Lost and Found


Photo: Paris swarming with tourists, French husband in the middle scouting to find us. Can you see him?

Paris was crawling with people. In all the years that I lived in Paris and the many times I have gone back, I have never seen it that crowded. The line to go inside Notre Dame seem to extend to the Louvre, then continued down the Champs Elysee, it wrapped around the Arc de Triumph and shot straight to the base of the Eiffel Tower. Like a dot-to-dot drawing, the famous sites were connected, creating an unsurmountable waiting game.

"If you get lost, stay put- I will re trace my steps until I find you." That is what I use to tell my children when they were little. "If you get lost- don't panic, stay put… I will find you." Luckily now that Chelsea and Sacha are teen agers there isn't any need to remind them of our "getting lost" rule.

However while in Paris I never lost Chelsea nor Sacha…though we were always losing French Husband.



…luckily he would find something nearby to stand up on, and then look around for us. We often spotted him just by turning around and looking up.

Once in a large grocery/department store Chelsea (who was two or three at the time) announced to me that she had lost her favorite stuffed toy. I knew that without it many sleepless nights would occur, crying would prevail and that my sanity would crack. I knew that I HAD to FIND her missing security blanket, which was disguised as a worn, little bunny, called Bun-Bun!


Since we lived in France, and my French language skills at the time were next to nothing… I had the wee little Chelsea tell the salesclerk in French what happened. The salesclerk made an announcement:

"Une petite fille a perdu son doudou…"

You could hear a needle drop, a silence, and a sigh went through the department store. It seemed every person stopped what they were doing and started to search for Chelsea's Bun-Bun.

Eventually, the favorite stuffed toy was found in the vegetable section. A chuckle went out when the salesclerk announced that the doudou, a worn little lapin of the Petite Fille, had been found in the carrot bin. The department store was amused. Chelsea sat on the counter like a prize trophy with her bun-bun, while the French admire the little girl's amazing communication skills: Elle parle Anglais aussi bien!


French Husband, lost and found in Paris. A prized carrot to be sure. Hey, wasn't I lucky that none of the women in the photo were looking at my main attraction… nor for a French Husband? I suppose they thought he was another lost tourist in Paris.

p.s. As we'll be on the road heading back to the south of France… tomorrow there will be a GUESSING GAME.


57 responses to “Lost and Found”

  1. So funny..! Wish he had taken some photos of you unawares to post as well – looks like he had a great vantage point. Happy New Year to you and your tres belle famille!

  2. I love you darling one………so fresh and fabulous your bright new beginning to 2008 in Paris…….
    I love your stories and you and your photographs are divine.
    I am so thrilled you are a friend of mine.
    God bless us all real good in 2008 and always.
    Love Jeanne ^j^

  3. Marie-NoΓ«lle

    “Corey, Corey…quite contrary…”
    I see your rule is easy:
    You catch those who are perched only,
    YOUR version of “chat perchΓ©”…
    I want to play immediately !
    Can you find me?…
    I’m not up a tree
    in the Tuileries…
    I’m not on a luxury balcony
    overlooking to the Iron Lady …
    I’m not up the statue of Liberty
    even not in this country …
    I’m not on a bar stool, you see,
    alone or in company…
    I’m not up a column, dizzily,
    too risky for me…
    Where am I ????

  4. You make me laugh. And so does Yann. I’m surprised he wasn’t dangling from a branch on one of the trees.
    My mom used scare tactics with me when I was young: “Do NOT go near a door and go outside to look for me, or don’t go with a stranger to look for me. They’ll take you away and you’ll never see me ever ever again.”
    I avoided doors like the plague whenever I’d get lost for fear that it would spontaneously suck me outside.

  5. That was a funny story Corey! And how sweet that everyone helped look for the bun-bun! We were out of state when my son left his shabby teddy in a hotel and we didn’t know until the next night in another town! We had to make changes in our route home, but thankfully, the cleaning lady had found teddy and had saved him in a plastic bag. He still has teddy, not in his new home, but here at home waiting for a visit from his old friend of 22 years.
    Happy New Year Corey! Thank you for taking me places I’d never have been if it weren’t for you. God Bless!

  6. Sweet story πŸ™‚ Glad you guys had a good time. Safe trip home.

  7. Glad you found Yann – he’s even cuter than the Paris statues!!
    Wow, such crowds. I thought it bad with the long lines when last there Summer of 2006 – almost died waiting in the 96 degree heat to ascend Tour Eiffel with young granddaughter in tow. Luckily we bought advance tickets for the Louvre and L’Orangerie so were able to go to head of the lines – but I always feel so embarrassed doing that, especially when one is given such ‘dirty looks’.
    Looking forward to another guessing game Corey – great start for 2008.

  8. Bon jour! Great story about lost bun Bun! hee hee! WOW! There ARE alot of people …geesh!

  9. I love your stories. They remind me of when my children were little too. And, I loved how everyone stopped to look for the doudou. It was sweet. Thanks for showing us a side of French life that we never see in the media.

  10. Wow, such crowds.
    Oh and, bun-bun is just so darned sweet.
    Travel safe.

  11. How fun! I didn’t expect to be on the streets of Paris today but I feel like I have been! Thank you for sharing. When we were at Disney World over Christmas we decided we’d have a signal for when we got separated. We would simply hold one arm high in the air. It worked brilliantly. We were the only ones standing there looking silly but it worked – everytime!

  12. Elizabeth

    Daughter and I have been driven crazy trying to keep my hubby “found” too…argh!! They are prone to need a leash I think…I have threatened to get a rope to tie him to us!! He is not messing with women fortunately…just lost in his own little world.
    Keep a close on on your cute hubby!!!

  13. Elizabeth

    close eye that is…argh, that word was cut off someway…computers!!

  14. Did you get time to head over to the Marche aux Puces at Clignancourt?
    By the way, Happy New Year!

  15. Your man stands out like a prize beacon! Like a grand statue looking down on all the others below… and lucky you, as he is yours! =)

  16. Oh my Corey. You have adventures where ever you go…Paris, the grocery store…!
    What wonderful stories you share. Thank you!

  17. What a sweet story about bun- bun! Those little lovies can be quite mischievious! Some of our friends just got back from Paris and they were telling us this morning about the crowd of people. They said they didn’t find a party or see fireworks on New Year’s Eve. Did they miss something or do the French usually do more low key celebrations?

  18. Wonderful way to ring in the new year! Did you notice that in the last “looking for the family” picture, there is a young man in the foreground in a black shirt who bears (I think)a striking resemblance to French Husband?…those frenchmen, oo-la-la!!
    Great petite femme Chelsea story! I guess we’ve all gone through the “lost blankie (or bun-bun)” saga. Allow me to indulge: We took a trip to Mississippi when she was 4 (her dad’s hometown) and on the plane on the way back we realized we’d left the tatterred blankie in his parent’s van when they took us to the airport. I was frantic, knowing about the tears that would happen, so we had them FEDEX it overnite to us here in Arizona!!
    Oh, and about those resolutions…have you continued to keep that one important one and remembered to buckle up during this trip!!??
    Good wishes to you and yours and a safe trip home.

  19. i love listening to (rather reading!) your stories…you tell thing so well. and it is quite funny that there are a couple of shots with your husband looking like a captain of a ship looking off into the distance…(but you are cute…he is looking for you but you are busy taking pictures of him “looking for you” πŸ˜‰

  20. The last time you were in Paris….I was there too.
    It was drizzly and much less crowded for some odd reason.
    Seems like everyone thought Christmas in Paris sounded as delightful as early spring :o)
    Your husband could be a poster boy for Paris.
    He looks like a model standing there.
    My husband and I loved Pairs.

  21. Pat Paulk

    Sounds like you had a wonderful time. Next time you lose “FH”, give me a call!!

  22. Love the story of finding BunBun in the carrots. Always look in the logical place first, hahaha.

  23. I guess people want to be in Paris for New Years. I loved that story Corey. My daughter lost her little doll in the Mall once, and we never did find it.
    Love the photos of French husband.
    Have a great day!

  24. We have lost O’s bunny more times than I care to remember….hence we now have a ‘leave Bunny in the car’ rule! So glad you found your bunny-man!

  25. A mommy posted a notice on phone poles in the neighborhood. Her child had lost a beloved “bunbun” type stuffed animal while they were out for a stroller walk. They were desperate to find it. Don’t know if they ever did but I admired the mother’s clever idea of posting a missing notice.
    Hope you guys have a safe trip back home!

  26. the litle lapin had to be as important to Chelsea as if it were her own child. I will never forget the time I lost Quanah in a department store. One moment there; the next, gone. I grabbed a clerk and demanded a call over the speakers for Quanah (who was maybe four at the time). I was totally freaking out, demanding a lockdown of the store. Soon enough, Quanah comes screaming and crying down the central aisle to be swepted up into my arms. Our tears mixed and we were surrounded by happy sounds and applause.

  27. What a cute story. I am so glad that you found it. I understand about security blankets. Emily has one of those. And Jared’s is his Dad. LOL!!!
    Enjoy your time in Paris. I LOVE the pictures in yesterday’s post. Post more please. Happy New Year to you and your family.

  28. That is funny, my hubby is always the one slipping away from behind to look at something as I am scurrying along. I look back and he is no where to be found. Then of course, it is always my fault for having lost him! I guess I should put him on a leash!
    Happy New Year! Don’t lose him again!

  29. Corey – what a sweet and funny story of Chelsea’s bunny! We had a “Tiger Lily” that got lost and oh the tears! Luckily she was found the next day or we’d have never have slept again! πŸ™‚ Marva

  30. as usual, love your stories & photos!
    have a safe journey home! & here’s to a very bonne annee!!!
    xo mary ann

  31. When my oldest son (now twenty) was just two, we lost his beloved chimp Bonzo on an airplane. When my son was eleven, we lost HIM on the Paris Metro when it took off with him on it and left us standing on the platform!! All that day my Mom had been wanting us to formulate a plan in case we got separated, we just kept telling her how we had done this so many times before, we didn’t need a plan. Moral of the story…you’re NEVER too old to listen to your mother’s advice!! Happy New Year Corey!

  32. happy new year corey! and to many more adventures in your life…

  33. I always lose my mother-in-law in markets and shops, she’s too short to see when she goes between racks and she zips around way way too fast to find her. Drives me crazy.
    Your husband is RIDICULOUSLY photogenic — sheesh! (said by someone who is not)

  34. Oh Corey…your post never seem to disappoint me! I love the photo’s of the french crowd and your lost french husband among them. I’m also glad that you found bun-bun, and where else but among the carrots. Happy New Year to you and your family…all the best!

  35. Elaine L.

    A few years, ago we were in Paris in March, and thought it was wonderful because the lines were so short. I thought it was because of the low season. Christmas must be crowded, since all the teachers are off for Christmas break.
    Oh, trust me, I would have noticed French husband!
    Once when our friends were visiting, they got ready to leave and their toddler had lost his doggy. They looked everywhere. Turned out the dog had taken it and put it in her doggy bed. LOL

  36. Aw…another great little story, Corey. I would have laughed, too, upon hearing that Bun-Bun had been found in the carrot bin! But of course! And yes, I’m surprised that a little line of hopeful women hadn’t formed in front of French Husband! πŸ™‚

  37. Aw…another great little story, Corey. I would have laughed, too, upon hearing that Bun-Bun had been found in the carrot bin! But of course! And yes, I’m surprised that a little line of hopeful women hadn’t formed in front of French Husband! πŸ™‚

  38. Corey this story and pictures are so cute… And the pics under these! They are amazing! You have such an eye and talent. Victoria was smart to snatch up a bit of you. πŸ˜‰ That one under the arch, of the pyramid could be a poster or… You should make a calendar! Have you ever read Pioneer Woman? It’s a blog. Look it up when you have a chance. Anyway, she did a calendar this year to raise money for Special Olympics, and made A TON for them just off the people who read her blog! Just pictures of her ranch and animals… I bet you have as many readers who would buy. Just a thought! oxox

  39. at least in loosing French Husband on the ground you don’t have to worry about swooshing loopity-loops or vomiting…

  40. Sweet story – and gorgeous husband! πŸ™‚ Such crowds – maybe we are best off staying here in the US until they abate a little…

  41. I am so envious. I love Paris at New Year. So pleased you didn’t lose French Husband, this blog just wouldn’t be the same without him. A very Happy New Year to you all.

  42. Aw, I always get such a kick out of your family stories, Corey. And I laughed when I read that Bun Bun was found in the carrot bin at the grocery store. Well, of course that where he/she would be! And I’m surprised that a lineup of hopeful women didn’t form in front of French Husband! What would Yann do then?!

  43. Your lovely french husband looks lost whithout you! Happy New Year Corey and nice family!

  44. Lovely story Corey. I’m so glad he wasn’t lost for too long!
    Hey, I left a little something for you on my blog. Bonne annΓ©e !

  45. Aaaw, look at him searching for his honey-bunny. He looks so sad without you, Corey. The photos made me smile. πŸ™‚

  46. Very smart, to be a village perche!

  47. cityfarmer

    My neighbors went to Paris for New Years’ Eve…can you imagine?
    An email cam through at midnight in front of the tower all lit…breathtaking.
    Happy New Year

  48. Meilleurs Voeux pour 2008. Tres belles photos!
    Une lectrice francaise aux Etats-Unis.

  49. Oh Corey,
    I loved your story. So cute. My dear sweet stepdaughter had a yellow blanket and forgot it and we had to turn around and drive 3 hours for that blanket. Needless to say hubby was grateful we did or her crying would have been a long few days.
    blessings and safe travel can’t wait for the guessing game

  50. Hi Corey,
    It’s been so long since I last visited your site. Tonight you have touched my heart as you so often did in the past. My son Daniel lost his Little Blue Bunny years ago as we walked to our connecting flight in London. Once found sitting with airport personal, all seemed safe once again. I’ll never forget those moments and tonight, you brought all those memories back to me. Joyeux Noel, Corey!

  51. Corey, those photos are beyond pefection to accompany your story!! Oh, how funny!! And the lost lapin! Oh how adorable! I am tickled.

  52. The photos have the look of a romantic movie. Paris in the winter…beautiful architecture in the back drop… a handsome man waiting for his long lost love in the crowd. It is where the once young lovers decide to meet one another, after being separated for many years…(sigh) πŸ™‚

  53. ************HAPPY NEW YEAR****************
    I finally found “Victoria” Jan/Feb issue
    The story and pictures are FABULOUS like only you can do…
    To think, I sat at that table..gosh
    I am truly happy for you and I know in”2008″
    that you will have more beautiful success stories, like only you can weave with your special brand of whimsical and sprinkled with star-dust****
    The Paris pictures,What can I say…they make me home-sick..the black and white
    is the right touch for this time of year in Paris

  54. How sweet to find a little stuffed rabbit in a bin of carrots. A happy ending.

  55. How truly romantic to spend the New Year in Paris – even if it is filled with all the tourists. Love your photos in the previous post.

  56. I love seeing your handsome Yann, standing tall with his eyes on guard and protection,for his family, Thanks for sharing, xoxox Godmother,

  57. Sweet story. Little bun-bun lived to see another day.

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