Happy New Year! May the sun shine the way for you everyday of the New Year!
Photo: The top of one of the corner columns of Pont Alexandre in Paris.
We are in Paris! French husband, the children and I spent the last day of 2007 and will spend today the first day of the New Year in the most beautiful city in France. Here are some snapshots of our time so far…more to come in the next few days.
The Louvre, The Pyramid and a bronze statue of a woman taking a nap after rocking out dancing the TECTONIK last night under the Eiffel tower.
"Do you think they are playing catch?" I asked Sacha.
Sacha informed me that even the Roman gods did the Tecktonik!
Oh these French teen-agers they are fast!
A view looking out of the Louvre, towards the Pyramids.
The Winged Victory of Samothrace, in the Louvre.
Happy New Year!
Photos: Paris glory.
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