The song continues to play, while the words carry me back, I am standing there for a split second and death cannot steal the memory that feels so real….
Grief has it own map, and it takes time to walk along the unknown path it puts before you. Walking, running, or standing still… the view remains the same, the rhythm beats on. I feel its strangeness, the sudden urge to run or cry or wrap myself up a blanket and hide. But grief does not let you go, no it might change its song and dance routine but it plays on. The pain is either embraced, or it embraces you without you knowing it gets under your skin.
It does not matter if the person you loved died young, old, after a long illness, or suddenly, or if you got to say goodbye…death sting and mourning has a song all its own.
As the floodgate open swirling memories around me, my heart hears a sad song…and dares not move-
Each step forward is one further away from the moment of when my father was alive. It is a new world and the song has me somewhat off balance. So I whisper to the new day,
"Sing softly I will listen."
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