The Song that Heals: music from the heart.

Img_2040 Like a gentle grace the sound of someone singing came sipping in from the room next door. What peace it brought. I smiled softly, while tears formed like raindrops splashing on the puddle called myself. Music can be such a healing power can’t it?

The man next door (to my father’s hospital room,) is dieing. His family pours into his room like a steady stream. As they sing their voices surround him with tenderness. I kept wondering if I am hearing angels?

Ah I tell you their voices sound like loving arms carrying their father to the next part of his journey. A gentle surrendering, shared compassion, a tender farewell, as they carry him to the threshold singing in harmony, “Fear not!”

The songs they are singing heal and caress these wounds and fill the halls with a serenity. A medicine I recommend in strong doses.

Photo: An angel statue from a church next to my home in France.

Note: Threshold Choirs honor the ancient tradition of singing at the bedsides of people who are struggling: some with living, some with dying. The voice, as the original human instrument, is a true and gracious vehicle for compassion and comfort. The choirs provide opportunities for women to share the sacred gifts of their voices at life’s thresholds. Thank you Deirdre for sharing this link with me.


51 responses to “The Song that Heals: music from the heart.”

  1. A friends husband passed away last year, far too young. Some of the most beautiful, peaceful moments he experienced through his illness was his friends singing over him… blessing him and lifting him up. Music is so healing to the soul. I am glad you are being blessed by their singing. Perhaps it truly is angels.

  2. How beautiful and tender are songs of loved ones…..and their voices and their love.
    Thanks for all that you share.
    Love Jeanne

  3. to your father, the music drifting into his room probably sounds like the angels…
    sent by God to ease his soul…

  4. constance lefevre forehand

    i still love the little 2 year old kate whisling for your father

  5. I think this so clearly illustrates how WE are now the body of Christ in physical form. Hearts prompted by HIS love to offer hands to help, feet to join in another’s journey when needed, arms to give an encouraging embrace, lips to offer encouragement, praise, glory to the Father, and peace for the next step of the journey.
    Yes, I believe that in this family’s sweet ministering to their own father, God is honoring their gift and magnifying it’s purpose to bless your family as well. A powerful word of encouragement and blessing sent from God himself, to strengthen you on the journey

  6. calling all angels, shooting voices towards clamness and peacefullness… a gentle guidance into the final voyage!!
    magical moments!

  7. Dear Corey,
    I couldn’t not agree more, music is universal and its healing powers are without limit. I once heard in a beautiful gothic church a choir sing Fauré’s “In paradisum” (In paradisum deducant te angeli – May the angels lead you into paradise), two of the voices belonges to my eldest girls, a moment of peace I shall never forget. Here’s a link, where you can listen to this beautiful melody:
    Gentle hug!

  8. How very true! Often when I need to pray, I silently sing my favorite church hymns to myself. One favorite hymn starts off, “Father, we thy loving children, left our hearts in joy today. Knowing well that Thou wilt keep us ever in Thy blessed way.” =)

  9. oops! That should be “LIFT our hearts” (not “left”).

  10. We, too, sang to my MIL. She would sometimes weakly mouth the words with us; other times, she would close her eyes and we knew she was feeling Peace. It was healing for us, calming for her and as I read your entry, hopefully soothing for others as well.

  11. I close my eyes and listen to the lovely angel voices…sent to you in this time of need.
    I think of your Father everyday. Blessings to you and your Family.

  12. Absolutely there is nothing like music to soothe your aching mind, body, and soul.
    We sang to my dad.

  13. Isn’t it just like God to take the blessing meant for one and share it with many? Thank you Corey.

  14. I’m so glad you are blessed by their voices. Enjoy!

  15. I posted last week about the memories this journey has stirred up for me. I spent time singing by my Grandmothers bed. It was calming for her and dealing for me. I never thought about the effect it mught have for others.
    We continue to pray for all of your family at this time.

  16. OH this makes me weep just reading it. I don’t know if I could sing without crying. What a beautiful thing that is.

  17. I think music is powerful Corey.
    My prayers are with you,

  18. The fifth century African Bishop, St Augustine, famously said “He who sings, prays twice”.

  19. How does that song go? “…Be not afraid, I go before you always….” I heard it once at a Catholic funeral and it has stuck with me. How reassuring such a hymm must be.

  20. Music for the soul, as heard in the whistle of a young child, harp music played each evening as I laid in the hospital, singing of family members for a dieing dear one, and music played in a great cathedral. How music feeds each of us, blesses us, and give us peace. Corey, thanks so much for sharing your journey. Bless you and your family.

  21. Once in a while parishoners at the Catholic Church in the next block will do a procession around the block. First you hear the faint voices singing like angels, they get louder and then you see the parishoners and the beautiful statue come into view. Passersby often stop and bow their heads. It always is a comfort and joy to see this.

  22. Well that got my eyes welled up! Lovely!

  23. Music is soothing to the heart and soul. It is what most often brings me strength, peace, and healing. I am so glad you are being blessed by those beautiful angel voices. I continue to pray for you and your family Corey.
    love and blessings

  24. julie chritie leary

    How beautiful! Still thinking of you daily…

  25. Corey- This brought tears to my eyes. I am sure he is comforted with every song.

  26. Terri B in Oregon

    If I could send you a healing song, I would. If I could send a healing Angel, I would. But instead I send my heartfelt prayers and thoughts.

  27. You’re so right about the effect song can have on us. What a blessing to you to be able to share in their music and allow it to lift you up and comfort you. Angels are near and keeping tender watch over you and your family.

  28. Music does soothe the soul. I am glad the ministering voices reach your ears and soothe your heart. Praying the Lord keeps sending you little moments of blessings as you keep your vigil.

  29. today in my mother’s nursing home…i heard a lady singing her own song for home-going. “what a friend we have in jesus”

  30. What a beautiful image; what a beautiful idea on the part of the family.

  31. Yes, music. My younger brother spent a night with our dad before he died and played Glenn Miller, etal for him. They had always enjoyed this music together in times past. WHile Dad was in coma, we all took turns with him, never leaving him alone. I was comforted by the thought that God designed families for this. To shepherd one from this life to the next. I visualize that the other side greeted Dad with family too.
    Your journey with your Dad is beautiful to read. Anne

  32. yes, music talks to the soul always…and some of it, when talks really to us synchronises feelings and thoughts and makes us spread love
    So beautiful posts Corey!
    like music….

  33. The power of music…it can bring forth happiness or sadness.
    ((hugs)) to you Corey and your family.
    *on a happier note-love your article in the current Romantic Homes magazine. 🙂

  34. Betty @ Country Charm

    What a beautiful way to honor a loved one…with music…
    Many years ago I attended a funeral out in the country in the spring….azalea’s and dogwood trees were in full bloom….as ‘Miss Verna’ was taken out of the hearse…the birds began singing just like a heavenly chorus….it was so appropriate for a lady who had given her life in service to our Heavenly Father……
    Praying that your Dad is resting and at peace…..God Bless….Betty

  35. What a wonderful gift, to be sung aloft . . .

  36. Corey,
    I think of you and your family every day.
    take care,

  37. How touching and beautiful. I just love the way you capture/share life!

  38. Hi Corey…whenever I am feeling very downhearted, music always works wonders.I believe Music is one of the most extraordinary things God has given us. It inspires,lifts you up, helps you remember, helps you to heal. A couple of years ago, while at Sunday Mass, the priest had mentioned that a very elderly nun who used to teach at the parish school had passed away. She had been known for her beautiful singing voice. This nun by the way, had taught my mother as a little girl, and mom had talked about this Sister with the voice of an angel, countless times. Soon after the priest made the announcement, while preparing to do the Consecration, the most amazing singing was heard,a song sung in Latin.Who WAS that singing?(No one else was singing and no one in our parish even remotely had a voice like we were hearing)…We were looking for the direction of it as we could not pin point it.We saw no one singing… It gave us goose bumps it was so lovely. Even the priest at the altar,stopped what he was doing for a the moment and looked around.Now the interesting part of this story is this…not everyone heard the singing even though it was loud.My mother was a little shaken because she had heard it as well even though she was sitting in a different part of the church with one of my other children…she said it sounded exactly like the nun who had just passed away.To this day,we know we were privy to hearing the angelic voice of this deceased nun.It still give me goose bumps! Prayers for your dad and you and your family, sorry this was so long Corey!

  39. Sweet post, Corey. Their voices were soothing many. This message brings tears.
    As always, my thoughts are with you all.

  40. patpaulk

    I have been grieving the loss of one of best friends since the 6th of March. Your words are very soothing.

  41. As the saying goes, “Music soothes the savage heart.” But it does so much more — comfort, peace, good will. It brings us all together not only in happy times, but in sad times. I am sure that family voices heard through the fog of illness immeasurably comfort the loved one. Your father is fortunate to have you there with him.

  42. “Music is the vernacular of the human soul,” – I don’t remember who said that, and can’t find it now, but it does seem to ring true. May the music bring comfort to both those who hear it and those who sing it.

  43. Aww dear Corey your words are so beautiful and sad at the same time. I keep having you and your family in my thoughts! Warmest wishes from Germany sends you Carol xox

  44. I agree music is sweet balm for the soul. Like those from the Sound of Music. I love “Climb Every Mountain”, because it seems to reflect one’s quest in life to overcome the mountains in our lives in pursuit of love for all.

  45. Singing can lift the heart. Thanks for your lovely email Corey. You are still in my thoughts daily.

  46. Dear Corey,
    Thank you for this beautiful post and also for your sweet email.
    My mother adored music – one of her favourite things to do was have a singsong with all her friends. Her best friend would play the piano and all the husbands and wives would gather round and sing the old war songs, folk songs and hymns. When she was dying, my husband, sisters and I gathered around her bed and sang hymn after hymn from some tattered old hymnbooks we found in the hospital chapel. That room was brimming with peace. This song was her favourite and we sang it at her funeral. It’s based on Psalm 91.
    I am praying these words for your dad, you and your family. May the Lord hold you in the palm of His hand.

  47. PS
    Add html to that link and it will work. There are some very beautiful songs at that site.
    sending love,

  48. Ah, yes… music. I’m not sure of anything else that can stir the emotions and link one another the way music can, what a lovely gift. Sending love and hugs of comfort and understanding to you, to your family. Prayers abound.

  49. We sang for weeks, hours at a time, hymns, around my mother-in-law’s bed, as she died. Sometimes she squeezed her hand to the rhythm. Nurses smiled.
    I think the angels joined us.

  50. Oh! What a wonderful thing to do! Sing him on to heaven! So perfect, yet I would never have thought of it!
    And everyone who hears them is being blessed too! Now that is awesome!
    God bless!

  51. You’re welcome, sweetie.

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