My Father

One of my worse nightmares happened late last night.

I received a phone call telling me my Father was in the hospital. His kidneys were shutting down

I fell to the floor, my legs cramped up. (In retrospect it was as if symbolically my legs knew that I couldn’t just run out the door and to be by his side in a heart beat… that the time from here to Willows is  an eternity.) I will be on my way home tomorrow morning at 4am, it was the first flight I could have.

Please keep my Father in your prayers.


Thank you in advance for your prayers and good thoughts. I do not know if I will be able to post…my heart is heavy.

Photo: My Dad’s favorite motorcycle tool box which sits in the cow barn.


186 responses to “My Father”

  1. My arms are around you, your Dad…and the entire family.

  2. I am so sorry. I am thinking huge positive thoughts for you and your Dad and your family. Have a safe flight.

  3. My prayers are with you Corey.
    God will give you strength through all this.
    …..and if you don’t find the stregth to pray yourself right now, know that we are a world wide circle of friends filling the prayer basket for you. The angel who carries the basket will have a busy time – filled with LOVE and CARE.

  4. Faith and courage, tous mes voeux de retablissement a papa, have a safe trip back home, let’s hope for the best.

  5. My heart hurts for you Corey, dear. I know that God will give you strength and He will carry you safely to your family across the ocean. You and your father, and all of your family will be bathed in prayer.

  6. Prayers from snowy Derbyshire coming your family’s way Corey.

  7. géraldine

    Dear Corey, I’ve been reading you for a while and never wrote any comment (my english is not good enough I think) – but today I just want to tell you that I’m thinking of you and your dear dad. Lire votre blog est toujours une joie, un moment très chaleureux et souvent réconfortant pour moi, et je n’ai jamais osé vous en remercier… J’espère que vous recevrez ces sentiments d’amitié que je vous envoie, pour vous aider dans ces moments difficiles. Amicalement.

  8. My heart goes out to you! The very first post I ever read on your blog was about your father’s 80th birthday and I was so moved! Your father will be in my thoughts – as will you!

  9. thinking of you all the way and especially sending thoughts and prayers to your dad!

  10. I hope everything will be ok Corey! Thinking of you and your family (going there with you in some way)
    A big hug

  11. Corey, I am sending you my heartfelt love and very tight hug, along with prayers of strength to your Dad and family. My heart goes out to you…

  12. Corey, I’ll be praying for your dad, you and your family. So sorry to hear about all of this.

  13. my dear Corey…I pray for your safe journey to see your Dad and I pray for his recovery if it be God’s will…
    your family will be comfort for each other and you will be a blessing for your father to see.

  14. Thinking of you, your Dad and your family. Wishing all of you loads of strenght and positivity!

  15. Godspeed Corey.Our thoughts will be with you and your Dad.
    xo Susan

  16. Corey,
    Fly like a dove to his side! Take our prayers with you to beseech God to be kind to you all.

  17. Today, I wanted to go to the Vierge de la Garde ! Now I know who my prayers will go for .
    My arms are around you ! Don’t forget you have strenght in you and you can give it to your Dad

  18. I send you and your family, strength and love. Hold tight together, God Bless Corey x

  19. Thoughts and prayers are with you and your family Corey. Big hugs from southern Italy.

  20. constance forehand

    may GOD wrap HIS comforting arms around you and your family and HIS healing hands on your father.

  21. My prayers for you and yours go out.

  22. Your Dad is in my prayers Corey.

  23. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. May God’s healing hands be with your Dad.

  24. Corey- I will keep you and your family in my prayers.

  25. Sending love and positive thoughts for you, your Dad and family.

  26. This hurts my heart for you. Know that my prayers are there for you and and your dad and your whole family.

  27. I am holding your dad in my thoughts. Have a safe journey.

  28. Oh Corey; you, he, and all your family are in my prayers right now.

  29. Paris Parfait

    Corey, my thoughts and prayers are with you, your dad and your family. Safe journey. xo

  30. Dear Corey,
    my heart stopped when I read your post.
    Your Father has always wrapped is arms of love around you, and now you will wrap him with all of your strength and love.
    I am sending out my positive thoughts and prayers for all of you. Hold each other tight.
    Have a safe trip.

  31. Will stop right now and pray for you and your father, Corey. God bless you.

  32. Oh Corey. My heart is heavy too. You will be in my thoughts. Your dad will be so comforted to see you by his side.

  33. i wish you a safe and fast journey home. and i have a couple of angels looking after your father before you arrive. your father and your family all in my prayers!
    love nancy

  34. Godspeed Corey. And I have not stopped praying.
    love nancy

  35. Corey, I’m praying for your dad, you, and your family on both sides of the Atlantic. Travel Safe.

  36. Dear Corey, I came here this morning to read about your party and birthday celebrations, instead I read about your dear father. Your journey home will seem like an eternity, as I know how devoted you are to him.
    You and your family will be in my heart and prayers.
    Have courage..

  37. Oh Corey, I’m so sorry that you received bad news.
    I will be praying for you…for a safe trip, for better health for your dad, for a peace that passes all understanding, for all that is needed right now…

  38. Corey, I have been exactly where you are. My heart and my prayers are with you. Godspeed.

  39. i am wrapping my good thoughts and best vibes to you and your family. your father is very loved – so beautiful.

  40. Oh, dear Corey! Love and prayers and good thoughts winging their way to you, your
    Father, and your family.
    Stay strong and know you all have the grace of prayers wrapped around them.

  41. May the Lord’s Grace be with you, your Dad and your family.

  42. Sending you love and prayers. Bless you dear Corey and all your family.

  43. I pray, dear Corey, that love, light, peace and grace surround your dear dad, you and your entire family. Strength and comfort be yours.

  44. You have my prayers & my heart throughout this time Corey….Love to all of you*

  45. Oh Corey, I knew your father was sick but I am so, so sorry to hear this news. I know it is so hard for you, especially being so far away but glad you can get home tomorrow. I will be thinking about you & your father & have both of you in my prayers.

  46. Dear Corey,
    My thoughts are with you and your family.
    safe travels,

  47. Oh dear Corey– big hugs to you and your family.

  48. Corey,
    Words cannot express what I am feeling for you right now. My prayers are with you, your father and your family. Have a safe trip…and all of your friends here will be sending our love and positive thoughts your way…

  49. Godspeed, Corey. You and your family are tucked into my prayers, too. Safe journey to you, too.

  50. Dear Corey, May the Lord be with your dad, you and entire family.
    Big Hugs…

  51. Sending prayers to your dad, you, and the rest of your family. And big, warm hugs so you feel love.

  52. Julie Loeschke

    Mass tomorrow is for you and your dear family. With much love.

  53. Holding your dad and your family in my thoughts and prayers. Hugs,

  54. Claudia in New Jersey

    Corey: My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

  55. Thoughts flying from Australia, to you, your Mama and your Papa.

  56. Corey,
    I totally understand how you feel about it being your greatest fear…those miles now stretch to eternity. I will keep your father and your family in my prayers. God speed!

  57. Dear Corey, Loving prayers for you and your father and your family!!!

  58. Corey,
    If I had to post one picture that reminded of my Dad, it too would be his tool box out there on his shop bench. Beat up, but ready to fix the world all up. Sorta like my Dad himself… I called him this morning, and he was out working on a tractor in the shop. Your words make me remember how to count the gift of each day. Thank you, thank you.
    I will be praying for you and your Dad today, Corey… that you fly to his side and whisper love to him again… a love he knows and feels wherever you are.
    All’s grace,

  59. My thought and prayers are with you! Your dad’s toolbox and workbench look almost exactly like my dad’s!

  60. Oh my Dear, my thoughts and wishes are with you. And with your whole family.
    Gentle hugs,

  61. Corey, May you get back to California safely and smoothly. I pray for you, your wonderful father, and your whole family. God be with you and surround you all with love and healing.

  62. Keeping you in our thoughts and prayers.
    Have a safe journey.
    Kate (the french nest) &
    Deb (posted from home)

  63. Elizabeth Meredith

    Your Dad is in my prayers.

  64. Corey,
    Love and prayers are being sent your way, for you and your wonderful Dad.
    La Donna

  65. Corey ~ you and your family are in my prayers.

  66. Corey ~ I’ll be keeping you, your father and your family in my prayers … hugs, Lynda xox

  67. Your dad is in my prayers, Corey!

  68. Sending prayers to your dad and whole your family. Living in a foreign country myself – 6000 miles away from my parents – my heart is with you. Have a safe flight to CA.

  69. Godspeed Corey. May your father receive a miracle of renewed health.

  70. May God bless you and yours. Be safe on your journey. Prayers of many will be behind you and your daddy.

  71. Corey, I’ll hold you and your family in my heart. Be well.

  72. Saying a prayer for you and your father. Safe travels.

  73. Corey,
    I am holding your Dad, you as you travel, and your family in my heart in the next days.

  74. Oh, dearest, I am so sorry. my heart is breaking for you. I can’t imagine your worry and fears. Praying for you, for your dad, and for your family…

  75. Karen Eropkin

    I will pray you will sense God’s presence in you and with you as you walk through this journey. Much love extended to your family . . . .Karen from California

  76. courage,strength,love and time. You and your family is in my thoughts and prayers…cat

  77. Words seem to fail me.
    You are in my thoughts.

  78. oh Corey…I will hold you and your family up.
    Please take care,

  79. May love become your shelter and may the beauty of precious memories be your comfort as you make your way back to California. You are held in gentle thought and prayer. I also pray for strength and wisdom for you and your family.

  80. Many prayers are being sent for you and your family. Hope that your beloved Dad sees your loving face and starts feeling better immediately.

  81. Corey….please know how sorry I am and that I’m praying for you.
    Dana in Virginia

  82. wings and prayers to lift and carry you….

  83. Oh, dear Corey, plese know that you, your father, as well as the rest of your family are being lifted up to the Father by my family. May you be kept in perfect peace as you journey home.
    In My Prayers,
    Miss Sandy

  84. NO ONE wants to receive that call…I am so sorry. I will hold you and your entire family in my heart, thoughts and prayers. Safe journey Corey.
    Much love and many hugs,

  85. oh no corey :/
    you are in my thought dear and will send many prayers for the sake of your father.
    lots of love,

  86. Oh, Corey…be safe, be strong, know that you are loved and many prayers are already with you and your dear father.

  87. I am praying for your father Corey.
    And for you, dear heart.
    Traveling mercies….

  88. Prayers for your safe trip, your dear father’s health.

  89. I a mso sorry! you know my thoughts are with you ..your Father …and all your family. Bless you…

  90. Love and hugs and prayers.
    I love you.
    God bless you all real good.
    Love Jeanne

  91. Sending up prayers for your dad and for you as you journey there…may peace be at your side.

  92. Dear Corey, by your side always! Praying for your Father and your family*
    Big hug*

  93. I pray you arrive quickly and safely to where your heart already is. Hold strong.

  94. Corey, may our fathers grace give you the time you need and the peace to guide your family in this difficult time. I will light a recently blessed candle for you and your family on this second day of February.

  95. My prayers for your father and your safe & speedy journey and wishes for many blessings are with you. May His peace be real to you and lift you up.

  96. You are in my thoughts and prayers…I know what you are going through.

  97. I’m with you Corey. Every thought is a prayer. Love, Annie

  98. Corey…I’m going to mass today. I will remember you dear father in my prayers. Bless you and your family and be safe!

  99. My dear Corey, I will keep your Father, you and your family in my prayers.
    I have this kind of call and taken this kind of trip…I know just how you feel. Have a safe trip.

  100. Dear Corey,
    There are no words that can comfort that heart of yours.
    I borrowed the only words that give me comfort when my heart is breaking. I am sending them to you in the language of our ancestors. May they bring you peace. Give a “beijinho” to that sweet father of yours.
    Pai Nosso, que estais nos Céus,
    Santificado seja o Vosso nome.
    Venha a nós o Vosso reino,
    Seja feita a Vossa vontade
    Assim na Terra como no Céu.
    O pão nosso de cada dia nos dai hoje.
    Perdoai-nos as nossas ofensas
    Assim como nós perdoamos a quem nos tem ofendido
    E não nos deixeis cair em tentação
    Mas livrai-nos do mal.

  101. All my love, Corey, to your father, your mother, you and your family.

  102. sending healing prayers and light and peace to you, your father, and your family…

  103. I will pray for your Father, Corey.

  104. Love and prayers are sent your way xx

  105. Massilianana

    Sending healing thoughts to your dad . Travel safe . Hugs from Brazil .

  106. Dear Corey,
    My prayers are with you and your family.

  107. dear dear Corey…. I am so sorry. I will most definitely keep your whole family in my thoughts. If you need a shoulder and a hug…hit me up, okay?!
    much love….

  108. I’m so sorry to hear this news. My prayers are with you and your family. Please take care of yourself also Corey.

  109. Corey,
    I heard about your Dad being in the hospital last night. It made me very sad to hear the news. He is in my thoughts and prayers. I did speak to your Aunt Louie this morning and it sounds like he is doing much better. Have a safe flight home. And hopefully I will be able to catch up with you. Take care of yourself.

  110. Kat Metzger

    Corey God be with your father and family right now. Love Kat

  111. Corey – I feel your pain. I just lost my mother Christmas morning. Angels be with you and your family.

  112. Lifting you and your whole family up on prayer. May you feel God’s comforting arms of love wrapped around you to give you strength and hope.

  113. prayers are powerful.
    God Bless!

  114. I am so sad for you to read this – our father passed away from kidney failure in May 05 – the tool box tugged at my heart strings – what a treasure!Prayers sent your way for peace.

  115. Oh Corey…my heart is aches for you and your family. I will keep you close to my heart in the coming days. Be strong and know that we are all saying a small prayer for you.

  116. Dear Corey,
    Praying that God surrounds you with His peace and presence and love as you travel to your extended family. Please know that you are in our thoughts and prayers during this time. Laurie

  117. Dear Lord,
    Please hold our friend,Corey, in your Hands as she travels back to her homeland. Please guide the doctors as they tend to her father. You who understand all things, please lighten her heart and give her the peace that is beyond all understanding. Amen.

  118. Godspeed, Corey.

  119. prayers and hugs

  120. Dear sweet Corey, I do pray for very safe and swift travel for you to be with your precious father. My thoughts and prayers are with your father, you and your entire family, much love to you, Dawn

  121. Oh I´m so sorry to hear that. I´ll be thinking of You and Your father. Have a safe journey.

  122. (((((hugs)))))

  123. Travel safely, prayers for your father and family..

  124. I’m here via Nanci-Mari’s blog…please know that my prayers have been added to those of the others. xox

  125. Dear Corey – travel safely….my prayers are with you and your family….peace.

  126. We are all hugging you right now.

  127. Sending love and prayers to wing their way with you and stay with you and your family.

  128. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

  129. Marguerite

    Please add me to the long list of people who are praying for you and your family at this time. Safe journey.

  130. Ahhh, I am so sorry to hear your troubles. Sending you and your dad warm thoughts and prayers.

  131. My love and thoughts are with and your family. I will keep you all in my prayers.

  132. OH ! Corey…..
    What a horrible shock…After reading the post…
    I went though the links and saw the wonderful pictures of your Father,
    read the loving tributes..The childhood memories…
    When you found the french motorcycle…(that he’d be crazy about)
    .and most of all….
    The touching moment, when you and your father rounded up the cows
    on the motorcycle.. and he jumps off the bike ,because you were really…
    .I know by now ,your by his side
    giving him, comfort, reassuring
    him that you are there for him
    And..I’m sure that all the Angels in Heaven… are right there
    watching over him, Your blessed loving Father

  133. Dear Corey,
    I am so sorry to hear about your dad. That is an awful thing to get those phone calls – especially in the middle of the night. I’m lifting you and your dad up in prayer right now. May the Lord hold you close.

  134. My prayers and thoughts are with you and your family …God bless you.

  135. Ellen Cassilly

    My heart is heavy with yours. We will pray for your father and your family for peace and strength. I’m sending an umbrella of healing energy to cover over him. Love. E

  136. Dear Corey,I know how you feel! You will be in my prayers, thinking to my loved dad ….Lots of love.Stefania

  137. So often I am a lurker but delurking to let you know you are in my thoughts. I hope one of the earlier comments is right and your father is improving.

  138. My thoughts and prayers are with you along with all the many well wishers. Godspeed.

  139. Julie christie leary

    You and your family are in my thoughts. Take care, friend.

  140. I am so sorry, Corey. Much love to you and your family at this difficult time.

  141. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family right now, Corey. May you have a safe and speedy trip. Sending lots of hugs!

  142. Oh no, my dear Corey, I’m so sorry! Sending out prayers for your daddy and sending hugs and hands to hold for you and your family. Thinking of you all!

  143. Oh Corey I really hope your father is okay. Travel safely back home and you and your family will be in my prayers along with everyone elses xxxxx

  144. Jackie Duncan (Quiroga)

    Reading your post today brought me back to December 21st, 2007 when we took my 85 yr old father to the hospital where he was diagnosed with severe kidney failure. After a 1 month stay in the hospital and subsequent heart and respiratory failure, he finally made a turn around and is now in the rehabilitation facility regaining his strength.
    I know what you are going through and my thoughts and prayers are with you and your father.

  145. Corey,
    Just wanted you to know I am praying for your father, family and safe travels as you go to be with him.
    Many blessings,
    Sandy 🙂

  146. Dear Corey,
    Your Dad is surrounded in prayer and love by those who share your life by blog. Wishing you safe travel and peace of mind. Penny

  147. Dear Corey,
    Thinking of you and your fine dad. Have a safe flight.

  148. You and your father (and family, California and France) are in my thoughts.
    Take care.

  149. oh Corey- God speed to you in getting to your father and Willows….you are in my thoughts and prayers.

  150. Holly Myers

    Love and prayers.
    Go slow and steady.

  151. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

  152. I’m sorry Corey. x

  153. Oh, I’m so sorry. Best wishes/and a prayer to you and your father.

  154. Corey,
    I have read your posts regarding your father and he is so much like my dad. It seems like men in our father’s generation were cut from the same mold.
    I KNOW just how you feel. My father’s health suddenly deteriorated a year, ago. He has dialysis twice a week. We are so blessed to have had our parents for as long as we have.
    I pray that your father and family will be lifted up on the wings of God’s Angels and that you will “experience the Peace that passeth all understanding”.

  155. Oh, Corey. I am so sorry to hear about your father. I am praying for you- may you have a quick and safe trip home, may you be at peace, may God be with you, your Father, and your family.Blessings, Tina

  156. My thoughts, my prayers…my everything to you right this moment. I had wondered how your father was doing just the other day and it kept coming to mind….I know nothing prepares one for This. I wish I could make it better.

  157. My Prayers are with you and your father!
    God Bless You and your family!
    with love,

  158. Prayers for STRENGTH and PEACE!!

  159. Thinking of you and your father and hope you have a safe journey.

  160. my heart is with you dear corey- stay strong. i have your father in my prayers- may God and all the angels surround you and your family with light. stay strong dear corey. love, elsa

  161. my heart is with you dear corey- stay strong. i have your father in my prayers- may God and all the angels surround your father, you and your family with light. stay strong dear corey. love, elsa

  162. dearest corey, my heart is with you.

  163. Dear Corey,
    I and all of us are thinking of you…xx

  164. Safe journey to you both. I received that same phone call on June 19 of last year. It is a hard place to be. I send you good thoughts.

  165. Dear Corey… my heart goes with you on your difficult journey..

  166. From one daddy’s girl to another, many prayers coming your way!!

  167. Corey,
    Your family will be in my prayers.

  168. My heart is full of prayers and thoughts for you and your family, and your wonderful dear father. There are no words…. Only love…

  169. sending much love to you Corey xoxo

  170. I am so sorry, dearest Corey. My heart goes out to all of you. xoxo

  171. Oh Corey, so sorry to hear this.
    My prayers are with you and your family, big hugs!x

  172. You are in my heart and prayers – safe travel.

  173. Dear Corey,
    We are holding your fahter in continual prayer fro healingand strength. Also you precious once and your entire family as you gather together to support your dad during this illness.
    Know that love is wrapped around all of you.
    Mb in Jtree

  174. Bonjour Corey,
    I was so sorry to hear sad news about your Father. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family at this worrying time for you.
    Love Camilla.x

  175. God speed, Corey. My prayers are with you and yours.

  176. Corey,
    I am so sorry,Corey, my prayers are added to the others. For you father, your Mom, and ofcourse you and your whole family. I will be thinking of you, friend, during this hard and scary time.
    xo Lidy

  177. oh, I am so sorry to hear your news. I will say prayers for all of you. Please don’t worry about replying–just take care of yourself and your family (((HUGS)))

  178. Dear Corey, My heart is with you. We will all pray.

  179. darling corey.
    i’m beaming over big hugs of support wherever you are.

  180. Checking in to see how your dad and you are doing. He must be so happy to have you there, grumpy & all. Kidney pain can make anyone GRUMPY.

  181. Corey, Prayers are being said and a candle lit for your Dad.
    God bless you and your family.

  182. Prayers going up this minute, dear one. (((((HUGS))))) sandi

  183. Marie-Noëlle

    Prayers… thoughts… good wishes… sweet words … blessings…

    Tell your father his tools in that box are awaiting !!!

  184. Oh Corey. I am just playing catch up.My prayers are with you obviously.Sending a nice cool beer your fathers way and an outstretched hand yours. xxx

  185. Thoughts from afar…

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