Kate’s Best Shot


Wonders never cease,

Love is worth the risk,

and hospital food isn’t that bad.


Yesterday my brother Mark brought his two year old daughter Kate to visit our Dad. She stood by his bedside and whistled. Our Dad started to laugh, and the more he laughed the more she whistled. It was the perfect dose of love after a long week.


71 responses to “Kate’s Best Shot”

  1. Smile ~ smile ~ smile!!!

  2. I know your nieces are all beautiful from the photos you’ve taken and shared – I can picture this little Kate with a sweet face whistling at your Dad’s bedside, making him smile and laugh. How perfect.
    Corey, I’m happy things are improving, slow but sure hopefully. My prayers continue.

  3. I just saw Kate’s photo-what a cutie pie! Really made me happy to hear your Dad is laughing again. The progress must seem very slow to all of you but am glad to hear he is getting better. Prayers continue to be sent from here.

  4. I’m so glad your Dad is laughing today! I just wanted to say that I’m full of admiration for you, Corey, blogging through such a time of heartache and anxiety and continuing to share with all of us. I’m just sorry that I missed out on sending you love and support right from the beginning of your father’s illness. Consider this an extra big dose coming your way now!

  5. Way to go little Kate! And way to go Dad..feeling up to a good laugh!

  6. Who know that it would take a two year old to cheer him up?
    love you

  7. Corey,
    so good to hear that you and your dad did experience this beautiful moment of lightness.
    May you and your family have many more of them together,

  8. Oh Corey, there’s nothing like the sweetness of a child to lighten the mood!! I’m so very glad to hear that your father is slowly feeling better…we’ll keep praying ~ xxoo, Dawn

  9. Smiles from our little corner of the blogging world too! Happy to hear your Dad’s had a good laugh….they say it’s the best medicine!

  10. That is so sweet. Awesome little Katie.

  11. God Bless you Corey.:-)

  12. love is worth the risk…yes, yes, yes.
    thinking about a granddaughter whistling and bringing on the laughter…so beautiful!
    there is joy in the midst of everything…i am so glad for that…

  13. Off to bed with a bit of smile knowing you’ve had a ‘good’ couple of days.
    Love to you, Corey and your sweet dad, too.
    PS- I, too had nightmares so often and would get into bed in between my parents many, many nights. I would feel so safe and I would melt away until morning. The best feeling….ever. Lucky you and me, huh?

  14. Corey I am just so amazed at the love and warmth you give so generously in sharing your life through your blog. Even when you are going through you own personal challenges in life, you continue to give. Bless you Corey… and love and prayers for your precious father.

  15. What a lovely family moment πŸ™‚

  16. what wonderful medicine for your dad to hear his little granddaughter whistle…..
    I am so happy to hear that he is doing better…

  17. I’ve often thought that if I were really ill, I’d want to watch Pink Panther movies non-stop. Laughter is really a good medicine. Prayer is a better one.
    Brava, Kate – I’d love to hear a two-year-old whistling! It’s always been my opinion that Kates can be good things – of course, I’m prejudiced there.

  18. Love and hugs and smiles and blessings and prayers………We are all there with you my precious friend.
    Love Jeanne ^j^

  19. oh! how wonderful…from the mouth of babes!
    love nancy

  20. love living a loving life!

  21. I beleive I will whistle while I pray today. Now I suspect the grand design of the whistle has a purpose. To make beautiful music, to bring smiles, laughter, and fun, to keep us young, and lighter! I never really thought of it before now, I will think of this precious Katie moment when I hear a whistle.

  22. what a wonderful way to recover!

  23. I wish my dad and I were closer. He is complicated to the max. The closeness you share with your father is great. You are in my thoughts.

  24. What a beautiful child and an equally beautiful moment!

  25. Love and laughter is indeed the best medicine!

  26. darling darling little Kate…laughter! just what we all need now:)still here and thinking thinking praying praying…. xo

  27. Laughter…the BEST medicine of all times!

  28. Your post made me smile. So glad to hear this news.

  29. Gotta love the two year old performer! I bet she is a ham.

  30. …Out of the mouth of babes – comes healing and laughter.
    Will continue to uphold you all in prayer
    TIGHT hugs and love

  31. -clapping hands- I love the mind picture, of Kate and your Father.
    I can see tension, raising to the ceiling and then, floating out the window.
    The perfect dose of everything, for everybody, after a long week. -happy smiles-

  32. Whistling…..Happy!
    Laughter, the best medicine!

  33. a perfect dose of medicine!

  34. Awwww… πŸ™‚

  35. How wonderful. I am smiling just reading this. Laughter really is the best medicine..!

  36. Oh, the power of children to lighten the moment! I’m glad your father was able to laugh; laughter helps us heal.

  37. (what beautiful cutwork Corey, I’ve never seen any with a person before!)
    Whistling a merry tune this morning. You’ve got me grinning from ear to ear with your post. I’m tickled to hear that little Kate gave your dad such a chuckle and in turn brought a lightness to all of you.
    Keep up the good work Kate! (is Kate the little princess who did not like her gown?)
    Continued prayers, hugs and healing thoughts.

  38. Perfect medicine, I would say! Love to you…

  39. Oh too precious!! Children are such a joy….I’m so happy to hear about your dad doing so much better πŸ™‚ What a nice answer to prayers!

  40. Checking in…seeing the love and support. Your dad is in good hands.

  41. πŸ™‚

  42. I love the thought of this tiny little one whistling the elder one into fits of laughter. How could healing not flow in that moment? Precious.

  43. I am glad that your dad is hanging in there!! I love that Kate could make him smile – children are infectious in that way – perhaps they should be the only type of infections allowed in hospitals!!

  44. Very sweet Corey!!!
    I’m smiling!

  45. Children have a way of lightening the heavy heart.

  46. Laughter doth make like good medicine, I’m glad your father had a healthy dose. Still praying!

  47. I guess you could say “Out off the lips of babes?” Glad to hear your Dad was happy & amused! =)

  48. A breath of fresh air, non? I can hear relief in your words. Love and prayers continue to envelop you, your dad and all your family.

  49. cool. i’m glad.

  50. I can’t stop smiling – what a glorious story. I am so pleased your Dad is on the mend. Give him a great big English kiss from me.
    Much Love

  51. Hi Corey! What a sweet story. so nice your dad found such joy in it.Continuing prayers.

  52. Laughter IS the best medicine – God Bless little Kate and your dad~xOx

  53. SheΒ΄s so sweet! No wonder she can immediately offer a smile to your Dad’s face!!!
    A big smile for you all too, dear Corey*

  54. Corey, I keep checking back and I’m so glad to read you have been smiling.

  55. How wonderful!

  56. Joyful moments and blessings abound!

  57. Children always seem to know how to cheer you up.
    Lovely story. I am so happy that your Father is healing albeit slowly.
    I was so touched by the post A Place in the Heart…I read it to my Husband and we both had tears in our eyes.You and your Father are both amazing people.
    Stay strong.

  58. laughter is the bestest medicine…praying along with you and your father…hopefilled…hugs and healing thoughts, rebecca

  59. Corey… even in the midst of all of this trial, I feel like you give us your heart in the most moving, grace-filled ways. Thank you and many blessings to you and yours.

  60. Children and laughter are indeed the best kind of medicine! I’m so glad that your father is able to laugh and see the smiling eyes of a child…there is nothing grander than that! Keeping you close to my heart!

  61. children are so precious and the joy they bring…what a sweet day.

  62. I’m behind on my blog reading…so sorry to hear about your dad! Prayers for his healing, hugs to you.

  63. That is such a precious story!! I can hear her now…and my heart is chuckling right along with your dad (and I am sure with you too). To re-phrase time time worn saying: From the lips of babes, eh??
    Children bring such a healing presence. God hold you all close to His heart!

  64. Blessings, peace, and much, much more whistling for you, your father and family. Thank you for sharing.

  65. Fresh new life can be so comforting to elderly people. Usually the dose of medicine that no doctor can give. I’m so happy your dad is doing better.
    I enjoyed looking through your family pictures and love the photo of Chelsea and your dad. It must be so hard to live so far away from your family, even though I know you love your life in France with FH.

  66. πŸ™‚ Sweet!

  67. OMGosh! What a doll face!! Just what the doctor ordered!

  68. Happy_go-lucky behavior , freshness , youth …all we need

  69. PRICELESS!!~!

  70. Ahhh GOOD !
    Sending lots of Whistle Good Wishes then !

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