Where are your Wings?


Many many years ago on this day, on the feast day of Saint Francis, I had my first session of Chemotherapy for ovarian cancer.  (To this day when I walk into a hospital I can taste chemo in my mouth, it takes me by surprise.  Do our cells ever forget?) French husband went with me.  The room in the hospital wasn’t very large for the amount of people gathered.  Looking into their eyes I felt the common bond;  Fear and hope, hope and fear a mixture too bitter to drink yet gulped it we did.

The nurse took my name, looked on her chart, and checked my veins.  Then she went over to the counter to whip up my chemo cocktail.  At that point the inner child in me decided I needed help to survive this incredible fear that was welling up inside of me.  In my  mind’s eye I imagined the nurse was working at Baskin Robbins and that the chemo cocktails were the "Thirty-One Flavors," mine was going to be sweet and chocolate, damn it! It was going to go down and soothe me, it wasn’t going to make me throw up, no it was not going to make me sick.

People say you have to fight cancer.  I never liked that expression.  The word fighting conjures up images that are harsh and negative.  Certainly that wasn’t for me.  I decided to change the word fighting into loving.  A friend of mine, Chelsea’s Godmother, told me to imagine the chemotherapy as the blood of Christ.  When the nurse came to insert the drug, French husband put his hands around the bottle. He closed his eyes and I knew he was praying over it.  Baskin Robbins melted.  I let go of fear and my silent prayers went forth.

Never let go of the wings that give you promise to be faithful to who you are.

Photo: A pair of wings for a doll. When I saw them at the fle market I knew they were coming home with me.  Symbolism is powerful.


78 responses to “Where are your Wings?”

  1. Wonderful sentiment. Symbolism is indeed powerful…even more so than most give it credit for.

  2. Thanks Corey for your beautiful testimony.

  3. thank you for this beautiful post…

  4. Corey,
    Powerful sentiment.
    Workable advice.
    A calm and giving heart works miracles.

  5. It’s people like you who keep me up there. When things are rotten, I think how people like you have dealt with much worse and come out sailing over the walls and hedges.
    My surgery was successful and I didn’t need chemo. I realized my biggest goal and work at keeping it. Told I would not live more than 3 years, I am now 11 years past that. I’ve had to take up a new career because I am outliving my money.
    I feel lucky lucky lucky.

  6. Yes, faith and love can help.
    Whatever you call it,
    every day is a gift.
    May all your days be carried by angel’s wings and full of wonder.

  7. Thanks for sharing your positive story.

  8. Julie Ann

    Corey, I hope as you say “many many years ago”, that the illness is now a distant if poignant memory . Once again your words are inspiring and uplifting. I do not doubt that your recovery was based on positive thinking, a beautiful optimistic spirit, your faith and the great love of your wonderful husband, family and friends which can only be your own love reflecting back at you. Good health, Julie xx

  9. For God did not give us a spirit of fear, but a spirit of love, power, and a sound mind.
    -1st Timothy 1:7
    That scripture the Lord spoke to me in prayer when i first became a Christian. Its gotten me through many fearful times knowing that my fear was not from God and that I could rely on Him to help me control my fears.
    And also:
    john 4:18 There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear…

  10. Marie-Noëlle

    Live strong and keep cycling through life…
    Have your wings ready to be able to fly on whenever you need it !
    Yes, symbolism is powerful !!!

  11. What strenght in our thoughts!

  12. I’m glad to be back and to read your beautiful philosophy as always …

  13. Powerful words, Corey. Finding such a positive image to transform your fear into love, must have made all the difference.

  14. Visions and prayers; so powerful.

  15. what a day corey and yes, symbolism is so powerful.

  16. Powerful testimony. Thank you.

  17. Oh Corey this is powerful. The power of love. The power of prayer. I love French Husband for doing that. It shows once again how precious he is and how connected the two of you are. I love the visual of the chemo as the blood of Jesus. Who doesn’t want that in their veins?

  18. Your wings are special wings! You bring so much joy to our world. Loving not fighting always win! So SO grateful you share your “right attitude”. You are such a pretty angel. Love you and your French husband. You’re so great!

  19. My chemo experience was similar. I can remember the conscious decision at the moment
    that my port was accessed to say, Thank you.
    Thank you for these drugs that were going to
    attack Breast Cancer, not me. They were being
    administered to save my precious life, and I
    wasn’t sick once during my eight “Dose Dense”
    The i.v. benedryl made me sleepy, but the dreams remained sweet…to see the faces of my children be less afraid as the side effects that we were all warned about never
    occurred was a blessing.
    Thank you for sharing the memories of your

  20. That was beautiful, Corey. Love and prayer can overcome anything. Give French husband a great big hug from all of us, too.

  21. Sweet Yann. That simple yet passionate gesture must’ve helped your body to accept the healing powers of the chemo.

  22. what a hopeful story. i am glad to have found you today and i enjoyed my visit. amy

  23. corey…i have ~~chills~~ from your beautiful post! what perfect imagery for chemo.
    just a bit over a year ago, my dearest friend began her chemo/surgery/radiation journey. we prayed our way through the journey, each & every day. neither of us could wrap our heads around the “fighting” cancer concept either. i kept feeling the “make all things new” & the image of a garden being cleaned, tilled (gently) & planted pervaded my prayers & hers too.
    today i am grateful that she, & you, are new creations after the journeys!

  24. Corey,
    Thanks for the bit of encouraging wind you put beneath my wings today!
    Sandy B.

  25. Love has power over everything.

  26. Beautiful words of inspiration … thank you. ~ Lynda xo

  27. Blogland is such a strange place. It still baffles me to be able to get online and read personal thoughts and memories of another so far away, that make me feel so connected to others….I’m laughing at myself now, because I haven’t been to your blog for a couple of weeks…why, because every time I come here I end up crying!! 🙂 Often tears of joy or just human understanding, but always very moved! :)…so once again, I am sitting here crying, (which was actually much needed) but also feeling hopeful. Thanks for sharing.

  28. Ellen Cassilly

    I love the image of the two of you praying over the chemo bottle in your hands
    and then I zoom out to have second image of the two of you very small and the rest of us holding you in our hands in ever increasing concentric pray circles.
    Keep breathing. Ellen

  29. Powerful story…the image of your husband holding his hands around the chemo bottle with closed eyes, illustrates that love is also a healing potion.

  30. Corey, I didn’t know that, or missed it in some earlier posts. Like the thought of French husband praying over the “cocktail”. So much love in that.

  31. Thank you Corey for sharing something so personal.
    And amazing photo…love the lighting and composition and the beautiful shade of blue for the ribbon.
    take care

  32. You are an inspiration. The way you live, the way you love. Thank you for sharing and teaching.

  33. Corey,
    I love the way you think. You always manage to give me the goose bumps.
    Have a wonderful day in France.

  34. Corey,
    Thank you for the insight. Into your past and into my Mom’s current world. Although I have gone with her to chemo, we really don’t talk about it. Perhaps a gift of wings and the reason why will give us a chance to do so. So, thank you for your words today.

  35. I loved reading this post.

  36. You are so special Corey, and your ability to express such faith and a positive attitude is awesome.

  37. I hope I don’t ever need this symbolism Corey but if I do I’ll surely be thankful for it. Sounds like Yann is very pretty inside as well!

  38. corey-The gift of your words brought tears to my eyes. Your husband is an amazing man.

  39. You, sweet Corey, are such a witness He is surely proud of you. xxx

  40. Paris Parfait

    You are so right, Corey, symbolism is powerful. And your lovely post of personal power and prayer brought tears to my eyes.

  41. “HE shall cover you with HIS feathers, and under HIS wings you shall take refuge;
    Thanks for sharing. GOD bless.

  42. Wow..I am crying. This moved me so much. You are a survivor and your wings take flight all ’round cyberspace..leaving us all with incredbile imagery and words that keep us coming back for more!

  43. You have a powerful story! Such courage and faith! Do you think God allows us to have experiences like these to give us compassion and mercy for others?

  44. You are so brave, thank you for sharing this story to encourage those in a similar situation. Your enthusiasm for life is infectious.

  45. The imagine of your husband holding that bottle with head bowed is etched in my heart. Deeply emotional and wrenching.

  46. french husband must have some great vibes while holding and praying that specific bottle. i think he still has…

  47. it is strange the things our bodies remember long after we’ve conquered them in our mind. thank you for sharing that sweet moment with french husband. strong love can banish fears and help us remember the strength we have in being ourselves. i’m sure your love is stronger than anything life can throw at you.

  48. You are so lovely Corey! And thank you to share your experience and kindness. You have a lot of wisdom.

  49. Dear Corey I love your angel wings, gee your angel actually manifested her wings to you? I always think of the movie Micheal the archangel with John Travolta, I think the Angel found the doll that the wings belong to. hugs Love you Godmother

  50. Hi Corey:
    Thank you.
    I was becoming scared because of my surgery yet your post made me cry and now I shall entertain my surgery much easier.
    Sincerely, carole

  51. to have a husband…french or otherwise…who prays over your chemo cocktail…is a special gift from God…you are truly blessed my dear…powerful post…beautiful wings to carry you through anything…blessings, rebecca

  52. Signature Corey.
    You bless.
    I send love..
    All’s grace,

  53. Blood of Christ and husband blessing your treatment, you had to be victorious.
    Symbolism, the Master used it continually in his teaching.

  54. Your words have wings, Corey.
    They lift me up and make my heart light.
    You are a blessing and so is your dear French husband.

  55. I followed your link for letting go of fear. What a beautiful ritual she wrote about!
    I laughed about your chocolate chip cookies, I am very much one to “tweak” the recipe…and of course my cookies are different each time…sometimes great and sometimes not so great! This week I added milled flax seed and that seemed to work just fine!

  56. Dear Corey–Your remembrances brought tears to my eyes and reminders for how to live every day. I was especially touched by your image of the blood of Christ and your husband wrapping his hands around the chemo bottle. Powerful and lovely from a lovely and brave woman. Happy too that it was ‘many, many many years ago.’ Thanks!
    Mary Ann

  57. damn corey! you are a survivor. i never liked that phrase (fighting cancer) either.
    sweet chocolate ice cream forever!!

  58. Hi Corey! You never fail to amaze me by your positive and wonderful approach to life. I am so glad I found your blog, you are an inspiration.(perhaps St. Francis was watching out for you on that day and the days to come…just a thought.)

  59. Corey your words brought me to tears…floods of them. Thank you for touching my heart in a way too deep to explain. Blessings…Nel xo

  60. Much, much love to you and French husband. You have moved me to the core.

  61. I had surgery for breast cancer Oct/1989 and started chemo in December of that same year.
    I was on prayer lists and had a friend who taped a “special” meditation for me. I listened to it every night and slept like a baby. The six months I was undergoing chemo were some of the happiest months of my life.
    I felt the most intense closeness to God and knew everything would be O.K.

  62. Dear Corey,
    as beautiful as the photo is, you don’t need any artificial wings. Because you already have a pair on your own. And how wonderful that Yann gives you the wind beneath those wings…
    Thank you so much for sharing!

  63. Thank for this Corey.

  64. Warmest ((hugs)) Corey…

  65. You are an amazing woman. x

  66. Words are not enough for what I wish to say… You my girl, are an angel with or without wings! Positive thoughts CAN work miricles! Love to you!!!

  67. This is such a powerful post, Corey.

  68. Didn’t St. Francis bless the animals?
    You are blessed Corey
    And you share your blessings with us
    A round robin of blessings
    We are lucky

  69. That is a beautiful message. Thank you for sharing your story with us.

  70. This post is beyond inspirational- you have no idea how much I need your post right now. And thank you for the link… THANK YOU!!!

  71. Your words are always speak to me, but these words went to the depths of my soul.

  72. Oh my. I never heard this mentioned before. I’m sorry you had to deal with the mean old “C”. That makes every day you have all that more special. Stay healthy dear Corey : )

  73. Oh my. I never heard this mentioned before. I’m sorry you had to deal with the mean old “C”. That makes every day you have all that more special. Stay healthy dear Corey : )

  74. There is so much power through the words, images, prayers, here – that I am at a loss for words. Beautiful, inspiring, they’re good and they come close, but they still don’t seem big enough to wrap around all of the depth of this post.
    Reading the comments here, you can see how it is so powerful, it is already helping people as soon as they read it – how amazing is that?
    Blessings to you and your French Husband, dear Corey ~ xox

  75. It’s all been said, but I wanted to add my little two cents…this was a personal, and amazingly powerful post. Thank you.

  76. Oh my gosh, that totally amde me cry out loud! Oh my gosh Corey, thank you for sharing this, you are brave, strong and msot loved by your family.

  77. What a gift you have been given in the man you flippantly (in true blogosphere manner) refer to as French husband. He has substance that you never refer to except in sublime ways, such as him praying over your chemo mixture. I already know you treasure him. They are NOT a dime a dozen. We must encourage the courageous men. Well done Corey. I love reading your blog.

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