The Rose


Many of you have asked how my mother is fairing? Let me tell you a story…

Years ago when I had cancer I took my chemotherapy treatments on the weekends. After the treatment we would go back to our apartment. I would go to bed while French Husband bundled up our children taking them to the park to play.

French Husband made sure I had everything I needed before he left. I looked forward to resting in quiet. Though one day soon after he left I started to feel terribly sick. Dog sick. I thought I would die! I couldn’t even make it to the bathroom and was vomiting off the side of my bed. I didn’t know what to do- except to pick up the phone on my bed and call my mother in California.

When my mother answered I could barely talk, I told her I needed help, that I was alone, that I was scared. In her quick-thinking-focused-get-the-job-done-self, she knew that telling me to dial 18 (the French 911) wasn’t what I needed considering I could barely talk English at that moment let alone French.

She said without blabbering emotion, "Corey roll out of bed…okay are you there? Okay crawl,  come on you can do it, crawl to the front door, throw the phone ahead of you…. Hello? Corey are you there? Okay do it again crawl, throw the phone ahead of you…. Okay, open the front door…come on you can do it…good, good, now crawl to your neighbor’s door, and when they answer pass them the phone."

My mother is the rock rose in the family.

You see my mother knows how to cope under pressure, she knows how to get the job done, she has what it takes to do what one has to do… and does it. My mother has been by my father’s side everyday for the last two months…and if I didn’t stay here in the evenings, she would literally camp alongside of his bed too.

My mother’s first name is Tough. Her middle name is Firecracker. Her last name is Faithful.


96 responses to “The Rose”

  1. you are blessed to have a mother with such strength…she can calm the fears no matter how far away she is…

  2. And you seem to be Ms Tough Firecracker Faithful, Jr…what a family ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. Hugs to both of you Tough Firecracker Faithful ladies. What examples you give us for our own hard times.

  4. She’s obviously a special gal with a special family.

  5. TFF is incredible.) I admire her strength and tenacity.
    Like mother like daughter ๐Ÿ™‚

  6. Like mother like daughter …
    I cannot even begin to imagine what it must have felt for your mother, knowing that you were there all alone. My love to both of you. You have been through so much together.

  7. christine

    Dear Corey – the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree….although i only know you and your family via your daily musings i can tell you are very much like your mother and your father…..such lovely traits to possess….continued prayers for you and your family as always…..christine

  8. La Donna

    Please tell Tough Firecracker Faithful, we love her.
    La Donna

  9. Ahhhhh…mothers…what would we do without them! Beautiful story Corey!

  10. My dear, blogging friend, Corey, that was one wonderful essay. In Oklahoma, we have rose rocks carved by wind water and time from the sandstone. They are tough yet beautiful. You’ve inspired me.~~Dee

  11. God bless your darling Mother and all of you.
    I pray for you all.
    I love you.
    I am always here for you.
    Love Jeanne

  12. I have so much respect for people like your mother. They get the job done, without fuss or fanfare. Yet somehow they never lose that softness we seek when we need comfort.
    Reading this I remember the post where you showed your parents hands clasped together.
    It brings a lump to my throat, we should all be so lucky to have what your parents have.
    My love to you all..

  13. Corey, That was a lovely, loving post. My prays continue to be with you and your family.

  14. Your mom is one of those who doesn’t panic in the face of a crisis. She looks it square in the eye and comes up with a solution and that’s an awesome talent.
    I guess I haven’t been reading your blog long enough to have read the entry about your experience with cancer. You seemed to have found a secret in dealing with disease….which is embracing it..accepting it….and doing the business of dealing with it. To some it comes naturally and acceptance is freedom.

  15. My mom is like that, too. Last year, my then fiance was on tour, 3000 miles away, and I got food poisoning. It was BAD!!! I called my mom in the middle of the night, and she drove up to my house and sat next to me for the rest of the night talking me through it, comforting me.
    How blessed we are to have mothers who are tough and beautiful.

  16. Beautiful tribute to your mom, Corey. Both of your parents sound like wonderful people. What a gift to you from God to have such parents.
    I did not know you had had cancer. Maybe you will share the story sometime?
    Blessings to you and your family!

  17. That is beautiful! We should all have mothers like that.

  18. Sounds to me as though we might have the same mother! lol My mother has been a rock for me especially whenever I’ve been sick which has been quite a bit over the years. How wonderful to have someone like her in your life! You are blessed.

  19. Corey,
    I see now where your inspiration for strength, courage, and tenacity come from, they are gifts from God in the form of your mother! She has often been in my thoughts also. Thank you for sharing such a pretty picture, not the one at the top of the post, but the one of your mother!

  20. constance lefevre forehand

    you are a family of beautiful loving people. praise GOD for HIS comforting spirit. connie

  21. Your mother is a very special person Corey. I’m so glad you are there for one another right now! God bless each of you! I think of you.

  22. Like Mother, like Daughter… Beautiful Corey… Thinking of you and your family DAILY!

  23. Julie Ann

    Amazing lady. I think she has passed on some of that strength too. Peace love and strength to the A team, Jx

  24. Corey ~ your mom sounds like someone you would want in your corner for sure!
    As you are describing her it sounded like it was you…
    The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree dear.
    hugs & love

  25. Dear Corey, what an amazing and blessed woman your mother is. I have been praying for her, as well as your family during this time. I will continue to pray for strength. Love Clarice

  26. have been following your family’s saga all along, holding your carefully in my heart and thoughts but feeling certain all your other blogging friends have you well covered and I needn’t speak aloud. But this post with the beautiful flower remedy analogy moved my fingers to the keyboard. Dear Corey. Here I am, another person who cares and, as always, has her hand extended to you to catch and hold tightly, as need be …

  27. Beautiful.
    Your mother has a lovely name.

  28. I’ve said it before, but let me repeat myself: I love your Maman. I pray for her too. Colette xoxo

  29. Your mom sounds like the rescue remedy of the family, for certain. In one of those funny synchronicities of life, just yesterday, my husband and I were trying to think of the name of these lovely shrubs on our hillside, having one of those moments when the words escape us both – then we remembered, how silly – how could we forget ‘rock rose’! I had to go tell him about this post, even before I commented. Now, we will think of your strong, lovely mom when we look at these flowers. ((Hugs)) to you both, Corey.

  30. Your mother is my new hero, Corey. She is living a life worth emulating. You continue to be in my prayers.

  31. LOve it as tenacity mixed with love is the strong suit I see also in my mom and hope to emulate myself. anne

  32. What a beautiful woman whose steps you are fortunate enough to follow!

  33. Your mom sounds like an amazing woman! God bless her! xo, Lynda

  34. What an amazing tribute to your mother. I admire her very much. Just as I admire you. Your dad is very blessed to have the two of you by his side. What I see here is 3 cords tightly woven and not easily broken. I know your brothers are there as well but the three of you seem to have a special bond right now.

  35. Dearest Corey, Be sure to give your mother a great big hug from me. I could truly hear your mother’s voice as you recounted this story; a voice filled with warmth, reassurance, and absolutely no nonsense. She is awesome. Annie

  36. …and you are your mother’s daughter.

  37. Oh Corey. xxx

  38. Another new hero for me. Step by step I am learning how to be a great woman by listening to people talk about their mothers, sisters, teachers. Thank you.

  39. my fervent prayers are flying to heaven as incense before the face of God on behalf of you, your father, and your family. my heart aches for your sorrows. i send blessings and prayers of peace to you.

  40. And her true name is LOVE…
    Meilleurs voeux!!

  41. Marie-Noรซlle

    “rock rose”…
    So hard a name for a French person to pronounce (R’s) … and yet so delicate a flower to dream of…

  42. Paris Parfait

    What a beautiful tribute to one very strong woman! xoxox

  43. Wow, she’s like a Southern Steel Magnolia!!

  44. My love to your dear Mother and of coure to you too Corey, like mother like daughter.

  45. Corey,
    Not only is your mother a rock rose she also a red rose. A red rose is a sign of love and thats what your mother shares with everyone. Your mother and father should teach us all what loves about…
    Dolores + George = True Love Forever Through Thick And Thin!

  46. Corey,
    Though I know you only through your blog, I feel moved to tell you I think of you during this difficult time, and pray for your family. What a loving Mother you have, and the loving, fitting name you have given her has me moved to tears. My thought are with you all, may peace be yours…

  47. You have an amazing mother Corey. You are pretty amazing yourself.
    My prayers are with all of you!

  48. Sounds like the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree, Corey ๐Ÿ˜‰

  49. Her daughter’s name is…Chuck.
    Love you.
    The acorn falls not far from the tree dear Corey. You are quite capable yourself.
    Take care today…xoxo

  50. Corey, I love your mother

  51. Dear Corey’s Mum,
    Take a little care of YOU, if you can.

  52. Corey – I had totally forgotten about your triumph! You and your mother are awesome ladies! Still praying for all of you…..

  53. I would say that the Portuguese in her makes her tough. But, instead I will tell you that I wish my mother was just a tiny bit like yours.

  54. Corey,
    Your mom is my mom…I wish I were like them. I am a puddle of tears, always…You are blessed to have her for your mother.
    May angels touch you and yours this evening,

  55. ………….and even when you are across the pond I know you are still so close. It was like that for me when I still had my strong Mother. 3000 plus miles between us but we still felt one another’s hearts beat.
    As always, my love to you both.

  56. Now I understand why you are so incredible, you come from an incredible woman.

  57. I think you are very much like your mother… Nel xx

  58. Elaine L.

    She sounds like my mom. Tom Brokaw, was right when he refered to them as “The Last Great Generation”. Being Portuguese, also, helps.

  59. You are a rose from the same vine Corey. Sending blessings and prayers as always, for you and your family, your parents, God bless and keep you safe.

  60. The apple doesn’t fall from the rose bush. Mixing metaphors for you tonight. Thought a smile was in order.

  61. Barbara Jordan

    Dear Corey,
    First, let me thank you for your kind message of condolence on the loss
    of my dear mother. Yes, I have seen the Universe in her eyes, not as
    she held my gaze, but as she saw beyond me, her feet becoming planted in
    the next world. Yes, who could doubt Heaven after having the privilege
    of making this extraordinary journey, as far as we humanly can, with
    those we love. Please accept the Healer’s gentle touch for your Dad,
    for you and for your family.
    I find it helpful to share my feelings regarding this
    most intense yet blessed journey.
    When my dear Mother died, it seemed as if she laid her strength on my
    shoulders like a mantle, as if saying “Here, take it. I have no use for
    it any longer. It is yours”. Like your Mom, as I read today, her
    second name was ‘strength’. It guides me now.
    As ever, you and your family are in my prayers.
    Barbara Jordan
    your France-loving Canadian

  62. Mothers. My Mother is a Rock Rose too. I remember when my daughter was born and my husband had returned to work I found it so hard on my own. I simply picked up the phone and I couldn’t even speak through the tears. She just said, “I’m coming.” I think of her as the mother I want to be. We are lucky to have such women to be our role models.

  63. What a beautiful picture of strength. And what a beautiful legacy to pass on.

  64. Thinking of you and your family. xxx.

  65. Dear Corey, what a blessing your entire family must be; I’m praying for all of you during this time. You are a strong woman yourself . . .

  66. Dear Corey,
    My heartfelt sympathy goes out to you and your family during this trying time.
    M Read

  67. This is such a beautiful tribute to your mom…as are you, Corey.

  68. What a beautiful testimonial to a Mother’s love and strength. But, how is she?

  69. Inspiring, I am so inspired by both your mother and your father during this phase of their life together. I draw strength from hearing their faithful story and I share it with those I meet too.

  70. Sounds like you are both amazing women! Saying a prayer for you all. (Also I love the photo on the flower on the window sill in your next post. It’s beautiful!)

  71. This is the kind of woman I want to be.
    ox Thinking of you. I have something that I will send very soon. ๐Ÿ˜‰
    oxox ๐Ÿ™‚

  72. Your family is an inspiration, generations of strong women and amazing male supporting members ๐Ÿ™‚

  73. Dear Corey,
    I was not able to comment on today’s blog (Monday’s), so I do it here. I hope you are feeling strong today, the flowers of today’s post do look reassuring, like a messenger from the world beyond the window.

  74. Thank God for our Mothers. This post brought tears to my eyes. God has blessed you. Thinking of you. Blessings. XO

  75. What a beautiful tribute to your Mother and a perfect way to describe her for all of us who do not know her. Thanks also for the story of your Father and his sister – angels indeed. I believe that the angels are ministering to all of your family during this time and I hope and pray that you feel the comfort they bring.

  76. Your mother is perfection. She is doing what comes naturally to any GOOD mother.
    Much love to you all

  77. Like Mother, like daughter. Prayers for you all Corey.
    I couldn’t help but notice the beautiful rose in the photo. As one who does ribbon embroidery, I admire the detail in that lovely piece. Could you share the whole needlework?

  78. Corey,
    A virtuous lady you have for a Mother…a biblical example.
    I’m sure if the tables were turned, your Father would be the same steadfast rock to your Mother…the result…a caring, faithful daughter… all are in my prayers and know our Heavenly Father holds you all in the palm of His almighty hand…..Betty

  79. I’m just now catching up on a few recent posts……
    Corey..this has got to be one of the most incredible stories about a mother that I have ever read. Makes me want to sit by your mother’s side, soak in her spirit and learn all she has to offer! Bless you all…and as always…
    Hugs to you all,

  80. I wish my kids can say this about me someday…what a great role model you have.
    Peace and blessing to you and your family

  81. how this post reminds me how much a mother loves. something i forget sometimes in the midst of my own relationship with my mother.
    your mother is incredible corey. a blessing…a beautiful blooming blessing in the middle of your family.
    sending you all peace…

  82. Not sure if I’ve commented you, but I love your blog – thank you for it’s insightful beauty ๐Ÿ™‚
    This post made me smile for memories; and I am sending you thoughts of peaceful days. I know the cycle of caring and how my mother always says she never wanted to be the “last resort” or the “final answer” with all of the family history and random questions. I guess it happens to us all at some point, but when my own daughter almost left me, I wasn’t as strong as I had hoped – or as strong as my own mother. I suppose that is why I am fortunately learning how to handle her teenage stresses….life is making me try to be a rock rose.
    Looking forward to reading more things from your heart in the future. xo

  83. Oh Corey,
    All mother’s should be made out of the same mold as your mother. That Rock Rose is quite a beauty, heart and soul.
    Always in my thoughts and prayers,

  84. Really a rock rose… Don’t know why it is said that women are weak. My mother is like this, too. Perhaps, women of this generation are stronger than we are. I hope I get so strong, too, when I need it…
    I think very often of you and your family. Wishing you strength for this day-by-day-living, and all the best for your father!

  85. patpaulk

    Everyone should have a mother like that. Perfect way to answer the question.

  86. Oh!!!Corey, this story made me smile…I have a Mother just like yours…and I have inherited this ability, to be the one to handle things when things are under pressure…she said modestly ๐Ÿ™‚
    You are in my thoughts everyday. I say prayers for your Father, You and your whole Family.
    You are all amazing…I wonder how your Father is doing?

  87. How fortunate your family is to have such a mother–a rock when you need someone strong, the best cookie baker around when a small hand needs something warm and comforting to hold (and nosh), and the twinkle in your eye when you least expect it. And I can see that the apple hasn’t fallen far from the tree.

  88. The thoughts and prayers of this stranger go with you, as your journey proceeds. What a blessing you can return the favor and now become the rock rose for your dear Mama and Papa.
    Note to self: read Tongue in Cheek BEFORE applying mascara.

  89. Julie G. Baxley

    I love your mother!

  90. You learned well.

  91. nice words, nice embroidered flower…

  92. Oh Corey!…

  93. What a illustration of your mother. A few words and I feel like I really know something wonderful about her. Your family is often on my mind. May God continue to bless you all.

  94. Corey, I love your mother’s name! ๐Ÿ™‚ And I suspect that your own name goes after hers. With a french gentle touch. ๐Ÿ™‚
    Big hug.

  95. love your blog and your honesty that is shared.

  96. Jan Vercammen

    Your words about your mother were so powerful I burst out crying while reading them. I have been away, living with my parents in another city for the past few weeks, so am only getting caught up with your blog now that I have returned home. My folks are so fragile looking, in their 80’s; while they struggle to live with Dad’s cancer, but they are also strong as steel. Watching them care for each other has shown me a new dimension to their relationship that I never took note of before. My mother has been a rock all my life, but she took time to sit with me alone to tell me of her heartache and here fears; making me feel closer to her as a woman than at any other time in my life. I lost my husband to cancer when he was young, and Mother knows I have experienced what she is going through. She knows there are things she will not have to say for me to understand. Although she is old and delicate as porcelain, I still look to her to make my father feel her strength, while knowing he is dying. I cannot do much for them right now, but I promised my mother I would come back, knowing she will need me to help with Dad’s care and to hold her up if she should falter.
    You have an amazing perception that I identify with; and the way you write about the people you love makes me love them too. Thank you for sharing.
    – Jan

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