Five Cents Worth



27 responses to “Five Cents Worth”

  1. When is Sacha coming?

  2. Ah, inflation!

  3. The best things in life are priceless!
    Big hug Corey.

  4. Blessings to you my darling one…………
    A coin tossed into the fountain for healing wishes and much love

  5. I’ll take five cents worth please 🙂

  6. WOW…you can still buy something for 5 cents?

  7. becky up the hill

    I’m glad you made it to the beach. As you said once, California is not long flat beach with Palm trees. The Sierra’s give us boundaries on one side, the rich valley with it’s vastness, the coastal range and oh the fragrance of the sea as you get close. You are a dairy and rice girl..I was a orchard girl…;o)..not far from one another growing up. Question? Do you pronounce the ‘L’ in Almonds? LoL…that is my 5 cents worth! I will be coming through your neck of the woods next week. 8th grade graduation. Then onto Redding, then into Oregon..where we take a hard left and go to our refuge by the sea. I’m so glad you were able to get to your beach. Blessings to you all.

    my five cents worth
    putting in my five cents
    my two cents
    my two cents worth
    putting in my two cents
    = to state one’s opinion.
    “Put my two cents in” originates from the older “put my two bits in” and has its origin in the game of poker. When playing poker you have to make a small bet before the cards are dealt called an “ante” to begin play in that hand.
    By analogy: something that gains your entry into the conversation.
    So, Corey, what would you like to converse about?

  9. 5 cents or 5 Euros – money can never buy happiness, but making little shabby signs like this for one’s garden is always fun! Bet this one is in your Mom’s garden Corey.
    I have many hanging around my garden – great way to use up pieces of old wood. My favorites are GAZEBO, SECRET GARDEN, BLOOMIN’, BIRDS BATHING and GATE. At least I won’t lose my way when ambling along on my daily garden walk!!
    Love and hugs – think of you always – glad you spent time at the ocean, always lifts and cleanses the spirit.

  10. Hey lady! I’ve missed you, I was subscribed to your blog and then all of a sudden I wasn’t! I love this photo! I’ve just finished planting seeds in my new veggie garden! 🙂 Marva

  11. 5 cents from you is worth millions in my book 😉

  12. When I was a kid my grandma [who had nothing] gave me ten cents a week. She would wait patiently while I picked out penny candy with it at the ‘corner store’. I would choose for the longest time, finally emerging with a bulging little brown bag.Now, when my kids need pocket money it usually means at least a $5…and that’s barely enough! Still reading and thinking of you everyday.

  13. Hah. The doctor is in!!

  14. A penny for your thoughts!! (or 5 cents worth.

  15. FIVE KISSES @ 5 cents !!!

  16. It all makes “cents” now!
    This photo reeks of the promise of summer, just like the little girl with a pincurl!

  17. This looks like something I’d find in My Mom’s gardens! Very rusty-ic. 🙂

  18. priceless…love this picture. Thinking of you in prayers and thoughts.
    love and blessings

  19. Lisa-Vet

    Still Here…..God Bless…Lisa-Vet.

  20. Just catching up after months of being away from blogging. I am so sorry for all the pain and sorrow you have been through. Your description of your father going to heaven was very moving. Peace.

  21. … when summers were warm filled with golden dreams…

  22. Jeanette

    How about a penny for your thoughts! Today my thoughts are scattered in the wind. But I am glad I have a good footing and evetually my thoughts will come together and with it a wonderful day.

  23. My 5 cents worth is that you are a lovely, wonderful woman and I hope you are finding peace and love in this transition period.
    When are you heading back to France?

  24. Sourire… Belle prise de vue.

  25. I really like this photo.
    xoxo Nita

  26. M-Noëlle

    5 will do for me…
    My children would add a 0 – (They prefer 50c!)

  27. Massilianana

    Oh I love this picture ! So poetic , so thought provoking , so light and funny . It could be anywhere in Alice in Wonderland ‘s garden…but I am sure it is in your mother’s ,isn’t it ? J’adore !

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