Happy Halloween! (The best time to be a kid!!)


Happy Halloween! This is me when I was two. My Mother loved to make Halloween costumes. I am so glad she put an undershirt underneath my bikini top.


Here I am a year later, trick or treat! I am dressed as an Indian maiden, the costume was made from a burlap sack. I grew up on a farm (see the cows in the background,)  feed sacks made great Halloween costumes.

Note my little hand sticking out, I am not posing. I remember this moment like yesterday… That costume itched! I stuck out my arm because my Mother told me not to scratch, but that costume was rough! Dig the moccasins?


This is me at three years of age, (the last Halloween photo of me and my Mother’s Homemade Halloween costumes… I bet you thought you were going to see me in costumes from the age of two to fifty…sorry ghouls. Though  I wish I had a photo of when I was dressed as a lady bug at Twenty Eight! Or a photo of myself dressed like a mermaid and out of gas on the freeway at midnight.)

My Mother made matching Mr. and Mrs. Ghost costumes for me and my brother. My brother (Marty commentor name: Orama) is younger than me, my Mother wanted me to dress as the Mr. Ghost since I was taller. I threw a fit and refused to be the guy at Halloween.  My Mother was disappointed but agreed.

I love the eyebrows, don’t you?


100 responses to “Happy Halloween! (The best time to be a kid!!)”

  1. Just look at you! What a creative Mama you have.

  2. I know now where your creativity comes from..you are such a lovely babygirl

  3. Corey,
    Those were the days!
    Today you should wear your “granmother’ cosume for M. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  4. How sweet and precious is all that you share…..I love those pictures.
    I love you.
    Trick or treat…………..
    The voice of the heart needs no translations!

  5. I LOVE these Halloween costumes! So creative, so cute!
    And you were quite a cute little girl!

  6. Lol What a hoot! Thanks for sharing. Happy Halloween!
    Amanda (aka Cottage Contessa)

  7. How dang precious are you?? Great pictures. I kinda wish you had more.

  8. Too cute! You don’t see so many homemade costumes these days. Clever Mom you have.

  9. Aw, Corey. Too cute! I really like the lil’ Indian girl costume. You look too cute!

  10. How cute! Does France have a holiday like Halloween where the kids get dressed up?

  11. Wow what amazing costumes, I especially love when you were an Indian madian!

  12. Marvelous pictures of a time before every Halloween girl became a Disney princess.

  13. You’re brother is clever spelling his last name backwards.
    I think it’s sexy to wear a long sleeve t-shirt underneath a bikini top ๐Ÿ˜‰
    You looked like Groucho Marx’s ghost.

  14. I was just thinking….if you lived on a farm, the houses must’ve been far apart. How did you get from house to house and how many were you able to hit?

  15. Such wonderful costumes and an adorable girl!!

  16. Ooh, the first costume I made for L was a ladybug. As a matter of fact, that is the symbol she and her godmother share. Her gm said it seemed just yesterday she had on that costume, and it’s fourteen . . .

  17. These photos are simply wonderful! So lovely to see you as a kid in all your Halloween Regalia. Thanks for sharing ๐Ÿ™‚ Boo!

  18. I love the Halloween photos! Cute costumes! I bet you got some strange looks as a mermaid along the highway… LOL That would have been a fun photo to see.

  19. I love your wonderful photos!
    Your little hand is dying to itch some more in that picture :o)
    I can remember being Raggedy Ann. My mother dyed a mop red for the wig.
    Bless her heart!

  20. you look lovely in all of those costumes! have a happy halloween =)

  21. Oh my gosh, these are WONDERFUL.
    Corey, your best post ever !!
    BOO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  22. I love these vintage images, especially since they’re YOURS! Please retrieve the e-card I concocted for the bloggers I admire and know here: http://www.banjobunny.com/viewcard.php?reqid=4728892d598a9
    Happy Halloween to you too!

  23. What wonderful photos those are! I was once a bathing beauty, too, around age 4, and I had a shirt and long pants under my swimsuit (it was cold that evening!).

  24. What wonderful photo memories you have of your mom’s creativity and your childhood.

  25. I love those photos so much.
    And I love Halloween. Even as a 48 year old — I just think it’s such fun. Over here in England I find that people don’t really make a fuss over Halloween… although each year we get a few trick or treaters. Which reminds me, I need to go buy some candy just in case…)
    Anyhoo… one of these years I want to have a big ol’ Halloween party.

  26. Now we know the genetic link to your creative genius. I do want to see ALL the costumes!!!

  27. Soooo cute!!! Homemade costumes are the bomb…there is life and spirit to them. I l laughed out loud at the ghost story..kids are so funny. My sister (younger) and I went as clowns one year with store-bought costumes that had been handed down to us. The one I wore (because I was taller & slimmer) had no hat..the one my sister had did have a hat. I kicked up such a fuss about not having a hat that my mom put the one to my sister’s costume on my head and my sister wore an old rain bonnet!!! Sometimes age has it’s perks!! ๐Ÿ™‚

  28. I would throw a fit too, why not girl ghosts among the cowboys!!! You are a treasure – then and now! Happy Happy Halloween dear one!

  29. Oh, I love your outfits! Happy Halloween ๐Ÿ™‚

  30. I love this post, great costumes! You were adorable!! (obviously you haven’t changed)…Happy Halloween.

  31. You look so cute and wonderful.
    Just like now.
    Thinking of you!!

  32. too cute!!!!!!!!!!
    I remember some itchy costumes too
    probably my favorite costume
    was when I dressed like a beatnik…
    permed hair!?!, gray sweatshirt, plaid pants,
    tennis shoes, a beret…
    the time my sister and I were orientals…
    that was nice – silk pjs…
    come on over and see my sister and I
    as the little witches…
    we are wearing some nice shoes
    xox – eb.

  33. My, how you’ve changed since 1962.

  34. Happy Halloween! ๐Ÿ™‚

  35. love these costumes…
    one of my favorites as a kid
    was when I dressed like a beatnik:
    permed hair with beret,
    gray sweatshirt,
    plaid pants and tennis shoes…
    and then when my sis and I were orientals…
    oh those silk pjs… nice
    come over and see us as the little witches
    our shoes are pretty cool…
    xox – eb.

  36. repeating myself –
    thought a ghost grabbed my comment!
    xox – eb.

  37. Brother Mathew

    Mom was creative for sure. But as years passed home made costumes where the only solution in disguising brother Marty; as store puchased masks were much too small for his large head. Clever indeed!

  38. I love your little bangs & sweet face in the first 2 photos ~ You are so adorable!

  39. Great stuff Corey, happy Halloween to you. By the way Vanessa tells us that you gave her some tips on getting her blog to load faster? I wondered if you could tell me how to do this when you get a minute. Thanks.

  40. I guess every american kid loves this time of year ! it seems like it’s geting around here too ๐Ÿ˜‰

  41. Great photographs, is Halloween popular in France? Happy Halloween to you, enjoy the party.

  42. Priceless!!! So fun that you have these photo’s still!
    Yes…LOVE the eyebrows AND I can just feel you poor little one…itching in the burlap!

  43. Happy Halloween Corey!!
    Love your costumes. You were adorable and you still are.
    Thanks for sharing with us.

  44. How cute! Love the costumes.

  45. Love the pictures. Happy Halloween and if you have the time check out my corner of the party.

  46. Cool eyebrows. Pitching a fit suits you. LOL

  47. I love the costumes. I have none of my childhood costumes.
    Have a good ghoul party!

  48. Oh, Corey you are so cute! Love the sweet little Indian. My mom made us be the Three, Little Indians too. Rene’, Shawn, and I when we were little. I still remember those itchy gunnie sack! Yikes! You have a happy Halloween, miss you Denise

  49. How cute! I have ZERO pics of me in my costumes & mom used to make mine too.

  50. Mrs.Staggs

    Yes, I do!
    Happy Halloween Corey!

  51. Happy Halloween! Wonderful pictures, Corey!
    Now I am inspired to go search for my family Halloween photos.

  52. What a cute little ghost you were!
    Sandra Evertson

  53. how sweet you were & still are!!!

  54. Love The Pictures & Great Costumes, Happy Halloween ๐Ÿ™‚

  55. Julie Ann

    Trick or treat cutie ?

  56. Wow, great old photos Corey.
    The love and care Mom put into those homemade, one of a kind outfits, for you and I was a reflexion of how much she loved us. Funny, how after Mathew was born we started getting the cheap 5 & dime costumes.

  57. Such gorgeous pics to have and I was looking forward to your whole history of costumes up to the present day!
    We didn’t have the tradition of Halloween – had to wait for Bonfire Night on the 5th of November and then the dressed up one was the guy to go on top of the fire, so we didn’t wear masks just in case!

  58. I want more pictures!!!!
    I was scrambling to find some old ones of my own, but couldn’t. I had a few from the 70’s but I wouldn’t want anyone to see those!!!
    Happy Halloween

  59. Connie…Altered Route

    Great memories, eh!! Wish my folks would have taken pictures…

  60. Supercalifragilistically adorable!!!!
    Happy H-Day !!!

  61. So great! I love it. Perhaps I will post a picture of me when I was little, dressed as a peanut vender or tube of toothpaste.

  62. Great photos! Happy Halloween

  63. Happy Halloween to you too:-) Awwww I so loved the pictures of you in your Halloween costumes as a little girl, so adorable! I remember people using burlap bags to make costumes…itchy just thinking of it! lol xo

  64. The pictures are adorable. I wish I could see your mermaid outfit too

  65. julieholvik

    So like your mother, so much detail to each costume. You were a doll. Happy Hollow

  66. Woo-hoo!! Check out the “gams” on that little Indian Maiden!
    Happy Hallowe’en Corey!!

  67. The photos are so cute..!
    I can imagine how itchy that sack was..!

  68. Ellen Cassilly

    Great images! I’m going as Lizard Girl tonight. She was an underrated super hero. You might not have heard about her.
    Happy Halloween. E

  69. cute, cute, cute! What precious pictures and memories. Happy Halloween Corey!

  70. Adorable! Wish I had pictures of myself in costume…alas, none survive! Have a great time at the party!

  71. How adorable!!! Love these pics and this post.

  72. Treasured photos of a precious girl (lady)! Happy Halloween!

  73. my mom made those cloth masks
    for us, too,
    where you cut the holes in fabric.
    i wish kids
    had that kind these days
    rather than those plastic ones…
    hard to take good snapshots
    and they look so charming…

  74. vivianneroni

    happy halloween! I love the pictures of you !!! your mother is very creative! I always made my kids costumes too. sort of miss that!
    have a great night!

  75. Awwww! Those are terrific homemade costumes and what wonderful photos of you, Corey. So cute! Happy Halloween from the States! ๐Ÿ™‚

  76. *giggle*
    I hope you had a fun Halloween Eve!
    I used to also make the costumes for my kids.
    One year I did the ghost version. Very close to your mother’s, only that I wisely used a separate piece of fabric for the head. No rope around the neck, but they looked you know like those brothers from the Clan. ooooooooooooooohoooooo ๐Ÿ™

  77. How precious! Thanks for sharing these pictures. My youngest son is named Corey.
    Great name.

  78. You are so very precious!
    cute as a button!
    or a little ghoul!

  79. OH priceless pics Corey. Aren’t we the lucky ones to have been born at that time? It really was just the best. Thanks for sharing!

  80. cute corey. i think it is wonderful that you have access to these photos. really wonderful!
    happy halloween!!!!

  81. Oh those are precious! I love that you have little masks on in the first two photos. My mom made all of our costumes too and I loved seeing what we would come up with each year. It’s such a fun tradition!

  82. Oh my gosh- I could eat you up! Too cute!!! Your mother certainly knew how to put a costume together…
    Happy Halloween my Dearie!

  83. Corey, I love the fact that you have photos to capture your childhood, especially during Hallows Eve. Mommy Amaro is sooo cool with her creative costumes! Do I see a “hula girl” in the first pic? ๐Ÿ™‚ The indian costume is soooo adorable…sorry it itched like crazy, but you looked so darn cute (what’s the saying? it’s better to look good, than to feel good..LOL) The ghost is hauntingly funny!

  84. What super cute photos of little you!! Just priceless!

  85. ((((((((HAPPY HALLOWEEN)))))
    I just flew in on a witches broom!
    I am having a blast visiting all the
    (((GOULS))) in Bloglandia!
    Sweet photos and memories!!
    witches hugs and bats Anna xo

  86. Love the darling costumed toddler pictures (especially that you had to have a mask on as part of those costumes as well).
    I am older than my brother and we ‘had’ to dress up the same for a number of years as well. I think we were clowns for three or four years in a row. (Unisex costume! As I got too tall for mine, he inherited it, and mom just made a larger one for me… I so hated that costume by the time I was able to talk her out of it!)

  87. Priceless pictures!
    The first costume, I remember, was me dressed as a gypsy. I was in first grade and had long hair. I must have looked pretty glamorous, because I remember a boy in my class, named Lee, who gave me a kiss.
    Actually, I do remember seeing gypsies and thought they were beautiful with their brightly colored skirts, and all the bracelets. This was in Los Angeles, CA around 1957.

  88. I’m never disappointed with what you share. I love that your mom made the costumes. The good old days, huh?
    What do you mean you didn’t have your camera with you as the ladybug and when you were stranded on the side of the freeway? I mean, “REALLY” Corey! tee hee

  89. So many comments already, Yesss the costumes are beautiful. Same smile now and then.

  90. Love the photos …thanks for sharing!
    Happy Blog Party and Halloween!

  91. Oh I love mermaids – I wish you’d had a picture of that, too – though sorry about the ‘being out of gas’ part! Love these little costumes – I can imagine how itchy the burlap must have been though – I remember being one itchy little scarecrow! Though it’s late, I’m wishing you a Happy Halloween dear Corey~xo

  92. Love these! I have no pictures of myself in costumes…we are the same age so these could have easily been me? Or not, they are you, but I’ll pretend they could have been mine! Thanks for sharing these precious pictures!

  93. you are just too cute for words!

  94. Thank goodness for photos. Today’s children’s memories may be lost because they are on digital and most people I know don’t print the pictures and they are easily lost with one little technical glitch. I know, it has happended to me.
    Corey you were(are) adorable.

  95. You are too cute!!!

  96. ohhh Dear Corey,
    your photos are priceless-just like you.
    What a Blessing to have your entire history so lovingly documented.
    Thank You for sharing

  97. Corey – you’re only a year older than I am! ๐Ÿ™‚ Love your pics, wish my parents had taken more of me. I use them alot in my artwork. Marva

  98. Such sweet old photographs. Sorry ’bout the use of the world “old”. It’s not just you. My childhood photos look vintage now too! I’m glad you threw a fit and got to be the girl ghost. The eyebrows are the “cat’s pajamas”.

  99. and the word should be “word”, not “world” – the entire WORLD isn’t getting old! Just my fingers at the keyboard apparently

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