South of France


Subtle beauty, graceful exposure, with a pace that lends a lightness to your steps.

Since this summer August 30th, we have had (unless I have forgotten someone in the count,) 17 guests. Many people have said I should open up a B&B. In response to that I say, "If we opened a B&B it would be filled with our family and friends and we would go broke!"

Shannon arrived yesterday. After a journey that is only experienced in movies. Let me explain–First her plane, which arrived in Paris from the USA arrived late, and she missed her connecting flight. She had to wait three hours for the next connecting flight it was then canceled. Therefore she had to go to another terminal to retrieve her bags. They sent her to another airport by bus. When she got there the flight was canceled. She waited for the next flight that ended up having technical problems. Finally she caught the 5:00pm flight, arriving in Marseille after 6pm. Only to find a traffic jam that held us prisoners for two and half hours. Shannon arrived at our home 12 hours after the predicted arrival time. Red eyed, tired, hungry and with the biggest smile.

Shannon doesn’t speak a word of French, and had never traveled overseas. The French call a first time experience that goes awry a "baptism." She had a full dunk baptism that is for sure!

After spending 12 hours waiting for her at the airport in Marseille I now know everything there is to know about it… Shannon was/is worth every second of that long wait!

Photo: Terre cuite statue in a fountain in Massauane.


32 responses to “South of France”

  1. Shannon ùust be exhausted !!! it reminds me the same kind of horrible trip to Mexico …
    I’ve never been to this chateau des Alpilles .Someday may be we can go together.

  2. Having already spent quite a bit of time in Marseille airport on various occasions, I can thorougly sympathize. Hope you had a good book with you!
    Enjoy your time with Shannon.

  3. 12 hour wait at the airport?! Now that’s true friendship! Enjoy your time together.
    Amanda (aka Cottage Contessa)

  4. 12 hours waiting at the airport?! Now that’s real friendship! Have a wonderful time together.
    Amanda (aka Cottage Contessa)

  5. I feel for Shannon. Exhausted and tired of traveling but thrilled to be at her destination.
    I have a similar story. My hubby and I were on our way to adopt our second daughter from China and the trip couldn’t have gotten worse. Getting bumped. Missing a connection. Sleeping in the SF airport for six hours on the floor. Running down the concourse with desperation to make our flight and get our baby. Getting to Beijing and wanting to kiss the ground. In the end it all didn’t matter. We had our Emily and she is perfect. I would do it all over again.
    I hope Shannon enjoys a fun filled vacation. She earned it!

  6. Friends are the ornaments who frequent the home and love is the savoring spice.
    I love you darling one.
    Enjoy your guests.
    Love you

  7. Corey,
    Thankfully, Shannon had you to rescue her!!!

  8. It sounds like you already have a B&B you just don’t charge for it!!!
    have a great visit with your friend Shannon
    and post more interesting stories about you visit…
    your blog is such fun to visit…

  9. Seventeen guests is an amazing number of people coming through your home but I am sure that they love every minute being with you and your family. I am so sorry for Shannon’s exhausting trip but so glad she arrived with a smile … no matter what! I love the photo here.

  10. Oh dear poor Shannon! I am travelling to Europe Aug./08 for a month and I certanly pray that we don’t experience such delays..arriving in Frankfert….perhaps your B&B will be open by the time I arrive.LOL hugs aNNa

  11. DEear DEAR! Poor thing! THat was a baptism by fire…but one i would happily go through if I had to… to get the chance to be in France(oops no poetry intended)

  12. this first journey starts well for shannon!
    but i’m sure it’s all worth while. it seems the door of your southern home stands open wide for guests.
    enjoy the gathering in your lovely southern provence!!

  13. when the jet lag wears off, she will feel wonderful – enjoy every moment!

  14. I’ve heard travel horror stories, but this one takes the cake! I’m sure that everything will be wonderful for her from now on, especially with you and French Husband as hosts!

  15. So glad you and Shannon are finally together. She is now Baptized and going for her South of France Confirmation!
    Have fun together!!

  16. Ahh, yes. International Travel at its worst! It can only get better from there. Hope she enjoys her trip! Me thinks after that description…..I will fly direct to Marseilles!

  17. Baptism?!? I love it…sounds like you were baptised also. You win my ‘hostess with the mostest’ award. I know her stay will be worth all the waits. It must have been awful to have all these problems and not know the language. The hurdles she had to jump….and you were there waiting for her…you really are wonderful.

  18. Oh how awful — but at least she got there and had friends to meet her. There *is* a downside to travel (especially these days — those *%!$@ airlines)but all is well that ends well!

  19. I’m already baptized. Can I come next??

  20. Hooray for Shannon! I know it will all be forgotten in the joy she has being with you.
    I once spent 6 hours sitting in a plane on the ground in Paris when I was actually headed for London but London was fogged in. Can you say *diverted*? The worst part was I was in PARIS…but I couldn’t get off the plane. I went to Paris a couple of times later on just to make up for it.
    Travel is interesting isn’t it?

  21. Hi Corey,
    Sounds like Shannon had a very trying day.
    My daughter just got back from her Italian honeymoon this morning. She was delayed in New York. She finally made it back to California at 3 am.
    Anyway, I wish you would open a B&B, so I could visit.

  22. With 17 guests, are you sure you don’t already have a non-profit B&B? 🙂
    What a trying day, both of you had with such long waits.
    Hope the two of you have a wonderful time together!

  23. Catching up on all of your fabulous thoughts! The gardens, breakfast, and poor Shannon. Is she sailing home? Tell her my hat’s off to her. I read her last post before her journey and now after what happened I believe she can do anything!!

  24. I wish I was the Shannon you are referring to in this post…sadly, I am not.
    Tell my namesake to enjoy her time for all us Shannons! 🙂

  25. Urgh… 12 hours is enough to drive from Paris …twice! My wife had her baptism as well, getting sick when we were supposed to be seeing the country, and upset that everyone was speaking to me and ignoring her.
    I’m sure Shannon will absolutely love it.

  26. i would love to retire somewhere worthy of a B&B….maybe one day!

  27. I hope the long and exasperating trip is well rewarded!
    Have fun!

  28. I’m sure Shannon feels exactly like you do. It was all worth it. Enjoy!

  29. I love Shannon’s story. I’m sure your family made her feel every bit welcomed. Hooray for her!

  30. 17 visitors! That IS alot of visitors but how came we blame them for coming? You live in a little piece of heaven, Corey! I’m sure your friend would say that a 12 hour delay, long as it was, is well worth the wait to have a few adventures with you.

  31. How wonderful you have opened your home to host so many happy friends and family all sharing in the adventure of life with you!

  32. I had the same baptism when I visited the US but some people and places (and the South of France is at the top of my list) are more than worth it in the end.

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