A Secret Revealed


Several months ago to my surprise a magazine, a well loved one at that, asked me to take some photos for them. Sure why not, I thought what a crazy world this Internet is. Poof just like that. The Editor asked me if I could scout-out four or five stories in France for their magazine. I told her that the hardest thing to do would be to select only four or five. Teasingly, could I do a hundred stories instead? With that she comes over to France to see what I had. The editor is delighted. Before we set out to work we go to a flea market, of course why not my blog began because of such a place. Then afterward we start to work.

The Editor and I go to the pre-selected sites, she ohs and I click.  She erases a few. I click some more. My smile is so big my face is cracking, I am loving this. By the end of the day my hands are killing me, my eyes cannot focus, my soul is humming, I have found my groove. The photos start to come alive, the tri-pod and I act as one, and then in an instant I see a happy miracle: That the star in the sky, that prayer on my lips, those crazy thoughts in my mind have been heard and have granted a small opening.

A new world has opened up and I have jumped in… Thank you Internet, thank you blogging, thank you readers, thank you French brocante, thank you camera, and thank you little self for taking on a dare and finding a missing key to my happiness. 

Victoria magazine will feature my photography. This month my home in France is dotting the pages.

Note: The photos I have used for Victoria I cannot use on my blog for six months. I have yet to see the issue. But I have heard it is out since some of you have noted by emails and in the comment section of my blog.


163 responses to “A Secret Revealed”

  1. oh corey congratulations!!! it’s so great … and i’d say its about time the print media discovers you! too bad i dont live in france and cant see the copies, hopefully you can share us the link for the write up 🙂
    congratulations again, well deserved. mwahhh

  2. I’m so happy for you Corey!!! Writing about your passions and sharing your soul so beautifully and so humbly has put you on the “universal map” so to speak and it’s just normal that opportunities to share more are coming to you. I’ll try and get my hands on the latest copy of Victoria Magazine!
    Have a beautiful week.

  3. how cool!!!!! this is way toooo cool corey. congratulations and i will do everything i can to get my hands on that issue.
    this really so cool!

  4. Corey,
    The issue isn’t supposed to reach the stands here until the 25th. We’re trying our darndest to secure one. We’ve got our big town kids scouring the book stores and magazine kiosks.
    We’re so proud of you and your success!

  5. Corey,
    Can you hear me sqeal with delight all the way from the US that you are following such a wonderful path of opportunity? I can’t wait to see what unfolds in your future! Congratulations on your singing soul journey! Did you know it was becasue of an article I read about you that I began to search the world of blogs and then started one of my own? Thanks for letting my journy along with you. I am so excited for you!
    Miss Sandy

  6. Oh wacko! Well done! Does this mean I will need an appointment to see you next year? Should I talk to your agent?

  7. Well, I’m just tickled senseless! I love your photos, anyway. I’ve often thought that I wished I had your “eye”. Well done, Victoria Magazine! I’ll have to make my way to the bookstore now.

    GREAT YOU REVEALED THE SECRET , it was pretty heavy for you

  9. WAO Corey! Congratulations!!!!!! I am not surprised….you got a magazine yourself in this blog, a beautiful, intelligent, wonderful one! and yes, with amazing photos and always poetic stories 🙂 I wish I could get this magazine in France….is it possible?

  10. ooooooo! congratulations! I will point out your photographs to everyone I know! What a serendipitous thing!

  11. Corey,
    Congratulations. It is as it should be. You have such beautiful photographs and finds, and it’s about time the whole wide world opens a little more for you, to let in your talent and beauty.
    I feel transported when I read your blog, and I am so glad I discovered the gem that is you through your friend, Shannon.
    You have fans in Taiwan and around the world!:)

  12. Ellen Cassilly

    Oh Corey,
    What a joy fulfilled. I am so happy for you and proud of you. I can’t wait to get the magazine. Love and hugs,Ellen

  13. If the photos that Victoria chose to grace their pages are as beautiful as the ones you post here then it will be a fabulous addition.
    A particular photographer that worked for the magazine in its former life had a certain way with his photos.The subtle beauty of an object or scene, veiled in some magical component that gives depth and an alluring serenity is what I see in yours.The editors saw it too!
    You are most befitting this honor.I look forward to seeing for myself!
    xo Susan

  14. How amazing and wonderful is this!!!
    I’ll be out looking for that magazine today!!

  15. Well congratulations YOU. How many times have I said you should do set design but then you go and do that AND the photography. I really do wish you all the best and I’m sure you will be a huge success. Please take my compliments seriously, I was in the advertising business for over 20 years and I can honestly say no one I came across in that time came any where near near your talents.
    BRAVO COREY!!!!!

  16. Wow! What a small world it truly is! I have been scouring my local supermarkets for this said magazine…..I have so far some up empty handed! I am hoping for a Christmas Miracle….
    Congrats! It couldn’t happen to a nicer person!

  17. My issue hasn’t arrived in the mail yet but when it does your photos will be the very first thing I look for.
    Congratulations Corey, your work deserves to be seen and what better venue could you ask for?
    Your Blog Friends KNEW this tho.

  18. Marie-Noëlle

    Could you tell Victoria to send me the issues in which your photos/articles appear?
    (Hope they do before the magazines turn “vintage” !!!???!!!)
    Félicitations, Corey !
    I must take a bottle of “champagne” out… how many “flûtes” …???

  19. Congratulations Corey!!!! I always wondered why you weren’t already doing professional photography work, your pictures are amazing! Victoria has been one of my favorite magazines ever since day one. You couldn’t ask for a better compliment than to be approached by them. I am SO happy for you!

  20. Congratulations!! I have always loved your blog (I first came across it on the day you told us about your father on his 80th birthday and I was so moved by the way you spoke about your love for him) for the quality of your writing (and wish that I could be as eloquent) and the beautiful photos – may this open up an even bigger world to you!!!

  21. Dear Corey,
    I knew from the moment that I found your blog that you had something special. The same way a painting speaks to me in a gallery and I have to see more. Your soul speaks, and I’m so happy that you have the opportunity to use your talents, and live the dream.
    The photos are beautiful by the way, and so is your home.
    Congratulations and happy snapping!

  22. Congratulations…
    I knew your work was worthy of magazine coverage… you are truly professional in your work…
    I am so happy for you,

  23. Well done! You must be elated. Your talent burst through the screen and onto the pages!

  24. Such a natural fit, like kindred spirits finding each other. “Victoria” and “Romantic Homes” are two of the best magazines for those of us w/romantic hearts. Is the book coming next? 😉 Your blog and pictures are the cream of the crop, Corey, an inspiration, always. Congratulations.

  25. Congratulations Corey, for taking the dare and finding the missing key. Some of the best things happen in our life when we least expect it. Enjoy the journey.

  26. That is my favorite magazine. It broke my heart when they stopped publication. I can’t find it here in France, darn it. Anyway, congratulations!

  27. Hooray for you! I was enchanted when I first discovered your blog with your fabulous photos. Now your work is being recognized. How great is that?

  28. OH!!!! Bravo!!!! How exciting!!!!!!! We are so happy and proud of you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    xxDelphine and Nancy

  29. How fabulous for you, Corey! How exciting! Such a wonderful thing to happen to such a wonderful person. Well done!! I’ll be looking for that issue you can be sure.

  30. Oh Corey, I am so happy for you!! Your photos are fabulous, and it is so good that Victoria noticed. I’ve written for a regional magazine for a couple of years, but I’ve found that the universe always opens up and gives me a gift when I least expect it. I loved your words about this. Keep blogging, girl!

  31. Bravo Corey. I bought the Victoria yesterday…the young man who stacks the Magazines for Barnes and Noble in our area, looked on his cart and found it for me…he smiled and told me that he likes my taste in magazines…this was not the first time he had done a search for me. I grinned from ear to ear and told him that my friends home in France is featured in this issue. “Wow!!!” he said obviosly impressed.
    I added another minute to my fame *grin* I was shamelessly riding your wave.
    Your home is wonderful…the photos great…I have devoured every photo and every word more than once.
    Your talents, kindness, and elegance came through on every page.
    I say bravo again for having found your nitch.

  32. Please let me add my congratulations to the others. It’s fabulous that you will be taking pictures and seeing them in a new venue.
    Meilleus voeux!!

  33. Corey – Congratulations on your new direction…It is not a surprise that you were asked to do this spread. Your keen sense of style and your eye for detail are glorious….happy holidays and 2008 is starting off with a bang!

  34. I’m getting a subscription today! Lucky Victoria to have lassoed you. I bet their subscription rate takes a leap forward. I can’t believe you withheld this info during our marathon phone-versation. Sneaky monkey

  35. Congratulations!! How exciting! NOW I have to get down to B & N and buy the magazine ASAP!

  36. Holy Cow!!! How awesome is that!!!! I am so proud of your little self! Congratulations my friend. I wonder what took them so long. I cannot wait to get that magazine!

  37. I told you you could do something with your photography! This is even better than etsy for you! Congratulations Corey, I am really, really happy for you and that your dreams came true.

  38. Delurking to tell you that as soon as I saw the spread in Victoria, I thought of you. Imagine my surprise when I read the article and saw it WAS you! Congratulations!! Your work is just beautiful.

  39. Magnificent!
    You’re a natural and your journey has just begun.
    We sit on the edge of our seats awaiting your every move.
    We are all so blessed with you.

  40. Bravo Corey!!! Your Blog is stunning and I will seek Victoria out today…I check your posting daily to be inspired-consoled or merely admire. Thank you, KatieRose…

  41. Tears of joy for you Corey!
    You are a treasure with a perfect eye.
    I can not wait to see your wonderful pictures!
    Ree is in Good Housekeeping (Jan)
    You are in Victoria
    It makes me think that anything is possible :o)

  42. Congratulations dear Corey. Now the world can share what we have been enjoying for the last two years.
    I am so proud of you..

  43. Hi Corey, I got the issue of Victoria in the mail and I just KNEW before I read one word, as I turned the page, that it just HAD to be you!! Oh my gosh, a marvelous treat for me. I love reading your blog and Congrats on the magazine spread! Happy Holidays to you and yours.

  44. Yes Corey – as I mentioned a few days back – opening my Victoria and finding you there and your amazing home displayed so beautifully, brought true joy! I just knew they were your photos – your “eye behind the lens” was immediately recognized. Congratulations on your new career – the magazine made the right choice.
    I shared the mag. spread with dh and was proud to say, “here’s Corey’s home, see how lovely she has picked special corners to share with us”. I love that huge market sign in your kitchen – how fabulous to have thought to hang it as art – and your dining room chairs are to die for, I want some just like that!!!
    I must get back to France next year – and this time just for hunting the brocantes – no more climbing the Tour Eiffel! How many huge suitcases will I need to haul it all home??????

  45. Oh congratulations Corey!!! What a fabulous deal for you! They are smart to grab you up…your photos are always amazing 🙂

  46. I am impressed but not surprised, Corey. Your photos are exquisitely whimsical and romantic, exactly like Victoria magazine, which is a connection I never made before. I had a subscription for years but then the magazine stopped for awhile. How exciting!! 🙂 Congrats!!!!

  47. Congratulations, dear Corey!! This is a beautiful example of “Following your bliss” because you have always loved to photograph and put your whole heart into it and it makes you HAPPY. We have all so loved your photos and blog…now the “paper world” can enjoy what we have so enjoyed!

  48. I’m going out today in search of Victoria. I’m so excited for you my sweet friend. We on your blog have known for a long time how special you are, now, so will everyone else!
    Big squishy Gram hugs to you!

  49. Congratulations, dear Corey!! This is a beautiful example of “Following your bliss” because you have always loved to photograph and put your whole heart into it. We have all so loved your photos and blog…now the “paper world” can enjoy what we have so enjoyed!

  50. That is so awesome! I still have my copies of Victoria from before the big company messed it up. LOVE Victoria and can’t wait to get my hands on a copy of the new Victoria. This may well be the kick in the butt I need to get myself a subscription.

  51. Yep, I knew it. I just knew it. The heavens opened up and dumped a huge ton of love on you.
    Isn’t life just the best?
    Smooch !

  52. Yep, I knew it. I just knew it. The heavens opened up and dumped a huge ton of love on you.
    Isn’t life just the best?
    Smooch !

  53. Yep, I knew it. I just knew it. The heavens opened up and dumped a huge ton of love on you.
    Isn’t life just the best?
    Smooch !

  54. Couldn’t be better dearest! CONGRATULATIONS!!!

  55. Congratulations! How thrilling!
    I’m going out today to find a copy.

  56. Victoria Magazine has been a part of my life since it began in 1987- when it ceased publication a few years back I was devastated- but soon I discovered you and your kindred blog and I was deeply comforted, despite my shyness in ever “commenting” before this. When the newest issue arrived in my mailbox with your GORGEOUS photos and words, it was like two treasured and best friends had joined together and had just come for a long awaited and joyous visit. I made a cup of tea and sat down and savoured the moment. Thank you Corey for all the love, inspiration, tears and laughter you have shared- YOU are a treasure!

  57. Congratulations! This is wonderful, exciting, so very good. I can well imagine how you must have loved a day spent taking pictures of beautiful things. Is this going to be a regular feature in the magazine?

  58. Congratulations! This is wonderful, exciting, so very good. I can well imagine how you must have loved a day spent taking pictures of beautiful things. Is this going to be a regular feature in the magazine?

  59. Hi Corey!
    Just got my copy of Victoria in the mail and was thumbing through ~ and, WOW! I see it is photos from your lovely home and collections! Everything is so beautiful, fresh, and French ~ I especially love the little jewelry boxes! 🙂 You did a wonderful job of capturing some exquisite images for the magazine and I know we’ll have some great things to look forward to as you are now a contributing photographer!!
    I first came across your blog awhile back from Kristin’s blog (French Word). She wrote about how you loved to go to the flea markets and find all sorts of goodies, so I came over to your site to take a peek. I’m so glad I did because we are kindred spirits in our love of antiques and special finds!
    Congratulations on your magazine success and get out there and find us some more treasures!! We love what you do! 🙂
    Blissfully, Bebe 🙂

  60. I haven’t received that issue yet – I wait with bated breath for this magazine and now even more so! How truly exciting this is and so well deserved! This truly goes to show dreams CAN come true! Congrats to you not only for your home in the issue but your photos as well! Now for sure you really ARE a celebrity!
    Love and hugs to you,

  61. As I stated to you privately, I cannot think of a better pairing then you, Corey, and the beautiful Victoria magazine. This is a soul trip for me, a vacation, a respite, and I am ever so grateful – your blessings are our blessings.

  62. Congratulations Corey! I am so very happy for you and for the rest of the world ~ to get to enjoy your beautiful talents!!

  63. Corey,
    It was like seeing a friend when I opened my magazine a few days ago. How thrilling for you to be in such a special magazine.

  64. I saw the article! I was so pleased – it’s special when you sort of “know” someone in a magazine (which happens a lot these days with all the talented people out there blogging!) Your house is beautiful and your photography is spendid. Bravo!

  65. Corey,
    Congratulations!!! Now I have to go and find the magazine so I can see the pictures and the article. That is so wonderful. You must be so excited. I am soooo excited for you!!

  66. omigosh. I have to go looking for another magazine. Thank God you mention these wonderful opportunities that come your way. I found Somerset Life at eBay and won the auction. Now have another. Well, off a looking I will go. Hugs, Annie

  67. I’m so tickled for you. You deserve EVERYTHING good that is happening. You are so incredibly talented, I love that you are being recognised for it. Next, I hope the editors are wise enough to invite you to write some articles. BON CHANCE!!

  68. Paris Parfait

    Congratulations Corey! Can’t wait to see the magazine.

  69. Cory,
    I am having such a good time watching where life is taking you. The monastery was an amazing and revealing fact about your life. When I read your blog several words come to mind; inspiring, beautiful, thought provoking, and, of course, amazing! Congratulations

  70. How fabulous. One of my favorite blog reads/views has been “discovered.” Huge congrats!!!! Can’t wait to check it out in the mag.

  71. Oh how wonderful! I am so happy for you! How I have missed that magazine. Now that you mention it, Your blog has always had that feel of the magazine… breath taking.
    Uhhh… can I have your autopraph?
    This is the start of something big!

  72. I found you on Paris Breakfast blog some time ago and have checked your blog out now Not as often as I have wished. One gets so busy in life. Well I got my subscription of Victioria last week and saw Your fabulous Article & saw your name & a bell went off in my head but I couldnt quite place why I knew it. Today it HIT ME who I was reading about. Congrats on the article in the magazine. My FAVORITE all time Magazine. I have kept all mine from the Very first one that came out. I found Carol from Paris Breakfast in it and now you. What great Kudos that is for you. How fun this blogging is. I have a couple plates similar to your Tea cup shown in the magazine. Not the same but similar. Congrats again. I dont think the magazine is out in the stores yet.. but soon it will be.

  73. Franca Bollo

    Brava Coco! Take a bow (but back away from the computer first).
    So, who’s the true artist now?

  74. I’m not surprised Corey! So happy for you! So happy for all of us 🙂 Can’t wait to see it!!!!

  75. I had literallly just finished flipping thru Victoria when i read your blog. I hadn’t noticed your name in the heading while i was reading! What a gorgeous home! Especially love the “Nouveaux Prix” chart and the tomato red piece in your kitchen.
    Maria Fazio

  76. I read someone else’s comment on a previous post of yours and went searching yesterday for the magazine. Curses on B&N near my house as they did not have it. Sold out perhaps. Other Corey fans flocking the local bookstore. Will check Borders tomorrow because I must get my hands on a copy. When I read that you were in Artful Blogging, I got that too. I’m so happy for you! Congratulations!

  77. Félicitations! I’m not surprised — your blog is truly a special place, and your story is an inspiration to us all!

  78. I am sooo happy for you & can’t wait to receive my mag in the mail. You are the perfect choice for them.

  79. OH my oh my oh my!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How wonderfully wonderful!! Yippeeeeee xoxox

  80. Corey, that is ABSOLUTELY WONDERFUL! I am so happy for you! Your photography is dreamy and always, always, BEAUTIFUL!

  81. I am still waiting to get my copy.
    Babeeeeee you are a STAR
    So proud of you
    I love you
    So proud to be your friend
    Love Jeanne

  82. Oh My goodness!! Congratulations Corey!! I can’t wait to see your work published. I’m sure your walkng on clouds…

  83. Life is wonderful and crazy at the same time! How deserving you are of this great new venture! Thank you for sharing everything.

  84. Wondering why you have not been sent a copy, as yet? Yish… By now, I could have sent you mine, which came in the mail.
    But anyway, I’m so happy that this dream has opened up for you.
    You are a force of nature, though. How could your star not twinkle down on you? 🙂
    Christmas hugs,

  85. Well Corey, it just so happens that I bought that very magazine today and loved “your” pictures of your home. I assumed they sent a photographer but it looks like they know a good thing when they see it. I understand you can’t use those pictures here but show us the others that weren’t used. This is so exciting. By the way the limoges charm is in place of pride on the Christmas tree and is just lovely there. I love it.

  86. Wondering why you have not been sent a copy, as yet? Yish… By now, I could have sent you mine, which came in the mail.
    But anyway, I’m so happy that this dream has opened up for you.
    You are a force of nature, though. How could your star not twinkle down on you? 🙂
    Christmas hugs,

  87. I know you know I received my issue and saw your amazing home. My squealing and squeaking could definitely be heard all the way over in France! ;-P

  88. Mrs.Staggs

    Congratulations Corey. I look forward to seeing more than ever now.
    Best wishes to you!

  89. Corey, I must confess… the way that I discovered your home was featured in “Victoria” was by the monogrammed LD napkin you featured on your blog a while ago! lol A few weeks ago I was bragging about your blog to a friend of mine and jokingly told her (while showing her your blog), “Look! One of Corey’s napkins has my initials on it!” To my surprise the other day, when I opened “Victoria”, there was the very same napkin, and I thought, “AHA! This must be about Corey!”
    I know I can speak for everyone in blogland when I say how thrilled I am for you! =)

  90. Hoorayyy!!! Congratulations, Corey! You are the most talented writer and photographer and biggest warmest heart there is. You deserve this recognition 1,000 fold over.

  91. How fantastic! I am still waiting for my issue of Victoria! I can’t wait to see your photographs Corey! (Now about that book you should really think about doing…) Congratulations!

  92. Oh! Enormous congratulations to you! It’s well deserved…your photos are stunning!

  93. Congratulations, Corey! I am so very happy for you! I had been resisting the siren call of the new Victoria, but this issue – your issue – oh, I don’t think I can hold out any longer – that is one issue that I must make a special dispensation for…

  94. :O this is incredible, corey!!
    just visiting your blog at this late hour of the day.
    the new year is starting smashing for you!!
    how to get a copy of that magazine??

  95. Gosh, I just had to scroll past a whole buncha well wishes, but just had to add mine, too. Just super cool news Corey! Can’t wait to see it!

  96. Wow!!! How can I get the magazine? Are your photos in the Nov/Dec issue? I hope they sell it in Australia…

  97. A BIG BIG CONGRATS!!!! My friend just called me and told me that she received her magazine and that your house was in it! I said, “She’s actually been on my blog and even commented, this is so cool!”
    So, she’ll bring me over her copy for me to scope out.
    Very awesome!

  98. Corey,
    I knew you were an amazing girl!!
    I just got the issue today in the mail.
    I haven’t had time yet to open it. I will tonight. I am so excited for you and for me.
    I get to see your wonderful home and photographs. I can say I know her, she is a wonderful person, and artist.
    Congrats to you!!!!

  99. Can’t wait, can’t wait, can’t wait…
    getting my paws on this magazine will be better than Christmas…
    Congratulations Corey! I CAN’T WAIT!!!!!

  100. Corey, Corey, Corey…how EXCITING!!! Don’t you just love it when a door opens for you, when you least expect it? It was meant to be. I haven’t had a chance to go to my local bookstore, but by this weekend, I will get my hands on the mag! CONGRATS!! ((HUGS))

  101. Cris in oregon

    Congrats on your photgraphs in Victoria magazine of your home. WOW

  102. Cris in oregon

    Congrats and more congrats. Wonderful photographs too in the Jan/Feb magazine. Hope you see it soon. I got it in the mail so it might not be out yet on the stands.

  103. Congratulations, Corey! I can’t wait to see the new issue. It’s such a special magazine.
    A good friend of mine told me about Victoria (which I never knew about) and since the re-issue has come out, I keep hearing really great women referring to this magazine. It feels like a special club and I’m glad I finally got my invitation to join as a reader.

  104. 🙂 You are a gifted stylist… whoever had the sense to hire you is wise, indeed!
    May you be blessed as you continue to share beauty to wider audiences…

  105. perfect!
    just perfect!
    i love this story
    and i am NOT surprised one teeny bit…
    oh, happy day!

  106. My Dear One,
    CONGRATULATIONS. Your talents have been known to your loyal readers for some time. Now more lucky people will get to marvel at your images and words.
    Happy Christmas C. and a Peaceful New year in 2008.

  107. I am sitting here smiling, smiling, smiling.
    Warm, quiet, DELIGHT.
    Father is gracious, good, generous.
    Tickled PINK for you… can’t wipe the smile off my face…
    Under a starry night in chilly Canada, I am grinning from ear to ear…
    Every blessing,

  108. A BIG well deserved congrats to you!!! I love, love the feature~the photos, layout and article are all wonderful.
    Wonderful work you have done, as always 🙂

  109. Corey YOU are the gift to us allas well your photography and words! Congratulations on your recent publishing!Victoria magazine ..but of course!!
    hugs hop along aNNa xo

  110. Corey this is so wonderful….I love your blog and I also love Victoria magazine. Congrats to you.I can hardly wait!

  111. if you are still reading comments after 100 comments….can I say, I am so NOT surprised. You have a wonderful way of weaving stories into your photos! I am so proud of you. Thank you for taking time to include us in your little wonderful piece of the world!
    BTW, Husband comes home tomorrow….he is on a plane from Kuwait as I type!! Thank you so much for the well wishes along these past 15 months!

  112. Wow! It just arrived today and I haven’t even opened it yet. I am so excited that it is back in publication and even more excited, now that I have read your secret. Wow, wow, wow, wow!!!

  113. Dear Corey,
    I can’t believe how you keep a secret! If I have something I don’t ever want anyone to know I would tell you and I know you’d never tell, and I could say the same about your mom.
    Well, not me ha ha I not that good…….Congratulation, Sweet one, I am not
    surprised, all the wonderful seeds you have sowed are being reaped, a huge harvest, a hundredfold I can’t wait to get my hands on it
    Wow, Merry Christmas Corey what a wonderful present! Pinkie Denise

  114. Toni Mason

    Congrats!! Corey, I never had a doubt!!! And by the way I love the vespers. With Christmas Peace and Love, Toni

  115. That is so awesome! Congratulations and I can’t wait to hear more! Now, the rest of the world will get to delight in the wonder that we’ve enjoyed via your blog…it’s no longer our secret. All the best to you as you head along this path in your journey!
    Also, I wanted to wish you and your family a wonderful holiday! All the best and many good things!

  116. How wonderful Corey!!!
    Your photographs are always so beautiful, that i am not surprised at all for this news.

  117. congratulations ! looking forward to seeing the magazine…

  118. oh Wow! how wonderful!! i love ‘Victoria’ and I love your photos and inspiring stories and thoughts!! bravo Corey!!!

  119. Wow. That’s amazing news. And at the same time it is so logical. You have great stories, unendless wisdom and an sharp eye for beautiful photo’s. Well deserved!
    I just hope they are smart enough to hire you permanently!

  120. Congratulations! Your photography is so very beautiful that it is hardly surprising that it should have been noticed and taken up in such a marvellous way, but all the same, well done! 🙂

  121. OMG, I almost didn’t subscribe to Victoria again because the first issue of this new release didn’t interest me as much as the old Victoria of the early 2000’s, but when I got to my mom’s yesterday she had the new issue and I saw a beautiful french looking house in there and thought–okay, maybe Victoria is getting it back–the good stuff that is, good things like you and your house!!! Holy cow, I have to go grab the magazine and look again!! I didn’t read the text yet, so I didn’t know!!

  122. Congratulations!! I can’t wait to get my copy of Victoria to see more of your work!

  123. I don’t see my comment….:(
    But have to write again to be sure I tell you: CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! and I am not at all surprised! You got such a beautiful and poetic eye and soul!
    (can you buy this magazine in France?)

  124. Miss Corey!!! As I said in my email, YOUR HOME is stunningly beautiful!!! It makes this issue a ‘keeper’, not only because it’s YOUR artful photography but because each page is like a piece of art. Now I have 8 pieces of Coery originals!!!
    Bravo and thank you for letting us into your home. I love every corner!!!

  125. HOORAY!!!!!!!!!!!!
    will find my copy of Victoria today!
    this is sooooooooo cool…
    xox – eb.

  126. Oh, I am late in adding my Whoops and Hollah’s to you Corey, but I really am so happy for you! You, and your Light and Love, you deserve good things like this. I mean that with ALL my heart. And it shows that Good begets Good very often in life, just like it should.
    oxoxo 🙂

  127. This is fabulous, I’ll have to go and find Victoria to read. All the best for Happy Holidays & congrats 🙂

  128. Oh, congrats! What wonderful news and I can’t think of anyone more deserving of the honor!

  129. Oh Corey, how absolutely wonderful that my favorite blog is now furnishing my favorite magazine with her magnificent photographs. This January issue will be kept forever as I keep going back and looking at your wonderful work. I will say, once again, that I still think your next step will be a book of your photos with some of your fabulous stories. Much success in the new year. Have a wonderful holiday season.

  130. Oh Corey, how absolutely wonderful that my favorite blog is now furnishing my favorite magazine with her magnificent photographs. This January issue will be kept forever as I keep going back and looking at your wonderful work. I will say, once again, that I still think your next step will be a book of your photos with some of your fabulous stories. Much success in the new year. Have a wonderful holiday season.

  131. Wonderful news Corey! Congratulations on having the courage to jump into your new world – you sound so happy.

  132. CONGRATULATIONS!!! Oh my goodness, how WONDERFUL!! I can’t wait to see the issue, will look for it this weekend. Have you been able to get a copy? Can I send you one?
    Happy holidays, Corey.

  133. Victoria is my favourite magazine! Congratulations Corey! I can’t wait to see it!

  134. Well-deserving! Enjoy it!

  135. Shut it!!! This is AWESOME!!! My Mom gets this magazine. She was crushed when they folded, but no one was happier when they restarted publishing. She pre-ordered her subscription months in advance. Now I can tell her I “know” the photographer….
    Merry Christmas!

  136. Well-deserved! Enjoy it.
    I can’t wait to get my Victoria.

  137. WOW! Then Victoria Magazine has excellent taste Corey ; )
    I hope you are having a kind and peaceful Advent, and will have a Simply Magical Christmas : ) Wendy

  138. That is amazing news Corey! Congratulations! I know your photography is in Somerset Life as well, so I’m sure this is a great honor! You are an amazing photographer and have such an eye for beautiful things, AND with words!
    I confess I have never once seen a Victoria magazine issue, but I will buy this one, just to see your work! 🙂

  139. Corey – that couldn’t be better, nor more well-deserved news! Your work and your eye is perfect for that venue (I think my mother has every single Victoria ever published. She got us all gift subscriptions for years. Of course she did a happy dance when they started publishing again). I will look forward to your pictorial presence with much anticipation!

  140. WHOOHOO! Wow! Corey, that is such TERRIFIC news! I am sooooooo happy for you!!!! And of course I’m going to go out tomorrow morning to find the issue. Your family must be so proud of you – your readers sure are! Good goin’, girl!

  141. Oh Corey! I am so happy for me…um I mean YOU. Well actually me, too. And everyone else who will be enjoying your beautiful pictures. But really more for you. I love seeing you receive such deserved praise and attention. Congratulations!
    And I’m so relieved to hear the “accident” left everyone unscratched. Even the cars? Wow!

  142. Oh my gosh! This is fantastic news! When I send someone a link to your blog, I tell them “her photographs are beyond wonderful!” Congrats, congrats, congrats! Now…I must run out tomorrow and purchase the magazine.

  143. Oh my gosh! This is fantastic news! When I send someone a link to your blog, I tell them “her photographs are beyond wonderful!” Congrats, congrats, congrats! Now…I must run out tomorrow and purchase the magazine.

  144. WOW…and just from this blog huh? Amazing indeed and congratulations…so happy for you!!

  145. It’s never too late to congratulate you, right?
    I’m not surprised though; your photos are always delicious. Now I have to try and get a copy of Victoria. I haven’t seen it here, so I may have to get my American sister to send me a copy.

  146. I am so happy for you! I have been reading the very best for Victoria magazine, and I have only last month subscribed to it. I look forward to seeing your work.
    Yes, let your dream carry you forward.

  147. in the same time , c’est tout a fait mérité !
    bravo !

  148. YIPPPEEE! Our Corey will be on the newstands in my favorite magazine! Congratulations! I just bought this a few days ago not knowing you were going to be in it! Are you in the December issue? I am so happy for you! You are going to bring your beauty and light to so many others now. Blessed Happy Christmas to you and yours.

  149. I almost hesitated to leave this comment, for fear it would get lost in an ocean of praise for you Corey.
    But I couldn’t do it. I have to add my little droplet of water to your big sea of congratulations!!!
    If anyone, ANYONE deserves to have their generous heart and soul showcased monthly….
    Congratulations!!!! xo

  150. This is so exciting Corey, I have read your reader’s comments regarding this and tried to find the pictures (will you be featuring the images when you get this magazine?)…Don’t think I can get hold of it here. Congrats!!!

  151. I just bought this magazine for the first time!!! I have to check your photos out!! How exciting for you! Bravo et bonne continuation !

  152. yay, bravo corey!!!

  153. Congratulations to you! What a wonderful thing to have happened!

  154. oh my goodness! I’m only hearing of this now! Congratulations girl! I think only now will I subscribe to those magazines! They are lucky to have you!….berriehead

  155. Congratulations, Corey, that is so great and completely deserved. Well done too for taking up the challenge and finding out that it all came naturally to you! Good luck with finding plenty more such opportunities.

  156. This is no surprise to me! Your blog is exquisite.
    Congratulations and I have a feeling this is just one of many doors that will be open to you.

  157. Akkkk Corey, how did I miss this (I can not keep up with blogs this month) I am soooo thrilled for you. Congratulations. Victoria mag has very good taste. I can not wait ton see your photos and Merry Christmas xoxoxox Clarice

  158. CONGRATULATIONS! How wonderful Corey.
    Wishing you and yours a wonderful Holiday Season filled with joy and a Happy New Year!

  159. Congratulations, Corey!!!!! What an amazing journey you are on. I don’t know this magazine, but judging from the responses, clearly it is a good one. Guess what? I love you and your photos so much that I am going to subscribe to it right now! You go, girl. Wishing you all the best in 2008. Merry Christmas.

  160. Congratulations. I love Victoria! have a joyous Christmas. 🙂

  161. Félicitations chère et talentueuse Corey !
    Je te souhaite une année 2008 exquise et pleine de jolies surprises comme celle-ci.
    De tout coeur !

  162. Congratulations, Corey! Now even more people will enjoy your talent & insight.

  163. I purchased the magazine today – beautiful photographs as expected. I could hear your “voice” as I read the article.
    I rarely purchase Victoria. I was surprised to see it is published in my hometown of Birmingham, AL. Small world!
    Congrats on a job done to perfection. I have no doubt this will lead to more photography assignments for you!

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