Caught in between



The space in between. That is what this feeling is… not here nor there, not yesterday or tomorrow. It is the feeling of being somewhere in between. I can not label it as good or bad, nor accuse it as right or wrong. It is finding a balance after such a great loss. Wanting to have my normal everyday self back- yet knowing that the balance is no longer the same.

Mourning has many faces.

Living while striking a balance between those many faces.

Photo: A child's face between two eternal flames.


32 responses to “Caught in between”

  1. It is such a tough time. You just feel suspended in mid air – going no where.
    Take care

  2. When a close friend was killed in an accident about 28 years ago I felt time and eternity in the space of a few minutes. Can’t explain it any better than that.

  3. My love and hugs and many blessings to you and yours both near and far.
    Love Jeanne

  4. Time is internal time, hours have different meanings, long or short. Internal time. Let it go when it will be your time, come back to everyday life. Your father is always with you.
    A big hug

  5. Be careful that somewhere in between can lure you in and entrap you.
    When my son died many years ago it was agony.Questions unanswered, feelings of a loss so deep I thought I found solace by visiting the cemetery and sitting in the solitude to weep.It helped to fill the void created by his passing.As the seasons changed the frequency of the visits began to lessen, it became too difficult standing there in the heavy snow feeling in my heart that he was cold. You see I had become transfixed in this place of in between, wondering if life would continue as normal.
    Though I miss him with all my being I have come to realize I was gifted with a daughter several years later and she helped to return me to life.
    You have a beautiful and loving family and I am sure they miss you as you do them.Take that first step and embrace them when they arrive soon. They will help you heal and your time of in between will lessen if you let it.
    Your Father would approve.
    xo Susan

  6. This, too, will end – in its own good time, and not so much end as move into something new, a new balance, a new way of looking at your life, at how you think and feel about what remains to you. Your focus will shift from loss to what you still have, and that is good.

  7. It will get better, I promise. Life goes on with changes you eventually cope with.
    Much Love Corey

  8. Yes, I remember this time. You’ve explained it well Corey. Your joy for life will return but it takes time for the heart to heal…

  9. Corey, take your time in between… and after that you know you’ll always, always, have your Dad in your heart with you.
    A big healing hug*

  10. Hello Corey,
    Hug your children.. it has always helped me.

  11. Limbo.
    Hug those gorgeous children when they arrive and perhaps follow their lead.

  12. That is exactly the way it is, Corey…”the space in between”…you write it so well.

  13. It’s like when a piece from a mobile is removed, the whole is out of kilter.
    A different kind of balance will come.

  14. I remember that feeling so well Corey. For a period of time, you don’t know how to feel so you just don’t. It was like a waiting period and once ended, a door would open. Then there is that time of looking through the door but not passing through it yet. What waits on the other side is a great mystery and individually unique for each of us.

  15. I can just imagine what it feels like. Not only are you suspended in your loss, but between the love of two countries and two families…very far apart.
    I have only this {{{{{hug}}}} and my friendship to offer you. I hope it helps.

  16. Corey, I agree with many of the comments made by others, especially Susan’s. Something will come to you, maybe while you are in prayer, meditation or dreaming, but you will know that the time has come to step forward. Hard as it may be, you will be able to get out from between. Two years ago I can remember feeling a bit angry at how fast the world moves when my Dad died. I wasn’t ready to start moving and I felt that our culture expected me to just jump right in. I just didn’t have the energy to do much of anything. Two months later I went to the doctor, still experiencing the in-between feeling and she explained that in the medical texts three months is a normal period for grieving and we should allow ourselves the chance to grieve accordingly.
    Take your time. You aren’t on a time clock. You and your family remain in my thoughts and prayers.

  17. Later in this month it will be the one year anniversary of my father’s death. I am just now feeling that sense of being back on top of things. I have certainly been functioning and enjoyed many things in the past year, but internally, I feel I’m just now getting back to a feeling of right-ness.
    Love and hugs to you, Corey.

  18. Corey,
    I couldn’t help thinking of you when I wrote this post in my blog

  19. I’m sure it will take time Corey. You will find your balance again.

  20. Corey,
    I will be so glad for you when your French family arrives. I’m sure you have been quite busy loving and taking care of others. It will then be your time to be loved and taken care of.
    You are such a jewel. Thank you for always sharing your honest heart.
    Blessings and peace to you today.

  21. I remember the early days of loss feeling like time had no meaning, that I couldn’t find myself in time. Those feelings still come and go – I don’t know that it ever goes away completely.
    Be kind to yourself.

  22. It’s an odd feeling, this limbo that you’re left in. I’m so glad that you have the many little nieces and nephews around to lift the spirits. And I hope that the arrival of your children will be soon…

  23. dear corey, i have been away from blog world but you’ve been on my mind. time is the healer. time. and then, even after a year passes and then another, you hear their voice or catch a scent on the wind that reminds…but in time, you will be better. in time the tears subside. God Bless

  24. Learning to live again after my Mother passed away was the most difficult thing I have ever had to do. It is an unknown journey, the finality of it all is so unkind, something you think you are prepared for only to find out you were not prepared at all. Time, tears, and a loving family help tremendously. The pain never goes away, you just learn to live with it. Your posts are so contemplative, you are on your way; but knowing that, doesn’t make it any easier.

  25. Balance. That’s a huge word. Praying huge things for you even now, Corey.

  26. i know this feeling..
    xoxo nita

  27. Marie-Noëlle

    Oh, yes… feeling lost in time and in space…

  28. Being in between is being somewhere … hold on and know that this will shift. Peace & love, JP/deb

  29. God governs us all, and He certainly blesses us with the ability to adapt to whatever changes cross our mortal paths. You are loved, Corey, and this love (which comes to you from ALL over the globe!) will help sustain you!

  30. Elaine L.

    This is such a hard time. You must really miss home, but yet, when you go back everything will seem so changed.
    Do you hear anything regarding the “Love Birds”. How did March go?

  31. The feeling of being in-between – I know it well. It will take time, but you will feel like you belong again. Eventually, you will move forward. Blessings. x

  32. Tamara Giselle

    I did not realize it until I read this post that I am stuck in an in between place since my parents passing. I think I need to ponder this a little more because I am not so sure that it is good to stay with a foot in the past and one in the present because it is pretty hard to LIVE in this precarious position. I think I need to JUMP into life and get moving! You, as always, are a godsend to me.

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