Sitting Still


Being present to the moment-

To the kaleidoscope of emotions,

To the ever present play of light and darkness in the chasm.

Sitting still in the pregnant space… waiting without hurry.


27 responses to “Sitting Still”

  1. oh, to be in the moments…lovely thoughst as usual.

  2. Your writing is exquisite as you share these profound moments with us. Thank you for that gift.

  3. Very hard thing to do sometimes, but I’m glad you’re able to. You need a breather.

  4. Dear Corey,
    May you be enabled to live this day and all those to come during your silent vigil with simplicity, sincerity, and serenely. May you be enabled to repel every thought of discontent, anxiety, or discouragement as you sit in holy silence. In this time of quiet communion, may you be carried from strength to strength so you may bear this life’s strain and stress and find your peace and strength in Him. Amen

  5. Corey, that is not an easy place to be. You are handling it so well. xoxoxClarice

  6. Always a reminder to live in the moment- especially when I visit you, Corey.I hope your evening was peaceful.

  7. Bonnie Buckingham

    Love that “pregnant” space!
    Angels hovering around you all.

  8. That photo really works.

  9. You are doing a great job of keeping it all together Corey.
    Still with you,

  10. i think that when one is keeping a bedside vigil there is a certain aura of holiness that surrounds that space…it is a true blessing to all of us that you share the insights of that. it is a comfort to come here & pray for all of you…to remember my own vigils kept & access that peace they afforded. lots of love to you…

  11. Thanks for this gentle reminder to live in the moment.
    Still thinking of you every day.

  12. Being in the moment, ‘waiting without hurry’ – I am still learning to do that…thank you for the reminder~xOx

  13. Sometime when you feel like it give us an update on Eva and Mathieu!
    I’m praying for you

  14. Sitting still sounds so simple but it can be so difficult. Courage, ma brave!
    It reminds me of these lines from Tao Te Ching that I have taped on my wall:
    Do you have the patience to wait
    Till your mud settles
    and the water is clear?
    Can you remain unmoving
    Till the right action arises by itself?
    Love, Colette

  15. Corey,
    I remember those times when my father was ill with cancer. I don’t think that I had nearly the strength that you have, but maybe that is a faulty memory. Somehow we got through it, and then the time after his death. We were at least able to give him his dignity. My prayers continue for all of you.

  16. i can’t seem to sit…i can’t find much courage either…way too much happeing here..i have missed you…r

  17. I love and appreciate you immensely. Your art is often a light in the dark. It warms me when I am cold. You are a pillar of strength for a lot of people. Thank you.
    Charles 25 San Diego

  18. Thinking of you, always, Corey! Prayers continue for your father and all your family.

  19. waiting in the ‘pregnant space’… I think if we learn this well it can be a peaceful place to be in the midst of uncertainty. Hope you find some peace today. Love & prayers, Nel x

  20. Living in the now.
    The greatest approach.

  21. Thinking of you, Corey. Your posts bring back memories of my dear Italian mother-in-law. At age 95, she spent four months in a hospital bed in our home before her death. Sadly, dementia took away her here and now – but we were very happy to have had her with us for those months.

  22. Holding your hand, dear Corey…. xox Deb

  23. Lisa-Vet

    God Bless You, Corey. Think about you every day. Give your Dad a Big Hug. Lisa-vet.

  24. Corey,
    I just had a death in the family. He had cancer and fought and fought (for 2 years), it wasn’t until he was told “it’s ok, you can go” that the pain ended. It was difficult and sad and at times you think you won’t make it through the pain, and then you realize how strong you are and how that person will never leave your heart.
    Sending positive energy in this most difficult time.
    Ann Marie

  25. Rest in the moments dear corey. I will be lifting you all up in prayer and keeping you close to heart. Your words hold such strength.
    love and blessings

  26. Marie-Noëlle

    Beyond the stillness in your sitting there I can feel your warm and quiet words – and all the warm words that have been written back …
    You and your readers leave me speechless… So all I have to add is “I’m joining in with Tammy, Nel, Bonnie B, Charles, Qualcosa di Bello, …”
    Sitting still… with a boiling hot heart…

  27. Sitting still can be the hardest job of all. Faith is what makes it bearable.

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