The Prayer Beads

My father prayed his rosary. As the beads went around his hand I drifted back to a time when I was five years old-

I am in bed with my Ava (grandmother in Portuguese,) she is saying the rosary the steady cadence of her voice mixed with the silence of the night is soothing. I fall asleep.


Last night my father’s eyes were heavy as he said his rosary. It has been a few weeks since he was able to thread the beads between his fingers. His strength regains. His breathing was labored. His chest rose and fell steadily as he prayed. After the last decade of the rosary, the last bead, he slowly tried to make the sign of the cross but fell asleep.

My Aunt Ann (my father’s older sister) told me that when my father and her were children, that she would go into his bedroom, climbed into his bed early in the morning, and the two of them would pray side by side. "I wonder who initiated prayer George or I?" She asked me to ask my father if he could remember.

Later when my father woke up I asked him. In his eyes I saw a spark as he recalled the memory… he replied, "The angels."


                                                               Angels are you listening?


51 responses to “The Prayer Beads”

  1. Thank your father for the sweet smile he gave me today 🙂

  2. Angels protect you always
    and may God in Heaven hear your prayers………..
    I send my love
    and blessings and hugs
    Love Jeanne

  3. That is the sweetest most touching story. I’ve crumpled into tears thinking of the image of your dad and his sister praying together.

  4. You have a beautiful family…
    What a wonderous memory to share!
    God bless!

  5. Such a beautiful image – your father and his sister prayer together, side by side. What strikes me is your family’s strong faith. Can you possibly imagine going through this difficult time without faith to sustain you?

  6. this is so beautiful! how can we ever know how these moments will filter through the years… most nights when i retire upstairs to pray vespers or compline, my youngest will follow. this year i’ve started saying them in italian some nights & he told me he loves listening to these holy words. so many times he will fall asleep at my side…the angels tucking us in. (if i am very tired & feel i might fall asleep when praying i ask my guardian angel to please finish for me if i do.) much love & prayers to all of you

  7. Good morning Corey – I’m enjoying the lovely colors of your photos today. Glad your father is able to sleep. This will help him through the long days and nights. Perhaps enable him to recall the wonderful incidents of his childhood – to share lovingly with you now and then.
    Angels are everywhere even when invisible – they are caring for him and you.
    Holding you close to my heart.

  8. Corey,
    Our father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name……….
    Hail Mary, full of grace….

  9. La Donna

    You, and the angels touch my heart.

  10. Your Dad’s strong faith reminds me so much of my own Dad’s strong faith…what a wonderful heritage we have.

  11. That is so beautiful

  12. So moving. Your words are from them, also, calling us to prayer.
    Praying for you…

  13. Judy Morphis

    I wonder if you realize how many people’s hearts you touch with your beautiful ramblings of your life. Your sweet father and you are such an inspiration. Prayers for you all.

  14. Marie-Noëlle

    Listen… They’re listening…
    A blissful memory !

  15. How poignant!

  16. ((hugs)),

  17. Of course they are. And so are we.

  18. Cory, I read every day here — it has become a quiet haven of time & mental/heart place where I feel with and for you. Your father’s faith resonates and teaches, and your willingness to share these intimate, difficult, lustrous & crying moments is an equal lesson. Thank you, deeply.

  19. they are always listening

  20. They are listening, dear Corey, they are listening! In Scripture it says that they carry the prayers of the saints in golden bowls up the throne of the Father and lay them at His very feet. Not only are they listening, they are bearing forth those messages on behalf of all those praying! Keep believing, keep hoping, keep praying and I will do the same.

  21. As a small child, my Grandma would listen to my prayers. Then she would softly say her prayers with her thick Norwegian accent. Her prayers seemed to take much longer than my little six year old child’s prayers. However, it made me realize, even then, how very much we have to be thankful for and how important family and friends are. I like to think now that Grandma is one of my angels…

  22. What a wonderful post.

  23. Precious. I have no words. Prayers as you travel this path.

  24. That is so beautiful, Corey! How wonderful that you and your father could share this memory!

  25. Elaine L.

    That’s beautiful.
    When I was a little girl, I remember spending the night with my grandparents. I was not raised Catholic, so the Rosary seemed very mystical to me. I remember peaking thorugh the keyhole to my grandparent’s door and watching my grandfather say the roasry in Spanish. He did this each night before he went to sleep.
    He would kneel in front of his devotional display of candles and statues. Whenever I travel and visit a catholic church, I can’t help but light a candle.
    When I got older, I realized that saying the rosary was a beautiful form of meditation.

  26. Not only are they listening Dear Corey, they are watching over you both, through the long night. Your Dad seems so strong emotionally, and it has to be because of his faith. That he can now do his rosary once more is good news.
    Thinking of you, and sending you good wishes..
    love Sheila

  27. I get so filled up from reading your blog. Thank you for sharing your life and your wonderful words!

  28. beautiful ~
    The angels are not only listening Corey, they are with you and your family guarding with their wings.
    sending you warm hugs

  29. What a wonderful family memory. I am sure he was so happy that you helped him recall it.
    Not only are the angels listening, but they surround you both with their love…everyday.

  30. Corey, Your father is so right in that – angels, indeed.
    Someone once told me in a time like yours, you must never be afraid to ask, you just have to know where to go to ask for it. Your father knows where to go and so do you ~ how sweet he can give you an answer.

  31. That was a very nice memory Corey.
    I feel better hearing that.

  32. What a lovely memory to share. I’m sure that angels are close to all of you.
    Love and blessings, Star

  33. What a sweet memory, and what a beautiful answer from your father.
    Busy as they may be nowadays, still, for such a loving, generous heart – I think they must be listening…

  34. My prayers are with you, Corey. You dad is surrounded by so much love.

  35. What a lovely thought…angels…
    love, prayers & blessings…

  36. The faith of your family is just beautiful…I once again am so moved by your post. May the angels surround you and your family during this difficult time. I am still praying and thinking of you.

  37. Once again I am so moved by your words and family…the angels are here with us!!! Still praying and sending you love my dear Corey.

  38. To me there is nothing sentimental about your father’s clear, concise answer … in times of severe crisis, people speak simple truth. This is absolutely true. God bless your father.

  39. Corey, may you never lose the grace with which you see the world and those you love. You are always in my prayers.

  40. This is another beautifully written post Corey…
    Yes, the angels are listening. I have no doubts.

  41. (((((ahhh, Corey))))

  42. They are there the angels, wih you. you as well, you are the angle to your father and he is yours.
    A big hug Corey

  43. They are there the angels, wih you. you as well, you are the angel to your father and he is yours. You are both angels to us.
    A big hug Corey
    (sorry, the mesage went without correcting or finishing)

  44. You know you are an angel for your dad right Corey? I know my dad had an angel, too. Girls and their dads. Heavenly.

  45. Dear Corey, I’m a portuguese living in France. While looking into some blogs just found yours and I loved it. Nice how you still remember how to say grandmother in portuguese, but is written avó (the ó with an open sound that doesn’t exist in english.
    Thank you for sharing such nice things with us.

  46. Corey,
    You have touched and moved my heart in such a way. I am deeply sorry for the sorrow and pain you are experiencing right now. Know that You are surrounded by angels. I will pray for you and your family. Thank You for sharing this.

  47. amen,
    ((((love, prayers, hugs))))

  48. Hi Corey,
    I was so moved by this post. And i am praying for you and your family….maybe our prayers make heavenly beads?

  49. i love the stories you tell. thank you.

  50. Corey, such a beautifull story! Each day I love your family more and admire your Father’s strenght. Also love the fact that you had a portuguese “Avó”. Was her the one from Azores?
    Tell your Father I think he’s a sweet(for all the stories you told us, including the ones about barnyards and motorcycles!)

  51. I agree with Suzanne, I love your family more and more each day.

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