The Gift of Wisdom


After telling Chelsea (who was four at the time,) the story of Jesus, Mary and Joseph, of their long travel, the ride on the donkey and when they arrived there was no room in the Inn… Jesus was born in a manger.

Chelsea asked me with a surprise look on her face, "Didn’t they know to make reservations?"


Note: Seven days before Christmas the O Antiphons are sung at Vespers. The O Antiphons are made up of seven parts, one part is sung each day. Today is the antiphon of O Sapientia (Wisdom.)

Photo: French antique statue of Mary praying.


38 responses to “The Gift of Wisdom”

  1. ๐Ÿ™‚
    Chelsea is so beautiful!

  2. I love this lovely comment from kids , they just can come from them no others …
    She was already so clever

  3. Corey,
    Thank you for sharing the tradtions of your faith and the real roots of the meaning of Christmas.
    Miss Sandy

  4. Smart little girl!

  5. From the mouth of babes…priceless!

  6. Love the photograph and how you’ve focused.

  7. Clever girl ๐Ÿ˜‰ Like mother, like daughter!

  8. very cute … you won’t have to worry about her being able to take care of things.

  9. It’s funny how this word keeps coming up for me – Wisdom. It seems to be everywhere. Wisdom seems to pour out from the mouths of babes and youngsters.

  10. Ah, out of the mouths of babes!
    O Sapientia was just beautiful. I am looking forward to hearing O Adonai tomorrow. ๐Ÿ™‚

  11. That’s cute. I love the things kids come up with.

  12. LOL!!! kids they really do say the cutest things we adults even think of =)

  13. Children always come up with the most logical questions.
    I love your stories about your Children.

  14. So the childrens are very crazy when they say this.
    See you from Italy.

  15. I remember this, Chelsea sounds like a wonderful girl, full of wisdom just like her mother. Best wishes to you!

  16. precious!

  17. From the mouths of babes!

  18. Love it! It reminds me of when my husband told my 6 year old that her Grandma got her passport. She wanted to know if Grandma had lost it. No, darling, Grandma has only flown on an airplane one time and never left America! Oh, the life of a traveling kid!

  19. When my daughter was small we both decided to draw the Nativity scene. I completed my scene and added palm trees to the background. She said “Mom, there are no palm trees in Bethlehem.” “What?” I said. She firmly stated “There are no palm trees In Bethlehem, Pennsylvania.” What did I know? In her way she was right.

  20. Thank you for starting this day off with a laugh, and a miraculous prayer time accompanied by such beautiful chanting.
    xo Lidy

  21. Thinking of you Corey.
    Hope all is well.

  22. Franca Bollo

    I think Mary needs to see a dermatologist about those brown spots.

  23. Oh my gosh I so loved this (and wondered the same thing too ๐Ÿ˜‰ xoxoxoxo Clarice

  24. I haven’t had a chance to visit for a while. I’ve enjoyed lingering over your last few entires. I’m always blessed by what you write!
    My prayers go out to the young boy who is now without his Mommy.

  25. That is too precious! These are the things that make motherhood so endearing! I read the very same story to my two youngest just the other evening, and my 7 year old daughter couldn’t understand why no one could manage to be kind enough to squeeze them into an inn! =)

  26. LOL! Oh my gosh, how cute is that?!

  27. Children always say the funniest thing – like the inn keeper in the school nativity play who says to Mary and Joseph “come away in!!”

  28. That is a perfect question.
    How sweet!

  29. Must have been backpackers.

  30. Oh Chelsea! My Dad misheard a bible passage when he was a kid and thought it said “while shepherds washed their socks by night”.

  31. lol – Chelsea is a modern day realist. My two little boys heard the story for the first time when they were three and four. I found them sometime later wrapped in their bedtime blankets rocking together on the sofa. When I asked what they were doing, they replied that they were taking a boat to Bethlehem as going by donkey would be too slow.

  32. That is the cutest story, love that.
    Now, hmmm, what is this I hear? Yeah, I am on to you. ๐Ÿ™‚ You can’t hide from observant folks like MOI.

  33. that gave me a {giggle}!
    on a completely different note, i just got my jan/feb issue of VICTORIA today & guess who i read about in there?!
    how FABULOUS to see/read about your belle maison! i almost feel like writing to the editors of VICTORIA & tell them…wow, you wrote about my friend & i am so proud!!! (you know what? i think i just might go & do that!)
    it was thrilling to have the magazine back in my life (i was so crushed when they stopped the presses a few years back)…& to see your place gracing the pages of VICTORIA…wow, wow, wow…
    a match made in heaven!
    congrats corey…you certainly deserved to be featured there!! :0)
    hugs, mary ann

  34. ‘Out of the mouths of babes’ – that is the cutest story!

  35. trust a child! What a gorgeous photo! I have got to find out if we get Victoria here, I suspect not ๐Ÿ™

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