Wish Box


The choice is yours.  Imagine that you had the time, the resources, the ability, complete freedom to do whatever you wanted, to have whatever you wanted… like having three wishes and one of the wishes you wish for the power to have more wishes. What would you do? What would you ask for?What box would you open first?

My Father went to his doctor apointment, and they said his blood counts were in the normal range.

Normal sounds extraordinary today!

The choice to be happy no matter what. To accept life at hand.

Photo: Antique limoge boxes.


59 responses to “Wish Box”

  1. A wish come true, normal. Exceptionally Exciting!!!

  2. Hi Corey, I’m happy your dad’s results were good! Treasure that man, as I know you already do. Thank you too for your sweet comment on my post today about my dad. What box would I open? What wish would I ask for? I’d open a pink box and wish to be able to live my life to the full with out fear. I love how you make me question & think about things. Thank you.

  3. Good news about your Papa C. All the positive thoughts from you and oyurs and all the people from around the world must have worked huh?
    I always stumble on making wishes ( like being asked what i would like for my birthday, I never know). In opening a box? Well, my instict would be to open………
    the plain, the unadorned, the handmade one first.

  4. Corey, great news regarding your DAD. ((hugs)) 🙂 I agree w/Amanda, you do make me question and think about things…what box would I open first? I’d open one of the pairs of white w/gold. What would I wish for? To live my life to the fullest…

  5. thank you for the inspiration to think about this one.
    i am happy for your news of your father’s blood count being normal. little victories are wonderful. and those wish boxes are gorgeous!

  6. Amen…….Prayers continue for your Father and for all of you………..
    Love you

  7. WONDERFUL NEWS about your father, Corey!
    Yesterday by chance, I met up with an artist friend I hadn’t seen in well over a year. For ages she wanted a child, yet all attempts failed. Miscarriages, illness, age all worked against her dream.
    And there she was with TWO beautiful boys, sleeping like angels in their double pram. It shook me up no end and I ran home to make my dreams come true.

  8. Oh my goodness. What wonderful news!
    Sometimes we don’t even realize we’ve opened the box, until weeks later

  9. Hooray for your dad!
    I have all I need – give my three wishes to someone who does not see that they do, too.

  10. So happy for all of you Corey!

  11. Oh, that is such good news… 🙂

  12. Good news about your Dad. Who could wish for anything better?
    I’m going to use one of my wishes to hope we meet at the Tallman Hotel next year. Funny that we were both there with our cousins this year.

  13. That is great news about your Dad!!! See…wishing good thoughts really does work. I love your limoge boxes. I collect limoge too….the dishes and tea-cups and I also have more than a few trinket boxes 🙂

  14. Your dad is a trooper. Love from family, the desire to want to live life to it’s fullest, and some good old fashioned guts helps the body to fight against whatever ails.
    Yay for a good blood count!!

  15. That is wonderful news about your dad! And, of course, prayers will continue.
    My wishes…the first is easy. I wish one of the little boxes held a cure. The next two…I’d have to think, but I’m sure they would include travel…

  16. OH HURRAY! I’m so happy to hear that your Pa is doing good NORMAL sounds great! and I have that very same box in blue I think??? & I’m sure my hand would want to open that one first:) xoxoxox!

  17. Wonderful to hear your Dad is okay. What pretty little boxes! Your home looks so nice. Would love to see more 🙂

  18. Wonderful news!
    Wonderful fatih and philosophy, to be happy!
    It is a choice!

  19. Ellen Cassilly

    Blessings on your Father, Amen.

  20. This is wonderful news about your Dad…wishes and prayers for him have come true. I am so happy for you and all who love him.
    I was thinking about what wishes I would make. I came to the conclusion that no matter what my wishes were they would affect others…which made me think that perhaps I should be gratefull and satisfied with the blessings I already have 🙂

  21. Wonderful wonderful news for your Father!!!!! Such a lovely post Corey you are so right the choice of happiness is in our hands at all times only we can decide the path of emotion we choose.

  22. Hello,
    I try and remember everyday how blessed I am.
    I am so happy your dad is doing better. Your little boxed are so dreamy. They take me to a
    higher place, maybe a secret one that know one
    has the key to.

  23. Great news about your father, Cory!

  24. Corey – if you’ve received my e-mail you will know how thrilled I am to hear the great news about your Dad – blessings to him for continued good health.
    Another gentle yet awesome image from your home – such beauty in a tiny china treasure. Which one to open? Decisions, decisions.

  25. That is wonderful! I would reach for the box of health, love and happiness first. Because without these you have nothing. Have a great day and keeping smiling. 🙂
    I know you are because I can feel it all the way accross the ocean and land.

  26. Hi Corey,
    That is really great news!! Wishes do come true!
    Have a wonderful day,

  27. i would wish that i *always* see the extraordinary in the normal…
    how wonderful…may your father be blessed!

  28. Now that is a great news to hear this morning. Three cheers for Mr. Amaro!

  29. Normal is fantastic! Normal is amazing! Normal is grand!
    Hugs to you!!!
    I’d open the box of shoes… 😉

  30. Normal is fabulous. It’s always great to get good news like that when it comes to our health.

  31. Corey,
    That is great news about your Dad!

  32. Wonderful news about your dad, Corey. God has a plan for him, for sure.
    Now, about the boxes – whichs would I open first? I would close my eyes, have someone mix them around and then, eyes still closed, I would touch the top of one, no groping trying to guess by its shape, and then open it for a surprise.

  33. normal is a too weak expression to this grand and sublime news. sending my blessings to you dad!!
    now corey…you have two boxes left to open!

  34. Wonderful news about your father! We know God is in control…and HE is still working miracles even today!!

  35. That’s great news, Corey! I’m so happy for you, for your father and for your whole family. 🙂

  36. Three cheers for dad!!! Good news : )

  37. Wouldn’t it be wonderful to really have a box like that. I’d wish for good health for me and the ones I love. I’m glad your dad’s blood tests came back in the normal range. Hooray!

  38. I love that your wish plan allows for a wish to be used to ask for more wishes 🙂 I’ll continue to keep your dad in my thoughts and am so glad to hear that his labs are in good order. Happy Monday to you!

  39. Such Magnificent news!! Normal. Wonderful!
    Miracles, Hope and three more wishes!

  40. Wonderful news about your dad!! I enjoyed the truck ride with you and your dad! Our parents are so fragile and so precious aren’t they.hugs NG

  41. “The choice to be happy” – yes! I like that!

  42. I would choose the box in the back, and wish for your Papa to continue to have normal blood counts and live another 50 years!

  43. Jeni Sample

    Great news for your family!
    Nothing but blue sky do I see.
    The photos are awesome.The road takes me back
    to a beautiful place.
    I will wish for continued health for your Dad, and many more blue sky days.

  44. That’s wonderful “normal” news. I wish good health to you, my family members and your readers.

  45. Yay, the angels are watching over your father. Really wonderful news, and gorgeous boxes.

  46. Normal is extraordinary every day, yes? O, Give us eyes to see, Lord.
    Dancing with you and your Dad!
    I send love, Corey…
    All’s grace,

  47. Doing the happy dance over here. I’m so glad to hear your wonderful news about your dad, Corey … those must have been the sweetest and dearest words to your ears!

  48. Wonderful, wonderful news! I’m so happy for him, you, your family. Sometimes normal and ordinary are the very best things in the world. ((hugs))

  49. Such good news Corey… I love normal…

  50. The idea is tempting in itself.
    Glad to hear about the your father’s good news. Amen to that!

  51. Dear Corey, I am so happy to hear that your Father’s news was good. I can imagine how you must feel.
    As for wishes, well, I am not sure that I would keep them. There are so many people that I love who need them more than I and could make better use of them. I would give one to your sweet friend who faces a battle each day.

  52. woooooooooooo ! whoooooooooooooooooooo!
    you gooooooooo george! xoxo & mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!!!!

  53. Marie-Noëlle

    I wish I could paint “Saint George defeating the dragon” as beautifully as Raphaël, Rubens, Tintoret … and many more artists …
    and I would be pleased to present it to your father !!!
    Great post…

  54. Paris Parfait

    Excellent news about your father! Hoping for lots more news in the same vein.

  55. Wonderful news, Corey. You all must be ecstatic!

  56. So happy for you all for this great news! Much love and wishes for continued “normalcy” for you all!!

  57. Wonderful. I am so glad for him and for you.

  58. Wonderful news….take each small victory to heart.

  59. Hello, I just stumbled onto your page and love it girl! Where can I find these little treasures? Would you sell any of them to me? I’m a big 19th century victorian period collector.

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