Little Girl


 Little girl with a pin curl, do you know how sweet you make the day go by?


Pigtails and ice cream, the tender moments of childhood that keep a smile tucked safely in one's heart pocket.



35 responses to “Little Girl”

  1. God bless the sweet little children and their tender magic moments that melt our hearts.
    Love Jeanne

  2. She’s so precious!!

  3. Always, always life goes on – it makes endings bearable, doesn’t it?

  4. What a little doll!
    Knowing it’s a rhetorical question I do know from my own experience what a sweet little girl can contribute to the healing of our grief stricken hearts.

  5. She is a cute as a button.

  6. So adorable – she should be the poster child for Summer.

  7. It’s the innocence and the fact they can live in the “moment”. Don’t you just want to squeeze her? xoxo

  8. Kids bring you outside of yourself that’s for sure. They’re a healing balm.

  9. She’s beautiful. Children do add so much joy to our lives.

  10. Who made that sweet pincurl for her . . . ?

  11. Before I even read Jeanne’ s comment I said to myself, “That melts my heart.” Oh my, that’s a sweet little girl. I need a grandchild …. bad. I does accentuate the point that life goes on.
    – Suzanne, the Farmer’s Wife

  12. What a little sweetie she is!!

  13. Children are so precious…truly a gift from above.

  14. She is a sweetheart!

  15. Is she the darling “Baby” with flower garland that I have seen in some of your family pictures? She has grown!!! What a doll. And what a beautiful reminder that life goes on.

  16. martina

    Awww what a wonderfully pretty little girl. Thank you for the photos and story.

  17. What a sweetie, and with a bit of suntan!
    I also enjoyed the post about your father’s flag and Memorial Day!

  18. Marie-Noëlle

    DELICIOUS ice cream
    DELICIOUS pig tail
    DELICIOUS little girl
    DELICIOUS moment
    DELICIOUS post

  19. Corey,
    I am glad to see that you are receiving little rays of sunshine in your days.

  20. This… is bliss.

  21. There is beauty, joy and grace to be found everywhere, is there not?

  22. Toute la douceur de l’enfance à l’état pur dans ces photos Corey !

  23. Sigh…lovely.

  24. Dearest Corey,
    When you focus on your little nieces and nephews, I think you produce some of your best work. The love your eye brings to these images is so warm and rich, like the BEST hot chocolate in the world.

  25. You’re nieces are adorable…
    I’m so glad that in this time of grief you have the joy of these sweet children surrounding you.
    Still thinking of you…

  26. She is just adorable, like summer personified.
    Still keeping thoughts of you tucked in *my* pocket as I reach in and feel the pebble there.

  27. Oh! My daughter had the same dress when she was about that age… brings back lots of sweet memories.

  28. A lovely, poignant sentiment. Innocence at its best.

  29. So sweet.
    Thinking of you

  30. A sweet girl indeed!
    Corey, your Memorial Day post is amazing! Thank you!
    It is also amazing that you’ve posted over 1,000 times. I’m speechless!

  31. Lisa-Vet

    Beautiful,Corey..God Bless 🙂

  32. Pure light!
    What an eye you have!

  33. Little girls in pigtails are just the most precious, they sure can bring a smile to one’s face!

  34. Little girls with curly pigtails make my heart melt like ice cream – so sweet!

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