A Broken Window where Flowers Bloom


The broken window remains open to the light.

It does not surrender its gift, its purpose…and by doing so it is open to new life.

Have you seen where brokenness creates compassion?

May my heart be open to such grace.


Drop, drop– in our sleep, upon the heart

sorrow falls, memory’s pain,                  

and to us, though against our very will,

even in our own despite,                      

comes wisdom,                                    

by the awful grace of God.

HAMILTON’S 1937 AESCHYLUS (Agamemnon 179-183)


30 responses to “A Broken Window where Flowers Bloom”

  1. Marie-Noëlle

    BEAUTIFUL – in all ways…

  2. Hi Corey
    Beautiful post and so true.
    You write so beautifully.

  3. This was a nice post, made me think of divorced families actually..where a broken family actually becomes two families. New children and relatives that wouldn’t have existed were it not for the divorce in the first place. 🙂

  4. Ah you know all about me and brokenness. I can see the beauty in almost anything that’s broken.
    Beautiful image as always.

  5. Dear, Corey, I believe your heart is already open to such grace, and yes I have seen others become more compassionate through brokeness, including myself.
    Once again, you have written a beautiful thought provoking post and the picture is stunning.
    You and your family continue to be in my thoughts and prayers. I’m so happy that your children will soon join you.

  6. Julie Ann

    Of course Corey, all of our life experience shapes and makes us. When one is in pain, people are usually kind, but the most real and effective comfort comes from those who have trodden the same path. Great charitable work is done and great compassion given from those who have experienced the greatest pain. God bless, Jx

  7. Your heart, Corey, is open to every and each single grace the Lord sends to you.
    You have a magnificent, beautiful, tender and kind heart.

  8. so many opportunities for growth, yes?

  9. Good words to ponder today and wonderfully illustrated in your gorgeous photograph.
    Thank you for making our world a better place!

  10. God’s grace surely does transform brokenness into beauty and compassion… such a beautiful post Corey.

  11. Beautiful post…it reminds me of an old church hymn: “Grace, grace, God’s grace…grace that is greater than all our sin!”

  12. Oh, yes. Brokenness is so painful and yet it gives us compassion and mercy for others and somehow later though it never seems worth it we often find ourselves better for it.

  13. Through every broken window a new adventure waits to be discovered.

  14. I would like to think that we are all open to new light.

  15. There are places in the heart which do not yet exist, and into them enters suffering in order that they may have existence.
    Leon Bloy

  16. Corey, I see that you are already open to God’s grace, “awfully” loving isn’t it? All my Love to you and Dolores

  17. Beautiful and true.

  18. If you only knew how this post speaks to my heart. Thank you.

  19. Hi Corey!
    Always a pleasure to come over to your site and see your beautiful posts! 🙂 Pop by my site because I’ve given you a blog award!
    Hugs, Bebe 🙂

  20. Beautiful words coming from a beautiful lady!

  21. only broken people can begin to comprehend the scattered pieces we have inside, the cuts and scratches, the breaks and crushed bits rebuilt after pain. somehow that instant, silent compassion is missing from those who have only experienced superficial wounds. and yet, God balances the sorrow and opens us to a joy as intense and deep as the sorrow. what would my joy be if i had not known the sadness? i think the talmud hits it on the head when it says, nothing is as whole as a broken heart.

  22. You make the leap so wonderfully . . .

  23. Your post reminds me of Rumi’s poem ~
    Keep your eye on the bandaged place. That’s where the light enters you.
    true, true. I love your photograph.

  24. Wonderful post , my dear Corey .
    But don’t worry your heart IS OPEN .I love the photo , so meaningful

  25. Pure grace!

  26. Aaahhh Corey: I’m so sorry that you are still hurting soo badly. It will take time to heal. I hear your broken heart in your words. I’m sorry.

  27. Bonnie Buckingham

    Amazing to see a strand of truth
    in Aeschylus! Beautiful.

  28. This (as everything you do) is so beautiful! The photo reminds me of my grandmother’s home in the country (she had one in the city, too, but the country home has so much more character). Now, I am homesick. The good news? I’ll be staying there in just a few weeks!
    Thanks for the early taste of good things to come and for sharing your awesome talent. Also, HUGS, my friend — I’m thinking of you!

  29. sometimes, once in a while in between a fraction of a second there is this magic moment of a vision holding a gesture, perhaps a smile so real, a memory so close, sweet surrender…

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