The Guests are Gone, and Thoughts of turning Fifty Causes me to Re Think about Cleaning the House

An empty house. Yet when I look around everything seems to be jumping up and down yelling for my attention. Isn’t that how it is when the company leaves and reality hits.

A truckload of laundry, stops me in my tracks, "Hey lady do you think you could manage to pick up the piles off the floor? By the way the iron is flat out jealous!" Looking at the iron I smirk, "Ha!" I walk over the piles and head downstairs.


"Good morning Mom." Says Prince Sacha, as he continues to eat pasta from the pan. I open the refrigerator and it growls, "Empty! Chocolate and champagne are not real food, can you please come back to real life…bread, butter and milk."


Sacha says, "I am eating pasta for breakfast."

("Bad Mom, Bad mom!" I think to myself, though Prince Sacha seems to be happily surviving.) Stacks of dishes pretending to be cute on the counter. No clean glasses so I cup my hands and drink.


I walk back upstairs. Not bothering to notice the stacks of paper on my desk, that are moaning in a steady whisper: D-e-a-d-l-i-n-e-s!

Slipping into the bathroom, my friend the tub comforts me. Hot water roars from the tap, like a steady glass of white wine filling up, coloring my thoughts hazy. Only to be reminded that there are no clean towels. I don’t care I’ll drip dry.

As I stand up in the tub to drip dry I see my reflection in the mirror…

In two weeks I’ll turn fifty, I gotta get my act together. Second thought maybe not, as I turn the hot water back on.


85 responses to “The Guests are Gone, and Thoughts of turning Fifty Causes me to Re Think about Cleaning the House”

  1. Advanced Happy Birthday my dearest Corey!
    I know how you’re feeling…even without guests, just my family, the house beckons. There’s just not enough hours in a day to get everything done, but you did the right thing in getting back to that nice hot tub!
    So, how are you going to celebrate? Knowing you, it’s going to be with style, panache and a lot of fun! May I invite myself?! 😉

  2. I hope you buy yourself a little something for your birthday at the next brochant near you. Ah, 50. That wasn’t a good year for me personally, but I would like to be that young again.

  3. My divine young friend who will soon be fabulous fifty………..
    How wonderful you are……..
    I adore you.
    God blessed me and the world real good with YOU
    sweet wonderful YOU.
    I love all that you share.
    Your photographs are divine.
    I am ever thankful to call you a friend of mine.
    Love Jeanne

  4. Corey, you and your home are perfect as you are! Magic and big events leave their mark in many ways. OK, the dishes and laundry need some attention, and your “frigo” needs replenishing…. but did you notice the glow around those glasses sitting on your counter, the contented look on Sacha’s face, the sheen and sparkle all around, all created by the magic of this past weekend? Hah…

  5. Happy lonely day, good luck with your deadlines and happy birthday planning.
    I will turn 50 in April and I’ve decided to give myself a gift – I’ll travel to India(later this year) so my head is spinniung with plans as I sit here in my studio today struggling with MY writing deadlines…..
    I look forward to hear about your celebrations.

  6. Ah, fifty schmifty! Dust keeps, laundry keeps, pasta fills a gap and hot baths solve all problems.

  7. A little bit of work avoidance never did anybody any harm, actually I’m a past master at it! As for 50, it’ll be a doddle I mean by the time you hit 50 you’ve had loads of practice at all these so called “big birthdays” 30, 40. So 50 easy peasy.

  8. Fifty is a piece of cake! Like fine wine you only get better with age.
    The housework will be done and the deadlines reached.
    Life is good, enjoy it!!!

  9. It was a wonderful trip,,this last weekend,,having company is like going on a trip as energy is spent differently,,and this last weekend was important, like having a celebrity there,,,and then the sharing of it with us all,,,that all would wear me out! and now,, the segway back,,well, I clean, unpack, look at my pictures, make phone calls,reorganize..I am sure you have done all these things by now…now its time to get creative,,get the camera, get lost in your talent. Oh I know,,a guessing game! What will you show next,,,what will you do for the big 50??? We will be looking forward to the big day,, where can we send presents? Isn’t life grand!

  10. A bath is always my favorite answer to everything, too.
    Chocolate and Champagne are definitely real foods.
    And I think you have your act together better than most. I strive to live my life as well as you do.

  11. hey corey, fifty was wonderful! it was hard to leave the fabulous 40 behind, but trust me, i’m six months into it and it is even better!
    happy cleaning…susan

  12. Corey, sort the clothes, put in a load of laundry, wash one sink full of dishes – and then realize that it will take a week (not a day) to catch up on the regular stuff that such a fantastic weekend pushed aside. Meanwhile having a load of both clothes and dishes done will put a small dent in the to do list! he he You, indeed, live your life better than most – but thanks for sharing that reality hits you as well! Sending lots of love and good wishes for your 50th coming up! I think milestone birthdays are best spent appreciating the journey that life’s been so far – something that you do daily on your blog – so enjoy your big day!!!

  13. constance forehand

    50 is wonderful and so are all the others afterwards. february 1, 2007 i turned 70. had a party for myself with over 30 girlfriends. ranging from 35 to 83. my precious husband puts on his tuxedo and serves the drinks. i did this when i was 60 too. next will be when i am 75.i am an artist and have an antique shop. 11 wonderful grandchildren the youngest 13. life is beautiful. GOD has truly blessed me. and i’m still thin!!!!!

  14. There is a sort of echo in the house when guests leave isn’t there? In no time you’ll be caught up tho and planning then next adventure.

  15. Ah, leave all the housework for another day 🙂 Soon you’ll know when it is time to do it. Life’s to short to do housework…especially when your in the South of France and there is a flea market going on!!!!! 🙂 Happy upcoming birthday mon cherie.

  16. Isn’t it amazing how romance makes “real Life” recede? What’s romantic about dirty linens and glasses? But, pasta out of the pot for breakfast – Sacha is my kind of teenager!
    As for turning fifty – it does not hurt a bit. I survived that and sixty, as well and have no doubt you will do so with verve and style. We can’t stop the years from piling up but we can LIVE in each one.

  17. That’s the nature of housework. Once you are sure you’ve finished, you turn around and there’s some more. If I even think about reading or knitting or crafting, the “something else” rears its ugly head and begs for me to tend to it immediately. I usually don’t.
    I hope your turning 50 is wonderful and freeing and painless. Let me know. I turn 50 in June. 🙂

  18. I turn 57 next week! Back in 2001, I’m afraid turning 50 was the highpoint of my year – but, hey, 50 is great! They say it is the new 30.

  19. Oh, Corey, please don’t get your act together. What would the rest of us do? My house screams for me too, but I’ve got to help my mom today. So, I’ll be making her dinner this a.m. after I drop the children at school. Then, I’m going to teach her how to use a laptop computer (her birthday present.) Happy almost 50!! I’m glad I found your blog.

  20. Why change now after 50 young years?
    My birthday is coming up soon and I’ve finally come to the realization that I will never be Donna Reed. My hair will be pinned up most days (because I didn’t feel like styling it), my house will be messy most days (until a guest arrives and I run frantically sticking clutter in hiding spots), nothing in my house will be organized (but I still know where everything is), and I will have many days when I wish my house were perfect, and that I was perfect.
    But on most days, I will be happy that I’m not perfect because I am me, and I finally like who I am.

  21. Coming back to Earth after the heady events of the weekend cannot be easy, but you have the right idea. A long soak in the tub, and you can face the things that need to be done.!
    **50** in two weeks, Darling it is going to be wonderful..!
    I will be 59 in three weeks, and I will celebrate it as happily as I did being 9..!
    Each year brings new adventures and challenges, that make us who we are.

  22. What should I say ?
    Where are your romantic posts ?
    Or when are going to come back to your romantic posts ?
    I hate laundry is not romantic at all evne if it is life.
    O.K let’s say for 2008 We wish us a year without doing laundry and cleaning …

  23. A deep, hot soak is sometimes the best way to comfort our soul and heart, dear Corey! You know how to go!

  24. Corey, if you had your act together, would we ever get to see pictures of Sacha the Prince eating pasta from the pot? C’mon, Sweetie, don’t do it!!! Anyway all those glasses on the red tile, with that lovely silver pitcher behind them, the cloves of garlic, the soft muslin (?) curtain below? Lovely, lovely.

  25. heather kathleen

    ahhhhhhhhhhh sacred bath time. the piles? ignore them a little longer and maybe they will put themselves away! 🙂

  26. You know what I love about this? I love that while the adventure was on you did not get diverted and distracted with things like dishes and laundry. You were in the moment enjoying every single second of it. That is a gift. All that stuff will get done and it will all be back to normal. You can count on that. But you only get to live in a love story once in a great while. Oh, and 50 isn’t so bad. This year life begins at 52 for me – in July!

  27. i love you corey!!! you have just described my house a mere 3 days ago…
    now, water pouring out the spout like white wine…gets my wheels turning! do you think you could invent that apparatus & install it in my tub???? i may never get out if that were present 😀

  28. I personally think that you have your act together just fine.
    Cleaning can wait. As long as there is clean underwear you are good. Ironing? Is it really that important? All those things are what you “should” be doing.
    What you are meant to do is not the things. It is the inspiration you give to others. A glimpse into a life most of us will never have but only dream of. The bringing together of two people for what may be a true love. Those are the things that really matter.
    You give a brief respite each day to one mom of a four and five year old girls. For that is important to me and I appreciate it. So yes I think you have your act together just fine.

  29. Corey, I’m 9 1/2 years in front of you (note my return to doing age math again as I did as a child) – I’ll be 60 in July. Perhaps this will be the year you will skillfully adopt the Scarlett ‘tude. My personal paraphrase of the heroine: Why give your attention to the crappy things in life when you can LIVE and DREAM? If we lived closer I would come do your dishes in gratitude for the weekend you gave us all.

  30. I’ve come to realize that in almost 27 years of washing laundry, cleaning the kitchen, making sure the floors are spotless and many other domestic routines, that in just a few short hours, I’m doing it all over again…there’s not much satisfaction in that!
    No wonder at our ages we tire of this repetitive drudgery to enjoy special times with family and friends, creating beautiful things, searching for treasures at the antique markets or other much more fun activities ~ the memories last, the found treasures last….but it seems as though a clean home and finished laundry never does!
    xxoo, Dawn

  31. Oh Corey,
    We are sister’s of the heart….
    only you’re the more poetic and cool sister :o)

  32. julie christie leary

    My daughter decided to drip dry yesterday,too.[she’s 12!] I turn 50 in April. Not sure how I feel about it. A long,hot bath does sound like a good way to start…We need to think of some good celebrations for those of us gaining on 50…..any suggestions?

  33. I get the same feeling when my company leaves…it’s really sad sometimes.
    You’re turning 50 in a couple of weeks? Try 63 in a few days! 🙁 wahhhhhhh…Oh to be 50 again!

  34. The flip side of perfection is doing the dishes. Just stay where it’s safe, in that bathtub!!
    Thinking of you as your near the celebration of 50 years!! If you need lessons, I can be your girl.

  35. Love these entries which shout out ~ “Hey, I’m human too!” :-))))
    Also love that you have red tiles in your kitchen! White walls and cabinets. But gloriously R-E-D and shiny tiles!!!
    Worry not about the coming Birthday. Your personality will forever preserve all that is great about being youthful. No matter what the calendar says.

  36.!!! i have been away too long! i’m just getting caught up in all the excitement that’s been going on here!!!
    how fun corey- love, love, love it!
    and in case you haven’t heard, 50 is the new 30!

  37. Only you would have a prince in the kitchen! and eating pasta at that! As far as I am concerned, the fairytale seems to be continuing, with dirty laundry, dishes and paper crowns… Happy to see that you are growing older gracefully and with such TRUE STYLE! Hugs to you my dear!

  38. ally bean

    Oh, pish-posh! A bit of a mess in your home just says that you’re still alive and enjoying life. Seems like you’ve got your act together to me.

  39. Corey,
    You are so funny and so real, I love it! Your young prince will not die from a pasta breakfast and he seems to be heartly enjoying it. Those dishes and laundry can can wait until the spell of love wears off. The bath was the best idea and take heart, 50 IS the new 30! (I’m not very far behind you, so I am in good company!) Blessings on your day!

  40. O how fun! What are you doing for number 50, Corey? Are you having a big fabulous party? Or alovely intimate gathering? Or just you and FH and whatever?
    Happy birthday early! My mother tells me that you get to celebrate birthdays for as many days as the number of birthday. You can have your very own pentecost!

  41. I can’t believe you’re turning 50! We are nearly the same age. Yay.
    I hate housework and always have. I rebel against it. I let it go and go to bed and read books instead. I also eat biscuits in bed while I read my books.
    Also, I hate it when company leaves. When I have to see my friends off at the airport I always walk away and cry.

  42. how do you explain the fact , that I did not organize no love match thing and eventhough my fridge yeals also EMPTYYYYYY !

  43. I love Prince Sasha’s crown…did he manage to find the king in the galette des rois? :0)

  44. The worst part about turning 50 is the time leading up to it. This happened to me six months ago. You feel old, creaky, everything worries you. Trust me, on the day of your birthday you will feel great and realize what great thing it is to be 50. So what if someone thinks you are outspoken or act silly at times. That is what it is all about. Speak your mind and feel free to express yourself. Remember-“lots to think and pray about-nothing to worry about”.

  45. Don’t worry Corey, it’s just a number.
    Only you could write so beautifully about dirty dishes, dirty laundry and such.
    Sacha looks so royal eating pasta from the pot.
    Have a great day! Chocolate and champagne, not so bad.

  46. I think Sacha is enjoying being a prince and eating whatever he wants for breakfast. He is hilarious! 🙂 Your family “gets it” that people trump things, because that is how you live. And everyone is blessed because of it.

  47. It’s my firm belief that a hot bath can cure almost anything. At the very least it’ll make everything feel better.

  48. Hey! In ten days I’ll be 54 (how in the hoohah did that happen?!) – Happy almost birthday, my fellow January Bday friend! Happy happy happy one to you!

  49. Ahhh, the morning after 🙂 I bet your’ll find you feel even MORE empowered at 50!! It just keeps getting better!!!

  50. Ahhh, the morning after 🙂 I bet you’ll find you feel even MORE empowered at 50!! It just keeps getting better!!!

  51. Work wanted,four woman team to help you meet those deadlines, a touch a Pinky and your worries are washed away like a bad dream,Ruby will splash her mistical powder in your kitchen,sparkling counters and tummys full,will hang clothes out on line so they smell of the fresh breezes,Fairy-God Mother has Iron and will travel.And of coarse Alma too, sure she’ll fit in our carry on .

  52. Consider the dirty dishes, the empty fridge, the unwashed laundry as proof of an amazing weekend, Corey. 🙂

  53. Ah, Corey – only YOU could make dirty dishes look like ART.

  54. Corey!
    I could never tire of reading your blog. I need it like a soothing therapy. You make me laugh and that makes me happy!
    Thank you! Nancy

  55. Hey that’s neat, we must have a birthday near the same time (Feb 4th for moi) cause for days my home has been filled with “I turn thirtttyyyyy in a couple weeks! wooohoo” Feb 4th, bring on the ice cream, the cake, more ice cream, some coffee, then more ice cream, then maybe to settle the stomach after such a gastronomic delight we’ll have nip of port. haha
    I think it’s a hoot you showed the photos of your dirty dishes waiting to be cleaned, that’s just awesome!

  56. It is merely a number…..a number in a long succession of numbers that are only relevant on a drivers license or important papers. Otherwise as long as you don’t lose the inner child….the whirling-twirling-head back on the swing set-giggling til your sides hurt-tea party loving-imagination full person inside you………’s all a piece of cake!
    CAKE! Oh yes you must have cake…ooey gooey chocolate cake….save a slice to eat for breakfast the next day.
    We will all celebrate with you because by you being among us YOU have given US a great gift!
    Laundry and dishes can wait…it won’t cause the world to fall off its axis if they sit a while longer. That’s my philosophy anyway. teehee
    Love, hugs and joy,

  57. waking up from a romantic weekend dream… getting back to reality and every day routine!
    turning 50 is no big deal corey!
    not tough! at least it wasn’t for me, just a plain ordinary day, passing on towards 51 ;))
    mon avis… keep it simple so you don’t notice it!

  58. In the aftermath of such an exciting weekend, I guess you would be contemplating the future . . .

  59. How do you do it…even your dirty dishes look glamorous…and you keep your shallots and garlic in a silver bowl, now that is just elegance personified.
    Just one little thing that did not pass my not pass my notice…just how many vine and Champagne glasses there are on the counter…Oh!!! sorry for a minute I forgot…France…white vine, red vine, Champagne…that’s cool…I am cool with that 🙂
    Turning 50 is admirable…for a number of years I have not gone past 48 and this summer I will have my 48th again *smile*

  60. Tamara Giselle

    I hit that half century mark in Sept and I think it is pretty dang fabulous! I have been telling people I am almost 50 for five years, so it didn’t have quite the sting I guess. Now I tell people I am heading for 60! Whoever said you lie about your age by telling people you are younger is crazy! You really wow people by telling them you are older than you are, then they are really impressed. :-)) (my double chin is jiggling) I have no doubt you will embrace 50 the way you embrace the rest of life, will zeal and grace!
    You will be welcomed into the club with open arms girl! The more the merrier.

  61. Life is too short to worry about the laundry…I vote for a long soak in a hot bath!

  62. Oh Corey, you write with such eternal youth, that the numbers “5” and “0” are just those… numbers! With age comes experience, and with all the experience we have under our belts now, we can only get better!

  63. What a good idea,, to put the cloch over the dishes,,,,I like to do dishes by hand and think of the company that used them and the conversations we had, it helps to segway back to normal,,the next morning of course, of course. The prince is doing his job cleaning up left overs,,he was happy to help too…How could you not help smileing at that one,,, haha,,love this little peek into your kitchen,,thanks

  64. Corey O’Maro: “I’ll head upstairs, and I’ll think of some way to make the dishes disappear. In the bath tub, if must be. Tomorrow. After all, tomorrow is another day.”

  65. Corey O’Maro: “I’ll head upstairs, and I’ll think of some way to make the dishes disappear. In the bath tub, if must be. Tomorrow. After all, tomorrow is another day.”

  66. The laundry & dishes will get done … when you’re good & ready! Enjoy some down time ~ you’ve earned it. Turning 50 is a piece of cake … I did it last year and can honestly say that each decade gets better and better! ~ hugs, Lynda xo

  67. Maybe it’s the effect of this precious weekend you’ve been sharing with us…
    Maybe I’m in a mood… 🙂
    Maybe it’s just me…
    But whatever it is, I’d like to point you to a smile.
    All the while wondering, would Prince Sacha like to see it too? :-)))))

  68. ok, i love you kitchen with or without glasses and the most important feature is the crowned prince who is eating from a major food group -happens to be a staple for us anytime,and from the pediatric side- beats dunkin donuts or some of the overly sugared american cereals-alas, priorities ARE ALREADY in order,celebrating life and family! Touché!happy birhtday!!!
    you are an inspiration to many!
    from south of france american

  69. You have the rest of your life to do the dishes and the laundry. A nice hot bath is so much more important after you’ve expended all your energy on the matchmaking weekend!
    Since I’m 60 I can let you in on a little secret about the decade of 50. Someone once said, “At fifty the madwoman comes down out of the attic and burns the house down.” I don’t know, perhaps you’ve managed to retain enough of “you” during the childraising years. Maybe you won’t experience the house burning (figuratively, of course).

  70. Another funny, wonderful post!
    And how adorable is that boy?! Such a cute guy.

  71. Corey,
    I am new to your blog. My adult daughter has been telling me how wonderful your work is (and she was THRILLED that your photographs are in Victoria).
    This is wonderful! I’m so glad I came to see. I love your very personal, down-to-earth, way of writing – the way your share your heart. And the tub – ahhhh – sounded like a great idea to get back in.
    Happy Upcoming Birthday!

  72. Are you living in my house? ;>)

  73. Relax and enjoy. You deserve it!! You entertained us all this past weekend!
    I turned 50 last March.Forget about cleaning the house – it’s time to “think golden!”

  74. what a great look into the aftermath of the weekend… Sasha’s crown.

  75. O thanks Corey, you just reminded me I have laundry in the wash and a bath tub to clean. I’d much rather sit here and be entertained by French friends and pasta eating princes.

  76. Elaine L.

    After the magical weekend you had, It has be hard having your feet touch the ground, again.
    It was hard for me and I wasn’t there!
    I was 56 in Dec – don’t sweat 50. Once you get past the idea of it, it’s a breeze. And, besides, I’m sure dear FH appreciates ALL your life experience.

  77. Hi, Corey,
    What a wonderful weekend, and what wonderful memories you will have forever. Thanks for sharing them with all of us.

  78. what a hard working little matchmaker!
    yes yes – the bath…
    53 is even better…
    xox – eb.

  79. lol… sounds like my place on any normal day. And the tub is definitely the best place to unwind and let it all out. Enjoy!

  80. Are all bloggers turning 50 this month? I have read it both at Karla’s Cottage and Eye-dyllic this a.m.! I’m not far behind and I’m watching and learning just WHAT TO DO 🙂 And I think those dishes weren’t just pretending…they ARE cute :)!

  81. Julie Fredericksen

    I have been lurking about your blog for some time now, stopping by every once in a while. But what caused me to de-lurk and comment, aside from having just written a de-lurking post on my blog, is the wonderful “might-be-love” story you have been telling.
    It has brought a bit of sweetness and warmth into my cold winter.

  82. Julie Fredericksen

    I have been lurking about your blog for some time now, stopping by every once in a while. But what caused me to de-lurk and comment, aside from having just written a de-lurking post on my blog, is the wonderful “might-be-love” story you have been telling.
    It has brought a bit of sweetness and warmth into my cold winter.

  83. 50. ‘Tis but a number. In real life, I don’t see you a day over 28.
    We have pasta for breakfast all the time. *wink*

  84. you 50???!!! never…i hear you have such wonderful personal style…very chic! nahhhhh, i wouldn’t give you a day over 35!!!!!!!
    (to be totally honest!)

  85. Marie-Noëlle

    Prince Sacha, shaking your spoon mustn’t have helped much your Mother Queen… Did you manage to find your magical sceptre to get rid of all those dirty dishes ???

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