Sleeping Beauty

After months of not sleeping more than a few hours a day my father slept 12 hours with only a few brief interruptions. I took comfort listening to him sleeping deeply and started to smile– then at the same moment I began worrying that my happiness might be short lived.

After months of sadness, I felt joy. The feeling rose quickly within me and I caught myself wanting to guard my moment of happiness. Could this be a sign that he is healing? Oh miracle! Oh wonder! Oh incredible life! Then at the same time a voice within me tried to hold down my happiness. Warning me to be careful, to look objectively, to LOOK at the whole picture and not just his first restful night in months as anything extraordinary.Pompeiipainting

Have you ever felt that way? Scared to believe in the moment because you doubt it could be true?

Do you ever have these dialogs inside yourself? One voice saying one thing and another voice saying another thing, and at the same time yet another voice that seems like a referee in the middle?

Well, those inner voices went on and on and finally a small voice within me stood up and said:

"Live the moment."

And with that I let the joy flood my soul and pour out into the room, surrounding my father’s bed and gushing out whatever way it wanted to go. I let it flow- and the energy was uplifting, healing and by far better than worrying about if it meant anything other that what it was:

Joy in the moment.

I decided to dedicate tomorrow’s post to color, to happiness, to the signs of spring, to everything I have held at bay; because I have been walking carefully around my father’s illness cautious to believe in any sign of hope.

My father is here. He is breathing. He is sleeping peacefully. He seems to be healing and although there is a long and uncertain road ahead of him he seems to take it as it comes…one moment at a time….

He slept well and that is something to be very happy about. Regardless what it might or might not mean.

Photo: A mural in Pompeii.


57 responses to “Sleeping Beauty”

  1. Dear Corey:

  2. yeah we should live the moment, everyday is a present and we should try to live each day as it comes 🙂

  3. Leslie Garcia

    Dear Corey,
    YES! YES! YES!…you make me feel like crying!
    Enjoy your feeling of relief…and JOY!

  4. Julie Ann

    Wise words. We all strive for this I am sure but somehow get caught in the minutiae. I do at least. Well done you Corey. Sleep is nature’s best healer. Jx

  5. Corey, you mentioned your cousin’s visit and her suggestion; could your father’s rest be related? Or…the fact that he slept well could mean just that. He slept well. And yes, we all have those conflicts within ourselves. I often feel like a dichotomy of myself.
    Hugs and Peace,

  6. Dear Corey,
    Sometimes we worry so much for the future that we forget to live in the momment and I am so glad you found your ‘joy in the moment’. I so understand about the two voices – the dialogue that can go on inside our heads and minds…holding onto hope can be scary, as we set can set ourselves up for hurt…but if we let go, the outcome can be so rewarding, even if fleeting. I can’t help but think all of your positive energy fueled your father. What a blessing!
    Sending prayers your way…

  7. Marie-Noëlle

    … I bet Little American Butterfly has been waiting for tomorrow…
    It’s been dreaming of gliding by in colour…
    In the meantime, Little French caterpillar is still keeping creeping around in its cocoon… away from the cold.

  8. I am glad you listed to the one that advised “Live the moment”! Blessings, Cat

  9. Joy…that mysterious,sometimes irrational gift! How wonderful that it was (and is) yours. I can feel your gratitude through your beautiful and wise words. Enjoy!

  10. And I truly believe that your joy will aid in his healing and add to his joy. It’s wonderful that you let it in. Thank you for reminding us to experience our joy!

  11. i am embarrassed to say how long it has taken me to even “get” this concept of being in the present, let alone really apply it to my life. what a beautiful gift your knowledge of this is & how uplifting that you share it with all of us…it is always good to be reminded that the present is all we ever have! love & prayers to all of you…

  12. It must feels so freeing and light to finally be able to live in the moment and appreciate it for what it is. No burden of worry to cloud the best of the present moment.
    I hope you get some marathon doses of sleep as well 🙂

  13. Yes, I have felt this many times in my life. I am happy your father was able to sleep.

  14. Hurray! So glad you and your father had a wonderful day.

  15. Oh dear Corey! Such wonderful news to read this morning! I am so happy for you and your Dad, both finding some rest and joy and peacefulness! I remember learning in Sunday School when I was little, the only thing that really exists is the “now” – you can’t touch the past, nor the future. Just as you said, “Live the moment”! hugs!

  16. Ed in Willows

    Corey – I have been following your blog for some time now. I have the same conflict that you feel. On one hand I am saddened for your father’s condition and this stressful time in your life. On the other hand, I am overjoyed with the happiness you are feeling at this moment. My wish is for continued happiness in your life as the sun rises on this beautiful spring day. Enjoy the moment! I can’t wait to meet you – Ed

  17. Praise God for the respite and good night’s sleep!!

  18. To live in the moment. Try and take in each precious moment. Every breath is precious. Peaceful sleep is a blessing. Sometimes I look at my little daughter when she’s sleeping peacfully and try to take in the moment. Sometimes she wakes when I’m near and says, “I love you Mummy”, instantly falling back to sleep. These are the precious moments.

  19. I think I would have felt like you, afraid to hope for the best in case those hopes were dashed. When it is dark and everyone is sleeping, that is when our fears are strongest. The angel/thought that visited you, and advised you to feel the joy was wise indeed. Sleep is good medicine, I hope it has begun it’s work on your Dad.
    Take this time to get some rest yourself.

  20. So many times I’ve felt that way…hardly able to breath…just waiting out the moment…but you say it so much better! 🙂
    Hold on to your miracle!
    I continue to pray!

  21. Oh, I am glad that you felt joy in that moment, seeing your father sleeping peacefully. That must have been a relief for you. And having hope is a very good thing. I hope you have time to rest, too.

  22. Corey so happy to hear that your father rested so well. Take each moment and enjoy the wonderful ones!!! The prayers are still coming your way!!!!

  23. This… just this… is where we are. When it is good we need to enjoy every juicy bit of it.
    Hugs as you start a new day.

  24. Been there many times–reluctant to feel the joy because it feels too much like having the rug pulled from beneath you when it ends. I’m so glad you are allowing yourself to feel it and be in the moment, Corey. I truly believe in the power of positive thinking and know that the joy you felt radiated to fill his room and wash over him as he slept.
    Sharing in your joy 🙂

  25. I love hearing that Corey!!
    I am glad for that!!

  26. Hope springs eternal. I am glad you are basking in the glory of the moment and able to be lifted up and outside the current circumstances taking joy in the simplest things like breath, sleep, rest, and changing tides. Be blessed this day will joy unspeakable, filling you up, and spilling it out on all those you come in contact with!

  27. Enjoy every drop of happiness and feel the sun on your face. I am smiling for you.

  28. I;ve thankfully had periods of joy that are unbelievably wonderful. The gratitude for these moments is huge and makes them even more precious. Come on George, keep getting better-we are all praying for you!!!

  29. This is wonderful advice. Corey it makes my heart jump with joy to see you have some joy and hope. Praising God for that.
    love and blessings

  30. Rejoicing with you!

  31. Joyful tears for you, dear Corey. What wisdom is there in that, Joy in the moment.
    Capture each sweet moment in your heart. So thrilled that there is rest for your Dad, and all of you, after all this time, and the flutter of hope.
    xo lidy

  32. I remember grabbing onto any sign of resting as a good sign. Any little change for the good was a good change. It was the only way to stay positive in the midst of so much negative. Love, Annie

  33. Always embrace joy – no matter how fleeting – the memory of it sustains us through the difficult times.

  34. Oh, I have those moments all the time – happy and then worried it won’t last. That it’s too good to be true.
    My mother always used to say, “Don’t borrow trouble.” I never knew what it meant until about a year ago when I began catching myself rushing headlong into worry.
    I’m so glad to hear your father had a good night and that you did too. xoxo

  35. Great news!!! Yes, just live in the moment!! His sleeping peacefully is reason enough to celebrate 😉

  36. I am also glad you listened to the “good” Voice! Please give my love to George.

  37. Live in the moment. Embrace the joy. Let the energy flow in and through you and all around you. Very good advice. More prayers for you and your family.

  38. Corey, I’m right there with you believing in a miracle! That is wonderful news that your father had a good night.

  39. Betty @ Country Charm

    Savor and appreciate each precious moment with your Dad….I’m sure he draws on courage from you that you don’t even realize you have…..Blessings, Betty

  40. Oh Corey it’s so lovely to see a smile in your words.
    Love to you all

  41. Oh, I hope you moments flow in the way you’d like . . .

  42. How wonderful Corey. This is happy news. I’m thinking that it was a wonderful thing your cousin came and gave those suggestions. Blessing to your father and you.

  43. How wonderful for you. I hope your father and joy and happiness gets better with each day.

  44. how i hate those conflicting voices! it’s much easier to say “live in the moment” than to do it, and so easy to repress joy for fear of pain to come. enjoy your happiness when it comes.

  45. Taking joy in the moment is the best way, since all we really have is “the moment”.
    All the best to you and yours.

  46. patpaulk

    Corey you are so right to live your moment. Hope is eternal, worry temporal. Your father sounds like a wonderful man, and y’all all are in my prayers. Dialogs inside my head…let me ask…

  47. Elaine L.

    It will be a year, ago, this May that my dad was in the hospital. It took a solid six months for him to recover. He’s not the same, but he is living his life in a new way and seems to be happy for each day he has with the great grandchildren.
    It’s so hard to watch someone suffer and want them to get better, but at the same time be willing to set them free.

  48. I’ve been keeping up with your life whilst I was away Corey. Now I see more brightness and perhaps days and nights less full of turmoil for your dear father…..and of course you.
    Stay strong, listen to your inner voice and have those moments of joy you so deserve. Remember we continue to hold you close.
    In friendship – Mary.

  49. Do I? Ah, yes, all the time. I have to remember to live in the moment. I meditate and do yoga to try to remember.~~Dee

  50. Corey,
    That is so great to hear that your dad had a good night! I have to admit that I am addicted to Tongue in Cheek. You are an amazing writer and keep me wanting more! God bless you and the family! Give your mom and dad a big hug for me!
    Love you!!

  51. That’s the way sweet Corey!!!! Live the moment as it comes, crying when you feel like it and bursting of joy when you feel it inside your heart. You have lived to much to be cautious if it’s prudent or not to rejoyce for simple (yet miraculous) things. Do what you’ve always did: Live it as it comes!
    Big love*
    Big hug*
    Love you*

  52. It’s so good to hear your dad had a good night’s sleep. Yes, live for the moment, Corey!
    Still thinking of all of you every day!

  53. Sleep is so important! It surely means that he is feeling better. I know exactly what you mean when you describe the tension between hope and fear of being hurt again by the reports that are scheduled to come in the next day, and you are right, as always, to live in the moment. Love to you.

  54. Corey – what wonderful news! By the way, give your Dad a Happy Birthday hug for me! Still keeping you all in my prayers…. Marva

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