Trumpet Song Early in the Morning


My Mother and Aunt Marie use to go to the antique auctions when I was little.
After dinner dishes done, my Mom would race off with a smile, and high hopes written all over her face.
A 1920s blue glass beaded evening bag-
An oak dresser with a swivel mirror for $35-
Grey freckled tin ware-
And a trumpet
were some of the won bids I can recall.
Especially the trumpet.
My Mother used it as our alarm clock…
"da da ta a ta dum da ta da da ta dum!"
She would play the trumpet to wake-up my four brothers and I.
The sound was too raw for the morning light- sleep was out of the question.
It was not the blast of the trumpet that struck my heart for loving to find old things. It was the joy I saw on my Mother’s face, as she would come home late at night, with her arms carrying her latest acquisition.
Happy Birthday Mom.
photo: 18th century engraving aiming at you with love.


41 responses to “Trumpet Song Early in the Morning”

  1. ta da da dum – happy birthday to your mum!

  2. Hi, Corey,
    Happy birthday mum! I hope your day is wonderful.


  4. Happy Birthday to your Mom! My mother is also the mother of four boys and one daughter (me)! I wonder if my children will have “fond” memories of their mom’s continuing search for treasures.

  5. Moms are SO special- happy Birthday to yours. I missed your last post.
    Where’s the Baby’s Breath?
    : )

  6. Happiest of all birthdays to your mum Corey. Please tell her to hug your dad too.
    Oh, and a big hug from you to me. I love your memories, thanks for sharing them.

  7. Ellen Cassilly

    Very special birthday wishes to your mother. She should bask in all of the loving attention.
    We are off to my father-in-law’s 89th birthday party today! He’s a dear man and we wouldn’t miss it.
    Love and hugs, Ellen

  8. Pass my wishes for a Happy Birthday on to your Mom please Corey. She sounds like a great role model.

  9. Marie-Noëlle

    You lately mentioned the subtle differences between the US and France, … There is definitely some in the way trumpets blow in either country !!! 😉
    “Bon Anniversaire” to your mum! – NO difference there !!!!
    The language may be different but my wishes are sincerely the same !!!

  10. Julie Ann

    I wonder how you will share your mother’s birthday with her accross the miles Corey ? I wonder if you have sang “happy birthday” with the family accross the air waves… However you celebrate , I feel sure it will be creative and special and filled with love. Hope Mum has a truly wonderful day. I love that feeling of emerging from the flea market with some “treasure” – I can see the joy on her face. Perhaps there will be some treasure for her today….

  11. a very sweet & funny story! i might consider that one for waking tired teens!
    happy, happy birthday, corey’s mom!!

  12. Happy Birthday to your mum! (you sound just like her) 🙂

  13. Blessings to your darling Mother Corey……..
    Your stories and photographs enchant me.
    Love and hugs
    Jeanne ^j^

  14. W9ishing your dear Mother, the happiest of birthdays and many more.xo

  15. Paris Parfait

    What a sweet tribute to your mom. Hope her birthday celebration and the year ahead are wonderful!

  16. A Very Happy Birthday to your lovely Mother.

  17. Happy Birthdya to your mom!
    Such sweet memories she gave you…of being happy!

  18. When my mom, sis and I would visit my Great Aunt Kate (dad being off at sea in the Navy) she would rise early every morning and wake us all up by playing on her organ! It was located in the hall way right outside the bedrooms. Gotta love eccentric old Aunties!

  19. Happy Birthday to a much loved Mom. Your photos and stories make me itch to pick up the camera again. You are a treasure sharing a trove of riches. Thank you.

  20. Corey….
    Happy Birthday to your mom and to me too! And thank you for the always beautiful and inspirational posts.

  21. Happy Birthday Corey’s Mom! Corey I can relate…My Dad used to come in and do ‘REVEILLE’ in his loudest deepest voice to wake us in the morning….hearing your story, I think I would have preferred the trumpet! 😉

  22. Happy Birthday to your mom! Your love for her shows in your beautiful photos of her and the words you write about her.

  23. Oh, I love this post Corey! Love the image of your mom tooting on her trumpet to wake up all of you, so cute. The apple hasn’t fallen far from the tree, it’s clear where your sense of fun and joie de vivre spring from.
    Sending Mama Amaro lots of hugs and birthday wishes for a splendid day, filled with all the people and things that she loves.
    Happy happy happy!

  24. Happy birthday Mrs. Amaro!Hope you are surrounded with love and hugs today. Who bakes your birthday cake?
    Mom bought her first car three years ago, at age 68. Her face beamed like your Mom’s when she showed me the car the first time. If Mama is happy, everybody IS happy!

  25. Mrs.Staggs

    The happiest of birthday wishes to Mrs. Amaro!
    All my days would start out grumpy if I had to wake to trumpet blasts! LOL!

  26. I love the image of your dear mama tootling on her trumpet! Thank you so much for your always endearing posts. You really do help all of us remember and treasure the important things in life.

  27. Sending Happy Birthday wishes to your Mom, Corey!! I love the trumpet story … soooo much more effective to get you all up at the same time than trying to call you!! ~ hugs, Lynda xo

  28. Auguri!!
    A very happy birthday to mom 🙂
    Yes, a trumpet is definitely more effective at waking up a household! but most importantly, a mother’s smile 🙂

  29. Happy Birthday to your wonderful mom!

  30. Happy Birthday to your mom Corey! Your story made me smile. My husband told me how his dad would put on the 1812 Overture full blast to wake up himself and his siblings. To this day, my sister in law hates the piece, but my husband has fond memories of it being very in to Classical music. X0X0 Marge

  31. If good child memories could build up mature passions for old things… 😉

  32. HAPPY BIRTHDAY to your mom Corey.
    Great story. What a way to wake up.

  33. Happy Birthday Corey’s Mom! You gave us a wonderful gift of your daughter. You must be a very special and unusual woman to have taught your daughter so well. 😎

  34. Happy Birthday Corey’s Maman ! My birthday was October 5, so you are extra- special!! xoxo

  35. Blessed Birthday, Mama of Corey!
    Coming home to those 4 boys and that sweet girl must have been the sweetest acquisition of all!
    You raised them fine, jes’ fine.
    *Thank you*.

  36. My father used to put a record on playing the bagpipes to wake all of us up … obviously, he is a Scot!
    Happy Birthday to your mother, Corey … and just have to say once again that your photos are exquisite.

  37. Happy Birthday, Corey’s mom! What great memories and I can see from where you get your love for collecting, Corey. I laughed when I read about your mom’s trumpet playing in the morning. My mom used to wake my sister and me up by banging pots and pans together. She thought it was hilarious. We.did.not. 🙂

  38. Happy (belated) birthday to your mum! Mine used to bring me a cup of tea in the morning. With such a gentle awakening it was hardly surprising that I could never get of out bed! Looking back, a trumpet would probably have been more efficient!

  39. Happy [belated] birthday to your mum all the way from Sydney, Australia. x
    [My mum used to ring an antique crystal bell to wakes us up – dad included!]

  40. Cousin Chris

    Corey, I still have several of the Antiques that were purchased on those trips by my Mom (the Aunt Marie mentioned)and her sisters.Whats funny is that my significant,Frances,is in the Antique business now and goes to the same Auction. Talk about a blast from the past!
    Happy Birthday Tia Delores, Bom Anos!Feliz Aniversario!
    Cousin Chris

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