

I like to pretend I am a matchmaker. I like the idea of bringing two people together and having their hearts wake up in love.


I love the matchmaking process: The first thing I do is drop hints by sharing delicious details about one person to another. Then I like grabbing their hands and leading them to one another, slowly of course. OH I especially like preparing a meal and making sure they sit face to face by one another.

I love sharing secrets of seduction, I like to pretend I know what I am talking about.


"Just touch his foot gently with your foot under the table." I like to tell the Mademoiselles. I tell the Messieurs, "If she touches your foot under the table move your foot closer to hers, and caress it."

They laugh and call me wild, but they do it nevertheless. Seduction is the name of the game and it is fun to play. Don’t you agree?


Which reminds me I need to fill my love potion bottles!

"Remember to wear perfume, and comment on his or hers, lean in to take another smell, try to guess what scent it is… say it smells sexy. Yes sexy!


The dinner party… tidbits to "grignoter" (nibble on,) the sideway glances, the refilling of the empty glass, the accidentally dropped spoon, the leaning over, the passing of the cream sauce, the asking if they want sugar in their tea. Oh those loaded sentences that mean less about serving food and more about serving suggestions.

Match maker who me? I hope my dream comes true!

Photos: Detail of romance feminine style.

Sexy video!


38 responses to “Matchmaker”

  1. Oh Corey, you seductress you! giggle giggle I’m blushing just reading the post!

  2. Please keep the door unlocked, I’m on my way. Romance TICA style is a siren song.

  3. Corey, you naughty little girl you! Who knew? You are too cute! Maybe you can work your charms for me…. 😉
    Hi M
    Naughty!! You have a boyfriend!

  4. Corey,
    You really set the most beautiful table, and you must really have the most exciting dinner parties also!
    What a wonderful, fun life!

  5. Corey, You are romantically, divinely wicked!!

  6. Mademoiselle can spill a drink in Messieur’s lap and clean the spill with her napkin 😉 Why am I so giggly over that?
    Hi S
    How I wish I had thought of that one!!! I am going to add that to my matchmaking bag of tricks!

  7. Have you read Jane Austen’s Emma 😉

  8. OH COrey , I didn’t know you told him that.
    I still don’t know what is his perfume ..but may be I will . I already know it is an Hermes’ one….
    May be one day your dream and my dream will come true. I love the last setting table

  9. I forgot you are the best matching maker !!

  10. What a romantic little schemer you are. I’ll bet the persons involved enjoy every minute of it.
    So tell us, how many successes have you had?

  11. Well well well Corey…but what does one do if there is a question of distance (long)? Do legs and arms have to be very long?

  12. Want to play footsies?????

  13. Where did you find that video? I almost fell off my chair laughing! HilARIOUS!!!

  14. When is the next party? What is your address? tee hee…..

  15. Corey,
    You do set the most beautiful table! I am sure your parties are most titalating with all that goes on under the table!
    Miss Sandy

  16. You are quite different from the matchmaker from fiddler on the roof, and i will not tell you which one i prefer 🙂

  17. Love you my darling
    You are a gem…..I am sure all your matches
    are made in Heaven
    Love you
    Put your best foot forward.

  18. Perfume and manicured toes. I’m all ready now!

  19. Oh, it all sounds so magical! Reminds me of Anne Shirley Blythe in the later L.M. Montgomery books.
    I have been told that I was responsible for a few matches, but they were entirely by accident.

  20. you are a true romantic at heart…

  21. My marriage was the product of a matchmaker’s workings!

  22. ok, so now I think I have more to learn from you than just table settings – when do you open your classes?

  23. I can easily picture you as the perfect matchmaker!!! And of course, you know what you’re talking about! 😉

  24. a) that video is totally hilarious!
    b) I totally want to hire your services…

  25. You crack me up!

  26. Corey…Matchmaker, matchmaker, make me a match. Very nice. Have a wonderful weekend.
    Helen… from Washington State
    Truly I need a match..:)

  27. Hi, Corey,
    I think you are so funny. Love the post and romantic hints/tips. Do you do any out of town match making?
    Video was a stitch!

  28. lay lady lay

    hey corrie! it’s business time!!! love today’s blog. love the FOC show, and i especially love that song. i love it so much i had the music on my myspace profile for weeks. uhuh, i’m sexy.

  29. I think you have brought a “dying art” back into play! Perhaps we can start referring to you as “Yenta Corey”! Goodness knows, there is not enough of the art of romance in this rush-rush world.

  30. Marie-Noëlle

    Corey, you should change your name for Clélie !!!
    OR … are you Clélie coming all the way from the 17th century and hiding behind a Corey ???
    hm hm…

  31. I found your blog from Britt-Arnhild’s House in the Woods. It look so colourful and nice. I will come back later.

  32. wondering if you succeeded somehow in your ventures of matching?? are there any examples to tell about?? must be for sure… your decors as always splendid and elegant french are as always a devine part of scenes whether matching or not ;))

  33. congratulations of the nomination of britt’s blog of the week corey!!!

  34. ohhh love this post! i recently did a little match making myself…so far so good…lucky as the gentleman I introduced my friend to, I had never met before but he was a friend of a friend…so im glad to hear its working out…

  35. Dear Corey,
    You have many special talents,
    but this is a unique one that
    not many share. You are the
    I hope it works too!!!

  36. your style is exquisite! i love the way you set tables, such a feast for the eyes!
    as for matchmaking, i salute you. although i swore off doing it a few years ago, you tempt me…hmmm, i’m getting some ideas!

  37. You are a brave, brave woman. I would never attempt to play matchmaker. (And never wanted anyone to attempt it with me.) 🙂

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