Planning the Menu


Photo: French Menu dated 1898, vintage wine Grand Ordinaire 1891.


French Husband’s woke me up in the middle of the night and asked, "Where are all the guests going to sit Saturday night?"

"There not." I yawned and rolled over… and then my head started spinning with details. I sat up stressing about food preparations, floor plan, folding napkins… music…what should I wear? Do I have 50 dessert plates?

I kicked French Husband…"Thanks, now I cannot go back to sleep!"

55 Zucchini at least…

3 Kilos Walnuts (Thank you Aunt Louie!)

45 Tomatoes,

5 Kilo Smoked Salmon,

Buy Blinis.

Cream fraiche a truck load.

15 Baguettes.

6 Kilos Shrimp (lemons… parsley…)

Assortment of Cheese.

150 Large Cannoli,

Green beans with sesame (How many green beans?)

20 Artichokes cut in fourths.

10 Garlic heads,

20 Shallots,

50 Dried Tomatoes,

6 Kilo Quinoa,

2 Kilos Sliced Almonds,

Strawberry Cakes, whipped cream… or should I have one Chocolate? Pavlova?

10 Bottles of Champagne, 20 bottles of red wine,

Bar stuff…umbrellas, cherries… no no no …stay with wine and champagne forget hard liquor. Perrier and juice wine and champagne. Yes that is good.

Three type of glasses. 150 glasses?? Should I use plastic, not I cannot use plastic, yes you can use plastic, no I have never used plastic, well this is a good time to start…

50 Dinner Plates (do I have 50 dessert plates? Paper! Oh God gross, now you are really out of control. Stop it. Paper is practical. I am not practical. Maybe you should be. I don’t want to be. Imagine the dishes baby?)

Napkins…paper…what color, what theme?

Music … call Philippe (our friend the salsa dancer.)


Where are the guest going to sit??? I kicked you know who again.


64 responses to “Planning the Menu”

  1. Sounds like a parrrtttttyyy!!! Sounds like a wonnnderful party! Have fun and as for dessert plates..umm maybe a byodp??? *bring your own dessert plate* party? hahaha____________________________
    Hi T
    Now that is an idea that I can get into…bring you own plates, glass, utensils… And a gift too of course!

  2. Happy Birthday Corey.
    I have started to plan my own party which is coming up later in spring. ALOT of fun, isn’t it 🙂

  3. Wow…….always on a fabulous adventure.
    I love you
    Sharing food with those you love how divine…………..
    Love you Sugar Plum

  4. Corey, JOYEUX ANNIVERSAIRE! wishing you a lovely birthday celebration!!!
    I have to admit, I do use paper and plastic wares for get togethers. They do the job and no washing of dishes and utensils necessary…but I know you will find a way of serving your guests with style, even if you go that route.
    Are you doing all the cooking and prep for your b-day?

  5. Recently I had a dinner party for 8 people, plus us two, and was really worrying because we live in a really tiny apartment. Our table can seat 8 at a stretch. I decided on a buffet type meal and that some people would have to eat with plates on their knees. We had just enough chairs. Anyway, one person couldn’t make it and we all managed to squeeze around the table without room for one more and had a great time. None of what I worried about came about-usually the case. PS I used paper plates, decorated ones, for the dessert only, paper napkins too.

  6. We are not going to sit!
    We are going to eat , to dance , to kiss ….We don’t need any seats . Or I would seat on someone’s knees or on the floor ( like you in Paris , at your ” first french party” )

  7. Happy Birthday dear Corey!

  8. Yes! I believe we may be on to something here. The ultimate effortless party! (environmentally friendly to boot if it truly is a byodp party, hahaha)Imagine the lovely array of dishes, all shapes and colours and designs….would actually be a fun thing to see…perhaps they ought to bring dessert on their dessert plates as well? HAHA Ohhh or it could turn into a party game, as guests arrive they stack their plates in a pile, so later every one eats from a different plate and they could wander about seeing who has theirs. The ultimate party ice breaker..o.k..I’m done now. HAHA

  9. from the sounds of it i am missing the greatest party of the year…:) make the party and enjoy yourself the chairs will come! 🙂
    wink nancy

  10. Massilianana

    Ooooh , the party is this saturday ? Joyeux anniversaire , then !Yes , I can imagine your mind racing and reviewing what’s to be done . About the sitting solution , maybe you can have different tables arranged , like your dining room’s and other little tables for two or three that you can arrange in different corners of your dining room/sitting room and also you could arrange a sitting-on the floor corner for younger guests . I did that for our New Year’s party , we had twenty people over and not enough chairs but loads of cushions , and candles…. By the liste des courses , I can imagine your menu is going to be delicious . Do you do the cooking yourself ??
    About the dessert plates , maybe a friend can lend you some plates .Or rush to the second-hand shop and scout for any cute old plate they have !!
    After all these preparations , I suppose you are going to look for the nearest fainting sofa to take a rest………
    And Corey , I wish you a super-duper-wonderful happy birthday . Enjoy !!!

  11. Your birthday?!!!!
    wao! I know it will be an amazing wonderful time your guests will have! seated or not…
    Please! tell us your menu later….
    A big hug!

  12. Wishing you the very best Corey!

  13. Happy Birthday Corey!!! Your party is going to be wonderful….and please share your menu. It sounds so interesting!!! Celebrate and have fun!!!

  14. Happy Birthday to you,,,Happy Birthday to you,,Happy Birthday Dear Corrreeeeyyyy…Happy Birthday To Youuuuu,,And Many More. Do you hear the tune? I know,,Isa probably has some extra plates fit for a Queen! I do hope you will let others do the work as I am sure they will,,,and just have tons of laughs and silliness, eat lots of cake too! I will be there in spirit. The fiftys are Fabulous, trust me. Have the time of your life!

  15. Is this a Happy Birthday Party? If so, happiness always.
    ps…..One willing ‘helper’ here in Australia. I’m able to cook, set tables etc!

  16. Don’t forget the chocolate. There must be chocolate !
    Relax, have fun.
    I wish I could be there to help. I’d wash all those dishes for you.

  17. Corey,
    A very Happy Birthday, my dear friend. I wish you such a great party, but please…don’t work too hard!!! Don’t worry about a will all work out great! And Ic can raltate to those moments when something gets planted in your mind..and then you can’t sleep 🙂

  18. *And Ic can raltate*……brain not functioning yet this early I guess. Meant to say that I can relate…..

  19. Is it your birthday party?
    We’ve been out of town, and I’m out of the loop here!
    The menu sounds SO good!
    (And I hope you’re not cooking if it’s your birthday party!)
    Have fun…noone needs to sit, that makes a party boring!

  20. Happy Birthday. I know the party will be great, after all look who the hostess is.

  21. Corey!!!!!! Have a very fun and wonderful party. It will be nothing but successful.
    Where is the American in you? Get the party catered. Why are you doing all the work for your own party?

  22. i am laughing at your midnight thoughts!! i just bet sweet french husband was able to fall right back to sleep, no?
    now that list has me drooooling!

  23. I can’t wait to see your pictures . . . how many of your guests will be familiar with quinoa?

  24. Happy Birthday Corey. Sounds like a delicious party. No, no, no matter how tempted you might feel no paper please…you have a reputation to protect…and you are in France *giggles*
    I vote for a Pavlova…my favorite…now what kind of fruit would you use on the Pavlova?…I like Kiwi 🙂
    What to wear? Dancing shoes:)
    Can’t wait to see photos of you party…have a wonderful time.

  25. So is your Birthday this Saturday Corey ? I was hoping you would tell us exactly when. Wish you the most fantastic party and wish I could be there ! Trust you are not doing it all yourself ?? Do tell us more about the party and any other celebrations please, Jx

  26. Happy Birthday Corey!! I must admit I was laughing at poor FH’s black and blue backside, as he haplessly woke the birthday girl and got your mind to reeling. It will be lively and fun, just like you! Enjoy and don’t stress!! (I like the idea of byodp)! he he
    p.s. I got my blog up and going yesterday, so come visit anytime.

  27. Happy Birthday, sweet Corey! I think paper plates should be just fine… besides, the word sounds so much more refined in French (papier)!

  28. Happy Birthday dear Corey. No plastic no paper, please. I laughed at the truckload of Cream fraiche, It will be a fabulous party with you doing the planning.

  29. So you are inviting each and every of the years who have so faithfully carried you all the way? Then you may need a children’s table too, you know? 🙂

  30. Happy, happy birthday!!
    P.S. Who needs to sit when there is wonderful music and plenty of dancing?

  31. Oh, it all sounds just DIVINE!! I hope…no… I KNOW your birthday will be blessed. You are such a gift to all of us! May your gifts be just as great.

  32. Elizabeth Meredith

    What a wonderful party you are planning. I want to come! Is it really for your birthday? If yes, then someone else should do all the worrying and work.

  33. Too bad you couldn’t have had your birthday party at Chucky Cheese-it would have been easier on the birthday girl/hostess 🙂 Corey-you will probably be really busy tomorrow so here are early birthday wishes to you. Happy birthday to a wonderful, creative and kind lady!

  34. Sounds like a lot of work … isn’t someone else supposed to host your birthday party? I know you’ll have a wonderful time. Happy Birthday, dear Corey!! ~ hugs, Lynda xo

  35. This is an awesome shopping list – hope you will have lots of sous chefs helping you – and friends who help with dirty dishes!!
    Corey, reaching fifty is a milestone that starts one on the best part of life – take it from one who has passed into the next decade!!! My wish for you is a wonderful celebration on Saturday and then many, many happy returns each coming year.
    Blessings and happiness always,
    Hugs – Mary.

  36. No way you’re having to do all that yourself! It’s YOUR birthday! I would have had to hurt someone if that had been the case for me. However, we are two different people and you obviously have a gift for entertaining and hospitality. Oh, and I say give it up and use the plastic and paper unless you hire out the dishwashing! And Happy Birthday Eve!

  37. It’s going to be a grand party Corey!!
    Have a wonderful time, and a big Happy Birthday!!
    Can’t wait to see pictures!
    Don’t stress, it is what it is!!

  38. Misery loves company and clearly FH had the dinner party on his mind too. Of course, once he passed off the worry, I bet he went right back to sleep. So, Wazzup Saturday evening?

  39. Let them eat brioche!
    You should sit on a throne and sip champagne while the guests pay you tribute.
    Love, Colette

  40. I’m planning a party for my husband on Sunday, but I think I would just rather come to yours instead…LOL

  41. Saturday night will be perfect… I know this for a fact. Just to see your sweet face, who would even think of wine, champagne, food, macaroons, or anything else???

    ******GET PROFESSIONAL HELP**********
    It’s not to late….After all,IT’S
    YOUR 50TH and your the
    *********Belle of the Bal************
    They even rent dishes and chairs…
    Your Birthday is going be the talk of…
    “The Town”

  43. You can’t conceive, plan, arrange, prepare, cook/assemble, host, bartend, enjoy, and take killer photos!!! That’s not a birthday… that’s 10 jobs! Tooooo much! HIRE OUT!
    You do the being feted and the enjoying part, photos too but only at your pleasure. yay.
    Sounds like a sensational party, Corey!

  44. Jeez… now I can’t get back to sleep either!

  45. Corey,
    Weren’t you just complaining a few days ago about cleaning you’re kitchen? ;>)

  46. I say let them stand! It all sounds too wonderful. We’re invited, right? Cyber visitors for sure.
    When I have guests in numbers that large I rent the dinnerware and glassware. Is that a possibility in your area? Like the others said, hire out the mundane tasks and concentrate on the important stuff…

  47. Happy Birthday!! You do realize that for your birthday, you should let others do for you??

  48. The party sounds wonderful, Corey. A very happy birthday! It really does get better from here!
    I have just read the “one last kiss” post! Lovely, of course!
    Enjoy your party!

  49. have a great day dear friend!!
    i’ll be toasting to your health with a glass of champagne from afar.
    however… i’ll take la salade de saison,
    boeuf nature and les crêpes for starters ;))
    so keep a plate and some glasses stand by for me!

  50. It always seems to work out. YOU I know will pull it off in Grand Style and without a hitch!!
    Bon Fete!

  51. Ellen Cassilly

    Nothing would give me greater pleasure than to spend two days shopping and cooking with you and then playing kitchen helper at your party. My advise definitely hire two kitchen helpers if you at all want to enjoy your own party. All stand up finger food is always a good option for getting out of having the correct number of chairs. Have a great celebration.

  52. I am sure it will be an evening to remember!! I will raise a glass from a far!

  53. How funny is that, one of those mid night crisis thinking sessions – he never should have asked you! But knowing you, you will figure it al out and it will be a smashing event!!

  54. Cousin Linda

    Lord have mercy — I can see it all now. Piles of food, stacks of dishes, loads of people, FH with that “deer in the headlights look,” and Corey rising above the fray. People don’t realize that paper plates are not the “done thing” in France and certainly not at Chez Corey. Happy Birthday my dear cousin.

  55. What an undertaking! It’s always rewarding once the party is going but pretty crazy getting there. Good luck!

  56. Happy Birthday to our dear Corey! May you be blessed with many more!
    BUT…cooking your own birthday dinner? I usually fix dinners for all my kids and grandkid’s birthdays…BUT don’t for my own! One of my daughters, Cheryl…usually fixes my b’day dinner…as she did a couple of weeks ago.

  57. I know you will throw a beautiful birthday bash! Eat your fill, dance your toes off and toast your day. Remember 50’s the new 40.

  58. Here in Aus we have an entertaining custom called “bring-a-plate” which means to bring a plate of food that can be shared by all the guests. Most newcomers to our country are quite baffled by it when they are first invited and more than one has made the mistake that it means to bring a plate to eat off.
    Perhaps in your case you could use it to your advantage and ask everyone to bring an (empty) plate to solve your dilemma.
    (Not sure how our custom started. I suspect it has something to do with most early settlers and migrants not having an awful lot of possessions when they first arrived and later the depression with food rationing – but however it happened it is now almost an insult NOT to let a guest contribute something to the table)
    Joyeux Anniversaire, Corey

  59. Bonnie Buckingham

    Just celebrated my husband’s 52nd…a full deck!
    Your email made me think of the beginning of The Fellowship of the Rings:
    ” Bilbo Baggins called it a PARTY, but it was really a variety of entertainments rolled into one. Practically everyone living near was invited. A very few were overlooked by accident, but as they turned up all the same, it didn’t matter….He gave away presents to all and sundry…Hobbits gave presents to other people on their own birthdays. Not very expensive ones , as a rule.”
    HAPPY 50th…and may you be blessed like this:
    ” At ninety he ( Bilbo) was much the same as fifty!”
    across the ocean
    in the South

  60. Is it really your birthday? If so, happy, happy birthday, gorgeous girl! Tonight, I’ll raise a glass for you… x

  61. I would come to this party, and NOT comment if you had to use plastic! If we ever get stationed in Europe, I am calling you!

  62. The last 5 or 6 posts were nothing short of amazing. Tonight I will dream of a sleeping lion who awakens on occasion to drink mint tea and coffee, dances on colored tiles with a lioness waiting for a birthday kiss!!

  63. Hi, Corey,
    So sorry for all the stress you’re going through, but we sure love to read it. Your writing is a blast. Looking forward to hearing how it went — after you’ve recovered.

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