The Best Macarons in France


My friend Carol came to visit me last weekend.  She loves macaron, I mean loves them. In her small suitcase she brought about a hundred of them, I am not kidding. Carol cleaned out the best macaron places in Paris, in her suitcase she packed macarons from:  Laduree,  Jean Paul Hevin, Lenotre, Pierre Hermes, La maison du Chocolat, Paul, and Gerard Mulot.


Of course she wanted my opinion, which macaron did I think was the best?  I had to taste them.  One of each, then another and another. Notice the plates are empty.  It was a very hard task to do; To taste the array of macarons she brought and give honest feedback.


I told Carol (her blog is called: PARIS BREAKFASTS ) I thought they were all good.  Pistachio, Rose, Violet, Chocolate, Raspberry, Lemon… but she insisted I name which one was the best.  I had to taste them again, and change into a moo-moo dress.


Which macaron was my favorite… Paul Hevin.

When you come to France let your heart feast out in the most enchanting tea rooms in Paris… Macarons will not disappoint you. Or you can go to Carol’s blog and lick the screen. Both are worth the visit.

photos: Vintage teacups after tea chez moi in Provence.


49 responses to “The Best Macarons in France”

  1. These yummy teacups are every bit as delicious as the macarons I brought.
    Maybe more…they’ll last longer too.
    I would have loved to have gotten my paws on them! 🙂

  2. The teacups and saucers are as lovely as macaroons.

  3. Once again the colors in your photos are inspiring. Parisbreakfasts photos have been an inspiration too! Now I feel like I need a macaron!

  4. I don’t often go up to Paris, but I have found some pretty good ones in Aix!

  5. Mmm…Carol’s blog is making me hungry, I volunteer myself as a macaron AND patisserie taster!

  6. How come you haven’t brought me one ???
    I’m kidding ..
    Macarons are my favorite things . I have some good adresses in marseille but not as good as the one of HERME

  7. Beautiful teacups! I’ve never had a macaron!

  8. Such pretty cups.
    My favorite colors.
    Now I shall go and drool at your friends blog pictures.

  9. Tea for two. Two for tea.
    I think I’ll have to taste those macarons and see for myself which one is the best 😉

  10. Mercy sakes alive (as my Grammy-J) used to say…after reading your blog this morning I feel like I’ve gained 5 pounds!
    Love the dishes!…they look delicious!

  11. As they say “Its a hard job but somebody has to do it”. I feel so sorry for you. NOT!

  12. Definitely made me hungry. I wonder is it the macarons, or something else…

  13. How delicious to do a Macaron Marathon with the queen of eating sweets for breakfast!! What pure joy! So happy you and Carol could be in the true presence of one another, and enjoying such a colorful pastime.
    Hi R
    You got that right, Carol eats only sweets. I tell you I no longer have a waistline due to her visit!!

  14. I used to work in a little tea shop. Ladies would come in and go, ga-ga for our Paris themed decorations and would rave about Paris. I never understood until I stumbled upon Carol’s blog one day which then lead me to yours. Between the two of you, you’ve ruined me and I must visit Paris one day and taste macarons and go to the Puce and have hot chocolate at a cafe’ while eating flaky croissants.
    Is that my belt I hear groaning even at the mere thought of it all? lol

  15. Oakland Andrea

    Corey, I’ve jumped onto your blog this past week and have enjoyed it so much. Feels like we’re having a visit in person. Your macaron fantasie was comfort to me this morning as I’m eating airport eggs and waiting for a delayed flight to NY. Sending you some Bay Area hugs and kisses!

  16. Massilianana

    What’s a moo-moo dress ? A new fashion ? (ha ! Ha ! guess not).Anyway , another beautiful post , Corey . The tea cups are beautiful and not seeing the macarons ( who can resist these , I ask you ?)prevented me from drooling over my computer …. But come on , you didn’t save a couple of macarons , just for the sake of taking a picture ??? Not even one ? Sooo unfair …. 😉
    Hi M
    I ate one fourth of many, French husband and Sacha devoured the rest with a friend. Carol ate one or two…though I think she had a secret stash somewhere in her purse! .)
    A moo-moo dress is a chic-flowing-oversized-bag-like- dress. Lotsa room for a little pig to live.

  17. The colorful and fancy teacups with special spoons and tablescape just seem to so match your personality. I now will have to stop at the store on the way to work and get macaroons to share with my co-worker.

  18. farmlife4014

    That is funny! A suitcase of macaroons! I like your friend!
    I also like those cups and saucers. They are lovely.
    God bless.

  19. I’ve been licking the Paris Breakfasts’ screen for days and days, and now you?! I can see I’m just going to have to purchase my ticket and get on a plane! 🙂 What fun to find out to of my favorite Frenchie blog writers are amies! Tres amusant.

  20. Loving those cups and saucers.

  21. Well I have had Laduree but not Jean Paul Hevin. Something to dream about now xoxox Clarice

  22. Oh I’ve only tried the macarons from Laduree. (but please note that there is true disappointment in my voice as i am writing this)…oh life! so much to experience. and i remember the last time, as i was selecting which ones to get/eat…i got the one with orange and something else, and the boy behind the counter, leaned forward and whispered that that was his favorite! geez, even just buying them ends up being a wonderful experience….not to mention how wonderful they are to eat. 🙂

  23. Funny how one can desire what is far away (and difficult to get)… I would die for a cream tea (with gorgeous scones, and clotted cream, and strawberry jam… ) miam miam 🙂

  24. Christina

    I love your teacups, very art deco!!

  25. Oh my heart bleeds for you. What sort of friend is it that makes you eat Macarons one after the other. Poor You! Yeah as if!

  26. What a yummy visit with a friend. You know, before reading blogs, I had no idea that tea rooms and macaroons were so beloved in France. I hadn’t even heard of Laduree before this year. Well, one day when I finally (!) do go to France, I’m going to use your blog as a travel guide, Corey. You always have the best suggestions!

  27. Now that’s a friend Corey.
    Can’t wait to go to Paris and try them too.

  28. Cute post 🙂 my daughters all love macarons, the only yummy place that I know of in SF to get them is at la boulange on Polk St.

  29. love the colorful vintage decor, just perfect for un café aux macarons and chatting along, forgetting about time and space.

  30. Macaron heaven… sounds like a new name for Provence. Now please tell us how wonderful the crepes are, and I’m booking a flight! =)

  31. Heaven help me if I should visit Paris, I will over indulge for sure.
    It was bad enough when I discovered the Portuguese Pasteis de Belem in Lisbon.
    I have been told if no one sees you eat them, you won’t gain weight..?
    Is that true..?

  32. I teach small children with runny noses all day,and you and Carol are out sipping tea from fancy cups and taste testing macarons. I want your life.

  33. These photos of the tea cups are exquisite, but I was fascinated with the spelling of macaron. I’m certain we Americans somehow turned your beautiful word into macaroons. But, I love macaroons–filled with coconut. Yum!

  34. Macaroons certainly seem to be the rage all over the western world! I adore them.

  35. The tea cups are gorgeous colours!Macaroons are one of my absolute favourites as well!

  36. Great looking tea set…can’t wait to get my hands (and mouth) on some macarons! 😛

  37. How cruel of Carol! 🙂
    Hevin, hmm? I always swear by Laduree but everyone else has been swearing by Pierre Hermes. Maybe I should do a mass taste test of my own. Any excuse is a good excuse, I say…

  38. I just love the tea cup and saucers! Very pretty!

  39. Elaine L.

    Hmmmm, I may be making a return visit to Paris, for one week, in March – great off season prices. I’m taking notes on test tasting macarons.
    I love those tea cups!
    Your blog takes me away and eases the stress of my day. Thank you, Corey.

  40. Marie-Noëlle

    Did you feel you were held as “un goûteur” in Cleopatra’s palace?
    I did and I had only 3 to taste !!!
    What about PB macarons???
    Had one – loved it (and I can tell you I’m NO SWEET TOOTH at all !!!!

  41. I. Must. Go. To. France. Soon!!! You get me fired up every day. I’ve even pulled out the dusty French language lessons.

  42. You poor thing. You do have such demanding friends, how do you put up with it?!
    Hi MD
    I guess that is the price of friendship. It was tough, but I did it 😉

  43. Scary thought: A friend at the door with a small suitcase containing tons of macarons!
    I think you managed it well, and changing into something more, um, appropriate after the first round surely was a touch of genius. Did you have to break out a bottle of amaro afterwards?

  44. Delicious post – I love how the china tea set echoes the color and shape of macarons. How I’d love to taste a few of those – but I already need the mu-mu, lol.

  45. My Parisienne aunt used to take me to a tea room in Paris called Madame de Sévigné after shopping at La Samaritaine. I was about 14, 15 years old. These are among my cherished memories.
    Lenotre? Those macarons must have cost a fortune, but I’m sure they were worth it!!

  46. I wish I would have washed my screen before I started to lick it…..hehe….. it sounds like you had a very tastey day…..

  47. I have only an American macaron to judge by and I LOVE them and they don’t appear to be near as beautiful as the French ones I saw at the links you provided. I am sure they simply melt in your mouth. In my opinion if it contains coconut it can be nothing but wonderful.
    Coconut comes from palms and I generally feel connected to anything that relates remotely to a palm tree and the ocean.

  48. By the way the colors in those tea cups evoke wonderful emotions.

  49. Mistress of Longears

    So glad to see the beautiful style with which you entertained my cyber friend, Carol. And equally glad you were prepared to make the ultimate sacrifice for her in determining the merits of various macarons. Her mania MUST be encouraged: it leads to great art! Curious that Carol has not announced her favorite macaron. ….
    Hi M of L
    Hey, that is right! Carol hasn’t named her favorite!

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