Gently down the Stream


As we stand by my father's bedside and wait, I have realized a few things.

1. We have little control over how life will unfold.

We can plan or create, directing our desires and dreams into a hopeful reality. But in the end, it is life's currents that take us down the stream. It brings new meaning to the children's song "…row row rows your boat gently down the stream…)

2. Love is graceful, enduring, and tough.


This evening when I came to the hospital to spend time at my father's bedside my father seemed out of sorts, a bit sad, downright blue understandably so…

(You see my father has been unable to move without help, not able to get out of bed at all. His body has gone through many changes…he hasn't been able to talk, yet remains alert (a hellish crime of life to be trapped alive!) We communicate with him through a menagerie of codes, sign language, lip-reading and watching the slight subtleties of his weak body.

3. My cousin's husband Chris said to me the other day…"Death is not the worse thing that can happen in life." Though my father doesn't believe this (with all his faith and belief in after-life) he strives towards living and getting well against the odds.) But suffering, like violence, seems worse than death to me.


When I came into my father's room to take the night shift, he asked for my Mother, which he does a million times throughout the night. Typically he mouths the word "Mom?" I explain each time to him that Mom is at Marty's (my brother's.) sleeping. That she needs to rest. But tonight he asked for her with a silent voice that was not like all the other nights. He seemed to need her, want her, not just asking about her. I called my Mother and she came back! 24 hours non stop she stayed…

4. Love comes at a price and can make you bleed.

My Mother asleep in a chair by my father's bedside. My father sleeps easier.

As I stand here in a daze I witness their love profoundly and cry.


68 responses to “Gently down the Stream”

  1. Thoughts of love and words of prayer are winging their way to you right now.

  2. And I have just cried with you. The picture of love that you paint is profoundly moving. My Nanny spent seven months bedridden in the hospital before she moved on. Not one of those moments was spent alone.
    Grueling, exhausting months as we all sacrificed to make sure she wasn’t alone. But – the love and respect we found along the way was well worth the sacrifice.
    Still praying for all of you.

  3. A pillow for thee will I bring,
    Stuffed with down of angel’s wing.
    ~Richard Crashaw
    Love and hugs and prayers
    Those who have walked in darkness have seen a great light~
    I love love love you~
    Hugs and prayers for you all and for your family in France~
    Love Jeanne

  4. They are a great love.

  5. Oh Corey, I don’t really know what to say…this is just so sad. My heart goes out to you, your father, your mother and your family. Wish I could give you a hug.

  6. It seems natural that the dark of night would be when your father would want and need your mother most and she him.

  7. Praying for strength to endure and for comfort to overwhelm every precious heart. May the end come softly. . .
    With love and prayer~

  8. Julie Ann

    Profound and levelling observations Corey. My father at 79 and with a heart complaint slept on a blanket on the floor at my mother’s bedside whilst we waited. My husband slept in a wheelchair and I paced the ward, wearing out the floor. Very tough time for all of you right now and I send you love and prayers x

  9. Corey,
    Your words of grace and love inspire.
    Much love.

  10. I have tears in my eyes as I read this. Memories of our own vigil by my Mother-in-laws bedside came to me in a flash. I remember the sorrow, the weariness and at the same time the tight bond her family forged during that time.
    Your family reminds me of mine…your is of course much larger…we have enduring love and respect for each other no matter how it is tested.
    My heart goes out to you all and you remain in my prayers.

  11. Love will carry your entire family through this, Corey, and Love cannot leave anyone unhappy, for that is not what Love is all about.

  12. Corey, what an incredible gift you’ve shared with us – this love your parents have for each other. It is truly beautiful. It’s no wonder you are who you are.
    I have a friend who says that old rhyme this way, “Row, row, row YOUR boat, gently(spoken very gently) DOWN the stream…” It gave it a whole new meaning to me.

  13. Well, maybe i’m in sad mood to start with, but this made me cry. So many memories for me. no closure. tough.

  14. This is a very stressful time for you and your family, but I think there are blessings there too, yes? Witnessing your father’s unfailing strength of will, seeing your mother’s steadfast devotion, the honor of experiencing the effects of love firsthand as it quiets the soul before your very eyes.
    Sending thoughts and prayers to uphold you as you gather the lessons life is offering up to you just now.

  15. My prayers are with you and all your family. Thank you for sharing these moments with us.

  16. Crying and praying with you…
    You are fortunate to witness their love.

  17. I cry a little now, too.
    And I also think… I hope my love lasts like that. I hope someday it is Kory who needs me at his side in old age. I hope that is our fate, to love for so long and so true… Beautiful.
    I feel for your dad so much, as he is sounding so much like my grandpa. It is the hardest thing for a man who has always been so strong and active to be trapped like that. *sigh* 🙁
    oxox 🙂

  18. Corey,
    Though it may not seem so right now, you are all very lucky. Lucky to have each other, lucky for your parents to have the gift of love, real and true love for so so many years. The love that they gave you and you pass on to your family…and so on. The kind of love that will comfort all of you during this trying time. It is a gift that many seek, but few ever find…and few ever know.
    Hugs and kisses,

  19. Oh Corey! I’m sorry this is happening this way. Your Mother and Father’s love is a beautiful thing. Blessings to you all today.
    You are in my thoughts and prayers.

  20. ((((love * gratitude)))) precious Corey

  21. Corey, I know what this bedside vigil is like, when you wish you could help with the burden of the suffering, but all you can do is be there with it. I send you a heart full of love and prayers.

  22. Corey,
    My heart hurts right along with yours, lifting yours up to the Father.

  23. Cheryl in California

    Dear Corey, We are all aching with you. Sometimes death is a severe mercy.

  24. What a blessing it is, to witness such a bond between parents. And what a double blessing to be able to pass a similar gift to your own children. I believe your father will be looking forward to moving forward when it is his time and, although you will all mourn his absence, will share in his relief. Holding you in prayer, Sher

  25. When I laid at my daughters bedside I wept and through my tears told God, “But I love her so much”. The pain being as great as it was slowly melted as I heard Him speak back to me, “I loved her before you even knew her”. Then I felt assured with that kind of eternal love she would be cared for in a way I’ll never be able to care for her. Her spirit is eternal. Though the outward man is perishing, the inward man is being renewed day by day..
    Blessings and prayers to you and your family.

  26. No words. I have no words to add. You Corey, have said them all. And beautifully…

  27. “O, éphemère immortel, si doux devant mes yeux…”

  28. constance lefevre forehand

    what a loving sisterhood you have collected.we love all your beautiful words, put together as only you can do. they make my heart sing and my eyes tear.we are praying for your wonderful parents, you and all your family. thank you for being you and sharing yourself with us. GOD comfort you, connie

  29. constance lefevre forehand

    what a loving sisterhood you have collected.we love all your beautiful words, put together as only you can do. they make my heart sing and my eyes tear.we are praying for your wonderful parents, you and all your family. thank you for being you and sharing yourself with us. GOD comfort you, connie

  30. I am weeping right now, with…I don’t know that I can find the right word or words. Let me try…
    With a reverence for such a relationship and depth of love. With a sense of gratitude for the blessings of love; of your parents’ love, of your love with French husband, of my love with Polish husband. All other matters pale in comparison. And I am also feeling that such love endures beyond all – beyond suffering, beyond life, beyond our frail human trappings.
    Oh Corey, what you are witnessing are life’s most important and lasting lessons…and I thank you so much for sharing them with us all.
    I hope you do not mind, but I would like to copy this post for my blog with a link to yours.
    With love and gratitude,

  31. I know I’m not the only one with tears in my eyes.. I hope that is the kind of love I still have many many years from now…
    sending you tight hugs, today and always…

  32. I am crying and remembering. I told myself I couldn’t read your posts anymore, they were too painful to me but I keep coming back…ciao

  33. not a dry eye on the net with this one. the parallel of your experience with the coming Holy Week is felt deeply in my heart right now. not only what you have written, but with the comments too…the words speak the language of the heart in true Love

  34. Certainly no dry eyes here… Still praying, Corey x

  35. Corey, what a profound and tough time for your family. I’m in Marin, CA. If you need one more person to come and sit with your dad while your family takes a rest, I can do that.

  36. Corey, you are an amazing woman, daughter, mother and writer. I hope to be like you some day.
    Thank you for your words.

  37. ….. Thank you for sharing, dear Corey*

  38. Corey,
    You are all in my prayers daily!! I just sat and cried with you rereading all of the posts abt. your dad but then realized we should all be so blessed with a love like your family has for each other not just your parents love. Please let your father know just how much we are all praying for him and thank you for sharing so much of your life with us.

  39. keep vigilant

  40. No words Corey… you have said the important ones here… Such love is so profound…

  41. So hard and so sad and precious at the same time! These moments will stay in your heart.
    You are in my thoughts

  42. So very sad Corey.
    I am thinking about you everyday.

  43. Much love to your and yours….

  44. My heart is hurting with yours, Corey, and my prayers are joined to yours. May God’s grace continue to sustain you.

  45. Oh to be loved, and love like that. Very rare indeed.

  46. My heart and prayers are with you, Corey. Your parents love for each other is truly a blessing and a thing of beauty.

  47. Corey,
    May God continue to bless you and your family in this amazingly difficult time. I haven’t commented in ages, as I’ve been away from blogging, but have popped in a few times. I am saddened that your dad’s health has declined.
    Thank you for sharing such beautiful thoughts and expressing them in such a gentle way. I teared up reading that your mom came back to his bedside and that he slept better. Love is an amazing comforter. I hope that God’s love continues to comfort your father and all of you. Please send warm wishes and a cheerful hello to your dad.
    Much love to you and al of your family.

  48. I have nothing to say…you have taught me so much with this post.
    Love to you, xoxo

  49. Someone told me once that the family suffers more than the patient. I don’t know how that can be true. I do know I would have done almost anything to ease my sister’s pain and therefore my own.
    I’ve just lit a candle for you. Be well, sweetie.

  50. Corey this is such a beautiful post from such a sad time – my heart goes to you, be strong and prayers for your dad….love is the way…

  51. I haven’t visited here in a long time. I’m so sorry to hear your news; the waiting is the most difficult part. I will keep your father and your family in my prayers.

  52. Ellen Cassilly

    Corey, You are blessed to be able to bear witness to their profound love. Our prayers are with all of you. Love, E

  53. Julie Christie Leary

    True Love.

  54. My father could not talk either before he died. Somehow that freed us up to express our love to him verbally and often.
    I am not sure why.

  55. It is profound and wonderful that you are all able to be together at such a time as this…I am sorry for the heartache of it all and know how difficult it is to say good bye to dear loved ones.

  56. Corey, praying for your dad, and you and your mom and family. Thank you for sharing your journey.

  57. Elaine L.

    It’s hard for your dad, even though he has faith in the here after, he isn’t ready to leave all of you any more than you are ready for him to go.

  58. That was beautifully written and illustrated as all of your posts are. Remind your dad he has a whole bunch of online cheerleaders rooting for him:)

  59. Marie-Noëlle

    Believe me, I find it hard to find any comment to your post – so moving …
    We say in French “La vie est un long fleuve tranquille” (= Life is a long gentle river)- which echoes your title and to which I would add “as far as you avoid boils, currents, falls, wrecks …”.
    And love helps that way…

  60. I have no words !
    RAA ( rien à ajouter) nothing to add)
    I just wanted to tell you that by reading you , you made me cry

  61. It’s all about the process, no? Glad you have loving hands to hold.

  62. My eyes are leaking! Sending “virtual hugs” to you and keeping you all in my prayers.

  63. Bonnie Buckingham

    Easter is coming. The Resurrection
    and the Life Everlasting. Praying for
    you to know God’s presence right now. His
    amazing Grace in His Son Jesus.

  64. I was married on Wednesday. To be perfectly honest I only remember a few words of the whole brief ceremony. ” true love may be the only glimpse we ever get of eternity”…those words echo in my ears…love makes you feel ageless, it has no end, no beginning, it goes on and on and on. I can certainly see why having his wife there at his side means so much.

  65. How blessed you are to be there at this time. It may not always feel that way, but it is a blessing. I was not around during my mother’s last weeks, in fact I moved across the country just weeks before she died. It was a difficult thing. Even though it would have been hard to be there, it would have been so much better.

  66. Beautiful lessons to share. The one on your previous post is pretty nice too…

  67. Oh Corey, the knots in my throat, the tears stream my cheeks… Prayers and love abound, xo

  68. oh corey!
    i hope all is well
    i know all will be well
    love does keeps us alive
    god bless u all

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