A French Story of Food and Romance


In France it always starts with food.


Which you can buy on any street corner.  Buy a French baguette, a hunk of cheese, and a box of Medoc wine  and attach it to a moped.  Picnic a go-go.


Beauty is everywhere in France even at the back of a restaurant. How would you like this hunk of Cheese? It gives a new twist to "Take Out" food.

"Bonjour! Je m’appel Take me Home." (He is for you Nancy and Delphine, two friends who leave comments on this blog.)


(French souvenirs… Soap.  Keep it clean Corey!)


A French Story of Food and Romance here is how it goes:

The young tourist came to France. She jumped on a moped, taking a spin to the backside of a restaurant. There she met her knight in a white apron. He grabbed the dessert (or was the dessert!) and they rode to his backyard and had a picnic.

Happy Saturday.

Photos: Around where I live.


45 responses to “A French Story of Food and Romance”

  1. ‘déjeuner sur l ‘herbe’ by edouard manet!!! i would definitely join somewhere in a beautiful provence garden…

  2. Can I say, D-E-L-I-S-H?!!! (sigh) 🙂

  3. Life in France sounds enchanting. Thank you for taking me along on your journeys. I love it.
    Love Jeanne

  4. souper – soap
    hope – mope-ped
    coupe do marron – she’s no dope
    She can cope
    In any language
    while skipping rope!

  5. Is there a man in France who couldn’t grace a magazine cover? Really?
    What an enchanted life you lead…fresh bread, cheese and wine and a picnic date with a French man speaking the language of love!
    What a life!

  6. Yes Mam! I’ll have one!

  7. Signing in early (6:44 AM) Saturday morning from Northern California.
    Corey, I’m happily married, but oooo la la what a lovely eye-candy-eye-opener in the white apron. Thank you for the smile! And bless you for the riches of love you provide for me every day.

  8. Here we were innocently taking a “blog balade” before going out to buy a gift for a friend’s b-day…when….lo and behold.. the lovely Madame Corey, gave us a little mention. (okay, not just a mention but a photo as well…yeah, he,s good looking)! Kiss you and hug you…and we are charmed! And Corey they say that laughing makes you live longer, you are making sure we live past 100!
    Lovely post, is this based on a true story?
    delphine and nancy

  9. Delicious Frenchman, Delicious (clean) story.
    I love picnics!

  10. Je voudrais un dessert français svp!

  11. He WAS the dessert, of course!

  12. I’m breathless!

  13. I did that in Italy, minus the moped. When I was much younger… A bag of luscious black figs, fresh mozzarella, and bread.
    La vita é bella!

  14. Corey, my french is very limited, but I think that “OOOO, LA-LA!” fits this picnic-with-dessert very well!! Oh, and I know, “Oui, monsour”, (not spelled right!), which might fit here, too. (Just in case my husband accidentally reads this: that’s if I weren’t happily married, dear! LOL) Still…lovely eye candy…he POSED for you!

  15. Wonderful eye candy ;> I love the reflection in the vine glass and the spoon on the first photo…*sigh*

  16. I’m afraid I can never come to France. I’d be spending all of my money in restaurants just to keep men who look like that coming back to check on me. LOL
    I’d have to leave the driving to somebody else. Me on a moped? Yikes.

  17. Cute! :0)

  18. All of a sudden I am craving a hunk of ‘cheese’ 😉

  19. Ahhhhh, France truly is a very enchanted place!

  20. I’ll take one of You-in-the-black-apron to go, please. And if MY husband is reading this, you’re getting an apron for Christmas. 🙂
    Every women should have a supply of aprons,lol! Funny response Karin!

  21. I covet that MOPED!!! Forget the cheese!

  22. Ellen Cassilly

    I loved the tale, Corey.
    Your video selection is very timely. Tomorrow I’m hosting a croquet party for fourty. I’ll send pictures. Ellen

  23. There aren’t any hunks of cheese at the back of any restaurants around these parts!!! Darn!

  24. wow! french guys are really hot! didnt realized that till i frequent your blog.

  25. mmmm, yes please! i’m flying to paris next month — i hope this fairytale comes true for me 🙂

  26. I love it Corey, and what a hunk of cheese.
    Thanks for sharing, so we can live through you.
    Have a fun weekend!

  27. C’est un Samedi parfait. 🙂

  28. now that is hunk of cheese! what a fun post Corey….especially on a day when I am in the dumps! Thanks for putting a little smile on my lips.

  29. Corey-is this why you’ve become a photographer ih France? So you can say
    “Cheese” all the time and get away with it??
    Donna are you sure you are not hiding something behind that crown of yours? Comedy is so you!

  30. I am SO moving to France!! 🙂

  31. Oh my! I would stop at the shop!!!

  32. I loved the Impressionists’s Picnic.

  33. Beautiful pictures! Thank you for todays “journey”, very lovely!

  34. You are so funny! Love it!!!!!

  35. Quite a hunk of cheese indeed! Aged to perfection I’d say 🙂

  36. I would take a hunk of that cheese, if I were 18 again 🙂 Thanks for all your photos, it makes me feel like I was there.

  37. What a fun post, Corey. And yes, that fellow is a very nice hunka cheese. Love Savon de marseille soaps. My favorite.

  38. Mari-Noëlle

    As I am using my old computer (my main one being infected by a bug), I have no ‘favourites’ and I have to type my links whenever I want to get connected to them.
    I read this post of yours last week, and yesterday morning, I wanted to go and read it again. Having that “hunk of cheese” on mind, I typed “Tongue in Cheese” in the search bar…
    Of course, I ended up elsewhere and when I finally saw my mistake, I found it funny and wanted to use this lapsus in my comment.
    If your readers read “Tongue in Cheese” without knowing the whole story of my using the expression, could they misunderstand it and held it as rude, especially as the cheese is a man on your blog? see what I mean….
    Here is my comment (erase it if necessary): Thank you for the picnic, madame “Tongue in Cheese” !!!
    cheese… oops… I mean cheers xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  39. Yum! On so many levels! 🙂

  40. Holy Cow! Are all frenchmen that beautiful?
    I’ve gotta start prowling the back allies of restaurants!

  41. Oh, you can be wickedly delightful!!!

  42. oh good lord.. the scenery there is fabulous!!

  43. Totally agree on your favorite “take out” restaurant employee!!! 🙂

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