Vintage Shoes

                Vintage French

At an antique fair I noticed these silk wedding shoes posed on a hand crafted wedding pedestal, (where a bride of the 19th century usually placed her wedding wreath.) How curious, how unusual?

The bride placed her white silk shoes on a pedestal.

The journey is worthy… every step of the way.


27 responses to “Vintage Shoes”

  1. Marie-Noëlle

    She has set foot on THE island !!!

  2. She may have started with those beautiful silk slippers but she would have exchanged them at times for others.
    The journey of marriage is a delicate dance, slippers for tiptoeing through the tulips(her simpler tasks) and heavy boots for the labors of child rearing, gardening and such.After all if the shoe fits wear it!

  3. Bless Shoe you let us step into another beautiful moment.
    I love all that you share.
    Thanks for always being there.
    Christmas cheer all through the year.
    I love you

  4. I wore similar shoes for my wedding.

  5. Pretty shoes, makes me want to see the wedding dress too.

  6. I think those shoes would have followed me home. 🙂

  7. Could it be that her new husband, placed HER on a pedestal, and worshipped her all their lives. Her family puts her shoes there, to remind her grandsons, how to treat their wives.

  8. The pedestal, wow!

  9. Love the shoes! What great insight from Miss Maddie’s!

  10. They look light enough to fly away . . .

  11. a moment in time…kept forever…teary because i am entering this wedding time with my beloved daughter…thank you for sharing…blessings, rebecca

  12. Oh, I think I have found my perfect pair of shoes! I visited your link and fell in love with the blue silk ostrich feather rosette boudior kitten heel slippers! I think they would make getting out of bed everyday pure pleasure!
    Miss Sandy

  13. What a story those shoes could tell … and they are so lovely.

  14. How lovely, her steps were surely poetic…

  15. What a cool find.

  16. What beautiful shoes – so slim and delicate! I like the idea of the stand for the garland. I sent my own wedding bouquet to be laid on my grandmother’s grave last year when I was married. My mother was buried there too, last week.

  17. Very Cinderella! Or Sex in the City! I have a friend who once photographed a wedding and afterwards the bride was upset because there wasn’t a closeup of her shoes. He ended up having to reshoot the shoes on a velvet pedestal to appease her. Strange but true.

  18. Those shoes provoke such a beautiful image; I can see the bride waltzing around the dance floor, white powdered face with rose cheeks, high hair. So inspiring, thank you.

  19. With a toe that pointy maybe even Bossy’s big dogs would fit in…

  20. What a lovely way to put it.
    Beautiful in fact.
    And lovvved the shoe link ! Thank You.

  21. How funny that my daughter and I were talking about wedding shoes today and then I see a post from you about that very thing! She said she hoped she would be able to wear heels at her wedding. I said “Why wouldn’t you?” The poor thing looked at me and said “Mom. I’m taller than half the boys out there. I’ll probably end up wearing flip flops.” Awwwww…..hee hee….

  22. I love these…they remind me of something Josephine would have worn with a batiste empire gown – gliding off to see her Napoleon.

  23. The slippers look marvelous set upon that crown like pedestal. A worthy resting place!
    Hope you are well friend!

  24. Oui, certainement un précieux souvenir !

  25. Oh, how divine!!

  26. How pretty! I wonder who the bride and groom were?????

  27. Why don’t they make shoes like this anymore? I would wear them all the time. I love them.
    Seeing the long loop in each shoe, I’m wondering if they hung them up on a hook, and imagine a wall of …. shoes hanging on hooks. Bliss!

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