Drinking in Life



Why is it that when something bad is happening everything around looks so incredibly beautiful?

Why does life appear fuller and deeper?

It is as if the "bad thing" slaps the taste buds into appreciating the smallest distinctions. Oh, life's subtle variations are easy to swallow and made whole by hints of complex flavors.



38 responses to “Drinking in Life”

  1. “Your work is to discover your world and then with all your heart give yourself to it.” ~Buddha
    I love you
    I love your words, photographs and you.
    God bless you and yours real good
    Even after their darkest hours birds still continue to sing in the morning
    Love you

  2. It’s true, as if the bad thing shocks us into the reality that we must pay attention and be fully in the moment.
    – Suzanne, the Farmer’s Wife

  3. Without ugly, beauty wouldn’t exist.

  4. Corey – I wish I could make all this go away for you, that your father would be healed and you could be back in France with your family. But alas, I cannot, so I will continue to pray for all of you. Marva

  5. Dear Corey,
    I think you are blessed to see it that way. I am quite the opposite.
    My darkest times have been black and white and foggy.
    All of my senses have been erased except the pain.
    Being able to keep your appreciative and positive attitude in the midst of suffering is very special to see.

  6. Corey,
    Neighbor (Shelley) and I are praying and thinking of you, your sweet mother and family.
    Melanie and your dear friend Shelley

  7. Echoing Jeanne’s comment, this quote from The Education of Little Tree gave me solace when I faced your situation:
    “Know that death in life is here with every breaking day. That one without the other cannot be… Learn the wisdom of the earth, and then you will know the Way.” Forrest Carter
    Thinking of you…

  8. Oh so true Corey…and it helps to have Spring budding out all over! It gives new hope for the day!

  9. itS true….but it is also a reminder of how beautiful life actually is…
    still praying!
    love nancy

  10. Bon Jour Corey,
    It is nice to see that things are on the mend. Enjoy your time,

  11. Hello Corey,
    I am so sorry you have to go through all of this and I keep you and your family in my thoughts and prayers.

  12. Yes, there is something about the dark canvas that makes the light shine more gloriously.
    Joy and sorrow – they go together.
    May we all have eyes like yours to see it.

  13. Thank you for the sound of this entry and the last one.
    My first concern/worry, is about you. And these entries warm my heart… about you.

  14. Corey,
    I know not why the bad things in life make us appreciate the good ever so much more. It is comforting to know that good still exists in the midst of bad. Praying for goodness to fill your day!

  15. It just reminds us of how wonderful life is!!

  16. We were blessed with complexity & the ability to transcend so that we stay standing upright. I’m happy that you can see beauty even as you feel pain.
    I’m thinking about you.
    Mary Ann

  17. Hard times make the simplest things look so incredibly beautiful and appealing… so refreshing. I hope the simple things help you feel refreshed today. Nel x

  18. Bless you for seeing how the light may shine brightly in the darkness.

  19. I don’t think I ever actually get that feeling, more the opposite. But I am glad you can see some beauty and joy around when things are so trying.
    I think when I’m stressed the world dims, and contracts and I can’t see the good but I fight that feeling. I want to see the deep lovely colour of a glass of wine, and taste the million flavours on my tongue too. Luckily I don’t get stressed so often, I’m sorry your family is going through this hard time. Continued best wishes for you and yours.

  20. Corey, I know what you mean. When Marshall was in hospital for so long, on good days when I could get him in a wheel chair and go down to the lobby with the beautiful windows and sun streaming in, we’d get a coffee and sit, often in silence, sometimes talking but always soaking up the beauty outside those walls. It is always those things that get us through these difficult times. Small snips of life continuing offer hope, hope that something goes on beyond the walls of suffering. My heart is with you.

  21. The world around us is a study in contrasts. We need ‘bad’ in order to appreciate ‘good’. I know where you are coming from. I clearly recall the day a loved one had major surgery, and as I left the hospital to get my car, I remember thinking how incredibly beautiful the sky looked that morning. Yet inside all I sensed was black clouds.
    Perhaps it is God’s way of compensating us, and heightening our awareness and appreciation of life.
    I trust you are taking care of you..?
    I hope so.

  22. Life is contrasts.
    Major sadness and heartbreak reveal the hidden treasures of love and light all around us.
    Yes, I just made that up. It ain’t bad! ;D
    Love you Corey!!!

  23. I see Mum beat me here by a couple of minutes…you can see where I get my brains huh!?
    You can tell we are mother and daughter or what….xoxo

  24. julie christie leary

    Oh sister! Do I hear you!

  25. That is so interesting.
    I didn’t know this was a common experience !
    One of the worst days in my life, the worst news – and only me to carry it. And the world had the strangest beauty in my zombie like state. The sky was silver, the jacaranda trees in bloom the most beautiful purple I had ever seen. Everything crips and clear- as my heart was breaking.
    I think about you every day. I have had those long bouts waiting in the hospital.
    Your grace – truly amazes me. And it never fails to inspire.
    Thank You.

  26. Are you sure it’s not just that you’ve spent so much time at the hospital (not the most aesthetically pleasing of places in all respects… especially the food) that you just really are glad for a diversion? Seriously, you and your dad are still in our prayers…

  27. Oh Corey, your words speak to my soul. Be well, my friend.

  28. Marie-Noëlle

    fragrances,… colours, … lights,… feelings, … LIFE !

  29. Yes, yes. I think you are on to something. What a wonderful reminder to all of us to drink in the day and see the beauty in every little thing.

  30. Even the smallest of bad times make everyday life seem so vibrant. (I’m not sure why…maybe because we thrive on the predictable?) I can only imagine the colors, smells and sounds that you’re experiencing now, during this long road with your dad.
    Our prayers are with you and your family.

  31. I hope during your time away from the hospital, a little semblance of order returns to life and you are able to enjoy some of the small pleasures.
    My heart aches for you and your family daily – can you share with us how your dear father is doing please Corey? We truly care.

  32. You are right about this Corey! One thing I must say, after the biggest hardships I’ve endured have come the deepest joys.
    I tip my glass to you,
    a prayer of light for your Papa, you and your family.

  33. Yes.. it is a strange phenomena, isn’t it. Colors are brighter, tastes are sharper, sounds are clearer. Surreal…even though that is an overused word, is a perfect description. It’s like you are the only one in the world who realizes life for what it is.

  34. Corey, this photo has an incredible color. No wonder VictoriaMagazine got you!
    Get-well wishes for your loving Father, all the way back from Portugal*
    Big hug to you*

  35. I absolutely agree! I have noticed the very same thing.
    take care sweetie

  36. corey…how i have missed coming here every day…but life has been turned on it’s ear here…there is no normal in my days…but reading your blog would have made something feel normal…catching up made me realize this…i am trying to keep a positive attitude amidst this horror…i am still praying for your family and mine…love and hugs, rebecca

  37. Why indeed?
    That’s so strange, but true.
    I hate to even wonder this – (it sounds trite, and/or annoying) but could it be that THAT is what the bad things are FOR??
    I sure don’t know – and wish that you were NOT going thru hard times, but am grateful for you experiencing the beauty!

  38. Tamara Giselle

    We cannot know sweetness until we taste the bitter. It would all taste the same if their wasn’t something to measure the sweetness against. Adam & Eve didn’t realize how beautiful and sweet the garden was until they had tasted the bitter fruit.

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