big. I can’t think of a better medicine than that of these blessings and I wish I could look at my own bum and think “how cute” although somehow it’s just not as cute when you are a grown woman, darn it!
    Sacha is looking more and more like FH – lucky boy!

  44. I am drinking up your summer stories like sunshine.
    Love, love, love.

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