Blue Sky

Frenchskyblue Blue skies in the morning,

with a touch of pink cotton colored clouds.

Even when one doesn’t expect a miracle– the morning sun shines out shame on you!

With that I laugh, Good Morning Sunshine!

Who would have known that today would look like wonderland?


36 responses to “Blue Sky”

  1. I was in such a hurry this morning I didn’t even notice the beautiful sky. I think I need to slow down and look around and enjoy the little gifts we are given each and everyday. Huggs and prayers to your Dad and your family. Jeanette

  2. So beautiful Corey….hopefully a good sign that someone is shining down upon your Dad and you!!!

  3. Maybe it’s because it’s leap day? 🙂 Take a leap againt the sky!

  4. It’s time to take a leap of faith!…It’s leap day!
    Be blessed today!

  5. God wraps you in reminders that ALL IS WELL

  6. Such a beautiful sign of hope and glory. Even in times of stress, He gives us reason to smile.

  7. with those colours, i am sure it is a smile from God… 🙂
    love nancy
    ps still praying!

  8. Good Morning Sunshine (aka our sweet Corey),
    Your lovely post reminded me of this:
    If you were a singer/songwriter, I think you would have written this beautiful song. Come to think of it, you sing it with your life, every day. Truly~truly, the music of your life is a blessing to us all.
    We~your appreciative audience, wish you peace, whether you are walking in the sunshine or in the shadows, of this (extra) ordinary miracle, called life.
    God bless you~

  9. celebrating this “extra” day counting blessings…like the color of your photo! much love to you & yours…

  10. Your photo is proof of the glories of the unknown, or what we think we know, the mysteries we either embrace or are afraid of. Let’s embrace them. There IS a power greater than the rest of us. And with such beauty, there must be truth and infinite love.

  11. May it feel like wonderland too.

  12. becky up the hill

    Thanks Corey..that is just to beautiful. It is like a kiss from God. Praying..

  13. Always a miracle for those with eyes to see!

  14. A pretty day..!
    I’m glad you are able to laugh, it works wonders.
    Love to you, and yours

  15. Corey, I also am continuing to read, weep & pray as your dear father travels this sacred pathway. Still lighting candles for him, you and all your family. God’s mercies are “new every morning” though sometimes it is so severe. I’m asking for an abundance of peace for each of you, especially your father.
    Your words, pouring forth with grace in the presence of great sorrow and pain are etching themselves on our hearts.

  16. sky blue pink! glad the sun is shining on you.

  17. Beautiful!!

  18. Corey- I think of you each morning as I travel up the hill to my parent’s house and give my dad his IV antibiotics. There is something tender about caring for my father and I imagine that it is the same for you as you tend to yours. Long gone is the little girl that would climb into his lap for comfort, pushed back in memory where she is almost invisible. It only seems fair that we are given the opportunity to give that caring back to them, to cradle them and comfort them in their time of need.
    You are a blessed daughter to have that opportunity with your dad. Give him a hug from me.

  19. So very beautiful! I’m so glad God sent you a beautiful sky to brighten the way.

  20. Yes, indeed, so very glad that you were greeted by a beautiful sky. God is in His heaven, all is well. Even when it’s not.
    Peace, love, and prayers to you.

  21. Well, girl, you won’t believe this, but I’ve seen that same sky here in Oklahoma a couple of times since my mother’s illness, and I thought nearly the same thing (although I’m sure I wasn’t as eloquent.) I continue to hold you and your family in my prayers, as I know you do mine. Incidentally, my mother’s name is Rose.~~Dee

  22. God is with you Corey.I am praying for your dad, you and your family as well.The sky is beautiful indeed.

  23. I love cotton candy sky like that. Gorgeous photo!

  24. Corey,
    I am glad God gave you a reason to smile today!

  25. I love the picture of blue skies. Inspires me to start the day well

  26. Cotton candy clouds can always bring a smile!
    I pray things are looking up…

  27. It wouldn’t surprise me if God were pleased that you noticed His handiwork! Even He loves dressing up the world for others to enjoy.

  28. Those wonderful clouds are a promise of a good day! I hope it will be a very good one for you!
    Aina x

  29. After each storm in life
    God signs it with his signature
    His beauty and love are ever present
    Love you

  30. It’s beyond amazement that every moment, all at the same time, God hold millions of hands, listening to billions of prayers, knows how many hairs each persongs head holds, knows what we are going to do before we do it,,and has time to paint such a picture, and one that is everchanging! The grand creator,,,,,,,,,it’s beyond amazement. And I say, Thank You!

  31. After each storm in life
    God signs it with his signature
    His beauty and love are ever present
    Love you

  32. Each day is full of surprise and miracle …

  33. Good
    Take time to notice the beauty….just take the time.

  34. patpaulk

    As I’ve been sitting at the ICU with my best friend for the last wekk and a half I know this feeling well. Thanks for reminding there’s always hope. You put this so beautifully.

  35. Wow, how lovely! It looks almost unreal, like a painting.

  36. Dear Corey,
    I’m without internet these last and these next days and although I don’t log in daily, I always think of you, your Dad and your family.
    Yesterday, driving back to my town I witnessed a sunset with the same wonderous colors as your sunrise! Nature is magic*

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