Questions Answered


Since I am terribly behind on emails and responding to the comments you have left me I thought I would try to answer some of them today on my blog.

How did you meet your French husband?

One never knows when their life is going to take a different road. I met my French husband at a gay dance club in San Francisco, an unlikely place to meet a straight man I must admit.  I like to tell that story because at the time I was working for the Catholic church (another unusual place to meet a single man.) But as my friend Ellen often said,  "When you want to meet someone do the things you love and the people around you will most likely being do the same. You will have things in common."

Church and Gay dance clubs, now that is a mix bags of tricks. But God provides.

I went to a gay dance club (The I-Beam) because my fiance had died. I was broken. I loved to dance, and dancing was my therapy…and at a gay dance club I figured nobody there would be looking at a woman. I needed space to be alone amongst others. The I-Beam fit the bill.

French husband went to the I-Beam with a friend who told him: He had to see this club because people there loved to dance. Because it was so new, so hip! Because the I-BEAM was an institution in San Francisco a must see like the Golden Gate bridge. So he went. Saw me and asked me out.

When French husband asked me my name in his broken French accent, I looked at him as if he was a man from Mars…

What happened next is another story.


How did Victoria and Somerset find out about you?

Through my blog. They read it, liked what they saw and contacted me. When they wrote me I had to re-read the letter several times just to be sure I was reading it right. Then I started screaming! French husband thought something terrible had happened and came running downstairs. When I told him that the editors of Victoria and Somerset contacted me, he smiled a mile wide and went out bought me a new lens.


Are your Children more French or American?

Well if you ask Patti, Andy, Sam, Jack or Joe (the older nieces and nephews in America, Chelsea and Sacha’s cousins,) they would say Chelsea and Sacha are French with an American twist.

Two examples:

The other day when Sacha was talking to his cousins on the phone I heard him say, "I have never played basketball…well you know other than throwing the ball in a hoop…"

When Chelsea’s graduated from Lycee (French high school,) her classmates chipped in some money to buy some Champagne. Then in the class room with their teachers and the director of the school they toasted each other farewell.


What was it like to live in a monastery?

I was 19 years old when I went to live in a monastery in New Mexico. We prayed most of the day. As it was semi cloistered we didn’t get out much. Other than praying each of us had tasks to do during the day. I worked in the kitchen and cut hair (and no I did not use a bowl!)

The daily life followed this pattern:

7:00 a.m. Morning Prayer

8:00 a.m. Breakfast

9:00 a.m. Private prayer

10:00 a.m. Activity tasks (I was in the kitchen, or cutting hair, or up to mischief.)

Noon – Lunch

3:15 p.m. Eucharist

5:30 p.m. Dinner

7:30 p.m. Vespers (community prayer)

8:30 pm Compline (evening prayer)

9:00 pm The Grand Silence.

Will you write more about your experience in the monastery? Yes, I will…promise. It was an amazing experience. Full of depth and full of humor too. The humor is the easy part to write about, though it would be unfair to share just that part. I am still thinking how to share this story on my blog.


Do you take the photos on your blog. Yes, I do.

What do you miss most about America? Other than my family and friends, I miss Mexican food, being understood in English, and the American attitude that if there is a will their is a way.

How is Shelley doing? Thank you for asking. I believe prayer and positive thought can send healing energy and gives courage. I appreciate the prayers and energy you send to her.

Shelley is on a breathing machine, she is having a hard time talking, she has an amazing amount of love and support around her from her family and friends. She can move one finger barely, though with that one finger she can access the Internet and she surfs all day long. Shelley loves your emails and comments, if she could she would write you all a mile long letter to thank each of you.

Thanks for asking.


41 responses to “Questions Answered”

  1. Treasure trove is what you are and all that you share with us.
    I love you
    Jeanne ^j^

  2. Oh! my, that is a good way to meet an husband! I heard many stories of unique places, where people have met each other: example on a traffic lights.
    It is all about destiny… and the right time.
    It was splendid to read about your adventures Corey!

  3. I feel a book in there somewhere.
    All kidding aside, I believe that you have a lust for life and enjoy expressing yourself.That’s what I find most captivating.Though you are miles away you have the ability to lure us in with your words and photos.It’s like A Year In Provence without ever having to leave our homes.
    What ever it is you do please continue, coming to visit in the early morning(here) has become part of my enjoyment.

  4. Great questions and great answers! Maybe I can smuggle in some burritos for you when I come 😉 LOL!

  5. Thank you, Corey…for everything…
    Shelley? Continue to rest in the cup of His hand… I am praying and sending so much love…
    All’s grace,

  6. It is always fun to have a little peek into the how and why’s of a person. Biographies, and autobiographies are my favorite stories.
    A little shout out goes to your dear friend Shelly too. She’s inspiration personified.

  7. Corey…wonderful “peek” into your life!…thanks for sharing!
    Beautiful photos!
    Continued prayers for your friend, Shelley.

  8. Great to read more about you, my friend.
    I hope christmas was great

  9. Corey, thank you for opening the door so long ago and inviting us into your home and your life. From that day forward, it has been an adventure, a joy, an enlightenment and certainly an education in foreign diplomacy. You are a special gift!

  10. Thank you Cory, for sharing your life with us. I get a vicarious thrill hearing about your most interesting experiences.

  11. I was at an antique mall on Christmas Eve and found some lovely treasures. They had lots and lots of flow blue and I couldn’t help thinking about sweet Shelley.
    How are you enjoying that new spiffy camera lens? Love the photos of assorted little treasures.

  12. What a delight it is to get to know you better, Corey.
    Your words never fail to bless me.

  13. Corey,
    I nominated your blog for a “I heart your blog” award. I hope you like it. Dee

  14. Your story of meeting French Husband reminds of how my grandmother met my grandfather – no, not at a gay club, she was at a church dance, but also having lost her fiance, just trying to keep going and somehow stay connected to life, she met the love of her life. God provides indeed, Nana knew that every day.

  15. Your photos in Victoria are beautiful and your home is so wonderfully french! I would love to see photos of the exterior of your house if you have any to share.
    And your blog is so fun! Keep up the great work.

  16. Corey I found these Q. & answers quite interesting.I thank you for the update on your friend Shelley I continue to hold her in my prayers.Happy New Year to you! hugs NG xo
    A prayer request: please pray for our aunt Mary who is NOT doing so well in her fight with cancer.She truly believes in the power of prayer. thank you NG

  17. Ellen Cassilly

    Thank you for the Shelley update. I pray for her often.
    I finally found Victoria. WOW. It looks great. I am SOOOO proud of you.
    The bank doesn’t want to give us a loan because the house is too wild! I think that is a compliment – at least I’m going to take it as one.
    Frank wants to start a house construction blog so he has been studying your site.
    Love and hugs, Ellen

  18. I so enjoyed this. The man in my life did not die, but moved away. I then volunteered in a men’s homeless shelter where my husband was and still is working. We really found each other there.

  19. Hi Corey, Love visiting your site, beautiful. My husband and I danced at the I-Beam many times (while dating. Do you also remember The Trocadero, The Palladium, Earls? You brought back fond memories. Wishing you and yours a Happy 2008!

  20. Corey,
    You are such an interesting person. Thanks for all of the answers. I think of Shelley often. Congrats again on Victoria and Somerset. I would be screaming too!

  21. Hi Corey! You have got to be one of the most fascinating people I have ever encountered in my life, even if it is through the blogshpere Happy New Year to you and your family!

  22. Corey,
    thanks for sharing your story with us… I find it very fascinating…
    you are going to do so very well with the magazine!!
    Blessings to you and your friend Shelley,

  23. Hi Corey,
    Thanks for stopping by my blog. I loved this post on your blog. It helps when you know little bits about a person. I am looking forward to more post of your in 2008. Hope the New Year is AMAZING for you and your family.

  24. Dear Corey – I so enjoyed reading more detailed facts about your earlier life – you are such an interesting woman and of course much of this is manifested from behind the lens in your amazing photographs. Know you will love your new macro lens – I am ready to be even more astounded!
    Oh yes – we need to see the exterior of your French home – bet you have great shutters!

  25. Corey,
    I loved the IBeam! And Nightbreak and DNA! Wonderful memories of dancing the night away. I had a visit from your lovely cousin Julie in my store today. She said she found me through Found,Now Home and Leigh thru you. She mentioned visiting her cousin who lives in France and writes a blog. I guessed right the first time. I love your blog and your charming style. Blessed 2008 to you and yours.

  26. So glad I checked in to wish you a happy new year.
    Since I am not a “regular” blogger and have missed a great deal of your “story” I was able to catch up here.
    Thanks for an update.
    It must be difficult being away from some of your family at the holidays but, from what I have read here, you are one VERY happy person and are leading a beautiful life.
    Cheers, Corey!

  27. Your blog is always so interesting. I enjoyed your answers too, and was surprised that you met your husband at a gay bar.
    Your photos are wonderful to view.

  28. Corey,
    It’s so wonderful that Victoria and Somerset found you. Yay for FH buying you a new lens. Loved the previous post with the reflection in the glass balls.
    Hope you all enjoyed your Christmas. Loved, loved the baby Jesus story and I’m sure it is fun to remind baby brother each year. How could anyone resist. It would be the same in my family. One would never forget it or live it down.

  29. I love, love, love your stories… I could sit and listen to them/read them forever…
    Thanks for letting us know how Shelley is doing… hello Shelley, I hope you see this, sending you a lot of love and hellos from over the hills…

  30. Corey!
    I went out and bought the newest issue of Victoria. Your home and your photography are amazing!! Imagine my surprise when I was updating my blog and saw you had visited me. Thank you for the lovely comments. I was thrilled to read them.
    Blessings! :<) Nancy

  31. I love how you met your husband! That is one great romance story…

  32. I cannot find Victoria magazine and it’s making me crazy! Beyond that I love the way you answered the questions we’re all asking. I cannot wait to hear more about the monastery. And thank you for telling us more about Shelley.

  33. Wonderfully intimate information Corey. You have created a beautiful life for yourself and a lovely family. I like your history. I always wanted to tell you that I used to dance at the I-Beam quite a bit too. I lived in SF in 1987-88 and dancing was my therapy too!
    I’ve been away from visiting my favorite blogs for a while…but I’m coming back.

  34. Corey, I sincerely think you should write a book. I think it would be fanstically interesting and full of love and laughter. Just from the response of your blog, think what a book would bring you! Please? 🙂

  35. i knew i felt a deep connection to you…now i understand…our faith paths, tho different, are connected…i would love that daily schedule…hugs, r

  36. I just moved from New Mexico — I was there 13 years. I carry a piece of that land and those colors with me wherever I go. I think one’s life is made that more interesting just having lived there no matter what amount of time. I will miss it very much.

  37. I LOVE this post!! And, if I ever get to France, I will make you all the real Mexican foooooood you could ever dream of!! xoxo

  38. love reading about you Corey – what an wonderful life you lead…thanks for letting us in!!

  39. I love this post, thanks for reminding us of your amazing life and how much I appreciate your openness in sharing it.

  40. ahh, what a delightful blog! Val

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