Blogger turned Match Maker


Last June I wrote about my French Husband’s nephew Mattieu, how he was very handsome, wonderfully nice and available. Well all be darn, if I didn’t became an overnight, match-making, referral agency. Many of you wrote to me teasingly: I have a daughter, a sister, an Aunt, or a cousin, a nanny, or a friend who is single and could be interested. Some sent photos. Some wrote twice.


I saw a need. With black book in hand I became a Match Making Agency with one male client, and hundreds of bella belles! (Slightly exaggerated number of bella belles.)


Well to be honest, Mattieu didn’t know that I was chatting with anyone about his possible new love life. Why should he know, it was just a jestful girl thing anyway? Besides it was a fantasy, a light hearted game…the truth didn’t matter to any of the single girls nor I. Not one bit, and of course that didn’t stop any of us from giggling even more, and dreaming up escapades that nobody dreamed would become true.


Except Lily.

After the few days of silly chatter, Lily kept writing. We started to share more sincerely, the jestful game transformed into a friendship and in those few emails, I don’t know why but I felt something, I don’t know what, but a feeling I couldn’t shake. Lily felt it too.

But here is the catch. Lily, wasn’t interested in Mattieu for herself, she wrote to me asking about Mattieu for her best friend Eva. She thought Eva and Mattieu sounded alike…and how she too couldn’t shake the idea of the two of them meeting.

It was odd, it was a long shot, especially considering neither of them (Eva nor Mattieu,) knew each other, nor that Lily and I were talking about them in such a way.


Well eventually Lily and I knew we had to take the next step, we had to break the ice, and tell them about our match-making secrets. Can you imagine that? How do you tell someone, something as off the wall as this?

I thought about how I was going to tell Mattieu, which for me was odd because I usually jump and think later. "Oh Hi Mattieu… Hey by the way, Um…ah… You see a few weeks ago I wrote a post on my blog about you being single… Then this woman from blogging, who read what I wrote about you contacted me. …um um anyway, this woman has a best friend who she thought you might like to get to know… and oh by the way the person lives on the other side of the planet. So maybe you two could write emails like pen pals? You could practice your English and she could practice her French?"

But I couldn’t say that!! Not the whole truth like that. Match-makers have to know how to play their cards, and the deck of cards in my hand were pretty tricky.


After much consideration, a few chocolates and a glass of wine I called Mattieu. I told him that there was this person who reads my blog and she was looking for a pen pal to practice  her French. I went on to say that, since he wanted to practice his English she might be an interested person to write.

The story continues tomorrow…when Eva flys to France to meet Mattieu…

P.S. The meeting is at my house.

Photos: Small items seen at the brocante, writing tools, ink well, black book, whistle, glasses and love notes.


92 responses to “Blogger turned Match Maker”

  1. Oh my…..sounds so amazing. I hope all goes well. I remember meeting my husband in person for the first time. It was in a garage…:) He’d just flown all the way from California to Canada to meet me in person for the first time. So we know a little bit about crossing long distances to meet your love.
    I hope this story has the happiest of endings for Eva and Mattieu.
    Can’t waaaaaait to read tomorrow’s post!

  2. I hope YOU don’t get your heart broken. Us match makers have a hard road to travel, with our expectations and all. I have to say, I am very bad at it.

  3. Can’t wait to see the next post. Corey, you are an amazing person, everyday a surprise!

  4. Oh, Corey,
    I am so intrigued. Your stories are so wonderful. I would like to submit my name for your matchmaking side job.

  5. Charlotte

    If they end up getting married and having babies, you’ll HAVE to be the first one’s (fairy) godmother!!

  6. Clicked on the link… two VERY handsome French men indeed! Cannot wait to read the next installment.

  7. I came across your site via “A fanciful Twist” and I just love your stories and the beautiful photos of your ‘finds’. I also think the photos of your family are gorgeous..did you take most of those? You are so fortunate to live in France! My husband is applying to teach overseas and we’re crossing our fingers that we’ll be accepted and that we’ll wind up in Europe. You must miss San Francisco a little..It’s such a great city. ( I’m in Oregon now and I miss the Bay Area and my hometown of Pacific Grove). Anyhow, I look forward to visiting your site again:)

  8. Julie Ann

    Oooo la la – what treats I have been missing….Happy New Year Corey, I imagine you had butterflies waiting for the meeting, can’t wait to hear whether cupid stuck for Mattieu and Eva, Julie x

  9. You are the best match maker I’ve ever met even if …
    Well , I can’t wait to read more about it …
    Each day , I will follow it as an episode of DALLAS .
    Next time I see you I will share with you a better spicy recipe than the carrot one ..

  10. All the best to the young about-to-be-couple! I’m afraid I find myself in love with those pens, though. Am I lacking in romance?

  11. Corey,
    Ah!, Intrigue and insight into the wiley and fox-like female brain.
    Continu s’il vous plait.

  12. My, my, my! Aren’t you quite the matchmaker? IF love at first sight exists then why not love at first e-mail?

  13. Oooh La La my lovely friend………
    God bless you in your quest and may the angels guide every passage………….
    I am enchanted with everything you post.
    I can hardly wait to hear of the adventures that present themselves.
    Life is a series of new beginnings.
    I love you

  14. Just as the gorgeous lithograph reads at the top ‘Love Blooms’ anything is possible, oui?
    Perhaps l’amore will come in time.

  15. Oh Corey,
    I can’t wait to see how your matchmaking story unfolds. I love this kind of stuff and you do it so well.

  16. Remember what I told you Corey – it does work sometimes, like me introducing my hairstylist and contractor – they are now married, SO HAPPY, and haven’t stopped thanking me yet!! Of course they only had to travel a few miles to meet for that first coffee at Starbucks – but one never knows – both you and I ‘crossed the pond’ to be with the loves of our lives!
    Just know you are on pins and needles today waiting to see what happens – and I can hardly wait.
    Love can make one do crazy and wonderful things.

  17. Corey,
    Ohh, I can’t wait until tomorrow….

  18. Stop it! You are a fairy godmother! I can’t wait to hear what happens – how wonderful.

  19. Marie-Noëlle

    I’ll be staying in the house overlooking to your garden… Can you lend me those lovely binoculars, please !
    (my wand would not change me into a fly… had to find another option !)

  20. oooooooooooo a cliff hanger!! I’ll be back to read more!

  21. What a blockbuster story, Corey! I imagine tomorrow morning everyone reading here will be hogging the computer for updates. Super Tuesday in Bloglandia happens on a Friday! Can’t wait. Good luck to all who need it. 🙂

  22. You have now created a blog soap opera–I can’t wait to tune in tomorrow! You make me smile with your witty sense of adventure!

  23. Haha. I have no finesse with these things. I would’ve told him the whole story. You’re a clever Matchmaker. I can’t wait to hear how it goes….and tell us the WHOLE story. Don’t be clever 😉

  24. Oh my goodness; I don’t know about this . . . you’ll have to keep us all posted!

  25. Here you go again…
    keeping us all on the edge of our seats!
    Gifted, simply gifted!

  26. I can’t wait to see what happens! Anticipation!…I can’t stand it!
    Love the photos…I wish I could reach out and take the writing tools and that ink well home with me! They would go so good with my collection!

  27. Oh my, I am so loving this!!! You sly girl…only you Corey, what a beautiful thing to say to him…xxoo, Dawn (can’t wait for this to continue ~ don’t we women just love romance? Even if it’s someone else’s!)

  28. How deliciously naughty!

  29. Oh! Your so mean for making us wait until tomorrow to find out more!!!

  30. so exciting! Your pictures Corey….and the way you tell the story! sooooooooooooooo beautiful and charming! 🙂
    You know, when trying to do matchs like these one…always found very hard to find the boy…I know girls beautiful and intelligent, do you know more boys like this one?

  31. Corey, You are such a sly, creative, and sensitive cupidess! Don’t make us wait until Valentine’s Day to know the outcome!

  32. Do I sense a “Dear Paris-Matchmaker” column in “Victoria” on the horizon? heehee =)

  33. I am just in love with the chrubins images !!! just in love !!
    HAVE a wonderfully frenchie and happy new year !

  34. Pure poetry on your hands, dear Corey. 🙂

  35. Oh, I am soooooooooooooo hooked !!!!

  36. and yes !!! As the other girls I can’t waiiiiiiit to read tomorrow’s news 😉

  37. Oh, Corey, can hardly wait to hear the next step in this romance.

  38. Oh my goodness, how do you do it? You pull me right in every time! You have an amazing gift for story CREATING, not just writing. This sounds amazing, can’t wait to read more! You tease!

  39. Massilianana

    ooOoOOOh , no wonder your guessing games are so intriguing : you do know how to create suspense and mystery !You are brilliant ! Can’t wait for the next episode of “Eva and Matthieu , a love across the the world” !!!…

  40. Let me guess, today you are dashing nervously about the house tidying and rearranging? Looking forward to tomorrow’s installment!!

  41. Corey,
    You are sucking me in. It already sounds very romantic. Leave it to you.
    Until tomorrow,

  42. Oh my!!! I cannot wait to hear what happens next!! 🙂 You have me quite breathless with anticipation of a lovely, matchmaking story! 🙂

  43. Corey
    You are the MOST suspenseful blog that
    I have found. Love how you make us guess
    what items are and wait for the end of the story. I love suspense and will definately be back tomorrow. How romantic and how I
    hope it has a happy ending. 😉 I must
    be a matchmaker at heart.

  44. Hi, corey, haven’t been by in awhile, but I know you are always up to something! How exciting this sounds & I will be back to see how it turns out. Just caught Donna’s post about your home in Victoria, so I must go & buy the magazine. I’m sure it is delightful, as you are!

  45. How EXCITING!
    Can’t wait for more!

  46. Well, I can’t wait to hear how this turns out!!! Hopefully it goes well. You must give us all of the details!!!

  47. Corey,
    You are shameless, stepping in where angels fear to tread, I love it! I can’t wait to see how it turns out.

  48. So very romantic…
    I need to hear how the first meeting went!

  49. Sigh. L’amour.

  50. get out of town!!! now this is exciting!-can not wait….this is like a good book you can not put down 😉

  51. You had Bossy at… Hello Romance!

  52. I LOVE this…
    After I posted yesterday, I wanted to say, that the story of your engagement to Yann, was so telling of what kind of people you both are, there is so much heart in the two of you, and as I’ve said to you before, both of your hearts beat as one…
    The delight you take in bringing people (as well as beautiful things) together is another example of how you drink deeply of life and its possibilities. Making a way for what was impossible, to become possible…
    I love this about you too…

  53. I am on the edge of my seat!
    I can’t wait to hear the next chapter in this story!
    (Setting my alarm extra early tomorrow so I have time to read before work!)

  54. How exciting for everyone! I hope you take lots of photos and I hope they let you share them! 🙂

  55. Gosh Corey!! You’re a bonafide Fairy Godmother!!!! I can’t wait to read the rest.
    Hugs! Nancy

  56. How exciting!! I can’t wait to hear all about it! ~ Lynda xo

  57. Oh my…that gave me goosebumps!! Can’t wait for Part II xx

  58. Hi Corey! It’s really me Nancy from Fete et Fleur on the last comment from Loving Her Beautiful (who is my husband Bill). Blogger keeps the last person who left you a comment logged in (which was obviously my husband) and I didn’t realize I needed to change it. I went to read my comment and saw it said from Bill Loving Her Beautiful. (LOL) :O)
    This has been a strange day for me. I’m having a Gilligan day! Ever have one of those?

  59. Corey my dear, you certainly wear many hats…and I must say that you look enchanting in each one. This one with the feathers tickles me pink and has me waiting in anticipation…Oh!!!to be young and to have you as a Match Maker.

  60. PERFECTLY PLAYED, Corey!! Perfect! Oh, this is going to be great!!!!

  61. Hah! Oh, Corey, you are terrible – in the best kind of way, of course! I hope the dinner is a matchmaking success and I’m looking forward to reading Part II. Fun, fun!

  62. Oh, this is better than anything I’ve ever seen on TV and so exciting. Can’t wait for the next chapter!!

  63. A skillful card player indeed… so what happens next …does he read your blog? Has he sold the movie rights to his story yet..are you going to write the screenplay ….it all could happen from such small beginnings!

  64. Ellen Cassilly

    Cook with lots of love. Ellen

  65. Corey, I just happened upon your blog and fell in love with this story. How fun!!!!
    I also became completed immersed in your photo collection of French antiques, linens, etc. I would love to grab up those beautiful linens and decorate my entire house. I am such a linen-aholic. I haven’t seen so many pretties in quite some time.
    I hope the two little birdies find love.

  66. This would make a wonderful movie!

  67. the home was crowded that early winter weekend, sparkling stars, bright moonlight, candle lights, the warmth of a provence winter evening… once upon a time, remembered for ever!

  68. I’m waiting on the edge of my seat to find out what happens! I do believe I’m reading the beginning of a great novel.

  69. Oh, the suspense!

  70. Ohhh, you keep us in suspense! :-))))
    And please add another request from me {for your book} to the one I left on another entry.
    Ahemmmm, Ladies… Please let’s bombard Dear Corey with requests for a book. She did say, in her blog answers entry, that she would, if she got some *humongous* number of requests. Betcha’ we can do it. :-))))

  71. Oh Corey, I am waiting with bated breath all the way out in California in the hopes of hearing the thunderbolt strike. I’ll be back tomorrow for sure.

  72. “Matchmaker Matchmaker, make me a match”. I kept hearing that as I read through this post, Corey! I can’t wait to hear what happens next! Love it!

  73. Ooh, this is wicked delicious! Drag it out, would ya? So we have lots & lots of Matchmaker Blog Entries accompanied by more of your mouthwatering photos? (Speaking of mouthwatering, a few more shots of Matthieu would certainly be apropos, n’est-ce pas? Not to mention most welcome! — did I say that?!)

  74. YOU DID NOT!
    i soooo love this story
    but please, please
    make it have the best happy ending…

  75. ah Cupids ! ooolala and I will definitely BE HERE tomorrow.

  76. OMG!!~!!
    You are a MAGIC MAKER~!
    keep me informed!!! I must know what happens……

  77. This is too good…we wait in breathless anticipation! Now you can add “yenta” to your list of accomplishments!

  78. I am positively holding my breath! How exciting!

  79. Ha~ha! I read your post to my husband and we both laughed at how you went about becoming a matchmaker. Looking forward to hearing about “the meeting” at your house!

  80. Oh how wonderfully fun and romantic! I can’t wait to find out what happens.

  81. Oh Corey – the plot thickens. Stranger things have happened, no? By the way I love all the pens and inks, I’m a calligrapher.

  82. Dear Corey – and I repeat – you knock my socks off…
    xox – eb.

  83. Elaine L.

    OMG, this is soooooooo exciting!!!

  84. This is just delicious…can’t wait for the “next installment”…

  85. Sigh…Oh, I love it! I’ll be back…

  86. If this works out, it would be the most interesting love story yet!

  87. =^..^= Oooo Corey!
    How delighful.
    I do love stories … you know.
    And magic. I do love magic ::sigh::
    Thinking of you there.
    Wishing you sweet dreams.
    =^..^= love, zU

  88. So cute, this love story! Coincidentally, I just posted today about a book about love stories!!! We are a month early, but there’s no stopping LOVE! Looking forward to the next part of your story!!!

  89. stumbled on this story, love it, mine is also an interesting one, why don’t you start a blog of ‘interesting unusual love stories’ would go down well with all us soppy women!

  90. So happy to have come over here to catch up. What a story 🙂

  91. Oh what a great story, I was not ready to put the book down just yet… I will be back tomorrow. LOVE romantic stories.

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