Lava Stone….Terceira, Azores


The Azores. Volcanic islands. My son Sacha standing on a road lined with lava stone.

Thank you for the gazillion wonderful responses! Many of you guessed pumice stone, or bed warmer, or fishing weight, or candle stick holder, maybe somewhere those answers are true. But my lava stone is a tool, and not a romantic one at that.


The Azores island of Terceira is a pearl of simple beauty.

Your creative guesses I especially liked, it isn’t easy to add colorful interpretation to a lava stone. Dee thought it a tool to gaze stars, how I wish that were true. 

Patti had a similar idea: "What you do is hold it out at arms length, aligning the bottom edge with the horizon, when the sun can be clearly seen through the hole, it is officially time to start happy hour."

Lisa guessed it could be used to remove the cork from a wine bottle. My Uncle Frank needs to get some of them for his Port-a-gee diesel! Happy hour.


Pumice stone was the answer most of you gave, and I am sure many a pumice stone has been made from lava. MisBooshay and My Melange made me laugh with guessing it was the first Brillo pad. Mais non, it is not that.

The farms are in the center of the island, the homes are along the coastline. Each farm’s property is lined with high lava stone walls or with….


Well manicured hedges. Dairy farming is the type of work my family did on the island and in California.


The century old  homes are made with lava stones.

Pink Pomegranate guessed the lava stone was a door weight, nope. Julie Holvick guessed that the lava stone was heated and place into the honeymoon bed to keep tootsies warm…Who’s toes are cold during their honeymoon? Comtesse , Julie needs to go read your comment! Talk about hot potato!


Against a blue sky the white washed homes of the Azores stand proudly.


Pasture along the lava rock coastline of Terceira.


Natural lava swimming holes dot the coastline in Terceria.


Beachy had her entire Portuguese family guessing. Though the roads are made with lava and decorated charmingly, the lava stone I have is not a cobblestone.


There were many delicious romantic guesses that pleased me, but the two ( I couldn’t decide and trust me it is tough to pick a winner out of 95 responses among friends!!) creative winners are:

Julie for claiming the lava stone an IMAGINATION SPARKER.

Ariane her response reads: "When the Solar System was forming, Mother Earth gave birth to her daughter, Luna. But has her daughter grew, it became time for Luna to go off on her own. So she separated from her mother. Every time lava flows from the Mother Earth, she mourns the separation from her daughter, and these lava rocks are her solidified tears."

Aren’t those wonderful ideas!


Portuguese Sopas is one of the typical meals made in the Azores. Especially during the Holy Ghost Portuguese Fiesta.

My lava stone, I was told was used to skin the pigs and cattle when they were butchered. Stljoie guessed correctly with her response: "Well I’m going to guess it was used to scrape hides during the tanning process."

Thank you for playing along with the guessing game. I enjoyed the great humor, thoughtfulness and friendship that I read between the lines.

Thank you or as they say in Portuguese: Muito Obrigado!

Photos: Taken during my trip to the Azores.


43 responses to “Lava Stone….Terceira, Azores”

  1. isn’t that amazing how island populations are gratefull to mother nature. although vulcano’s and lava are most dangerous to live with they understand how to take benefit from it using as tools. we could still learn a lot of days gone by creating less polution, taking care of our environment.
    again lots of fun corey!! and beatiful pictures of ‘atlantis’…

  2. Obrigada Corey por puxares pela nossa imaginação e trazeres para o teu blog um pedaço da nossa terra tão bonita. Os Açores são realmente ilhas lindas! Eu vivo no Algarve que, apesar de ser muito diferente também tem os seus encantos! Pronto, um comentário totalmente em Português! E Parabéns pelas fotos!
    Muito obrigada pelo teu blog!
    (Thank you Corey for teasing our imagination and bring to your blog a so beautiful piece of our land. The Azores are really gorgeous islands! I live in the Algarve and although it’s very different also has its charms! So… here you have a totally portuguese comment! And congratulations for your photos!
    Thank you very much for your blog!)

  3. I would never have guessed Corey. For some reason I fixated on fishing..!
    I do enjoy Portuguese sopas..!
    BTW, did you make the bacalhau yet..?
    Hi S
    Oh my I forgot I have that bacalhau recipe from you. Now my mouth is watering. That is one delicious dish!

  4. I’m glad I made you laugh :o)
    Thank you for telling us of this unique place.
    Lava stone must come in different density.
    A home would be very drafty that was built with pumice :o)

  5. That lava stone inspired you to post all these lovely photo’s so no matter what its original purpose I’m saying its BEST use was for inspiration, LOL!

  6. Great reportage! Love the photo of your son standing near that road lined with lava stone. The photo of the white house is beatiful, too! Many thanks for that amazing post! Have a nice weekend!
    In Portuguese: Muito obrigada por este incrível post. Tenha um bom final de semana!

  7. well that was fun! and i loved the more creative answers 🙂

  8. Corey,
    I was unable to tune in yesterday for your guessing game,
    But I will leave you a story all the same!
    She stood upon the edge of the craggy cliff gazing out to sea. Below her lay the port from which her lover had just departed. Her heart felt as heavy as the stone that lay in the palm of her hand and as empty as the hole that her lover had bore through stone with his touch.
    She sighed a wistful sigh, pulling her woolen shawl tighter against her, wishing its warmth were the arms of her lover.
    The breeze tickled trendles of her hair loose, which again was yet another reminder of her deaperted lover who loved her long wavy hair to be unpinned and cascading down her back. She stood with the weight of the lava stone in her hand as she watched the sun kiss the edge of the sea, her empty hand raised in response as her fingertips touched her lips where his last kiss seemed to still linger and a tear trickled down her cheek. “What was he thinking!” she exclaimed aloud as she tossed his gift over the cliff, “A hide scraper indeed!”

  9. Your guessing games are always so much fun, really enjoyed reading all the responses (adore the stunning photographs). Have a wonderful weekend!

  10. Well, I would have never guessed!!! As they say….close, but no cigar! Thanks Corey…the suspense was killing me!!

  11. Rock formations are always so fascinating. I especially love the photo of the red door and the red window.

  12. Sounds like you live a charmed life. Your blog is lovely.

  13. Corey! You brought a HUGE smile to my face when you wrote “Port-a-gee”!!!! As that’s the only way we pronounced it in my hometown (1/4 of my town’s population were descendants of Azores immigrants). Now you’ve got me daydreaming about processions and fiestas (entire roads were closed in my hometown to accommodate these festivities)! Think I’ll find some Port-a-gee sweetbread today! =)
    Hi B
    First Shelia talks about bacalhau, now you’re talking about SWEETBREAD!! It is just too much! I need Carol to give me some Macarons!
    (ps My Mom and Aunts make the best Portuguese Sweet Bread EVER!

  14. ….enjoyed this read. Beautiful photos/location.

  15. It was a funny game
    Even if I didn’t have a clue

  16. Corey, My husband grew up in Fall River, MA which has a huge “Port-a-gee population.” He always talks about the Holy Ghost Festival and the great food. I loooove Portuguese sweet bread. Thanks for the intrigue!

  17. What a magnificent sacred place… and such gorgeous photos.

  18. Hi Corey…thanks for the “mention”! I’ll have to admit that was my husband’s guess on the star gaze tool.
    What fun this was! NOW…I must go now and check out the recipe for the sweet bread!

  19. Oh my!
    I saw the guessing game yesterday, and I chickened out! Well, not really chickened-out, I just had no idea how to even begin guessing what the lava creation was!
    I’m so sorry.
    But your pictures today are so lovely and beautiful, that I’m extremely grateful that I checked in to see the answers to the game!

  20. i sure am sorry i was on a mini break yesterday…to have missed your games! what fantastic stories…& what a beautiful place to have roots!

  21. What wonderful pictures! The soup looks great too! The Azores seems like a magical place to visit!

  22. I would never ever have guessed that!! What a great guessing game this time. Can’t wait for the next! Have a great weekend to all.

  23. Congrats to Julie and Adriane!
    My husband and I adore Portuguese food! Never have heard of the soup above. Looks delish!

  24. Holy Cow…pun…I can’t believe it!!! It isn’t a very romantic use…unless your lover brings you a gift of leather or cooks a wonderful meal. Thanks, it was sooo much fun. I love the pictures of the Azores, what a beautiful place!

  25. Hey … you told me last night I was the weiner … I mean winner!
    Hi FB
    Note: Franca Bollo is my cousin.
    She makes me laugh!

  26. What wonderful pictures you have, so beautiful. I love the red door most of all. Very interesting what the lava stone was used for. I live in the mid-west and I have found several old Indian tools at my sister’s farm that were used for tanning. They still have the finger marks in them from being used so much. <---<3---> Nita

  27. I woke up on this rainy Saturday morning along the Erie Canal, and rushed to my computer. And..there was my name.I am thrilled ! Like a kid on Christmas morning, I bounded downstairs to tell my husband, who had made a huge pot of coffee [yea!] I have been reading your blog daily for at least a year, and have commented only once or twice. Thank you Corey, for your daily posts that really do inspire me to see the positive and beautiful around me.

  28. This post made me your fellow Port-a-gee sigh with longing. Someday I hope to get there… What wonderful guesses!

  29. Elaine L.

    Beautiful pictures. Portugal seems like an enchanted place.
    My father-in-law traveled throughout Europe and Portugal was one of his favorite countries. He said it was clean, beautiful, and that the people were very friendly. He felt totally at peace and comfortable there.
    If the people are anything like you, Corey, I can believe it.
    I love Arianne’s imaginative tale!

  30. Thanks for showing those beautiful pictures about Açores. I love Açores, specially São Miguel and São Jorge and sopas do Espírito Santo are the best meal anyone can have. Muito obrigada.
    Hi B
    Sopas do Espirito Santo! Sopas from the Holy Ghost Fiesta!

  31. ack! I was disappointed that I missed the contest, but then I saw what it was and for the life of me would never have guessed right anyway.
    The Azores are beautiful!!

  32. Lovely photos. I’ve always wanted to see the Azores someday.

  33. My Portuguese ancestors came from Pico in the Azores. They were also dairy farmers in No. Calif : ) Loved your photos! Thanks for sharing.

  34. Well Corey,
    I have to say that is quite interesting.
    I love learning new and different things.
    You have the best guessing games!
    Have a great weekend,

  35. Wow, who knew?! lol Terrific answers! Thank you so much Corey, as I sit here in my little suburban life in Australia, I can still travel to all these amazing places through you. So far I’ve been to France, California and now Azores! Where are we going next time? Can’t wait!
    Amanda (aka Cottage Contessa)

  36. I haven’t had the pleasure of tasting your Mom’s sweet bread, but I have paid money for your Aunt Evenly and cousin Diane’s!!!! My Mom and I would buy 2 dozen. One of the dozen would never make it home. Mmmmmmmmmm Good! My Mom got a recipe from someone in the family, but we gave up we didn’t have the touch. Thanks for the game. Jeanette
    P.S. What is it she gives out for Halloween? I think I tried to sneak Emily’s treat last year. I told Lorene we are following you next year! lol

  37. oh my!! The photos are fabulous and that door is so spectacular. Having grown up in Europe, I so miss the age of the buildings and structures. The lines of lava stone remind me of the hedge rows in Great Britian. Thank you for the memories!

  38. I missed the contest, but I loved the tour of Terceira. I haven’t had Sopas in so long. I make my own once in awhile and it is good but not as good as at the Festa.

  39. So many creative guesses – I think I love that last guess best.
    What beautiful photos, what a lovely place to come to, and from…xOx

  40. Ahhhh…… Seeing the pictures makes me want to go back to Terceira and visit. I think that we will soon.
    Take care,

  41. Beautiful pictures and the island looks enchanted. I find that tool quite interesting since my husband is a taxidermist and scrapes hides in preparation for the tanning. I think anything a man does with his hands to support his family is very romantic, therefore the tools he uses are equally romantic. Don’t you think so too? I printed off the recipe from your link. Surprisingly it contains many of the ingredients I like to use to make my soups, with a few variations that I am looking forward to trying. I find any food that didn’t originate in America is generally healthier and nurturing, probably because of the use of so many spices.

  42. Never would have guessed that in a million years 🙂
    Completely fun trying to though! And reading through all the creative guesses!

  43. Gorgeous photos. The red door is my fav. I started from the bottom up so didn’t see any of these ideas before posting my fishing weight guess. Talk about OFF!! LOL I would have never guessed a hide scraper.

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