The French Flea market


A massive flea market is taking place in the south of France TODAY!! This massive, glorious, once a year flea market is not far from where I live….

The Announcement:


CARPENTRAS  (15 Km de L’Isle sur la Sorgue

GRAND VIDE-GRENIERS DE L’HIVER – Marche Gare – Route de Pernes Les Fontaines – 7h-18h – Extérieur – Entrée gratuite

Tel : – – Fax:
1200 Professionnels + Particuliers + Habitants

In English it reads like this:

84 (The county department number.)

Carpentras, (is the name of the town.) Then it says it is 15 Kilometers away from a more known town called, L’Isle sur la Sorgue.

It goes on to say:

Large Winter Flea Market- to be held at the market place by the train station – Pernes Route Pernes Les Fontaines – 7:00 a.m to 6:00 p.m. – Outside – Free entrance.

Telephone number : – – Fax:

Then the cream de la cream of information… The announcement says how many dealers will be setting up: 1200 Professionals antique dealers, flea market dealers and locals will be selling.


Be still my heart! Yes folks this is heaven. This is a dream. This is my idea of a lucky, good day. 1200 professional antique dealers, plus other local dealers, and car boots, and garage sales all wrapped into one day in one place.


flea market

I am so sorry you cannot be here. Honestly I am. I bet it is enough to make you green.

If it is any consolation, if it helps at all to know, I cannot go either. So sad, so true, so not what I had plan to do.

Now who has chocolate to share with me?

photos: Buttons. Maybe only buttons will be for sale at the flea market… that would make me feel better.


62 responses to “The French Flea market”

  1. wow cant believe i’m the first to comment and give you a virtual chocolate bar.
    what happened? why can’t you attend? that’s too bad…are you ok? hope so.

  2. Ah, we can admire and shop in the moonlit clouds of our imagination … JP/deb

  3. Wow, that IS one big brocante. I wish I were going to be in Provence. I’m going to a small one today in Paris so I can’t complain. Chocolate is on me.

  4. Oh no! Why couldn’t you go? I would do anything to go. It sounded so wonderful. So many sellers and I’m sure so many treasures, I mean buttons, to be found. I would love to flea market with you Corey. Just let me know when you are available and I will just fly over.

  5. Chocolate thoughts in your direction (*1200* professional dealers?). I would be happy even if all of them sold buttons… love buttons…

  6. These buttons are so shiny and bright! Sorry you couldn’t make this big event — I know it would have led to many spectacular blog posts!
    Bon dimanche!

  7. No! you can’t go?! Is this huge flea market usually held this time of year?

  8. I had to eat the chocolate because I couldn’t go run my hands through all those buttons *sob*

  9. well the vide-greniers in carpentras is still too far for me…10-hour drive away!
    your fingers must be itching corey, staying at home!
    talking about chocolate! i’m making some crêpes this afternoon with a delicate melted chocolate sauce and icing sugar…
    how about joining us? you could be here around 9pm, crossing france and belgium.
    peace of a cake or rather peace of a crêpe!i’ll bake you some fresh ones as soon as you arrive ;)))

  10. I am sure you will find such treasure troves and have lots of extra chocolate for me.
    No more for me as you know but you can have all my portions with love.
    Money may talk
    but chocolate sings.
    Love Jeanne

  11. OH no don’t tell me you are not going !! I can’t either as I’m putting the things together for tomorrow! Next time we have to plan to go together ..What are you going to tell me tomorrow !! Haven’t you gone to any ” vide greniers” today ?

  12. Boah, you really see me a little green *smile*. I’ll have to eat a big piece of my mothers wonderful “Stollen” (that’s a german christmascake), and I would like to share it with you, perhaps it helps… By th e way: You are allright, it didn’t happen something really bad?

  13. 1200 dealers? Makes me dizzy just thinking about it. You must have some super special plans for the day to have kept you away.

  14. I’d be in heaven – running my hands through all those buttons – I love buttons!
    I think I need some chocolate, too.

  15. Does it take place every week-end ?

  16. I’m so sad I can’t go, but absolutely devastated that you have to miss it! Why, why, why?!!? Such a cruel world!! Cheryl

  17. Don’t think about it.
    Denial is the only way :o)

  18. You must be very disappointed! It sounds like your idea of heaven on earth for sure. Hope all is well though if you’re eating chocolate it’s probably all fine. Maybe next year.

  19. So near, and yet so far . . . what gives?

  20. Oh I would have loved to attend this one – must be everything Frenh I’m lusting after – a curvy boudoir chair, a linen covered sofa, a really huge old armoire, glittering chandeliers soft antique linen sheets………and of course more Mother-of-Pearl buttons to fill my old glass jars.
    Corey, if I bring the chocolate please can we go together next time!!?

  21. The most vivid shade of green you have ever seen! I hope you have a great day!

  22. Oh Corey. Tres dommage. If not me, why then it SHOULD be Corey! Same time, next year pour vous?

  23. But I love buttons!!!!! I’m so sorry you aren’t able to attend, even more sorry that I’m not able too! LOL! Marva

  24. wow i could hear your excitement jumping from the page!!! have so much fun!
    ps and here is some virtual chocolate. 🙂

  25. so sad you cannot attend…..on the bright side, think of all the $$$ you will save.

  26. You can’t go!?! Merde.

  27. Do you want that chocolate melted and drizzled??? Have fun!!

  28. Chocolate would help you feel better I’m sure..!
    Too bad you couldn’t pay for purchases with buttons isn’t it..!
    Lots of wintery weather here today, a day for snuggling up and writing Christmas cards.
    Enjoy your Sunday Corey..

  29. There is chocolate cake over at Willow House right now I think you need a large slice – oh the disapointment.

  30. Green doesn’t even begin to describe it! We, I can’t wait to see what you find! I’ll save up a years worth of chocolate to come with you some day!!!
    Hugs from Ulla!

  31. AAAAAAACKKKKKKKK!!!! I am green with envy. And so sad you cannot go either! If you could go at least I could go vicariously!
    When I went to France I was only able to stay for three days. I did not get to go to ANY flea markets. I would love to travel there and ONLY go to flea markets and wonderful events such as you described.

  32. Oh, Corey I am so sad for your, I don’t know how you can stand it. Even chocolate would make me feel better…..Well, I am sure you’ll
    make it up in other ways. Try to have a good one…..Pinkie

  33. You poor kid-so many tempting goodies but you cannot make the show. No chocolate here right now, but how about a large slice of homemade carrot cake?

  34. WHAAT! You can’t go?? I would’ve been green with envy if you did. I’m sad for you because I know you would’ve been in 7th heaven if you were able to go.

  35. Green…and yellow and a touch of blue!
    You can have all the chocolate I have in the house.

  36. Yes, I’m quite sure that I heard on the antiques grapevine that it was to be a button-only fleamarket, with perhaps a couple of stalls branching out into paperclips from the seventies.
    *tries to help Corey feel better*

  37. I a mso green..I look like I just came from Mars! I know you will have so much fun! OH day will not be enough!

  38. Oh..crap..I just read your last line..I am so sorry :(.. I got so excited , I thought you were going.

  39. Oh Corey, I can only dream of the wealth of treasures at this market!!! Sounds like heaven to me ~ you must sneak away and GO!! xxoo, Dawn

  40. Oh Corey, I so wish I could come with you to this massive event (…then I read that you couldn’t go? why?!) Come share a hot chocolate with me *hugs*

  41. I do have chocolate for you, Corey and cakes and sweet things and…macarons!

  42. yes, green! oh so green! and so sorry you will not be able to attend. I am positive there will only be buttons. Boring buttons too. 1200+ vendors of boring buttons.
    If I got on a plane now, would I make it in time?

  43. Hope you’ll come home with treasures galore. Is this the one you froze to death at last year in your penny loafers?

  44. Just read you will not be going. So sorry! ;-(

  45. Well my dear we’ll save up our dollars for next year and I’ll just come on over with a big suitcase full of chocolate and then fill it with antiques for the way home. How’s that for a good plan?? xo N

  46. Corey, I bet it was a lousy, terrible, flea market with only garage wastes!… And if only there was to be a hand full of good sellers they all went away at the moment they knew you couldn’t go! I bet!

  47. You cheeky girl, you! I was looking forward to all the wonderful photos, stories, goods and conversations you would be sharing with us all. Now I feel really deprived.
    Somehow I think you will lkeep filling us up with your wonderful words + photos.

  48. You cheeky girl, you! I was looking forward to all the wonderful photos, stories, goods and conversations you would be sharing with us all. Now I feel really deprived.
    Somehow I think you will keep filling us up with your wonderful words + photos.

  49. Oh poor Corey! And poor us, not to see your photos. Those buttons though, I love them & the pretty graphics on the button cards.

  50. Oh poor Corey! And poor us, not to see your photos. Those buttons though, I love them & the pretty graphics on the button cards.

  51. I can’t believe you could not go Corey. How simply awful.

  52. just the thought of all that wonderful old frenchy stuff in one little town…makes my knees wobbly. one day!

  53. Awww, man, Corey! That sounds like so much fun and I do wish that you could have gone, found the best treasures ever and then told us all about it afterwards. Ah well…I suppose the good thing is that it might be an annual event? I certainly hope so!

  54. Wow…those cards of buttons must be for the professionals…never seen that many on a card before….thanks for sharing!

  55. Oh my…I’m so sorry you missed it! Buttons? Oh do I love vintage buttons!

  56. Oh how I would like to attend that flea market. Of course I would be so broke after all is said and done.
    However, I do happen to have some very fine chocolate bought just yesterday from a fabulous little shop in Santa Fe. I have several varieties but my favorites are the Sierra Blanca, dark chocolate infused with lime and ancho chile and then topped with white chocolate. And…….Oh this one is sooooo good……..peanut butter/red chili bar covered in dark chocolate. Oh and I almost forgot, the white chocolate, almond, lavendar/lemon bark………just heaven, but truthfully, not as good as that flea market I’m sure.

  57. What????!!!! Now… what could possibly keep you from going???? You know I always have chocolate somewhere and I’ve been missing you something like a whole lot…

  58. I would so need chocolate if I had to miss that. Poor Corey!

  59. You can’t go!!! Just once a year! well, maybe next year…
    I have the BEST chocolate, made in Boulder…mmmm, take a bite?

  60. Cousin Chris

    Remember the Button Braclets that my Mom used to make? My Sister has a few of them still.
    Cousin Chris

  61. OH My, I HAve nOw piCKed mYselF up FroM faLLing Off my ChaIr. I WiLl noW NEEd sOMe MeDIcAtIOn to ConTInue on WiTh mY LiFe…..soRRy fOr tHE sTraNGe wRiTIng…mY hAnDs aRe SHakIng fRoM ExCIteMent!!!!!!!!

  62. “If it is any consolation, if it helps at all to know, I cannot go either. So sad, so true, so not what I had plan to do.”
    Oh, so sad! Such a let-down! I am sure it was wonderful.
    I made fresh chocolate-chip cookies this week. Come on by, any time. You will always be welcome at my home. (We have Hershey’s Kisses in a big jar, too, a jar full of love. I know they aren’t the most delicious chocolate in the world, but there’s something so endearing and heart-warming about hershey’s kisses.)

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