A House in Provence


Not far away from where I live is this big old abandon house. It has stone walls, frame less windows, a basement, and gigantic wooden support beams without a roof. Over the years I have watched it change like the seasons, weathering away slowly. It stands alone on a massive piece of wild property surrounded by vineyards and unruly oak trees. Certainly in its heyday the French owners knew how to live and work in such an isolated place. Today there is a highway that runs in front of it.


I don’t know why it has been abandon… most likely it is due to to an inheritance feud which is common in France with real estate, or maybe the owners just don’t care to do anything with it. Whatever the case I imagine many people have asked about it, hoping they could buy it and restore it into a French dream home.

I couldn’t live in this house, I am too big of a chicken to live alone in the middle of nowhere. But that doesn’t stop me from imagining what I could do with it, or how I would restore it. Though my imagination leans more towards what type of French antiques use to be in this house, and how I wish they were still there!



As this two hundred plus year old house is situated in the middle of nowhere, with the nearest town about 10 miles away, the people who lived there had to be self sufficient and mostly practical. The style of the house is called a "Maison de Maitre." Which does not correspond with other homes in the middle of nowhere. Which leads me to believe (or wishful thinking,) that the habitants where slightly romantic as well.

Provencal style this is the look:


Provencal style wine bottle drying rack. Every French home had one in the basement. After drinking a bottle of wine the bottle was rinsed and set on a rack to dry.


In a French country kitchen a set on cannisters would lined the mantle over the fireplace.


Provencal pottery without a doubt was in their home. Yellow was the most common color in French Provencal pottery, then green, blue and the rarest was white.


A ton of baskets were needed for storing potatoes, gathering vegetables in the garden, and storing the mending.


A trousseau of nightgowns, shirts and linens filled the closets.


A basin and pitcher would be needed in the bathroom.


Their lives would reflect post card scenes…red poppies, sunflowers, fields of lavender…


Of course without a doubt the door knocker would be one of my favorites, you know it would be!


A lantern would be lite in the evening only is company was expected to visit.

Would you like to see more of Provence style and my imagination? Or are you growing tired of antiques? Please do not say you are growing tired of antiques or when you come to France I will take you to Cafe Mc Donald’s! Which is actually ten miles from this abandon house!

Photos: Classic Provence style around where I live.

For more information about where to swoon or buy French Antiques check these sites:

French Style.

Vintage Linens


Marie Claire

French Dreams



I am off to peek into someone’s home in Marseilles. A future magazine assignment…Isa is an antique dealer and one that I have admired for years. When I asked her if I could photograph her collection for a magazine she gladly said, "Oui bien sur!" (Yes, of course!) Tomorrow I’ll add a few shots to show you a sneak peek! I am beyond excited to see what she has!






62 responses to “A House in Provence”

  1. This would be my perfect spot – out in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by clinging vines and sturdy oaks. You could come to visit me and we could have tea in my wild rose garden.

  2. Lovely, lovely photos.

  3. (oh i just missed being first…) ๐Ÿ˜‰ love this post…muyimagination was soaring as well…as to how i would decorate…a girl’s got to dream you know….cannot wait for the peek at the house in marseille.
    wink nancy

  4. You have a wonderful imagination. Thanks for inhabiting the house with all the things that might have been there.

  5. How wonderful and lovely is everything you share darling one.
    Big hugs
    Much love many kisses
    Take lots of photographs.
    I love you~
    God bless you and yours real good.
    Love Jeanne

  6. There is something very sad about abandoned houses – especially ones that used to be so kingly.
    It’s sad to think of these wonderful homes left to collapse and return to dust…once there was a family excited to be moving into them…once they were filled with memories in the making.
    Your picture reminded me of a large book I picked up this weekend at a library sale “Please of Ruins”…filled with beautiful black/white pictures of ruins from all over the world. I plan to look through it with the kids and then remove the pictures for ????

  7. How beautiful to imagine how it may have been thank you for the picutures to allow us to imagine with you.

  8. I could absolutely live there. Removed from civilization or not. :)I think abandoned houses are very sad, as if their spirit has been taken away. It felt that way in my own home when we had a fire 8 years ago. This place that was warm and alive felt cold and dead.
    And do I want to see more of Provence style? Mais oui!! Please!
    Hello K
    I am sorry to hear about your home caught in a fire! How did it happen?

  9. Oh dear Corey, those eyes of yours can even see what isn’t there. and envision it, beautifully. Loved the abandoned house and how you saw it full with “once what was”. I do this when I see an abondoned farmhouse here. So sad to see a sagging roof and to know it will eventaully cave in, uncared for, unloved.

  10. What an exciting life you lead Corey…off to take photos of antiques for a magazine!
    (I’m off in a few minutes to teach 5 year old how to read and add…and then I’ll be off to buy laundry soap so I can take care of two more loads of stinky clothes…Oh my!)
    Tell us more about Provence. I love the pictures and the stories intrigue me so much!
    Hi B
    Don’t tell me about laundry…remember I dislike ironing with a passion, and the mountain in my laudry room is higher than Everest!

  11. I can just imagine how your mind wanders when you see that house…all the possibilities ๐Ÿ™‚
    Can’t wait to see your photos tomorrow…wish I could tag along today….

  12. More Provence style!! More imagination! Sneak peeks! Yes! I really love the pottery. I love the colors. I love the old abondoned house. Beautiful. How did the shoot go? I wonder if anyone ever wonders why you’re taking so many pictures when you’re at the flea markets and such. Does anyone ever approach you and ask?_________________________
    Hi Candy,
    I always ask, and tell them why I am taking a photo before taking it. The stands that I take photos of I know the dealers.

  13. Yes…please…more of Provence style, more antiques, more great photos. I love to start my Ohio morning in France.

  14. Have fun on your assignment and thanks for sharing the old house of dreams where the imagination can fill it with all kinds of delicious possibilities.

  15. Can’t wait to see what you and you camera come home with today. SO HAPPY about your magazine assignment. It is GREAT!

  16. Tired of Antiques? Never!!! Bring it on!!!
    I love coming here not only for the pictures of the Antiques but also for the stories about living in France.
    Look forward to hearing more about your adventure in Marseilles.

  17. oooh love LOVE the abandoned structure. You know I have a hard time pulling myself away from them I’ve even gone into a few around me;) yep if they could talk. I’m like you though I can’t live isolated:) Have fun on the shoot!xo

  18. Corey, I could never tire of the beautiful photographs you share of Provence, antiques and French life. It’s as if you’ve opened a window to another time and world for me. Some days I climb through the window and spend hours rambling about inside the basement, the house, the courtyard. Never stop sharing such wonderful things.

  19. Corey,
    Thanks for sharing your heart with us. Each morning I love to check and see where your heart is going. French antiques and dreams are perfect! Oh how I would love to explore with you.
    The Marmalady

  20. ahhhhhhhh Corey…
    the pasties were out of this world
    (I prefer the baba au rhum)
    the antiques were swoonable…
    to say the very least
    the house – well I am ready to move in
    and have you help decorate
    (after renovating of course)
    the style de Provence – warm, lovely
    and the love story…
    oooooooo la la
    many thanks for the joys you share…
    xox – eb.

  21. I too, love to walk through abandoned old houses, dreaming of the lives of who ate, slept, loved there within the walls. If the walls could talk, what story would they tell?
    I never tire of seeing the beautiful photos of the REAL France. It is a real pleasure to peek inside the the homes and get a sense of life in France. Thanks for sharing a “touch” of France.

  22. Corey everything is so beautiful. I do believe you could publish your own magazine for us Americans and the French. You take photos and tell stories of everything we want to hear. Love it!! Thanks!

  23. Massilianana

    Run-down abandoned old houses really are fascinating . They got something really creepy about them , that goes hand in hand with all the romantic possibilities of what they were before , what happened to them,…That there is a highway running in front of it makes me mad ( the people who decided to build it should be the ones to be sentenced to Cafรฉ McDonald’s !!!). Do you know the autoroute du Littoral ? When leaving Marseille and you got passed the section that takes you to the mall( Grand Littoral) , there is an absolutely exquisite house , with a very ornate faรงade , the prettiest house ever . And now she stands alone caught between different highway sections , instead of a wonderful fragrant garden , overlooking the Mediterranean… So yes , please , more pictures of beautiful things , places . Looking forward to the antiquaire’s house in Marseille !
    Hi M
    I know exactly the house you are talking about. It is a very pretty house like you say…and sadly caught between two freeways and now it is transformed into an office! Unfortuanately the windows have been changed, and the zinc bull’s eye removed too!

  24. Hi Corey,
    Maybe the house has a ghost or two.
    I would never tire of your words or pictures of France. I love everything about it. Can’t get enough.
    Have fun on your assignment. Can’t wait to hear/see more about it.

  25. Oh Corey! You’ve certainly gotten yourself a dream job with those magazines… imagine having the priviledge to VISIT all these places from the INSIDE and TAKE PHOTOS!!!
    Hello Beachy
    It is a blast! The homes I get to see is like being a kid in a candy shop!

  26. Have a nice and enjoyable work, Corey!

  27. What a grand old lady she is, lovely bones!
    How wonderful that you are photographing for magazine assignments! Talent’s well spent!

  28. My heart beats faster at the sight of all those flea market treasures! Getting tired of antiques? Never!!! Those are the items that have a soul. Thank you for letting us peek into your world!
    ps. I also loved peeking into your lovely home in Victoria. Stunning!

  29. Corey you have left me speechless WOW!

  30. Corey,
    I love your world! AND a GROS MERCI BEAUCOUP for linking me!
    I am still waiting for your book!
    I sure hope to meet you on my next trip!

  31. Tired of your photographs? Tired of your style? I don’t think so. Have fun on your assignment.~~Dee

  32. Sweet Lady…we would never tire of your pictures…no matter WHAT you take a picture of! And of course…I would NEVER tire of antique photos!

  33. She asks; “Would you like to see more of Provence style and my imagination?” Silly Woman! Of course we would! ,-))))
    Ohhhh a magazine shoot in Marseilles!!! Ohhh yummmy! Can’t wait for a sneak peak tomorrow!
    Mmmm, but btw ~~ I do hope you are staying awake at the wheel. -frown- I remember you saying that you have dozzzzzzzed offfffff while driving, on occassion. -sigh-
    Hi MN
    Wearing my seat belt was a new year’s resolution I made years ago and the only one I never broke.
    Falling asleep at the wheel, is something I would LOVE to change! It is a scary problem that I have!!
    But you also said that you were going to use your seat belts, in the New Year! :-))))

  34. a fireplace in the kitchen? It seems decadent now, but I guess it was a necessity back in the day…
    I never tire of seeing French antiques…actually, if you compiled a scrapbook of all of your pictures, I would look at it over and over…. ๐Ÿ™‚
    Cafe McDonalds? Gahhh – what an abomination. LOL
    much love….

  35. How do you shout in a comment? YES WE DO WANT TO SEE MORE ANTIQUES!! Was that loud enough?

  36. An abandoned house with character -my kind of thing, Corey! I enjoy imagining the history of its inhabitants. What stories are in those walls…
    I’m thoroughly enjoying these antiquing and life-in-France posts. They are quite interesting so please keep writing them.
    And how cool is it that you have another magazine assignment and to a woman whose collection you’ve admired no less. Congratulations, Corey!

  37. Corey… I know I’ve told you this story before but I must tell it again.
    As you know, I am an American who fell in love with a British gentleman so I live in England now and we love the English countryside.
    However… I just have this THING for France. I’ve only visited a few times but each time I’ve been gobsmacked and I’ve had an absolute whale of a time.
    So one time while we were visiting the US one of my relatives asked me what I liked best about living in England… without one teensy bit of hesitation I said, “well… it’s so close to France!”
    And my husband was just about fell off his chair. (I guess it’s that complicated French/English history)
    Anyhow… all of this to say that I will never tire of hearing about French antiques or anything else that you write about.

  38. Please go on and never stop! I love your posts!! I can’t wait to see tomorrows goodies.
    Hugs! Nancy

  39. Oh, that house would certainly catch my attention if I was out and about in the french countryside. What beauty! Only ones imagination to envision what might have been.
    and…one never is bored with antiques! Can’t wait to see the photo’s from your friends collection. Corey, you capture my heart everytime I read your posts!

  40. I can imagine what a beautiful house it must have been, so grand! Love where your imagination takes you, the lovely cannisters, basket and basin (I would be happy living with all of these). Enjoy your magazine assignment, it’s so perfect for you, so happy you are having fun!

  41. My husband would SOO love one of those bottle racks.

  42. wowsers…i have missed a ton of stuff going on over here missy! i just happened to pick up the victoria magazine and knew immediately those were your amazing photographs! wtg! and now a prince and princess connection! again wtg miss love connector…i just need to sit down and soak in all you’ve been sharing here. the antiques are beautiful…this lovely old home that is passing with time is breathtakingly heartbreaking…i’ve missed you…xo

  43. I could never grow tired of your French antiques and amazing imagination! Never.

  44. This seems to be the story worldwide. This photo is very evocative of what is happening in rural areas these days. I’ve been chronicling the decay of Illinois farms and barns for about three years. I get e-mails from everywhere saying the same thing is happening in their countryside…Spain, Eastern Europe and now I see in France – abandoned farmhouses.
    – the other Suzanne

  45. Julie christie leary

    Off to pick up daughter from Track practice…have just long enough to say I could never tire of your French antiques or the tales of Corey’s life. Yes! Anxiously awaiting your book, too.

  46. Wonderful pictures as always! But married to an architect and renovating our home for ten years and not finished yet, that house would be too much of a challenge!! But dreaming is never wrong, I do it all the time!

  47. i sighed a great big sigh for that lovely place…& then to stroll through the style of my motherland…filled with longing of something found in my DNA ๐Ÿ™‚

  48. Corey I don’t think anyone could get tired of hearing you wind your stories around antiques, photo, door knockers or whatever it is that catches your fancy for the day. I look forward to reading and then imaging right along with you. Imagination what a gift it is I feel for those that don’t have it. I encourage my children to use it everyday. Jeanette

  49. You’ve made us all armchair adventurers, Corey! The “maison de maitre” pics put me in mind of some of the wide open areas here in California. The house is remeniscent of some of our old Gold Rush relics in the foothills. I too have daydreams of finding a lovely old wreck of a house full of treasures. Dream on!

  50. I enjoy everything you share with us. I don’t think I’d tire of all those gorgeous antiques and pretty photos in a gazillion years, perhaps even in a gazillion and one years I’d be still glued to my screen with wide eyes, a wee bit o envy and delight at all you show!
    That bottle drying rack is awesome. I have been looking up bottle drying racks this afternoon cause I didn’t know they existed and might need something like that in the fall. Last year we made our first batch of home vin de noix and it was sooo gooood we of course need to make more. Which means more bottles…which means knowing the existence of a bottle drying rack right now is great timing! Merci!

  51. Pat.paulk

    I would love to put my ears to those walls and listen to all the history they’ve witnessed. Maybe, Napoleon passed its windows or, even spent the night there, with Josephine. But, to hell with ghosts, want to take a trip to the country??
    Hiya Pat you are a good flirt!

  52. Elaine L.

    I could NEVER get tired of your photos. Thank you for the links, especially regarding the different types of houses.
    I have a question. When we were traveling through southern France (don’t remember exactly where, I was on a tour bus)we saw houses built into the cliffs. Do you know anything about them or where I am speaking of. They were very interesting.

  53. Christa Geyer

    I could NEVER tire of antiques Corey! On the contrary, your photos and blog have inspired me in more ways than one. I can’t wait to take my first trip to France and search the antique markets for those special items to use in my own home. Can’t wait to see the photos tomorrow. Keep up the GREAT work!

  54. Fabulous photographs and text, I love the way you pull it all together. Have fun tomorrow.
    Best~ Robyn

  55. kathymcelroy

    I love door knockers too. This one is very cool. I have never seen a bottle drying rack, interesting. I would love to see more of your imagination and your sweet photo’s.

  56. Please don’t stop with the antiques! It’s a guilty pleasure during the middle of many busy days! Love Kathy at Vintage Weave. I will be seeing her on Friday while in LA.

  57. Corey, peeking into your world is a thrill and a half! I look forward everyday to what you share…can’t wait for Iva’s antiques!

  58. What stories that house could tell!

  59. la douce provence, still inhabited by silent places, surviving stones paying respect to their former lives…
    just beautiful!

  60. Dear Corey, I will never tire of Provence style, your imagination or antiques! If I could afford to I would buy the abandoned house and happily fill it with all sorts of antiques. I wouldn’t even mind living in the middle of nowhere. ~ Lynda xo

  61. Tamara Giselle

    When I saw that house I immediately thought about the aged wood that must be there. I love worn weathered wood.

  62. Corey – I’m not tired of antiques! I looooveeeee your photos!!! And your stories! ๐Ÿ™‚ Marva

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