Life Support


The low rumble of the Harley Davidson-

Fresh toiled fields looking towards planting-

Lee jeans worn blue and a baseball cap.

The morning sun, and the sea breeze from Ferndale-

A faithful pick-up truck-

The boys in the shop on a Friday night-

A cup of hot coffee with a steady stream of sugar poured amongst friends at the Black Bear.

Hand selected tools for the 9O ride-

A few peanut butter sandwiches, honey-do-s and Mom’s kisses.

Gathered around home,

delivered straight into your veins,

Life support.


41 responses to “Life Support”

  1. Love you my darling friend.
    Hugs and prayers

  2. This too will pass.

  3. love is the most powerful of all medicines.
    Your in my thoughts and prayers.

  4. Those are wonderful memories of your dad.

  5. ((((Corey))))
    My heart goes out to you.

  6. It’s been a long time since I’ve visted, and it took me a few mintues to read your blog and get caught up. I am sorry about your dad. Growing old is not always graceful. But, he has the love of you and your family to sustain him, make his time easier. My prayers go out to you.

  7. Wonderful memories for you hold.
    Have a blessed day…you are in my thoughts and prayers today.

  8. Much love to you and your family, Corey, and my continued prayers are speedily making their way to California! =) hugs!!!

  9. I love your blog more everyday, you are a true inspiration…xx

  10. Blessings, Corey.
    And may you keep seeing your true life support every single day*

  11. Well your dad seems realllllllllly cool huh?!!!
    I am sure Steve Mc Queen would give him the thumb’s up! 🙂
    love nancy
    ps still praying

  12. I continue to keep you in my thoughts during this difficult time.

  13. Memories of these, are more life support for him, than all the machines and tubes…
    Gently hugging you,

  14. Life and love support.

  15. My thoughts, prayers and support are with you Corey.

  16. Still supporting you in prayer!

  17. We all need the familiar things that have supported us for so long. Continuing to send prayers to you and your family and wishing the support could be more personal. Also sending along a big hug.

  18. Jeanette

    Oh! To the days when Mom’s kiss healed everything! I treasure those momment with my girls. And wishing the day my kisses won’t heal their pain never comes. Senting you and your family blessing and prayers.

  19. Memories of family and love. The best drug your dad can be getting. Love, Annie

  20. Corey, I’m also a returned reader. Thank you for the heart touching tender memories you have shared today and your beautiful picture yesterday…both so moving.
    I’m so sorry to read what you and your family are going through right now. My thoughts and prayers are with you all, sweet lady.

  21. Corey,
    Keeping you and your daddy in my prayers…
    P.S. I love Ferndale too!

  22. Hi Corey,
    You are so good at evoking memory with a click of the keyboard. I keep seeing visions of things I hold dear.~~Dee

  23. Paris Parfait

    A lovely tribute to your wonderful dad. xoxox

  24. Still praying…thanks for sharing the simple joys of the heart that will help heal as you go on this sometimes very long journey.

  25. That’s the best kind of life support, isn’t it? You’re in my thoughts…

  26. Ellen Cassilly

    Lovely life-enhancing life support to you.
    If you have a sliver of a moment for yourself, take a look at yesterday’s blog. Frank and I had a lovely day with two darling little girls. Ellen

  27. (((HUGS))) to you on this continuing hard journey. I hope you are comforting yourself with chocolate chip cookies and tortillas while you are home. Take care of yourself as best you can.

  28. What a gorgeous daughter you are. Faithful too!
    Thinking of you friend!

  29. funny how the things that truely sustain us are rarely the machines in the hospital. i’m glad you can notice the little things and gain strength from them.

  30. Just wanted to let you know that I’m still here every step of the way, reading, enjoying your blog. Sending you hugs across the universe.

  31. Wow..that says it aLLL.

  32. Dear Corey, I’m looking back through your magazine articles and hoping you will have time to write and photograph more eventually. All that beauty awaits you – yet you still astound us with precious words and a picture every day.
    We still pray and think of you and your beloved father as you share the struggle.

  33. A small smattering in the scrapbook of your life. Wonderful memories I am quite sure!

  34. Here…go shopping….

  35. I find your writing and your words amazing. I went through a similar journey last April and May with my Mom with what I hoped would be a good outcome. Alas, it was not to be so and it was the difficult journey of my life. As I now look 60 straight in the eye I know that my offspring will also some day face this journey and I wish I could take some of that pain away from him. Of course as we all know, that is not possible…my thoughts are with you and your family…ciao

  36. These things sound like home. So American. lol. I guess you miss your coblestone streets a little, huh?

  37. Sending my support to you, still reading and loving your blog. I do understand how it can be the link to your “normal” life!

  38. A lovely bunch of hand picked memories.

  39. american souvenirs
    for me it will be:
    go to the market on tuesday
    eat my grand mother homemade meals
    looking into my photo albums ….

  40. corey,
    I have been cut off from internet with our move underway and with France Tel, I imagine I will be cut off again come next week-all this to say, I SEND YOU mental hugs from the midi !I hope that this difficult passage gives birth to some gifts for both you and your family–from reading all the comments remember that with your gift of writing and sharing the essence of this journey- you have touched many people’s hearts- this is a tribute to you and your family!! saveur those all american Life support,comfort in minutes of gratitudes!
    betheanne -dancing doc design

  41. It’s a true blessing to have the support and love of friends and family.

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