Stories Collected


Stories collected, memories gathered, thoughts that keep me going on dark days. The patterns in the sky, the unfolding of hearts, life in the monastery and how I learned to pray while cooking. Stories of finding and keeping and losing and weeping, the struggle of having lived when death thought to call. Moments of living the words of a dream: Life continues to continue even when unseen. Memories of childhood and Portuguese donuts and saying the rosary with my cousins. Running in dry rice fields, cracking walnuts, riding motorcycles and walking down the lane. Marty, Mathew, Mark and Zane. The best deal I ever found in the shadiest puce was the rarest gem.

What words tumble from your heart and soul? What words tell your story?

Photo: A photo of me standing by the corner of an "once upon castle."

Photo credit: G. Hutter.


39 responses to “Stories Collected”

  1. When times get tough I collect upon prayer as I do everyday and repeat
    This too shall pass
    and keep calm and keep going………
    I reflect upon my many blessings always.
    Like you
    I love you dearly!

  2. I am still giggling over your post office story below…I think the red head’s evil twin sister works at my town’s post office.
    I had some wise words said to me once by a teacher of mine when I handed in a less than satisfactory paper. She sat me down and told me that she knew I could do better than that, and how it was always important to try and do my best at no matter what endeavor I was currently faced with. For some reason, her words struck home and have followed me down this crazy path of life. I can still hear her telling my to just try and do my best.

  3. My childhood, still and quiet, observing beauty, storing up the words until forty years later I am full and they finally start to brim over.

  4. I have lots of sayings and poems that run through my head too. Two that are constant are…”what doesn’t kill me can only make me stronger” and “don’t ask a question unless you are sure you’re ready to hear the answer”. Cool photo, love it!
    Amanda (aka Cottage Contessa)

  5. Wonderful string of memories. Too bad we can peek back in history and see that castle in its glory days.

  6. well let me think what words : macarons , cheesecake , sharing , cooking , party , friends , others..and above all LOVE
    Don’t misunderstand what I’m saying

  7. Live it, go through it, walk it, see it, listen to it, let it go, bear it, laugh at it, be at peace with it, be in awe of it, sing it, dance it, touch it………be it.

  8. Hey, that was taken at the same time as your profile picture, right?
    My mom was reading your blog during a visit here and she said you should write a book 🙂

  9. Loved the “post office” blog! I think there is a red head like that in EVERY post office!
    The Serenity Prayer…daily words to live by…if I can only remember it when times get rough! 🙂

  10. Sadness insecure no relatives no letters cards
    to wish me a happy birthday christmas and halloween..survival nursery rhymes brother John fresh home made french fries after walking home for lunch…fear..stepfather..
    a childhood I’d rather not think about…
    today I count the many blessings that are in my life!Today I am a survivor!!blessing to you
    hugs Anna

  11. My words don’t tumble as clearly as yours do Corey! But I dreamt about YOU last night…how funny…there were airplane trips and a godmother who had antiques (a cross-stitched tablecloth with family names and histories all over it) and languages to dicipher and children hiding behind things!!!

  12. Everything built by the hands of men will eventually crumble, but the Kingdom of God fades not!
    I meet God as I’m driving, cooking, when I see things like little birds splashing and taking a shower in the snow drips from my roof.
    It is when I read His Word though that I draw near and sit on His lap and bask in Him. All the other things He shows me is to woo me, it is Him showing off and bringing delight to my day in vision and voice.

  13. My mother is very similar in personality as a friend’s late mom.(and has the same first name and last initial). Friend misses her mom a great deal and yesterday called my mother and asked if she could come visit-“need a guilt trip like my mom used to give me” Mom was very flattered and…told my friend to get off her butt and do that long put-off project and gave her a big hug-just like friend’s mom would do. What did you find in the shadiest puce? Is the family away from fire areas in California?

  14. Sounds like you’ve lived a life-time dear, wonderful experiences, happy childhood memories, loving family, trials and tribulations and coming out the other side smiling. They all make you the person you are today…’Keep Calm and Carry On’.

  15. Love the photo. I thought, “who IS that uber cool looking woman?” and then I realized it was YOU!
    I grew up in a fundamentalist christian… strict… authoritarian… silent house. I’ve had to learn to access joy in my life but it doesn’t come naturally as it seems to in other people.

  16. Love the photo!
    A very happy childhood. Love.

  17. I look foward to each and every one of your posts. Lovely photo.

  18. That is a seriously good photo — even the shape of the clouds adds a great touch to the overall composition.

  19. The words which tumbled from my heart and soul were those of the stories of the finding and the losing… I think that those two words really work together, and ‘enhance’ each others (I’m not sure if the word ‘enhance’ is appropriate here ! my english is too poor for philosophical thoughts ! :-)… the photo reminds me of a ‘menhir’ (in french).

  20. I like the way you write the thousand little important things of your life. You live in the present but your past is is the base of the present, and you so well know how to express it, thank you for that.

  21. words that tumble from my heart and tell my story…i will dwell on that for a while today…i love the glimpse at your sacred life corey…blessings, rebecca

  22. Bossy prays while cooking too – but maybe for a different reason?
    (hey, stop by Bossy’s Blog for her new feature: Bossy’s Family Tree. Every day a new photo in the side column accompanied by a tale which reveals the strange true story of her extended family! Poverty! Big band musicians! And even a Villain!)

  23. Oh Corey; lovely meditation.

  24. i love the rhythm & tumble of loving words…i think i may reflect on this & maybe let my heart take a tumble soon too…

  25. Beautiful and haunting memories!

  26. Great photo. Enjoyed reading as well.

  27. Your writing and thoughts are brilliant as usual Corey! I say the Serenity prayer to get me through some rough times, but I rely on the Holy Ghost to keep me sane!

  28. Tumbling words make beautiful poetry!

  29. gayle Olson

    What a beautiful message today! I spent this afternoon in the Memory area ( means no memory) of a local nursing home. We did a craft..minutes after the men and women completed their arrangement they would exclaim “Oh, who put this here? Isn’t it lovely!”. Their pleasure was so fleeting. I hope to keep this picture of yours and the words in my memory for a longer time. Gayle

  30. I learned to pray while i was cooking… Very powerful, I loved that part very much. I often pray just doing ordinary every day things. Just talking to God keeps me grounded. xoxo Nita

  31. Oh, Corey your words flow so beautifully,Mine
    take a lot more effort. Thanks for sharing such lovely memories. They are wonderful as are you! Denise

  32. Corey,
    I have missed you the last couple of days.
    My computer died. I am trying to get used to my new one. I love all of your last posts. Thanks so much for your nice words on my blog.

  33. Such beautiful words and lovely photo today! Things to think about it! And the post about the post office? priceless!

  34. Priceless!
    Merci. 🙂

  35. Live it,
    go through it,
    walk it,
    see it,
    listen to it,
    let it go,
    bear it,
    laugh at it,
    be at peace with it,
    be in awe of it,
    sing it,
    dance it,
    touch it…..
    be it.

  36. Oops, I think I’ve posted here twice now!

  37. This post really does invoke images of your life in California. What it was like for you…like snippets from a home movie. 🙂 I’ll have to think of your question before replying.

  38. You are such a poet, you stir the emotions, you tap into people’s soul with your words, very powerful. Hugs – and you look so incredible in your beautiful photo.

  39. I would love to hear more about the Monastery if you ever feel like sharing that part of your life.

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