New Year’s Eve


The end of the year. The last day of 2007. The eve of new beginning. What are your New Year promises? Is it fair of me to ask you since I do not know what mine will be!

Some of my New Year promises I have kept, though most were broken by the end of the week… The ones I did manage to keep have stayed with me. Well actually only one New Year promise has stayed with me… wearing a seat belt.


Let’s make a toast to the New Year.


May our glasses never be empty.


May we know we are loved.


At the end of the day may our glass be full of hope.


May whatever comes our way lead us to be a better person.

Photos: From Melaine’s party.


74 responses to “New Year’s Eve”

  1. Dear Corey,
    I wish you and your beautiful family a wonderful New Year.

  2. Happy New Year Corey! My resoltion for 2008 if to S-L-O-W down and be more present for what really matter to me – my friends, my clients, my family and the love-of-my-life! I will enjoy the sensuality of communing with nature, with cooking, of deep contact with others and simply in breathing Life in. I will focus moment by moment on loving because everything worthwhile comes from Love. I know I will keep this promise. I have secretly already begun! This is the question I am asking of Life: How can I plant myself with devotion in the field of Love?

  3. HAPPPPY NEW YEAR sweet lady!!! Eat something yummy and french and drink some wine for me!

  4. Corey, I lift my glass to another year, that we may be full of love, laughter, health, and friendship. Happy New Year to you and your family! ((HUGS))

  5. Dear Corey, I hope you have a joyous, healthy, fun-filled, food-filled, friends-filled, photo-filled 2008.
    PS: And thank you for sharing your 2007 with us so delightfully.

  6. Happy New Year, Corey! May it be filled with new opportunities and love.
    My resolution needs to be about finding balance, I think, between the new work opportunities that are coming into my life and my children and family, who still need my attention …and baking!

  7. Who knew what this year would hold for you? Such good, good, fortune. I believe in fate, karma, luck, and HARD work-all of it! And you SHARE it with all of us.
    Thanks for the inspiration, humor, and beauty Corey and a happy and safe New Year to you!!

  8. thank you dear corey for sharing with us your wonderful stories and brightening up my days throughout the year, 2007 has been a good year and may this new year adorn your life with many beautiful things and sweet memories to cherish forever. Wishing you lifeโ€™s best this 2008!

  9. Marie-Noรซlle

    2007 will soon turn vintage …
    Hope it has provided you with many MANY memories – green and pink , black and white … and all colours – for the year to come!
    Bonne et heureuse annรฉe 2008 !!!

  10. Happy New Year to you and your family. May it be a joyous and healthy one.

  11. Have a wonderful and Happy New Year Corey. I hope 2008 brings all you and your family wish for. Thank you for sharing a bit of your life with us in 2007 – I am looking forward to 2008’s posts.

  12. Happy New Year Corey!!! It has been a joyful time in blogland since discovering your blog back in the Spring, thanks to Somerset. You’ve put many smiles on my face by sharing snipets and photographs of your life in France. May your heart always be overflowing with love.
    Hugs from Oregon, Cricket

  13. Best wishes in 2008 for you and your family. I won’t be far from you tonight as we bring the New Year in!

  14. wishing it you and your love ones all and much more dear corey!
    thank you for being here!

  15. Happy New Year.
    May we all be blessed with only the very best.
    Love Jeanne

  16. Corey,
    Amen to that!
    Happy New year to you and Y., Chelsea and Sacha!
    My New Year resolution? To see you all in Marseilles in 2008. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  17. Happy New Year from Texas – and may it be a blessed one! I was certainly blessed to have found your blog. Many thanks!

  18. HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!! Plenty of wonderful things. Health and Love. Hope. As you say. and a big Hug.

  19. And may we find jobs and have loads of bonnes notes!!
    HAPPY NEW YEAR to all!! Hope you have fun! I’m in St Zac until the 6th, i’ll pop down to say hi before I leave!
    Have a great day! Bisous

  20. Isn’t it strange that even though we are scattered in places all over the world that this celebration is one that truly unites us. Happy New Year Corey to you and your family.
    Thankyou for sharing a bit of yourself this year and for much more in 2008!
    PS the pink reflection on the champagne bucket is stunning!

  21. May all you wish to others, become true for yourself
    I’m looking forward to your wisdom and photo’s in 2008. Thanks for everything you share!

  22. Paris Parfait

    Happy new year Corey.

  23. Set a place at your table for Happiness, Peace and Prosperity, may they be with you throughout tne New Year.

  24. Ellen Cassilly

    We are writing our intentions for the year this morning. Joy and hope and laughter to all of you in 2008. Ellen


  26. Beautiful, beautiful pictures!
    I haven’t made any resolutions yet…I haven’t even thought about them yet, but I do still have 15 more hours to decide!
    Happy New Years Corey!

  27. may i always know where to visit
    for a taste of style
    seasoned with insight…
    that would be *here*, missy!

  28. May your New Year be every bit as beautiful and full of love as you are TICA!

  29. Gorgeous photos, Corey. Thank you for your continued inspiration and beautiful imagery. Your blog is an amazing place and you are an amazing person – thank you so much for being you and for sharing your pieces of wisdom with us.
    Happy New Year to you and your family ๐Ÿ™‚
    Warmest wishes,
    Kerstin xo

  30. Corey thank you for making 2007 more enchanting and richer for me…..I wish you, your family and friends a Very Happy New Year.

  31. 1. to raise a teacup with friends more often.
    2. to take more photographs.
    3. to go to more tea rooms.
    4. to visit more antique stores and blog about them.
    5. to eat a real macaron, now that Carol has me addicted to them (well, photos of them!lol)and I’ve never eaten one I hadn’t made myself (i.e. a Frenchie macaron!)

  32. Happy New year!!!!
    delphine and nancy

  33. Cin cin! Cent’anni! Salute! Cheers!
    Happy 2008 ๐Ÿ™‚

  34. a) Finish PhD
    b) Take up AND STICK TO pilates
    c) Get pregnant
    d) Not overdo things and wear myself out by February!

  35. My New Year’s resolution? In all honesty, to learn to take de-stress and take that time to listen more to God (I’m sure the two go hand in hand)!
    Happy New Year to you and your dear family, Corey!

  36. oops! to LEARN TO DE-STRESS, not TAKE DE-STRESS (I think I just proved my point… always in such a rush)! lol

  37. One rule I live by is to nver break a promise. So I make none on New Year’s eve, therfore I break none in the New Year! Happy New Year Corey.

  38. May the best find you in 2008! Here’s to health and happiness!

  39. Elizabeth Meredith

    Happy New Year to you and yours, Corey!

  40. Happy New Year to someone who enriches our lives and brings us all so much joy!

  41. And Happy New Year to you, from the great high desert of New Mexico !
    Love, Love, Love you.

  42. I got the Victoria magazine! Inspired, Corey! And my resolution is to pray each night with my husband like I do with my daughter.

  43. Toast to all that and more.
    Here’s to finding people who inspire you to be better!
    Here’s to inspiring other people.
    Here’s to knowing who you are.
    Here’s to LOVING who you are becoming.

  44. Corey,
    What a pink, cheerful way to start the new year!
    May all your wishes come true!!

  45. Happy New Year Corey, to you and to all your Family.
    May the coming New Year be filled with continual Health & Happiness, and Laughter.
    Thank you for bringing so much beauty to the most gorgeous Tongue In Cheek.
    I do hope that I will be able to spend more time in the New Year visiting your beautiful website.
    Love and Best Wishes,

  46. Happy New Year, Corey! May 2008 bring you health, happiness and ease!

  47. Well said! Happy New Year to you and yours. May the coming 2008 be abundantly filled with blessings.
    x O X

  48. Corey-happy and healthy 2008 to you and your family and to fellow commenters!
    My resolution is to be more diligent with last year’s resolution: “Lots to to think and pray about, nothing to worry about”. I originally heard this quote on Ty Pennington’s home makeover show and it certainly makes sense.

  49. Happy New Year Corey! May your glass always be half full! What a wonderful year it has been getting to know you!

  50. YOu’ve said it and showed it with perfection dear Corey. May the New YEar bring you Love, prospersity, and blessings beyond your dreams. BTW I loved seeing your home and reading the article that went with it in Victoria Bliss. I had to run right out to buy it when I read about it being in Victoria at your blog that day. COngrats to you!

  51. Corey…To you I wish a Happy & safe New Year…and many more to follow.

  52. Much happiness to you and your family in the coming year, Corey. You are well-deserving of the publishing world’s attention. I’ve always thought that your photos were magazine worthy. I hope that they also include your thoughtful commentary along with the photos. Together, they are Corey Amaro – a true gift to all of us out there in Bloglandia.

  53. 2007 was so fun after finding your blog…… mother & I loved your home in Victoria, you deserve it!
    All the best to you in 2008
    Kara & Karen

  54. all my best wishes for you in 2008 … thanks for your wonderful blog, for your delightful photos…

  55. Corey,
    Happy New Year to you my dear. And I will add, to new friends and friendships formed this year…may the bonds that tied them last for a lifetime.
    Have a wonderful year…and I think you know what one of my *goals* is for the coming year ๐Ÿ˜‰

  56. Dear Corey,
    May all your wonderful wishes and dreams come
    to be in the Marvelous coming New Year…….
    Love to you Denise

  57. Happy New Year from sunny Miami, FL. I had a lovely afternoon reading Victoria and studying all of the details of your home. I love it all, but the shelves with the cream and white are pure art! May all your wishes come true. Gayle

  58. Happy New Year friend!!
    To you and your family, a wonderful 2008!!

  59. Here, here !
    ::: c h i n k :::
    Happy New Year, Beautiful One.
    Love, S

  60. Happy New Year Corey! I see by my world clock that you will be celebrating the new year and kissing French Husband in approximately 1 hour and 20 minutes. We have 8 hours and 20 minutes to go. Tonight 20 teenagers are coming to celebrate and swim in the heated pool! The temperature is supposed to be in the 20’s!! My promise is to live in the moment and my word for the new year is “wisdom”. It could be a fascinating year. May your wishes continue to come true!

  61. Happy New Year Corey!!!!!

  62. Happy New Year Corey and thank you for your wonderful blog. It brings me joy….just think if we all work on being better people
    what could happen…Thank you and here’s to a fabulous 2008!!!

  63. Happy New Year Corey! May the new year bring you as many blessings as your arms can hold.

  64. Happy new year.

  65. Mrs.Staggs

    I’m thinking that if you were a better person, then you’d surely be an angel, my friend. Happy New Year Corey!

  66. Wishing you a wonderful, marvelous year, Corey, full of delight and joy! Happy New Year!
    (Strange, that you are already in 2008, and we have almost three hours to go…)

  67. Lovely pictures! Happy New Year blessings to you and your family. ๐Ÿ™‚

  68. Happy New Year, Corey! I hope that you have a wonderful time tonight. And of course I wish you happiness, love, and inspiration in the New Year!

  69. Dear Corey, to you and your family and to all here, a happy, healthy new year filled with good health. A toast to you and all.

  70. Those are beautiful photographs, cheers and happy new year. I wish you many more beautiful images in 2008.

  71. Such beauty in these photos! Happy New Year, Corey…wishing you health and peace and love and joy in 2008!

  72. Happy New Year to you, too, Corey. I wish for you a year of creativity and inspiration and new opportunities to express and show your artwork and words. And of course lots o’ love and happiness! PS- Wearing a seatbelt is a very, very good resolution.

  73. the pink reflected in the champagne bucket….it makes me happy. I should have more pinks in my home. ๐Ÿ™‚
    I wish you all the happiness and love you could imagine for 2008 and always, Corey!!!
    big big hugs to you and the family…

  74. Happy New Year Corey!
    Gorgeous pictures…
    making my list – daily
    xox – eb.

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